A lifetime ago

A lifetime ago I told you I was planning to make a change.

I did. I left the job I loved but was driving me crazy. It was a perfect use of my skills, interesting, challenging, fast paced...but it wasn't healthy. I was stressed, exhausted, frustrated and generally a horrible person to be around. It pushed me over a dark cliff and forced me to think about things I didn't want to think about.

12 months ago I quit my job to freelance as a website content writer. I've had fun, been busy, learned boring intricacies of Australia's tax system and met some wonderful people. I've also realised freelancing comes with incredible freedom and incredible amounts of admin. It had been a while since I had to do my own filing and it was a rather rude shock!

So where to from here?

I have no idea. I love writing. But I hate admin. And I love policy. But hate bureaucracy. There's a whole glorious world out there and I intend to be more open to it and trying new things.

And shh...don't tell, but I'm expecting my first child in December. I have no idea about children, how I'll cope or how my marriage and lifestyle will suffer. But I have my eyes open and am willing to find out!

Image credit: Passage of Time by ToniVC

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4 thoughts on “A lifetime ago

  1. Lee says:

    I just found your site and I love it :)
    Change is scary but it's the best form of scary. Kids are a huge change (whilst I don't have one, my best friend had a boy almost two months ago). I'm sure everything will work out well for you and you'll be great.

  2. I'm at the same point where I don't know where to go from here. Congrats on your expecting child though! My husband and I are contemplating when is the best time to have one. Tough choices to make. Btw, I found you through the 'WeLoveComments' Group. :)

  3. debbie says:

    wow that was a long time ago. I came upon your site when I typed something in & it looks really good but what are you doing now if the last comment was 2 years ago? I havent finished reading it yet so maybe it will redirect me. By the way hope all is going well for you!

  4. paisley says:

    There's no better way to earn the cents than by writing:) I hope it's gone your way all the way.

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