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- Duration: 3:17
- Published: 19 May 2008
- Uploaded: 30 Aug 2011
- Author: YogaVidyaEnglish
Coordinates | 43°27′52″N170°1′4″N |
Native name | بیجاپور سلطنتबिजापूर सल्तनत्ಬಿಜಾಪುರ ಸಲ್ತನತ್ |
Conventional long name | Bijapur Sultanate |
Common name | Bijapur Adil Shahi Sultanate |
Continent | Asia |
Region | Deccan |
Country | India |
Era | Late Medieval |
Year start | 1527 |
Year end | 1686 |
P1 | Bahmani Sultanate |
S1 | Mughal Empire |
Flag s1 | Flag of the Mughal Empire.svg |
S2 | Portuguese Goa State |
Flag s2 | Flag_of_Portugal.svg |
Image map caption | Bijapur Sultanate Territories under Ibrahim II, 1620 CE |
Capital | Bijapur district |
Common languages | Deccani Urdu |
Religion | Shi'a Islam |
Government type | Monarchy |
Leader1 | Yusuf Adil Shah |
Year leader1 | 1490–1510 |
Leader2 | Ismail Adil Shah |
Year leader2 | 1510–1534 |
Leader3 | Mallu Adil Shah |
Year leader3 | 1534 |
Leader4 | Ibrahim Adil Shah I |
Year leader4 | 1534–1558 |
Leader5 | Ali Adil Shah I |
Year leader5 | 1558–1580 |
Leader6 | Ibrahim Adil Shah II |
Year leader6 | 1580–1627 |
Leader7 | Mohammed Adil Shah |
Year leader7 | 1627–1657 |
Leader8 | Ali Adil Shah II |
Year leader8 | 1657–1672 |
Leader9 | Sikandar Adil Shah |
Year leader9 | 1672–1686 |
Title leader | Shah |
The Adil Shahi or Adilshahi dynasty ruled the Sultanate of Bijapur in the Western area of the Deccan region of Southern India from 1490 to 1686. Bijapur had been a province of the Bahmani Sultanate (1347–1518), before its political decline in the last quarter of the 15th century and eventual break-up in 1518. The Bijapur Sultanate was absorbed into the Mughal Empire on 12 September 1686, after its conquest by the Emperor Aurangzeb.
The founder of the Adil Shahi dynasty, Yusuf Adil Shah (1490–1510), was appointed Bahmani governor of the province, before creating a de-facto independent Bijapur state. Yusuf and his son, Ismail, generally used the title Adil Khan. 'Khan', meaning 'Chief' in Persian, conferred a lower status than 'Shah', indicating royal rank. Only with the rule of Yusuf's grandson, Ibrahim Adil Shah I (1534–1558), did the title of Adil Shah come into common use.
The Bijapur Sultanate's borders changed considerably throughout its history. Its northern boundary remained relatively stable, straddling contemporary Southern Maharashtra and Northern Karnataka. The Sultanate expanded southward, first with the conquest of the Raichur Doab following the defeat of the Vijayanagar Empire at the Battle of Talikota in 1565. Later campaigns, notably during the reign of Mohammed Adil Shah (1627–1657), extended Bijapur's formal borders and nominal authority as far south as Bangalore. Bijapur was bounded on the West by the Portuguese state of Goa and on the East by the Sultanate of Golconda, ruled by the Qutb Shahi dynasty.
The former Bahmani provincial capital of Bijapur remained the capital of the Sultanate throughout its existence. After modest earlier developments, Ibrahim Adil Shah I (1534–1558) and Ali Adil Shah I (1558–1580) remodelled Bijapur, providing the citadel and city walls, Friday Mosque, core royal palaces and major water supply infrastructure. Their successors, Ibrahim Adil Shah II (1580–1627), Mohammed Adil Shah (1627–1657) and Ali Adil Shah II (1657–1672), further adorned Bijapur with palaces, mosques, mausolea and other structures, considered to be some of the finest examples of Deccan Sultanate and Indo-Islamic Architecture.
Bijapur was caught up in the instability and conflict resulting from the collapse of the Bahmani Empire. Constant warring, both with the Vijayanagar Empire and the other Deccan Sultanates, curtailed the development of state before the Deccan Sultanates allied to achieve victory over Vijayanagar at Talikota in 1565. Bijapur eventually conquered the neighbouring Sultanate of Bidar in 1619. The Portuguese Empire exerted pressure on the major Adil Shahi port of Goa, until it was conquered during the reign of Ibrahim II. The Sultanate was thereafter relatively stable, although it was damaged by the revolt of Shivaji, his father was Maratha commander in the service of Mohammed Adil Shah. Shivaji founded an independent Maratha Kingdom which went on to become Maratha Empire one of largest empire in present day India. The greatest threat to Bijapur's security was, from the late 16th century, the expansion of the Mughal Empire and into the Deccan. Although it may be the case that the Mughals destroyed the Adilshahi it was Shivaji's revolt which weakened the Adilshahi control. Various agreements and treaties imposed Mughal suzerainty on the Adil Shahs, by stages, until Bijapur's formal recognition of Mughal authority in 1636. The demands of their Mughal over-lords sapped the Adil Shahs of their wealth until the Mughal conquest of Bijapur in 1686.
Rafi' account is less well known than that of the popular historian Firishta, the author of the Tarikh-i Firishta, also known as the Gulshan-i Ibrahim. Rafi's account of the life of Yusuf 'Adil Shah directly contradicts a popular myth penned by Firishta. According to Firishta, Yusuf was the son of the Ottoman Emperor Murad II. After the Sultan Murad II's death, and the crown prince's succeeded to the throne, all of the other sons of the emperor were executed. Firishta fabricated a story that Yusuf's mother secretly replaced Yusuf with a slave boy and sent him to Persia. After many romantic adventures, Yusuf reached the court of the Bidar Sultanate. T.N. Devare found that other historians of the time, Mir Ibrahim Lari-e Asadkhani, and Ibrahim Zubayri, the author of the Basatin as-Salatin, favored Rafi's account and rejected this account provided solely by Firishta (Devare 67, fn 2).
Despite the obvious fabrication of Yusuf's Ottoman origin, Firishta's account continues to be very popular today in Bijapur. Devare observed that the work is "a general history of India from the earliest period up to Firishta's time written at the behest of Ibrahim Adil Shah II and presented to him in 1015 AH/1606 CE. It seems however that it was supplemented by the author himself as it records events up to AH 1033 (1626 CE). This is the most widely quoted history of the Adil Shahi, and it is the source of the story that Yusuf was an Ottoman prince" (Devare 272).
Yusuf's bravery and personality raised him rapidly in Sultan's favor, resulting in his appointment as the Governor of Bijapur. He built the Citadel or Arkilla and the Faroukh Mahal. Yusuf was a man of culture. He invited poets and artisans from Persia, Turkey and Rome to his court. He's well known as a ruler who took advantage of the decline of the Bahmani power to establish himself as an independent sultan at Bijapur in 1498. He did this with a military support which has been given to him by a Bijapuri general Kalidas Madhu Sadhwani – brilliat commander and good diplomat, who made quick career by supporting Yusuf Adil Shah and then his son – Ismail Adil Shah. He married Punji, the sister of a Maratha warrior. When Yusuf died in 1510, his son Ismail was still a boy. Punji in male attire valiantly defended him from a coup to grab the throne. Ismail Adil Shah thus became the ruler of Bijapur and succeeded his father's ambition.
, the regent of Bijapur (1580–90)]] Ibrahim Adil Shah I who succeeded his father Ismail, fortified the city and built the old Jamia Masjid. Ali Adil Shah I who next ascended the throne, aligned his forces with other Muslim kings of Golconda, Ahmednagar and Bidar, and together, they brought down the Vijayanagar empire. With the loot gained, he launched ambitious projects. He built the Gagan Mahal, the Ibrahim Rauza (his own tomb), Chand Bawdi (a large well) and the Jami Masjid. Ali I had no son, so his nephew Ibrahim II was set on the throne. Ali I's queen Chand Bibi had to aid him until he came of age. Ibrahim II was noted for his valor, intelligence and leanings towards the Hindu music and philosophy. Under his patronage the Bijapur school of painting reached its zenith. Muhammad Adil Shah succeeded his father Ibrahim II. He is renowned for Bijapur's grandest structure, the Gol Gumbaz, which has the biggest dome in the world with whispering gallery round about slightest sound is reproduced seven times. He also set up the historical Malik-e-Maidan, the massive gun.
Ali Adil Shah II inherited a troubled kingdom. He had to face the onslaught of the Maratha leader Shivaji on one side and Mughal emperor Aurangzeb on another. His mausoleum, Bara Kaman, planned to dwarf all others, was left unfinished due to his death. Sikandar Adil Shah, the last Adil Shahi sultan, ruled next for fourteen stormy years. Finally on 12 September 1686, the Mughal armies under Aurangzeb overpowered the city of Bijapur.
According to Tazkiraye Auliyae Dakkan i.e., Biographies of the saints of the Deccan, compiled by Abdul Jabbar Mulkapuri in 1912–1913,
After this period arrival of Sufis in Bijapur and suburbs was started. Ainuddin Gahjul Ilm Dehelvi narrates that Ibrahim Sangane was one of the early Sufis of Bijapur parish. Sufis of Bijapur can be divided into three categories according to period of their arrival viz., Sufis before Bahmani and / or Adil Shahi Dynasty, Sufis during Adil Shahi Dynasty and Sufis after the fall of Adil Shahi Dynasty. And further it can be classified as Sufis as worriors, Sufis as social reformers, Sufis as scholars, poets and writers.
Ibrahim Zubairi writes in his book Rouzatul Auliyae Beejapore (compiled during 1895) which describes that more than 30 tombs or Dargahs are there in Bijapur with more than 300 Khankahs i.e., Islamic Missionary Schools with notable number of disciples of different lineage like Hasani Sadat, Husaini Sadat, Razavi Sadat, Kazmi Sadat, Shaikh Siddiquis, Farooquis, Usmanis, Alvis, Abbasees and other and spiritual chains like Quadari, Chishti, Suharwardi, Naqshbandi, Shuttari, Haidari etc.
Begum Talab, which is tank was constructed in 1651 by Mohammad Adil Shah in memory of Jahan Begum. This tank was used for ensuring drinking water supply to the city. To the right side of lake there is an underground room from where water was supplied to city in earthen pipes. The pipes laid to depth of to were joined and cased in masonry. Many towers of height to called as "gunj" were built to release pressure of water and prevent pipes from bursting all along. These towers allowed dirt in pipe to remain at the bottom and clear water to flow.
The unfinished Jami Masjid, started in 1565, has an arcaded prayer hall with fine aisles supported on massive piers has an impressive dome. The Ibrahim Rouza which contains the tomb of Ibrahim Adil Shah II, is a fine structure with delicate carvings. Persian artists of Adil Shahi court have left a rare treasure of miniature paintings, some of which are well-preserved in Europe's great museums.
The Dakhani language, an amalgam of Persian-Arabic, Gujarati, Marathi, and Kannada, developed into an independent spoken and literary language. Under the Adil Shahis many literary works were published in Dakhani. Ibrahim Adil Shah II's book of poems and music, Kitab-e-Navras is in Dakhani. The Mushaira (poetic symposium) was born in the Bijapur court and later traveled north. The Dakhani language, which was growing under the Bahamani kings, later came to be known as Dakhan Urdu to distinguish it from the North Indian Urdu. Adil Shah II played the sitar and ud and Ismail was a composer.
Mohammed Kasim Farishta has written that in year 1008 hijri Mr. Meer Mohammed Swaleh Hamdani Came to Bijapur.He had some hair "Moo-e-Mubarrak" of Muhammad. Sultan Ibrahim Adil shah heard about him and he became very happy. He met Meer Swaleh Hamdani. He saw these "Moo-e-Mubarrak" and gave priceless gifts to Meer Sahab. Meer Sahab also became very happy and gave two "Moo-e-Mubarak" to Sultan Ibrahim Adil Shah. Earlier these "Moo-e-Mubarak" were kept in Gagan Mahal. But in the period of Sultan Mohammed Adil Shah suddenly there was a huge fire in Gagan Mahal. Everything burnt up, except these two boxes in which "Moo-e-Mubarak" were kept. Then one fellow named Ali khan entered and brought that box on his head. Then Sultan kept these boxes in Asar Mahal.
It is said that in the year 1142 hijri Sultan Mohammed Adil Shah used to see these "Moo-e-Mubark" on and off. Once it happened he requested all the sufie's of that time to come and see these "Moo-e-Mubarak" and have good fortune. So Hazrat Hashim Husaini Al Aloomi & Hazrat Shah Murtuza Quadri came there and asked to open that box. So as per the Sultan's order the box was opened in front of so many noble persons. But as it was opened a bright ray was everywhere. Nobody could bear the brightness of the ray and they all became unconscious. Everywhere there was a perfume. Then Sultan and everybody had a privilege of seeing "Moo-e-mubarak". After that period it is said that that boxes neither opened nor had a privilege and sultan give precious Asar-e-Shariff's command to Noor Mohammed Mushrif since then Mushrif Family is doing Asar urs.
Category:1686 disestablishments Category:States and territories established in 1527 Category:Dynasties of India Category:Muslim ruling clans of India Category:Shi'a Muslim dynasties Category:Adilshahi Category:Sultans of Bijapur
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