She came to me as blood and fluid
Tides and sleep
I caught her eyes saucerwide
As she turned into the sky
She bit her lips
And stared sullenly into the bleached silence
Her fingernails slowly brushing
The snow from her hair
My flight from your face
Must finally destroy me
I had always hoped
This world could be complete for me
The earth around is fresh with rain
The insect world is silent
The red flower ascends
The woman is a like a child
I will open up the windows now
And look down
On the lapis lazuli swell
That will sweep all of this away
The red hawthorn tree
Appears at my window
King after king after king
Then queen then queen then king
Dead in lines and dead in singular
They are dead they are dead
And then when then I die
I feel I shall say
I have not understood
I have not understood any of this
My eyes are still coaldark
I have not understood
Around and in my eyes the tiny flecks
Of swirling crippled confused lights
And to my heart I will whisper
Softly quietly
"There is no death there is no death"
(And goodbye to you all)
Under the gorgon grinned arches
Of London's great vaults
I have not understood
Under the sunpuckered roofs
Of Kathmandu
I have not understood
Along the soulstoned streets
Of Lower
And of Higher Germanie
I have not understood
Leipzig: blackeyed pain and loss: she
I have not understood
In Clare near I
the empty lakes are open in the distance
And too close is the famineretchingroad
All these are ghosts
There I have not understood
(In the Heart of the Wood
Oh there I have understood)
I rested at the temple of Great Black Time -- Her
And did not understand
Though animalbled fleshmarbled rivers ran in Her honour
His buckled body in blood
Returns to the prebirth poise
Spreadeagled like starfish --
There in His eyes:
Incomprehension mute pain disbelief what
Blood there meant sorrow trickles there
This I could not understand
I bend the pages of yet another book
And in its lines Great Black Lines
I have not understood
Please gramercy pray for me
And oh goodbye sweetestheart
The wind roars in the nearness
And there in my heart
And all the clouds are spiralling towards us
Descent indeed to the centre of it all
Skipping lightly and lying truly
This we shall understand
I hope...
We bent humped trees
The great ones -- there
On the lapped shore
Dai Ichi
There also I do not know
This is all unknowable
And as the dust covers
My empty eyes
You shall read in these foolish gapes
Oh that I have not understood
(But if you look for the stag and cross conjoined
there on my arm look there
There I have understood very well.)
Now you are all fading
All fading
As my age creeps on
As This Age stumbles on
Fires in the earth
Fires in the sky
Fires in our hearts
Fires everywhere
The black eyes
Already blacken
And this I have not understood
Not peace
But a sword
This and He
I have understood
Under the bowered greenwood tree
When first I lay
Bright starre with Thee
Under the velvet branches dear
When sun and moon both came so near
Under the starlit open dome
Under the starsharp pointed lights
Under the starloved greeny earth
When first I wanted to hold You
And all the world halfdead and halflive
Spat into my mouth
Bluesea bitterwater
And I am almost dead
And I have not understood
Under the rain and teeth of gods
Under the pain and sleeping liddy eyes
Under the brokkèd wetful heaven
If you are there
If you are there
If you are there
Then I am singing with my eyes
So: this Empire is nothing
Before me the green fields are stretched out
The broken body of a cat glows there
And the shimmering flies fall
This Empire is nothing
I said: "I guess this isn't real"
This Empire is not real
I cannot hang words on the Silence
Everywhere God's goldenlight
S. said: "You have appeared to me for a reason"
And I said to Her:
"Who do You say I am?"
Well hello angel
A gift and a smile
Well hello angel
As we walk a mile
And a twisted man
Leans on twisted sticks
With children's laughter
Hanging on swings
Well hello angel
And the skipping rope turns
Whilst little bodies twist
In caroused curves
Well hello angel
At the end of your tether
Well hello angel
Time for sleep
Well hello angel
Time to cry
That which is falling should also be pushed
Just close your eyes
And then remember
The thoughts
You've locked away
When tomorrow comes
You'll wish
You had today
And as we sit here alone
Looking for a reason to go on
I's so clear that all We have now
Are our thoughts of yesterday
If You're still there
When it's all over
I'm scared
I'll have to say
That a part of You
Has gone
Since yesterday
And as we sit here alone
Looking for a reason to go on
I's so clear that all We have now
Are our thoughts of yesterday well maybe
This could be
The ending
With nothing
Left of You
A hundred wishes
Couldn't say
Now cursed be thee who would ruin our fair land
And cursed be thee that would seal up the wells
And cursed be thee that abandon the God's hands
And build a strange place for our people to dwell
Now cursed be thy breath
And cursed be thy breathing
And cursed be thy eyes
And cursed be thy sight
And cursed be thy hands
That have slackened the harvest
And closed the old ways to the joy and the light
Now cursed be thy name
All cursed and forgotten
All cursed beyond memory
Place or recall
And cursed be thy soul
Out of nothing begotten
Nothing to no thing
And nothing to all
Now cursed art thee
Who have ruined our fair land
And cursed art thee
That sealed up our wells
And cursed art thee
That abandon the God's hands
And have built a strange place
Who will deliver me from this body of death?
Who will deliver me from this body of death?
Who will deliver me from this body of death?
Who will deliver me from this body of death?
There is no refuge
I have found the word does not save
There is no refuge
In the rock or stone
There is no refuge
In the wind or other forces of nature
The fire especially especially does not save
The fire only destroys
And though it may purify it takes takes takes
And gives nihil back nihil, nihi, l nihil, nihil, nihil
And the holybooks alas have not
Will not alas can not save nihil nihil nihil
This is the chorus of the wind
The sun the moon the waters all blue all green or stagnant
Nihil they sing nihil
The inmost light nihil, nihil
The inmost light nihil, nihil
The inmost light nihil
Finally the child aged dies and sings
Nihil this swansong towards nothing
Nihil, nihil, nihil, nihil, nihil
We need not not not blow out the candle
Nihil, nihil
It dies anyhow
Nihil, nihil, nihil
Who will deliver me from this body of death?
Nihil, nihil, nihil
Who will deliver me from this body of death?
Nihil call me nihil, nihil
The stars are so far
I had thought not but nihil, but nihil
The great king is dead
The great queen is dead
Their child stillborn
And so nihil nihil nihil nihil
They call the inmost light
But hear nihil, nihil, nihil
Who will deliver me from this body of death?
Who will deliver me from this body of death?
Nihil, nihil, nihil
I felt I saw you coming over the water
Without you I am nothing
And still I see you
Nihil, nihil, nihil, nihil
In the room where
Nihil, nihil, nihil
The wineglass shattered in the box I gave it to you
Nihil, nihil, nihil, nihil
I thought I saw you waving to me over the bay
Nihil, nihil, nihil
You waved
Why we have no words any longer
To say to one another
Your mouth opens and
Nihil, nihil, nihil
Bend your face to kiss you said nihil
Bend your arms to hold you said nihil
And nihil, nihil, nihil
There is nothing there
Nihil, nihil, nihil
Bend your face to kiss you said
The waters arise and take me finally
And my remembrance is
Around me: I stand on the shore
The waters are black and swirling
I hold a black mirror in my hands
The /swastiked/ winds sweep around me
Their arms the nightbreath sleepwalking
The sighing of imminence and ending
All there the waves curl under and over
Around me: I see things coming to a close
The door is /nearly/ shut
As we stare at it the tinylight squeaks out
Slower and slower
I see things coming to a close
The folding cerecloth shrugs down over the windows
The lights burn still: but /invisible/ to us now
I see things coming to a close
(My mind kissed Myrinerest last night)
I dreamt
I cannot see
I cannot see
I can no longer see
And nor would I want to
The pale toothed face inverted
At the feet of the /Rose Garden/
By the hedge and by the dream
By the post and by the bell
By the dawn and by the form
(/Formless He Lay and Dreamt/)
And formless we lay and shall dream
And then the rain
"My pain beneath your sheltering hand"
He cried
And gave himself up to the Tempter
The rebel angels (he thought and knew)
Would indeed array him with robes of water
But not mad
But clear
Green are the streets
The asphalt is glistening
When the dust of the day
Will be washed away
The windows are closed
And the rain is dripping
From sill to sill
And down to the ground
When the May rain comes...
Very young are the leaves
Of the trees and the shrubs
And tiny flowers grow!
In the roadside ditch
The laughter of a child
Who's jumping into puddles
Whilst the water trickles
Right over her face
When the May rain comes...
And this is the morning of the year
A rainy green smile
After a long gloomy
Pale winter night
The shouting of the child
Melts into rustling
When the heavy rain
From on the high
When the May rain comes
All of this shall be washed away
I lose myself
And dream of worlds
That lie between
Your fingers
And hide behind
Your eyes,
And dream of forests
And forts of snow
Where we may kneel
And hold each other
In our still
Young arms
'Till the moon
Goes out...
And sleep and kiss
You know it's time
It's only time
Who passes
Between us
Our shadows long
On the grass behind us
In the bushes
And the fields
The poppies
Drowsing still
As the sun
Drops down
In system cocoon
Meet silent children
It's only time
Who lies between us
It's only time
Who creeps toward us
And not some croaches
At our door
It's 7 o'clock
Stuck forever
His face
Behind the dial
When the snake
Is dead
They put roses
In their head
When the roses
They put diamonds
In their eye
We all speak
Unknown languages
To each other
We're all half dead
The motion of the hand
The skeletal grace
Under bright yellow moon
We are walking like shadow
You and I
You and I
We 're walking like shadow
Know these!
Know these!
Know these!
Know these!
Everything changes
So they say
From better
Then to worse
Falls apart
Seems to turn
To another state
Fall from heaven
Down to earth
Down to earth
And your hair was blonde
Your eyes were black
Your smile was red
As a dancing god
But from your mouth
Fell lies
That tear the world
And that tear my heart
And everything seems to falls
Seems to rip itself apart
It falls from heaven
Like golden rain
And drops to earth
Like blackened tears
And everything must end
Must cease
Comes to an end
As you and I
When you fall then
So shall I
As you stand in ruins
Ripped of light
Ripped of stars
Made of dust
And everything changes
So they say
From better
Down to worse
Everything it seems
Must fall apart
Ripped of light
"If I cast my eyes before me, what an
Infinite space in which I do not exist;
And if I look behind me, what a terrible
Procession of years in which I do not
Exist, and how little space I occupy in
This vast abyss of time..."
Like to the falling of a Starre;
Or as the flights of Eagles are;
Or like the fresh spring's gawdy hew;
Or silver drops of morning dew;
Or like a wind that chafes the flood;
Or bubbles which on water stood;
Even such is man, whose borrow'd light
Is straight call'd in, and paid to night
The Wind blowes out; the Bubble dies;
The Spring entomb'd in Autumn lies;
The Dew dries up; the Starre is shot;
The Flight is past; and Man forgot
The wind blows out and the bubble dies
The spring entomb'd in autumn lies
The dew dries up and the starre is shot
The flight is past and man forgot
And earth covers earth
And time tryeth truth
Earth covers earth
What then is love but mourning?
What desire but they self burning?
Time stands still
Time stands still
And I know that this is the movement of bodies
Each body pulsing with it's own time and power
Each body alone and wrapped with it's own remembrance
In that loneliness maroon in a stone sea
I heard lips whispering complete
And sent all time in the palms of my hands and my skin
The need for contact
Shut behind the thirteen bolted doors my feet fetted
I dreamed only of the orofices of the watch put there
So that one may hook and twine oneself in me
Continually I dreamed of this confrontation
And it was a dream of the most savage jealous and cruellest match
Time stands still
Though you are young
And I am old
Though your veins flow
And my blood flows
The youth is moist
The age is dry
Yet embers live
When flames do die
All time stands still
Time stands still
Time stands still
Tender grass is easily broke
Yet who shall shake the sturdy oak
You are more fresh and fair than I
Yet stubs do live
When flowers die
Time stands still
Time stands still
Thinkst thou thy fortune still doth cry
I am the first and the last.
I am the honored one and the scorned one.
I am the whore and the holy one.
I am the wife and the virgin.
I am the mother and the daughter.
I am the members of my mother.
I am the barren one
And many are her sons.
I am she whose wedding is great,
And I have not taken a husband.
I am the midwife and she who does not bear.
I am the solace of my labor pains.
I am the bride and the bridegroom,
And it is my husband who begot me.
I am the mother of my father
And the sister of my husband
And he is my offspring.
I am the slave of him who prepared me.
I am the ruler of my offspring.
I am the staff of his power in his youth,
And he is the rod of my old age.
And whatever he wills happens to me.
I am the silence that is incomprehensible
And the idea whose remembrance is frequent.
I am the voice whose sound is manifold
And the word whose appearance is multiple.
I am the utterance of my name.
I am knowledge and ignorance.
I am shame and boldness.
I am shameless; I am ashamed.
I am strength and I am fear.
"Consider the lillies of the field"
Consider the carnage and massacre
Consider the love and embraces
Consider the hangingred skies
Consider the pain of your enemy
Consider the hatred of your friend
There, oh there, there is the land
All the musics shall combine
All the daughters are no longer brought low
They are araised
In brightfiregodgiven they rejoice
And those who deny this world
Is the soul of the unbroken one
This is indeed Paradise
(Come I shall show you where
The stars give birth and sleep)
And all around you is the warm bluegreen breath of heavens
Do not fear
Around you is the vast blueblack space of stars
Do not fear
This is the great ocean
On which the endless waves crash down
God is not dead
There is no death I say
(Come I shall show you where
Dreams go to when they die)
Hurry now; the sun is descending
When serpents come
They cover the Christ thorn
Two heads
And cock heads
Serpents feet of emotion
Lidded eyes and smudged reality
Everything has two faces
One is earthly without true form
The other blackened and blackening
And mother is in the fields
Father is in the fields
You know well it's tortured form
It's locked within a particular place
It's locked within a particular form
It's jailed by a falling light
With angles shapes and size
It's held by true what
It's held in through place
It's an aim that has no name
And mother is in the fields
Father is in the fields
It's a form creating formless
Formless creating form
Oh four towers reaping backwards
Do not spell the sound
Do not move to the lies
Speak the words and they create the universe
And they destroy all universe
And mother sleeps in the fields
Father he reaps in the fields
Heavy-lidded eyes do not mask his pain
They shade us from the burning light
Listen one face one form one truth
I see it through the shading glass
I see it fractured in the world
This is not true
It's appearance only
And mother is in the fields
Father is in the fields
An eagle flies his bloody face
Behind bloody claws behind bloody claws
His pain is blackened rain
His rain is Roman
Sire the pain it is not finished
I happens now
Matchstick man in a matchstick world
Nake the prime slice the sickle
Nake the sickle slice the core
Time stops when he was thirty-three
And mother is in the fields
Father is in the fields
Time stops when I am thirty
Time stops then and time stops there
Then is now
Oh why do we not say it
Time stops time breaks time folds
Time ceases
And pestle grindes the mortar
The mortar turns to dust
The metal turns to rust
Words they fail they fall apart
The corn it dies and is reborn
And mother stays in the fields
Father is in the fields
Blond hair moves in the blond corn
Boyd wears black he talks of death
But all his faces spell out light's on the roof
He's kissing a rose
A blooddrop comes from the heart of her life
Something hangs above there in the skies
Something hovers above his brown hair
Life without us in the background of light
And the birds don't sing
When the curtain snaps
Anita's in Ireland
She's falling over rocks
Stars of the sky stars of the pain
And all stars meet in a falling star
And some make money from weapons' blood
And some make money from fear's blood
And some make money from hunger's blood
And some make money from politics' blood
And some make money from religion's blood
The world falls apart
The world starts to cease
And mother is in the fields
Then I looked into her young eyes
From eighty years she looks back
Into my young eyes
And she is gone
To where?
Where has her soul gone?
Body found yes
But her very mark her sign
Lost it seems to me now
Though I feel that she is here still
All around me windsouled
To love is always to live somehow
As long as our eyes are still this colourdull glass
I will not know her still
This parched scorched earth
Endless wheel of suffering
Great ocean of pain
Bloodbucket of grief
Roaring mouthgaped O
Of disappointment and despair
Will not then exist
And we shall smile
We shall smile as big
As the big crescent moon
Which lies on its arched back and dreams
Of cats and stars and snow
And as before we saw smiley shining stars
And disreaching them
Our arms would wave like a desperate windmill
Hoping hoping to welcome them home
Now we shall touch them close to our hearts
And what we are
And what we may be
Why I have failed
And all I could have been
And am not
And all I had hoped for
And were not
And everything I hoped
And hoped and hoped and hoped for
I prayed in the morning
And I prayed in the evening
And I got not
From the rotgut god
When all the world starts to shiver
And shimmer and shake all around me
And all the worldlight was piecemeal
And peaceless
This is the atomic pain of the worlds
The molecular tears
The final crystalline structure of misery
That winds its way around the wooden snakejawed growing spine
Of the worlds
Listen: I was taken
To be betrayed whenever is hate
To be betrayed wherever is hate
As the body is abused by man
There in the patripassian edge of the world
The hanging god is invaded
In heart and soul
I suffer you all suffer
You suffer all I suffer
Suffer suffer suffer suffer
The tearblowing world creaks around
And we are broken (Loss!)
Light and darkness
Light and darkness
It seems to the little blue and green world
That they do not know each other
But they must finally
(The Master says that Satan too shall be forgiven)
And suffering before
We suffer too
Here's sixpence
Here's sixpence
Go and play and play
In the flaky pale fields that still are somehow this land
And spend oh spend your life away
Spend your spend your night away
And waste and waste your life away
Under the brightstarlight
Under your yewboned archlight body
you are dead
Under this shitstained sky
you are dead
Under the loveless muddy almoststars
You are dead
Under the sleeping closed eyes of the Bhagavan
You are dead
Under the road and the track and the path
Along the green grass slipping way
Along the snaking way
you are deady deady
Deady deady
Deady deady
The lights are dead and so are you
Christ was born in Bethlehem
Christ was born in Bethlehem
Christ was born in Bethlehem
And in a manger lay
And Judas he betrayed the Christ
And sold him to the jews
The jews they crucified the Christ
And the jews they crucified the Christ
And nailed him to a tree
Joseph picked his body
And hid it in a tomb
And Mary she came weeping
And rolled away the stone
Feeling easy on the outside
And not so funny on the inside
Hear the sound and pray for rain
This is the night we ride
And this ain't the Garden of Eden
There ain't no angels above
And things ain't what they used to be
And this ain't the summer of love
Lock all your doors from the outside
Hide yourselves in the inside
You now begin to understand
That this is the night we ride
And this ain't the Garden of Eden
There ain't no angels above
And things ain't what they used to be
And this ain't the summer of love
The night we ride
The summer of love
The night we ride
The summer of love
The night we ride
The summer of love
And this ain't the Garden of Eden
There ain't no angels above
And things ain't what they used to be
And this ain't the summer of love
And this ain't the Garden of Eden
There ain't no angels above
And things ain't what they used to be
And this ain't the summer of love
And when she fell down the stairs
I tried very hard not to laugh
Gripping the bannister
Gripping my crutch
I tried hard not to go to her
I tried hard not to go to her
There is something of Heaven in death
There is something of Heaven in death
I had gathered some flowers
To lay upon your face
Though you were not gone
From the realm of the quick
I saw all the rainclouds
Being driven on forward
By horses long numbered
And featureless and free
And I wanted to call you a wife
Though I couldn't stop glancing at the signs
And the four heads of men
And all that they carried
And the four wombs of women
And all that they promised
And I wanted to write for you
Songs poems and bibles
Your face spotted with pearls
And hand-cuffed to Christ
But I couldn't stop watching the signs
I had seen the news
That the Trojan beast
Already and not yet
No longer near
Nor close at hand
Nor at the door
Is finally here
The great in the small
I saw the slot of the sun
The final cut of the sun
Start like a hare
Over the shoddy grey walls
I saw you dimple and crease
And turn a card from the pack
By your bed
As though swords, cups, discs and wands
Might tumble into your head
And give you a glimmer of something profound
But your gods made no sound
The gods made no sound
Your gods made no sound
You were cartwheel and sommersault
But not at your ease
I was not at my ease
As through unfolding vistas
Of dullness and deadness
I saw the metal buckets
Fatigued and buckled
With nimbus of rustflowers
In sheds by the lake
I was already falling and fallen and lost
And it was not at your cost
And I was not at my ease
And it was not at your cost
By aimless pools with no surprise
I counted the flickerings of your eyes
And saw the magical bird
In the magical woods
Fly over the hills
And far away
From the sea it's you I see
By the glowing seashore it was you that I saw:
And I drown a little more every day
The wind blows so slowly now
The trees are dry dead
Walls to me they cannot hold back the storm any longer
It will bread around us first
If there's a god
If there's a God
When I stand there at the piled bloodcamp
Again I flick open the inner eye
If you too open your eyes you shall see
The entire sky filled with weeping angels
The entire heaven filled with weeping angels
And the centralsun and sum of all
God too weeping
We shall be judged
So anyway so your garden is most fullgreen
And the many birds alight on it's budding branches
And anyway the lambs gambol
And the children sing yours perhaps
Or mine God
And anyway
So anyway we fall beneath the waves
And hope to be remembered anyway
Anyway the bluebirds wait over the white cliffs of Dover
So anyway they to fall
The grass dies the moss goes the chalk chips away
Then below that the rocks grain away
This is the sound of the earth dying so nothing new
So anyway you may wait under a tree
Or at the foot of a hill
The great, bloody and bruised veil of the world
The great, bloody and bruised veil of the world
The trees wave in England
The streams flow in England
The poor halt in England
The poor heart of England
"And did those feet..."
Hobbled and crippled as They were
By our disbelief
Hope here to find
Some honesty
(Green colour of the grass
The horsefresh smell arising
From it's quietly glowing glory)
And did They
As They move from one sad gap of heart
To another
Did They hope to find us open
Look: much is my armour
I can show you all the walls that may be built
But mostly most of all-
There's a wall of words
Around my heaart which is my soul which is my all
God is not dead for all of us
(And goodbye to you all)
This is all Paradise
Here is Garden Of upon Garden Of
Suns and Beetles
The Ladybird lands upon my knee
The Lark is all joy
There are birds upon birds
Beyond the great, bloody, bruised and silent veil
Of this world
The kind one waits
Staggered pain of being
The great, bloody and bruised veil of the world
In a strange land
The god of sleep
Has made his house
Of marvellous design
Under a hill
There is a cave
Which of the sun
May nothing have
So that no man
May know aright
The point between
The day and the night
So that inward
There is no light
And so to speak
Of that without
There stands no
Great tree there about
Whereupon might
Crow or magpie alight
To call or to cry
There is no cock
To crow the day
Neither beast which
Might noise make
Upon the hill
But all around
There is growing
On the ground
Poppy which bears
The seed of sleep
A still water
All the time
Is running over
The small stones
And it gives
Great desire
To sleep
To sleep
And thus full of delight
I take your hand
We walk towards where the roses once grew
I lie back in the grass and dream of how it once was
The rubbishstrewn streets
Riperising smell of gutters and rain
The children abandoned
Mother recalls child in pool
What is that that lies? deadchilddead
I have such nightmares and you're all in all of them
It's worse than you or I can ever know
On the edge of the clouds we crouch
We smile and spit
The pool of saliva carrascates below our feet
It shifts
Children with knives begin to rise from it
They laugh and blow kisses at the moon
We think it's the rain
I see a bird move onto the table in my garden
It's beak scoops up the seeds
The green of the grass and the blue of the sky
Are immense and terrifying
Everything seems so close
So very very close
Should a storm come
Should a storm break and halo all around us
As some savage and blind god
Jerking his hands out to us
The birds drop all around us
I walk into the altar room
All the buddhas are smashed there
Avalokitesvara's hundred faces lie shattered
I have done this
I walk to the makeshift redbrick altar a hundred years ago
There is a small brass image there
I have built this
The red and black ants mill around
Unknown journeys
I take my lighter and torch them
I take my lighter and torch them
I weep, I weep
The ants scatter or writhe
I take my lighter and torch them torch them
I have done this
I am surrounded by butterflies
The chid's legs lay smashed
Please pray for him she says to me
Too late
Alas, oh so too late
I see the twinkling stars
I drop a photograph
I bend to pick it up
My heart leaps as I see your face
Stare up at me from the paper
As if still alive on this earth
When I return my eyes to the stars
They gathered
They pucker
And are blind
And are blind
So lost are we
Oh what have I become
I have become that I hate
I have become that I shall say no
The bird is dead now alas
A voice whispers to me
And says nothing nothing
There is nothing
I look to my right and see her face again
And again the world disappears
And all fall down
All fall down
All fall down I all fall down
All fall down I all fall down
We all fall down
Christopher Robin, is saying his prayers
But no one is up there, nobody cares
Christopher Robin, he prayes to the lord
For the starving young children, for the old and the cold
Christopher Robin, he falls to his knees
Wailing and crying alone in the night
Christopher Robin, his face wet with tears
I'm praying to Jesus, I hope that he hears
Christopher Robin, he does what he's told
Christopher's a darling, his heart glistens like gold
Christopher Robin, his soul is confused
Good and evil start to struggle and virtue loses
Christopher Robin, face to face with foe
All over the world he sees evil win and so
Christopher has a secret, one that he mustn't tell
He's drawn up a contract with the devil in hell
Christopher was greedy, Christopher was bad
He sold his soul to satan, boy will he be sad
Christopher Robin has a familiar
Chrisopher had a vision, into the abyss he saw
Christopher Robin never wanted to die
The devil promised him sweeties, but the devil lied
Christopher Robin, his face wet with tears
I'm praying to Jesus, I hope that he hears
Christopher Robin, he does what he's told
Christopher's a darling, his heart glistens like gold
Christopher Robin, his soul is confused
Good and evil start to struggle and virtue loses
Christopher Robin, face to face with foe
All over the world he sees evil win and so
Christopher's on a journey, he shall not return
In life he liked praying, now he's gonna burn
Christopher Robin, he falls down the stairs
His nightshirt ripped open, his flesh torn and bear
Christopher Robin, he's confined in his bed
Locked up in the darkness, alone til he's dead
Satan is patient, he's always got time
Now Christopher's a patient, as he in hospital lies
Christopher Robin, his face wet with tears
I'm praying to Jesus, I hope that he hears
Christopher Robin, he does what he's told
Christopher's a darling, his heart glistens like gold
Christopher Robin, his soul is confused
Good and evil start to struggle and virtue loses
Christopher Robin, face to face with foe
All over the world he sees evil win and so
Each tale has a message, we all must agree
All children who start praying, will burn in eternity
Christopher Robin, tsk tsk tsk
What a life
Never thought it would come to this
He called on proof
He called on proof
And dungeons and dragons were his only joy
Christopher Robin, what did you get into?
And where will you go in hell?
Burning and praying in a lake of fire
With all those other sinners
Fingers burned, Christopher Robin
In the time we were lost and scarred in a moment
Tortured by doubt and surrounded by ruins
Yours was the pleasure and mine was the praying
The works of our lifetime lay crumbled in dust
And when Rome falls
Falls the world
It was blood that I gave you and blood that You worshipped
Blood was your question and blood was your answer
You spit in the fires and eyes of desires
And snatched back the words you kept locked in your head
And when Rome falls
Falls the world
And what did you give me?
A rusted bent death's head
A black flag that lies bleeding
A dawn that lies dying
We wandered through the rubbles
In the last breaths of morning
In the empty cathedrals
In a world that has ceased
And when Rome falls
Falls the world
Then make me feel that the world shall turn
When broken is the faith that kept us alive
And where shall I go?
And if I do shall I stumble?
Will anyone catch me when I fall as I must?
And when Rome falls
"So is every man. he is born in vanity and sin. he comes into the world like
Mushrooms, soon thrustling up their heads into the air, and conversing with
Kindred of the same production, and as soon as they turn to dust and
Some of them without any other interest in the affairs of the world, but that
Made their parents a little glad and very sorrowful..."
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust
"Others ride longer in the storm, maybe until seven years of vanity be expired
Then, preadventure, the sun shines hot upon their heads, and they fall into the
Shades below, into the cover of death and darkness and the grave to hide them.
If the bubble stands the shock of a bigger drop, and outlives the chance of a
Or a careless nurse, or drowning in a pail of water, or being overlaid by a
Servant, or such little accidents, then the young man dances like a bubble,
And gay, and shines like a dove's neck, or the image of a rainbow, which has no
Substance, and whose very imagery and colours are fantastical. And so he dances
The gaiety of his youth, and is all the while in a storm, and endures only
He is not knocked on the head by a drop of bigger pain, or crushed by the
Of a load of undigested meat, or quenched by the disorder of an ill-placed
Homer calls man a leaf, the smallest;
Pindar calls him the dream of a shadow, another, the dream of a shadow of smoke;
But St. James spake, by a more excellent spirit, saying our life is but a
That is to say, drawn from the air by a celestial influence, made of smoke and
Lighter parts of water, tossed by the wind and moved by the motion of a superior
Body, without virtue in itself and lifted up on high or left below, according as
Pleases the demands of it's foster fathers..."
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust
In my mind is the sound
Of rudderless ships
A time, and a time
And a time
And a time
So much silence
Deafens our ears
So much emptiness
Hinders our movements
Lost in the earth
And lost in the air
Around my hollow globe
Broken feathers
Blocking my words
And the no-one speaks
Oh no-one moves
Broken in snow
The sun bares teeth
So one: I shall build a boat
Two: I shall not fly a flag
Three, three, three:
God's three functions
So three: I shall cross myself
One of them is all alone
And evermore shall be so
Two of them are lily-white
Boys all clothed in green-oh
Three of them are strangers
O'er the wide world they are rangers
Four it is the dilly hour
When blooms the gilly flower
Five it is the dilly bird
That's seldom seen but heard
Six it is the ferryman
The boat o'er the river floats oh
Seven are the seven stars in the sky
The shining stars be seven-oh
Eight it is the morning break
Then all the world's awake-oh
Nine it is the pale moonshine
The shining moon is nine-oh
Ten forgives all kinds of sin
Long Satan and Babylon are walking
They're talking of fire and of ice
Of the silence that stalks in the forest
And a Christ spun out of the worlds
Long Satan and Babylon are moving
Through a world ripped away from it's centre
They shear through the rushes
They follow the night night night night
They want want want want want want
Long Satan and Babylon are rushing
They are hurtling away
From the centre of things
They are running from the inside
The wind cries full and in them
Cuts through their emptiness
Hoof on stone
Claw against sun
Where to look in an unknown
Where to search in the vast whole
Piggy-back cross oh piggy-black cross
Into the silence thundering
As they only hear the silence
They do not hear the pain
But Christ sees everything
The little children are falling
They'll topple till the end of the world
Long Satan and Babylon keep running
Through a universe empty of sound
Though the world makes dark shadows
You must look in your heart
In the dark
Dear sir dear lady
This carnival is dead and gone
And never anyway alas this party never yet began
The chairs and tables dust of dust
Yes verydust of veryrust of verymust and farewelltrust
I thought I saw you in the crowd dear heart
You turned away from me and dissolved into light
The broken lights and faded buntings
Call to us all the inmost light
And don't glare wide your eyes in wonder
They will flick back inside your mind
And on the bonescreen of your skull
They watch no musical salutes
So thoroughly modern now we are
But the last reel of all time
The inmost night
It's frames are glared and slow and out of focus
Valentino Vallee Moss all dead!
The inmost night
And the little bells go tinkle
And your eyes begin to twinkle
And the joints and sinews crack
It's the expansion of your mind death
The inmost night
The cat's face glares from shiny card
The deadcat from my past
You tumble you froth and fun forever
An orchestra from another time
Another world all dead
The churchbells silent the rainstained glass of God is smashed
And you take your choice you sup with the devil
You choke on your pride for ever and ever
My memory of my inmost light tumbles froth and fun forever
Vulvaic memories imagined of my would-be-life
Well that won't be
And that won't be
And that won't be
And for my troubles and my pain
And for the losses and the wains
I get a picture in my mind
The slyly smily smiling kiss
Of your sweet heart and face
And your legs in some final benediction
Your inmost warmheart says ta-ra
The inmost light
And I wished to die inside of you
And push up into your heart so violently that
Face to face with matrix creatrix am
The inmost light
Sell all you have give it to the kittens
And pour the milk on Louis' grave
And Catland sometimes called Pussydom
Opens for you instantly it's the inmost light!
It's the inmost light
Somewhere over the rainbow
On the goodship lollipop
There oh there
The inmost light
The happy children rise all from their pools
Eyes still sealed
With mud and night
It's their inmost night
And yet still I which I could dream as when young
As she came to me so young and honest
Yet the bloodbells chime
I do not notice them I shall not notice them
Yet the bloodbells chime
Tommy Katkins still send his regards
Frozen for ever on some animal somme
The last thing on his mind is marriage
But the call of home and heart
Yet the bloobells chime
Yet the bloobells chime
Like dust
I am lost in the world
I thought that I
Had a place
Between the heavens
And the earths
Between the starred sky
I feel the crunch of dirt
I smell the scent of flowers
My aimless feet
To be in the world
And not of it
That's the aim of the pain
That's the aim
I'm sorry that there seems
No happiness in life
I'm sorry that there seems
No one
Passing streams
Dying dreams
There seems to be no joy
You cannot see the ships sailing
You cannot see the sails sailing
Amassing was Christ
Amassing as Christ
On bended knees we pray for war, a blade draws blood but often tarnishes
Through blazing eyes I see new sunsets, sky now breaking different shades of red
We pray for blades, ablazing locusts call for wars to wet the earth
To cover the world in black and bracken, flaming stubble with church bell battles
And then I lie in the arms of a smiling girl who prays to Christ and the pale queens mighty in sorrow
Mighty in sorrow
Mighty in sorrow
Mighty in sorrow
Mighty in sorrow
When did I stand before I touched the shadows of this life that touch the dark and dream of ice
An endless winter in this dogday-age, I kiss the cross but dream of wars
A bagatelle for a massacre or wars of fire were build to last
Old men die and stone will turn to stone
And then I kiss the mouth of a smiling girl who calls on Christ and the pale queens mighty in sorrow
Mighty in sorrow
Mighty in sorrow
Mighty in sorrow
Mighty in sorrow
Immaculate heart of immaculate love a tawdry scarecrow for a tarnished crown
His five wounds bleed but only on his throne, his toothless smile cuts wide across his face
And then I kiss the mouth of a smiling girl who calls on Christ and the pale queens mighty in sorrow
Mighty in sorrow
Mighty in sorrow
Mighty in sorrow
Mighty in sorrow
And what shall I receive a little drum to beat when I march with scorched earth's steps
A rocking horse for a little warrior to trample around and down from fields of rape
An alabaster doll for the little maid while she waxes and wanes through the blood of the moon
And camouflaged smocks for the purest of pure, a masculine mark, and the flag of their shame
And I kiss the lips of the smiling girl who calls on Christ and the pale queens mighty in sorrow
Mighty in sorrow
Mighty in sorrow
Mighty in sorrow
Mighty in sorrow
And where shall I go back there and back, furthest and far, to the edge of the shore
The snow falls thick his mantle of strength descends with a winter on those in his service
The snow is the winner
Message of winter, your hope shall be crushed
The lightflame grows dimmer
Child's laughter ceases on a front with no ending
Within words with no meaning
Child's laughter sickens
Child's fever rages
Smouldering pages
And I die in the arms of a smiling girl who prays to Christ and the pale queens mighty in sorrow
Mighty in sorrow
Mighty in sorrow
Mighty in sorrow
Mighty in sorrow
Mighty in sorrow
Circles within circles
We ride through them all
Circles within circles
"In the midst of the Southern regions..."
There a man rests and weeps
This year, next year,
Never, oh never
If we think then that there is
No joy
But listen:
On the edge of winds
Is the rustling of the greens
All many greens, manifold and lovely
The sighing and crying of the wind
The lovely boughs
The lovely light
The lovely light
The lovely stars, jewelly nobles
The pitted starheads of a burning fire
Burn far brighter burn brighter --
Starry glory golden flamey and lambent --
Than any other fires we know
The moony wetmouthed cradle of bluenight
The plumed bird, lovely voiced
The streaked cat, rooted hairshine
Head of furlight
Purr of bright sound
Lovely and noble, jewelly lords
So sparkling, glimmering spitting lights
Little houses of fire
In little towns of fire
Hello darkness my old friend
I've come to talk to you again
Because a vision softly in-creeping
Crushed my mind while I was sleeping
And the vision like silent cancers stay
Through nights and days
And there was the sound of silence
And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made
And the sign said the words of the prophets
Are written on the subway walls
And tenament halls
Little children snuggle under soft black stars
And if you look into their eyes soft black stars
Deliver them from the book and the letter and the word
And let them read the silence bathed in soft black stars
Let them trace the raindrops under soft black stars
Let them follow whispers and scare away the night
Let them kiss the featherbreath of soft black stars
And let them ride their horses licked by the wind and the snow
And tip-toe into twilight where we all one day will go
Caressed with tendrils and with no fear at all
Their faces shining river gold washed with soft black stars
And angels' wings shall soothe their cares
And all the birds shall sing at dawn
Blessed and wet with joy
You and I will meet one day
Since disappointment and despair
The vainness of al hopes declare
Since toss'd upon this restless main
I strive 'gainst wind and waves in vain
The more I struggle for the shore
Misfortunes overwhelm the more
Then since I struggle to maintain
And strive alas to live in vain
I'll hope no more--since prov'd and tried
The feeble light she once supplied
Resembled but a taper's ray
That only burns to die away
And leave one lost in endless night
(My follies but exposed to sight)
Then come misfortunes as you will
Oppressions sink we lower still
Haste keen despair and urge my doom
And all that haunt the wretched come
Fate from my heart all fears expunge
I stand resolv'd to take the plunge
Oh thou great Being who resides
Far above where yon ether glides
Whose power almighty piercing eye
Marks all on earth in air and sky
Who oft (such care we ought to praise)
This sand-grain call'd a world surveys
Nor deems unworthy of thy care
Vain men as worthless as we are
Wh ooft with liberal hands bestows
Thy guiding mercy here below
And while our sins so multiply
Like mountains heap'd before thee lie
So loath - so tempted to chastize
And then to bless us in disguise
To disappoint our restless schemes
Our airy hopes and foolish dreams
Is but to prove the empty shew
Or painting happiness below
Oh thou that hears the wretched call
Let me take you
On the sad go round
In the twilight zone
Hear the mournful sounds
Of the carousel
An the calliope
Where you lose your will
And abandon hope
As you spin
An the sad go round
And the world is a blur
Of confusing sound
You forget your troubles
You forget your fun
Now you're just a world
Once I read and so I thought
(Firstly the red dragon rises in the east)
So I sat and still I thought
(Then the white dragon rises from the north)
I start to walk, and my mind turns
(Out of clouds a smokish dragon rises from the west)
It seems to me the world's dying
(Smiling teeth and black dragon rises in the south)
Whilst rosy stars fall from heaven
(Turn to starry roses in greening grasses)
Burnt burning smiles lovers' tokens
(Soft white breasts unveiling nature)
My mother sighs, my father lies
(With scattered pebbles dying horses)
The moon is violent, violent and vaporous
(Seas of horses and buildings tumble! )
Once I read and so I thought
(Firstly the red dragon rises in the east)
I shall move and still I'll think
(Then the white dragon rises from the north)
All this world - such a bind
(Out of clouds a smokish dragon from the west)
It seems to me people smile
(Smiling teeth and black dragon rises in the south)
Whilst rosy stars fall from heaven
(Turn to starry roses in green grass)
Burnt burning smiles lovers' tokens
(Soft white breasts unveiling nature)
My mother sighs, my father lies
(Scattered pebbles the world falls)
The moon is violent, violent and vaporous
There are my hands
And there are my eyes
Clad in high high hills
The leper lord
Clad in bloody robes
Jesus wept
Jesus wept
Jesus wept
Jesus jesus
Jesus wept
Jesus wept
Christus, Christus
Christus, Christus
Christus, Christus
Hear me when I call
On the threshing floor
Jesus wept
Jesus wept
On the threshing floor
My loves
My little friends
My loves
We know who you are
On the threshing floor
My loves
We know who thou art
Dies irae
Dies illa
We know who you are
Mea culpa
Jesus wept
Mea culpa
Jesus wept
Have mercy on us
Jesus wept
Between the power
And the glory
Falls the shadow
The shadow falls
Jesus wept
Life is very short
The rivers of Babylon flow
And fall
And carry away
Jesus is alone on earth
Not merely with no one to feel and share His agony
But with no one even to know of it
Heaven and he are the only ones to know
Jesus is in a garden
Not of delight
Like the first Adam
Who there fell and took with him all mankind
But of agony
Where He has saved Himself and all mankind
He suffers this anguish and abandonment in the horror of the night
Jesus will be in agony until the end of the world
There must be no resting in the meantime
To Eden with me you will not leave
To live in my cottage of crazy crooked Eves
In your own heavy home
Take care of this night
When you let your little cat in
Turn on the light
Something scurries behind
And finds a cozy place to stare
Something sent to you from paradise
Tongues flouring
They leap out laughing
Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Nothing rests on the mirror
Nothing to rest
Nowhere to rest
Clouds do not obscure
Passing horses
White snow melting
Snowflakes falling
Turn back into air
The end is painless
Already full we are
Although empty
Passing horses
White horses ripple
Throughh the blue sky
"Who would have thought
A dewdrop would last so long"
He said
"Your end which is endless"
He said
"As a snowflake melts
Into air"
He said
Trust yourselves
Your cup is full
Passing horses
Shining hooves
Emptiness is moving
And dancing
And crystal-faced
"A net of fireflies"
Freedom itself
And motion itself
And suffering itself
And pain itself
And laughing itself
And shot through
With nothing
No one hearing
"And the foam on the last water
Has dissolved" he said
"I lean against the stove
And emptiness - lo! eternity"
He said
And where are they now
These passing horses?
In which wood
In which star
In which stream
"Alone into the alone"
She said
Not realising
Oh how alone
She already was
Dancing in between
The worlds
The swallow dips
There was a man of double deed
Who sowed his garden full of seed
When the seed began to grow
'Twas like a garden full of snow
When the snow began to melt
'Twas like a ship without a bell
When the ship began to sail
'Twas like a bird without a tail
When the bird began to fly
'Twas like an eagle on the sky
When the sky began to roar
'Twas like a lion at my door
When the door began to crack
'Twas like a stick across my back
When my back began to smart
'Twas like a penknife in my heart
When my heart began to bleed
Hear thou the things which must come to pass in the last times
There shall be famine and war and earthquakes in diverse places
Snow and ice and great drought shall there be
And many dissentions amongst people
Blasphemy inequity envy and villainy
Indolence pride and intemperance
So that every man shall speak that which pleaseth him
And the priests shall not have peace amongst themselves
Shall sacrifice unto making deceit for mind
Therefore will I not look upon them
Then shall the priests behold the people
Departing from the house of the Lord and
Turning unto the world and setting up
Landmarks in the house of God
They shall claim for themselves many things
And places that are lost and shall be
Subject unto Caesar as also they were
Of all times giving poll taxes of the cities
Even gold and silver
And the chief men of the city shall be condemned
And their substance brought into the treasuries of the kings
And they shall be killed
For there shall be great disturbance throughout all the people
And death also
The house of the Lord shall be desolate
And their altars shall be abhorred
So that spiders weave their webs there
The place of holiness too shall be corrupted
Priests all corrupted
Agony shall increase
Virtue shall be overcome
Joy perish
And gladness depart
In those days evil shall abound
There shall be respecters of persons
Hymns shall seize out of the house of the Lord
Truth shall be no more
Covetousness shall abound amongst the priests
And the bright man shall not be found
On some nation shall arise there the last time a king
A lover of the Lord
Who shall hold rule not or long
He shall leave two sons
The first is named after the first letter A
The second named after the eight letter H
The first shall die before the second
Thereafter shall rise two princes to oppress the nations
Under whose hands there shall be a very great famine
In the right hand part of the east
So that nation shall rise against nation
And be driven out from their own borders
Again another king shall rise
A crafty man
Who shall command a golden image of Caesar to be made
Therefore martyrdom shall abound
Then shall faith return unto the servants of the Lord
And holiness shall be multiplied
And agony increased
The mountains shall be comforted
And shall drop down sweepeth the fire from the face
Of the number of the saints maybe accomplished
After a little space there shall arise another king out of the east
A lover of the Lord
Who shall cause all good things and necessary to abound in the house of the Lord
He shall show mercy unto the widows and the needy
And command a royal gift to be given unto the priests
In his days shall be abundance of all things
And after that again another king shall arise in the southern part of the world
And shall hold rule but a little space
In whose days the treasuries shall fall because of the wages of the soldiers
So that the substance of all the age shall be commanded
And given to the king
Thereafter shall there be plenty of corn and wine and oil
But great dearness of money
So that the substance of gold and silver shall be given for corn
And there shall be great dearness
And at that time there shall be very great risings of the sea
So that no man shall tell news to any man
The kings of the earth and the princes and the captains shall be troubled
And no man shall speak freely
Grey hairs shall be seen upon boys
And the young shall not give place unto the aged
After that shall rise yet another king
A crafty man who will hold rule for a short space
In whose days there shall be all manner of evils
Even the death of the race of men from the east
Even unto Babylon
And thereafter death and famine and sword
In the land of Cain and even unto Rome
Then shall all the fountains of water and wells boil over
And be turned into blood into dust and blood
The heaven shall be moved
And the stars shall fall unto the earth
The sun shall be cut in half like the moon
And the moon shall not give her light
There shall be great signs and wonders in those days
When Antichrist draws near
These are the signs unto them that dwell in the earth
In those days the pains of great revile shall come upon them
In those days when Antichrist now draweth near
These are the signs
Woe unto them that dwell on the earth
In the last days a great king shall come
Woe unto them who build
For they shall not inhabit
Woe unto them that break up the follow for they shall labour without a cause
When I was a child in the belly of my mother!
Woe unto them that make marriages for unto man each shall nay beget sons
Woe unto them that join house to house
Or field to field
When I was a child in the palace of my father!
For all fields shall be consumed with fire
Woe unto them that will not look unto themselves while titled
For they shall be condemned
Woe unto them that stay away from the poor
When he asked him
When I was a child in the belly of my mother!
I am the son
When I was a child in the cannon of my father!
I am father of all
I am the father most high
I am the father of all spirits
These are the sad signs of the ending of the world
When I was a child in the belly of my mother!
When I was a child in the palace of my father!
There will be famine and great pestilence
Then shall all men be lead captive amongst all nations
Take me to my dead Christ!
And shall fall by the edge of the sword
And shall fall by the edge of the sword
Take me to my dead Christ!
Then all men shall be lead captive amongst all nations
Take me to my dead Christ!
From shore to shore
Take me to my dead Christ!
I am the son of mine
I am the father of all
I am the father most high
Carry me from shore to shore!
All men shall be led captive
And all shall die by the edge of the sword
Take me to my dead chrism!
For when I was a child in the belly of my mother!
For when I was a child in the palace of my father!
All shall die by the edge of the sword
All shall die by the edge of the sword
Take me to my dead Christ!
All shall fall by the edge of the sword
Take me to my dead Christ!
All shall be reaped by the sickles
Take me to my dead Christ!
Of the turning burning
Take me to my dead Christ!
Take me from shore to shore!
Turning and burning
Turning and turning
Take me to my dead Christ!
Children are scattered with sunlight
And the falling clouds cover the skies
Mothers hold colours of bloods
And three jewels cover their eyes
And blistering
Swastikas replaced by a cross
Sickles replaced by the sun
The stars turn to grey in the skies
Merry-go-round round
Sadness comes down down
Merry-go-round round
Sadness comes down
The rise of a dragon - imperious
The fall of an empire - imperium
The flash of a thunderbolt - imperial
The birth of a child appears
The sadness to come shall dissolve
The nature of the sky is joy
The carousel makes colours and sounds
The horses' teeth chatter and snap
Merry-go-round round
Sadness comes down down
Merry-go-round round
Sadness comes down
Philip throws hexagrams to discover the cosmos
Horselover fat talks with Christ
Metal fish glints on the girl's breast
And the Ape's mock universe
Oh she looked out of the window
As white as any milk
But he looked into the window
As black as any silk
Hello, hello, hello, hello
Hello you coal black smith
Oh what is your silly song?
You shall never change my maiden name
That I have kept so long
I'd rather die a maid yes
But then she said
And be buried in my grave yes
And then she said
That I'd have such a nasty
Husky dusky musty funky
Coal black smith
A maiden will I die
Then she became a duck
A duck all on the stream
And he became a water dog
And fetched her back again
Then she became a hare
A hare all on the plain
And he became a greyhound dog
And fetched her back again
Then she became a fly
A fly all in the air
And he became a spider
And fetched her to his lair
Man is a beast of prey
The beast of prey conquers contries
Founds great realms by subdigation of other subdigators
Forms states and organises civilisations in order to enjoy his brooding in peace
Attack and defence
Suffering and struggle
Victory and defeat
Domination and servitude
All sealed with blood
This is the entire history of human race
And she became a corpse
A corpse all in the ground
And he became the cold grey clay
From the north
I call thee forth
O might Odin
Lord of the spear
Fettered by fear
Curse all those
Who do oppose our fight
Victory is near
I have to say
I have to see
The twilight moonlit
The houses on hills
All appear so blind
At night
The webs that bind them
To the skies
Are golden, sparkling
With blood and dust
The angelic motes
On beams of blood
At night
The trees turn under the rain
Pan lies dead
From rut to rot
I saw the lighthouses all fall
Small angels hold parasols
And point to other skies
The clacking on the fence
Is long and loud
The noise of the fingers
Crack in my head
Behind my eyes
Between the bloodwalls
That line the streets and the skulls
The bonewhite temple
Letters piling up
Unanswered stars yawning together
You may have this gift from me
And I will send you nothing
From what I see
(And I see all)
The green is going
Black peter arises
With his sack chock full of tricks
(And none of them eternal)
Black peter arises
With his bag of blood
(And none of this runs eternal)
Black peter arises
And he smiles
White teeth cap over the blackened stumps
All the kings of all particular times
Have passed away
And lie in gutters
Pretty as pink
I thought that I had seen
Some bright new dawn
The children all laid down and smiled
The fires no longer smold and dullied
I watched the trash
That covered this world
Swimming in farces
In mud and in blood
Without a care in the world
The corpses are piled up almost to heaven
Chuckling or smiling
And rubbing their hands
Without a care in the world
And so we all lie dozing under the sun
Images of banality flick past our eyes
As we bask in this paradise
Littered around us
Books of religion covering my feet
And I haven't the time for a word
But still I see cottages covered in honeysuckle
The dovecots so full of the Birds in their thousands
The cats lap at cream in their pussyland dream
And they haven't a care in the world
And then it shines
We're all dust
I drop the compasss and point out the pole
And then it shines
We're all dust
So wait for me at niemandswasser
As I watch the flowers bloom
And trail the horseflies as they scream
The songs we'll never know:
It shines:
That we're all dust
It shines:
We're all dust
I remember walking in the fields around York
Oh miserere
I remember sitting in a small room in London
And I remember thinking
I was sad
This was the stage of building brokengods
Oh miserere
This was the stage of reading the blackbooks
Amd possibly I rented my soul
Oh, but anyway
And if so I ask for pardon
And if not
I ask for pardon, anyway
I have seen this world as a great howl of pain
I have seen this world as a great ocean of blood
I have seen this world as the acme of suffering
I have seen this world as the great disappointment
I have seen this world as the great zero gape
In which all our hopes flicker out
Goodbye they say as they go
Goodbye they cry loss flies
Moonlight, you will say
"And what does it matter whether God
Speaks to us from amongst the thorns
Or the flowers?"
St. Francois de Sales, 1607
But still and still He shrieks to me
"Miserere miserere miserere miserere miserere"
Oh, wretched
Oh miserere
Moonlight, you will say
Caught when I was still a child
By a terrible vision of my Christ
And caught in the throat by your signs and tears and goodbyes
I picked me up
And walked too far
With thought of no return
And not to see your face again and drowning all my hopes
And wishing no longer upon stars
No longer in moonlight
Or other dreams or other fields
Upon all of which we so beautifully play
I saw a waste of all
And so I put away
All talk of death's heads
And a little glimpse is a bloodblossomed force
And all talk of apocalypse
Apocraphon and Apollyon
All abandoned
Then I saw in myself the bowl and a gun
We've got a farm, a barn of a farm
Right in the middle of a swamp
There ain't any charm in our little farm
Right in the middle of the swamp
Now nothing's grown since the day we came
Misery Farm is our farm's name!
We're all miserable, so miserable
Down on Misery Farm
So are the animals, so are the vegetables
Down on Misery Farm
The hens won't lay, we can't make hay
We work all day, we get no pay!
We're all miserable, so miserable
Down on Misery Farm
Now we've got a cart, with part of the cart
Stuck in the middle of the swamp
The old grey mare, she looks at it there
Stuck in the middle of the swamp
We'll be digging it out next May
Patching it up for Darby day!
We're miserable, so miserable
Down on Misery Farm
So are the animals, so are the vegetables
Down on Misery Farm
The hens won't lay, We can't make hay
We work all day and we get no pay!
We're miserable, so miserable
Down on Misery Farm
We're miserable, so miserable
Down on Misery Farm
So are the animals, so are the vegetables
Down on Misery Farm
The hens won't lay, we can't make hay
We work all day, we get no pay!
We're miserable, so miserable
I shall return no more
The sea covers me
To pick gold from the skies
I shall wait between the spaces
I shall return no more
Imperium et nihil
The silence has folded
Inside and out
And Mary waits in silence
Imperium nihil est
In the gap between
His thought and his word
And something is finished
And something is born
In the place where words cease
In the moment when
Actions no longer matter
Oh the sky may darken
The curtain tear
She shall wait
Silver dust falls from her hair
Waits a span or a time
Sketches of her life swirl
Around her silence silent
The sounds of her silence
The forms that they take
They cover me still
My fingers twist in pain
Words are finished
And I come swiftly
And with a vengeance
The twisted wings and cluds unfold
And the greatgape of He who fell
Makes darkened shadows over pointed spires
Little children point and sing
And little children run and dance
Over there the setting sun
And under that the silent stars
And under they the weeping sky
And under Her the laughing world
(Balance sits in western parts
And piles spare Spares in his gabled room)
Great Anarch and Monarch of Not
The Flight of Lucifer over London
And my little grandson
Wrinkled son forehead
All tiny blue pain
As the Mother Blood emerges
Then the Mother Grief
And the Blue Gates of Death
Open armwide
Open teethwide
All dead like the leaves
Old times shiver
Old dead calendar
Past blurred sunsets
Cinders flying in His heart His heart
His fingers punch holes in the sky
(And all the little Christs I count
Are covered in the breathwhite snow
And all the little Christs I call
Are laughing through the green green fields)
Some of those angels have the face of God
And some of them have the face of dogs
(By the Tower of Moad - see the sky's Greenangel form)
And lucifer flickers all around me
His hooded eyes alight
In the smoky musk
Look into Him just a little longer
See the true face of the Moon
So He wheels there through the heavens
His eyes are dotted brightlights
Licked with dust
A golden seabird
Halfdead with spray
His banners broken flags in the wind
Devouring life he breaks at walls
The glint of dead fruits glint
And then the Moon...
And then the Moon...
And then the Moon...
(And sixsixsix
It makes us sick
We're sicksicksick
What is all this love for
If we have to go out in the dark
What joy we had
In the locust summer
What fires we lit
In the locust years
Black hundreds
Black thousands
What joy we had
In the locust summers
What fires we lit
In the locust years
Black hundreds
Black thousands
Rivers that run
Rippled with red
Ravaged and raped
With our roar roar roaring
What joy we had
In the locust summer
What fire we lit
In the locust years
For only the strong survive
All of the weak are trampled under
All of the weak are trampled under
This is only here in this place
And with these parting tears pour of the flesh
A freaking and falling
A crying and calling
Foreign words crawling rivers
Beaches moment's ebbing
Broken watches
Launch cathar
Mama in my room
You left me burning
You left me burning
You left me burning
Animals melting servants screaming
Crouched in corners coughing crying
Renting scalding masts of walls
Chanting scalding baby dying
And life force ebbing
What joy we had
In the locust summers
What fires we lit
In the locust years
Bloody tower of hysteria
A bloody vase of rape
He calls the living
He calls the dying
He breaks the thunder
And then it seemed as if
The whole world was burning
For only the strong survive
All of the week get trampled under
What joy we had
In the locust summers
What fires we lit
In the locust years
Black hundreds
Black thousands
Rivers that run run rippled with red
Ravaged and raped
With our roar roar roaring
What screaming joy
In the locust years
Nick my life away
Lick my life away
What joy we had
In the locust summers
What fires we lit
Mignonne, allons voir si la rose
Qui ce matin avait déclosé
Sa robe de poupre au soleil
A point perdu cette vêprée
Les plis de sa robe pourprée
Et son teint au vôtre pareil
Las! Voyez comme en peu d'espace
Mignonne, elle a dessus la place
Las! las! ses beautés laissé choir!
O vraiment marâtre est Nature
Puisqu'une telle fleur ne dure
Que du matin jusques au soir!
Donc, si vois me croyez, mignonne
Tandis que votre âge fleuronne
En sa plus verte nouveauté
Cueillez votre jeunesse:
Comme à cette fleur, la vieillesse
Fera ternir votre beauté
"The old willows wrecked again and again in the hold of the woods held
in close confinement all round into the struggle for existance where
the streams were constantly taken from their course by the roots of the
old trees in the woods allowing no mill stream the free course through
until the whole of these fine old trees had got their whole water
course directed by their own roots into each others roots in their own
devious ways & so each time the bad weather conditions came the dell of
the old popular willows received the whole rainfall & gave the roots of
the old popular trees the worst conditions they could not recover from.
The result was when the bad storms swept the ground downhill the whole
of the upright branches of the populars were wrecked & wrenched off as
none had sufficient root hold to do any good in holding as against the
winds forcing both root & trunks & branches to give way. The ultimate
result was as stated the cracking down of the branches & the breaking
off of the main trunk as it had no side branches to help its leaves to
support the whole tree. This gave the stubble growth of enforcing the
trunk low down near the ground to spray out the small side branches &
to develope in the trunk the further strength to enlarge the top of the
trunk to enable the heavy branch growth to develop & to give out a
large number of spray branches in all directions to keep control of the
wind and also to stop the wind from further to destroy the old trees in
its course the winds followed the well streams & then got the clear run
free of the trees until a run of heavy old tree trunks guided them out
again into the ground where the rising ground destroyed them by holding
The empty streets
The songs of twilight
The clouds at rest
The churchbells chiming
A scarecrow shudders
And some birds tremble
I looked at you and saw it's time
The faded flowers
The faded pictures
Of faded lives
Your body waiting
And unfulfilled
With no regrets
And empty heart
And head in hands
I heard them say today it's time
The sunset heavy
On mother mountain
The cattle lowing
The cattle dreaming
The endless rain
In haunted airs
Your loss of hope
We were shown
We were shown it's only time
The smell of rain
The twilight leaning
Against your lips
Waterwheels turning
The forests brooding
You took my hand
And pointed full of pain
That fishes dying
You see the sign that this was time
I waited years for you
Or so it seemed
And stumbled through your world
Praying for just one kiss
To stop my fall from grace
And shelter in your palm
You gave me everything
Both lock and key
The oilclouds see it's only time
If I could have one wish
As in the fairytales
I would unmake my past
And rise like Lazarus
And stand in sunlight
And banish all the dark
That locked my face away
And say to you again
Oh that
That was only time
So willow weep not for me
And oak bend not for me
Though others died for us
And in our place
Though in the secret heart
Raw wound, raw source of all
I heard the news today
Whispered in the dark
At last
At last we know it's time
I knew at last it's only time
I'll come in glory
There's the odour of incense
And I double in pain
And I flick through the past
As arrayed in my mind
On a bed in a room
That's locked on some hill
I'm gripping her hand
As she cries to the wall
The years stumble away
And the pain dissipates
Suzanne is clad in blues
With a mark in her hand
The lines round her lips
Are now scars in my mind
Down at the quayside
Through the sun's rising mists
Suzanne drags me down
All this world's in your mind
Can salvation emerge
From the well of this dream?
Where the horses run formless
The sky cancels it's stars
Then the fumes of the incense
Rise across the walls
And she watches me sideways
Like the world is on fire
Between the beat of her heart
And her gesture of fingers
The grip in her hands
As it beckons through me
She smiles through my pain
And my loss yet to come
I wait on the platform
For our lives to restart
And I wanted to tell her
How all my hearts felt
But my words barb inside me
And my lips cannot part
From the twisting of smokes
As we sit in her room
To the sorrow I feel
As I fall out of dreams
Inexplicable sadness
This gash that I feel
Devoid of her moon
And ripped of my sun
If I knew at that joining
If I knew at that parting
If I knew at that second
If I knew at that moment
The candlewax melts
And the water stops shining
That which is started
Is so easily falling
From cathedrals of sand
That the ocean laps away
And sometimes I wake empty
And she floats through my symbols
And I move as to hold her
Lament for my Suzanne
A car sweeps by with a murdered child
A car sweeps by with a violated girl
A car sweeps by with it's trunk full of death
I can't hear the voice
When you told me
You heard the winds cry
And then you told me
You felt the seas die
And then you showed me
The flight of seagulls
And whispered gently
The party is over
Then I knew it was time
You looked so tired then
Bereft of beauty
I knew that long ago
Your heart had stopped
But all this beauty
But all these shadows
As if to say yes
To life was pointless
And then
Then I knew it was time
In a small park
Just down from Soho
You gestured wildly
But meaning nothing
And all the fountains
Shouted surrender
And all the trees bowed
At my betrayal
And then
Then I knew it was time
No words have substance
No words are better
Than when I held you
Ragdoll defeated
So drained of bright light
So full of hatred
With your soul crumbling
Parted for flowers
I should
Have you told
It's just time
And then we looked up
Urbi et orbi
I saw the stars merge
Over St. Patrick's
You said I am finished
I am mist and foglight
And slipped so sweetly
Into your grace
If only
If only it was only time
And now it's eight years
Since I last saw you
And all the starlight
Is now as nothing
The letters all burned
The kisses complete
And all the coupling
Llong forgotten
And you long dead
Damned or forgiven
Into the menstrual night we'll go
Hey ho hey ho
Into the blue woods we shall go
Hey ho ho
Into the blue woods we shall go
Hey ho hey ho
Beyond the blue gates we shall go
Hey ho ho
Beyond the blue gates we shall go
Hey ho Hey ho
Into the lovely green sea we shall go
Hey ho ho
Into the lovely blue sky we shall go
Hey ho hey ho
Lipped love light shall lift the skies
Hey ho ho
Sounds love life lifts the skies
Hey ho hey ho
The masque has nearly begun my dear
Into the bloody hole we'll go
Oh no oh no
Into the sharp swords we shall go
Oh no no
Or be tugged anyway
Goodbye goodbye
Goodybye goodbye
Shake those tears from your eyes
Goodbye goodbye
Goodbye goodbye
You were the sudden summer of god
The jangling belldeath and the rain rains
I wished you would fall on me like a tended judging
Oh yes
Oh no
In the heart of the wood
In the closed forest
Christ appeared to me
In several forms
One two three four
Swastika I'm told
On the Cliffs of Moher
I walk with Mary
Behind the eyes
Of his innocence or guile
The young old man talks
Of the brittle walls
That held his son
Pinionned pinionned pinnioned
Mary walks on the Cliffs
But not on waters
Then Christ appeared as wind
Mary runs down from the highwalls
Christ appears as flowers
Down longpath she walks
Christ appears as the rubble
That holds the stones
That holds the paths
That holds the feet
To the bones of the earth
If she waits
Oh if she wakes
Christ manifests slowly
As the dust on her eyes
Before she falls again
Into fields of sleep
(I would like this anger to dissolve)
And I wait for another
Revolution or revelation
It doesn't too much matter
If I see blood in wheals
"All shall be well" she said
But not for me
Not for me
The skeleton of the universe
Barbed wire of blues and stars
Remains unmoved
When the mother ocean covers me
I rush to drown
With her breakers
"All shall be well" she said
She said
"All shall be well"
But not for me
What joy is there in this body?
Seeing these discarded bones
Scattered here and there
Where they are pushed by the wind
When first they're tossed upon the ground
Then that same moment of your life
Humans first emptied into the womb
The journey of their life to death begins
Once gone there is no turning back
At daybreak many people are seen
That evening one is gone from sight
Next morning one another has gone from sight
Nights are long when one can't sleep
The road is long for those exhausted
To everything there is a season
And a time to every purpose and to the heavens
Oh imperium!
Oh imperium!
A time to be born
A time to die
A time to sleep
A time of silence
A time to create
A time to destroy
A time to plant
And a time to reap
A time for laughter
A time for anger
A time to build
A time to destroy
A time to love
A time to hate
A time to bleed
A time to part
Behind me the wind calls
This life of man is but a span
We all come down in fields of rape
Our little eyes do glitter like the sun
But the leaves do wither
And the branches decay
And all are born of
Will soon fall away
He gave me honey
All mixed with gold
He gave me words
Envowed with awe
He gave me a delicate gown to wear
All stitched with sorrow
And hemmed with fear
And twisted steel and broken wheels
In a million years ten million years
I curse all gold and silver
This life of man is but a span
We all come down in fields of rape
As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit
Nor how the bones do grow
In the womb of her that is with child
Even so thou knowest not the words of God who maketh all
In the morning sow thy seed
And in the evening withhold and apprehend
For thou knowest not whether she'll prosper
This or that
Or whether they should both be
In a million years ten million years
I curse all gold and silver
Remember now thy creator in the days of life
How evil days come out
And the years go by
Then thou shalt see
I had no pleasure
How the sun or the light
Or the moon and the stars be all darkened
How the clouds return after the rain
In the day when the kings of the house shall tremble
And the strong men shall bow themselves
And the quiet de-cease for there are few
And those who are gone to the windows be darkened
And the door shall be shut on the streets
When the sound of the quiet days
And we shall summon the voice of the birds
And all the daughters of music
Shall be brought low
And men shall be afraid of that which is high
And fear shall be in the way
And the almond tree shall flourish
And the grasshopper shall be a burden
And desire shall fail
Because man goeth to his long home
And the mourners go about the streets
Or ever the silver gone be loose
Or the golden bone be broken
Or the pigeon be broken at the fountain
Or the wheel broken in the system
Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was
And the spirit shall return into God who gave it
Vanity of vanity sayeth good job
All is vanity
All is vanity
How can there be pleasure?
How can there be joy?
When the whole world is burning
What joy is there in this body
Seeing these discarded bones
Scattered here and there
Where they were tossed upon the ground
Through the same moment of the night
Humans first emptied in the womb
The journey of their life to death begins
Once gone there is no turning back
At daybreak many people are seen
At evening one is gone from sight
At evening many people can be seen
Next morning one is gone from sight
Nights are long when one can't sleep
The road seems long for those exhausted
Life's obliterated so soon
Some die when they are in the womb
Some on the ground where they were born
Some die just as they learn to crawl
And some just as they learn to walk
Some die old and some die young
Some in the very prime of life
All people pass away in term
Just like the fall of ripened fruit
As all ripe fruit always falls and rots
So all who are born by their deaths destroyed
Collection in the end dispersed
Whatever rises must also fall
All meetings end in seperation
The final end of life is death
Sorrow arises from all beauty
From all beauty arises fear
When all beauty is given up
Neither sorrow nor fear exist
And the law is Imperium
The Lord is my shepherd
I shall not want
He leadeth me into green pastures
The Lord is my shepherd
The Lord is my shepherd
Shall I see you again?
One generation passes away
And another generation cometh in
But this earth abideth forever
The sun also rises
And the sun goeth down
And hastens to his place
Way low
All the rivers run into the sea
Yet the sea is never full
And to the place from hence the rivers come
Thither they return again
All things are full of labour
Man can not utter it
The eye is not satisfied with seeing
Nor the eye filled with hearing
The thing that has been it is that which shall be
And that which is done is that which shall be done
And there is no new thing under the sun
Is there any new thing whereof it may be said
See this is new it hadn't been already
Of all time which lasts before us
There is no remembrance of former things
Neither shall there be any remembrance of things
That which is crooked cannot be made straight
That which is wanted cannot be numbered
To every thing there is a season
And a time to every purpose
Under the heavens
A time to be born and a time to die
A time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted
A time to kill and a time to heal
A time to break down and a time to build up
A time to weep and a time to laugh
A time to mourn and a time to dance
A time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones together
A time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing
A time to get and a time to lose
A time to keep and a time to cast away
A time to weed and a time to sow
A time to keep silence and a time to speak
A time to love and a time to hate
A time of war and a time of peace
What drives us on?
What drives us on?
I left something of myself in you
Fourscore, twenty, thirty
In your body and in your flesh
In your vault of skin
I was nothing for you
But the shadow of another love
That one day for you
Would shift the skies
To pastures blue
Streaked with passing and loss
Tortoise green in my eyes
From the moss of my past
You arise
And lightly then I saw you smile
With ivory throat and ivory eyes
At night I catch you before I sleep
And if I died before I wake
I prayed that you my heart might keep
I cannot hold your tunnelled eyes
Near my heart any longer
All this love is nothing truly:
Mist of moons' breath
Grit of evening
The grass was green (I now recall)
Before my own particular fall
I saw we were both really
Masks on nothing
(The moonlight sweeping over northern beaches)
All the trees stand stripped
Just silhouttes of memories
At night I have started to dream of you:
Your eyes are wide
When everyone you have ever loved is finally gone
When everything you have ever wanted is finally done with
When all of your nightmares are for a time obscured
As by a shining brainless beacon
Or a blinding eclipse of the many terrible shapes of this world
When you are calm and joyful
And finally entirely alone
Then in a great new darkness
You will finally execute your special plan
One needs to have a plan someone said who was turned away into the shadows
And who I had believed was sleeping or dead
Imagine he said all the flesh that is eaten
The teeth tearing into it
The tongue tasting it's savour
And the hunger for that taste
Now take away that flesh he said
Take away the teeth and the tongue
The taste and the hunger
Take away everything as it is
That was my plan
My own special plan for this world
I listened to these words and yet I did not wonder
If this creature whom I had thought sleeping or dead would ever approach his vision
Even in his deepest dreams
Or his most lasting death
Because I had heard of such plans such visions
And I knew they did not see far enough
But what was demanded in a way of a plan
Needed to go beyond tongue and teeth and hunger and flesh
Beyond the bones and the very dust of bones and the wind that would come to blow the dust away
And so I began to envision a darkness that was long before the dark of night
And a strangely shining light
That owed nothing to the light of day
That day may seem like other days
Once more we feel the tiny legged trepidations
Once more we are mangled by a great grinding fear
But that day will have no others after
No more worlds like this will follow
Because I have a plan
A very special plan
No more worlds like this
No more days like that
There are but four ways to die a sardonic spirit might have said to me
There is dying that occurs relatively suddenly
There is dying that occurs relatively gradually
There is dying that occurs relatively painlessly
There is the death that is full of pain
Thus by various means they are combined
The sudden and the gradual
The painless and the painful
To yield but four ways to die
And there are no others
Even after the voice stopped speaking
I listened for it to speak again
After hours and day and years have passed
I listened for some further words
Yet all I heard were the faintest echoes reminding me
There are no others
There are no others
Was it then that I began to conceive for this world
A special plan?
There are no means for escaping this world
It penetrates even into your sleep
And is his substance
You are caught in your own dreaming
Where there is no space
And a hell forever where there is no time
You can't do nothing you aren't told to do
There is no hope for escape from this dream
That was never yours
The very words you speak are only it's very words
And you talk like a traitor
Under it's incessant torture
There are many who have designs upon this world
And dream of wild and vast reformations
I have heard them talking in their sleep
Of elegant mutations
And cunning annihilations
I have heard them whispering in the corners of crooked houses
And in the alleys and narrow back streets of this crooked creaking universe
Which they with their new designs were made straight and sound
But each of these new and I'll conceived designs
Is deranged in it's heart
For they see this world as if it were alone and original
And not as only one of count with others
Whose nightmares all precede
Like a hideous garden grown from a single seed
I have heard these dreamers talking in their sleep
And I stand waiting for them
As at the top of a darkened flight of stairs
They know nothing of me
And none of the secrets of my special plan
While I know every crooked creaking step of theirs
It was the voice of someone who was waiting in the shadows
Who was looking at the moon and waiting for me to turn the corner
And enter a narrow street
And stand with him in the dull glaze of moonlight
Then he said to me
He whispered
That my plan was misconceived
That my special plan for this world was a terrible mistake
Because, he said, there is nothing to do and there is no where to go
There is nothing to be and there is no one to know
Your plan is a mistake, he repeated
This world is a mistake, I replied
The children always followed him
When they saw him hopping by
A funny walk
A funny man
A funny, funny, funny man
He made them laugh sometimes
He made them laugh oh yes he did
He did he did he did he did
Oh how he made them roll
One day he took them to a place
He knew a special place
And told them things about this world
This funny, funny, funny world
Which made them laugh sometimes
He made them laugh oh yes he did
He did he did he did he did
Oh how he made them roll
Then the funny man who made them laugh
Sometimes he did
Revealed to them his special plan
His very special funny plan
Knowing they would understand
And maybe laugh sometimes
He made them laugh
Oh yes he did
He did he did he did he did
Their eyes grew wide beneath there lids
And how he made them roll
I first learned the facts from a lunatic
In a dark and quiet room that smelled of stale time and space
There are no people
Nothing at all like that
The human phenomenon is but the sum of densely coiled layers of illusion
Each of which winds itself upon the supreme insanity
But there are persons of any kind
When all that can be is mindless mirrors
Laughing and screaming as they parade about
In an endless dream
But when I asked the lunatic what it was
It swore itself within these mirrors
As they marched endlessly in stale time and space
He only looked and smiled
Then he laughed and screamed
And in his black and empty eyes
I saw for a moment as in a mirror
A form the shade of divinity
In flight from it's stale infinity
Of time and space and the worst of all
Of this world dreams
My special plan for the laughter
And the screams
We went to see some little show
That was staged in an old she'd
Past the edge of town
And in it's beginnings all seemed well
The miniature curtain stage glowed in the darkness
While those dolls bounced along on their strings before our eyes
And in it's beginnings all seemed well
But then there came a suttle turning point which some have noticed
And I was one
Who quietly left the show
No I did not
Because I could see where things were going
As the antics of those dolls grew strange
And the fragile strings grew taut
With their tiny pullings, tiny limbs
The others around me became appalled
And turned away and abandoned the show
That was staged in an old she'd
Past the edge of town
But I wanted to witness what could never be
I wanted to see what could not be seen
But the moment of consummate disaster
My puppets turned to face the puppet master
It was twilight and I stood in a greyish haze of the vast empty building
When the silence was enriched by a reverberant voice
All the things of this world it said
Are of but one essence
For which there are no words
This is the greater part which has no beginning or end
And the one essence of this world for which there can be no words
Is that all the things of this world
This is the lesser part which had a beginning and shall have an end
And for which words were conceived solely to speak of
The tiny broken beings of this world it said
The beginnings and endings of this world it said
For which words were conceived solely to speak of
Now remove these words and what remains it asks me
As I stood in the twilight of that vast empty building
But I did not answer
The question echoed over and over
But I remained silent until the echoes died
And as twilight passed into the evening I felt my
Special plan for which there are no words
Moving towards a greater darkness
There are some who have no voices
Or none that will ever speak
Because of the things they know about this world
And the things they feel about this world
Because the thoughts that fill a brain
That is a damaged brain
Because the pain that fills a body
That is a damaged body
Exists in other worlds
Countless other worlds
Each of which stands alone in an infinite empty blackness
For which no words are being conceived
And where no voices are able to speak
When a brain is filled only with damaged thoughts
When a damaged body is filled only with pain
And stands alone in a world surrounded by infinite empty blackness
And exists in a world for which there is no special plan
When everyone you have ever loved is finally gone
When everything you have ever wanted is finally done with
When all of your nightmares are for a time obscured
As by a shining brainless beacon
Or a blinding eclipse of the many terrible shapes of this world
When you are calm and joyful
And finally entirely alone
Then in a great new darkness
Horses are riding into her arms
She lost her own way years ago
Her sister calls her from the far side of night
And she falls with that call
The only way out:
She tells me "I love you"
But it's only a game
So she slides from the silence
She's fixing a time
To move back into darkness;
Again with a smile
"Don't touch me - I'm falling"
She laughs in the night
"Don't catch me - I'll return
When the wheel comes around
You see we're all born to suffer
We're all born to fall
In the fading world
That calls us to Zero"
She touches my body;
I crouch up to die
Down the ramblers we're walking;
In Reykjavik, talking
She's reading a book
Finished years ago
She's tearing up paper - she's tearing up life
But she only starts thinking
When her blood is brown
Gold is the colour she promised to wear
But Christ's blood turns black
His body she bears
But she dipped him in water, and she blackened the faith.
It's hard to believe them when they spit in your face
And I don't want to touch you;
I don't want to lie
In the brownredgold slumber
That you've taken to ride
I remember I was thinking only of you
And I built you a playground,
It was built up with crosses.
But you wanted a valley
Where horse could run free
We knew it was over when you stammered out lies
It's hard to keep riding when the world is on fire
It's hard to keep riding when your eyes fill with blood
It's hard to keep riding when your grip has grown slack
It's hard to keep riding when your network is sliding
We were listening to lions at Flantern with James
We were riding the trams to kneel at his wake
Though Christ is impaled through the Cross with His hands
You'd make your own gospel centred on hooves
Christ I was thinking of Your bended arm:
It is blue on the outside; it is blue on the inside
You said as you buckled, as if you would die:
There's no point in living... there's no point in life
There's spit on the bridle: there's blood in the saddle
And you slip in the shit - you shat in yourself
And Christus is Equus - and Equus is floored
You follow in footsteps made by a flower
Then I wanted to touch you -
These are the dregs
Of the last grains of the age
It may be the hourglass of earth covering earth
But not in Betlehem
Not in Jerusalem
Not in Chorazaim
And not in Bethsaida
We will not again see
God humbled on an ass
But see
On a white horse he comes
Blazing sword in burning hand
Lo, I am become death
The destroyer of worlds
His hands are backed up
They're straining at his neck
What colour shall we rank in him?
What face shall we deliver him?
There may be the black dog
There may be the white dog
Hitler comes as Kalki
Hitler comes as Kalki
Kalki comes as Hitler
Kalki comes as Hitler
Teeth, teeth, teeth, teeth
But meaningless lights still hold our attention
We think that the holy books are written in blood and fire
But what if it's water?
The fires turned to blood
The bloods turned to water
And the waters turned to what?
Milk? Piss? Lies? Dust?
Hitler comes as Kalki
Kalki comes as Hitler
Everything becomes emptiness
But goes through fire
Secret mother (gsang yum chen mo)
Secret father (gsans yab chen po)
Hitler becomes Kalki
Kalki becomes Hitler
The white horse and red horse
Christ twists on the cross
Hitler smiles in the guttering rubble
He brings not peace but a sword
But maybe the ocean roars immaculate
Maybe the stars fall incomprehensible
Oh these all tell me
Oh these all spell to me
Hitler as Kalki
Kalki as Hitler
Where's your God now?
I'll point out his varied forms to you
One he hangs on the end of a tree
Two he's nailed to the arms of this selfsame tree
And three he spins, he spins and soars and laughs through space
Ah, one day the world sees
Oh, one day the world sees
Hitler as Kalki
God as Kalki
And he lies matted
Half in time and half in space
Through the rising incense smoke
I see him in a crowded room
I see him crossing the mountain range
If we see man at his most bloody
If we see man at his most base
Shall we point then and there
This is reality, this is his nature
Oh, what makes the pain more real than the joy?
Both are so mingled now and muddied together
To pull them apart
We butcher the essence and cripple it's meaning
God is on the cross
Or three gods perhaps
If they are all one
Neither coming nor going
Neither waning nor waxing
But immense in their unity
Matter and space
He rides between the spaces
And he rides between the pain
In the secret heart of becoming
In the secret modes of darkness
His eyes are now shuttered windows
Oh, man, man, man, man
Man with his claws and his lies
With his peace and his pain
With his love and his sorrow
With his candle of hope that stutters and dies
No liberation through hearing
When the sound of the worlds collapsing
Deafens deafens deafens our ears
And pierces our hearts
Hitler as Kalki
Kalki as Hitler
Rolling and roaring
Swooping and soaring
Exultant and trembling
Sorrow sorrow sorrow
Where the eagle flies
Where the eagle shudders
Where the eagle drops
Where the eagle plummets
All things merging dissolving
Then stars collapse
The vortex commences in space
The rubble collects
The debris gathers
Time starts to shiver
My heart's blood
If I dissolve into your body
If I hoped to find
White light in your soul
If together we fall into forever
Would we not notice the turbulence
That no longer waits?
First he comes from on a hill
Then he's running throughout the town
Then he stands
Devoid of peace
Devoid of place
Devoid of pity
Oh, my dear Christ
Carried broken from sad brown earth
Teeth, teeth, teeth, teeth, teeth, teeth, teeth, teeth, teeth
Hitler as Kalki
Hitler as Kalki
Kalki as Hitler
Hitler as Kalki
Good morning, great Moloch
Bright nothing
Selling your peacocks
At the corner of sight
Good evening, bloodmother
And broken
A nexus
A typhon
A walker on stilts
And arctic
A polar explorer
A seagull
And seahorse
And unborn
Good morning, great Moloch
Great silence
Driving home darkness
At the close of the day
Good evening, bloodfather
Smudged by the twilight
Made iridescent
By the tongue of the sea
A patchwork
Of terrors
Bound up in brightness
A little wood
A little wood
It's in the middle of the burning
It's in the middle of the burning
Doesn't have name
Doesn't have name
God has three faces
But the wood has no name
Little child he
He's in the firing
He's a little lost
And he's in the burning
And he's in the middle of the world-go-round
He has no face
And he has no faith
And he's in the middle
Of cruel cruel burning
Sky looks round
Sun shines down
Moon is childlike
Moon is working
In the middle of big black sky
In top and bottom of big blue space
And peace
And wood's no name
Child no blood there
Where the green river flows
Oh that's where my heart does grow
Where the red rose bleeds
Oh that's where my love does need me
Where the silence starts to thicken
Oh that's where my heart quickens
Where the laurel tree is
With laurel crowned
Child has no name
Chlid has no name
He's in the middle of the deep deep wood
A little wood
A little wood
And the wood's got no name
And he's in the middle of the burning
It' sin the middle of the turning
Wood's got no name
It doesn't have name
God has three faces
And the wood has no name
Little child he
He's in the middle of the firing
He's a little lost
He's in the middle of the burning
He's in the middle of the world-go-round
He has no faith
He has no face
And he's in the middle
"Ah, vous savez bien qui Nous
Sommes. pour Nous, d'abord, ah
Vous savez bien qui Nous
On the banks of the rivers of God
They come with blood and feathers
On the banks of the rivers of God
Quis est iste qui venit?
On the banks of the rivers of God
We know who you are
On the banks of the rivers of God
On the banks of the rivers of God
(Between the Power and the Glory
All is cold hard beauty, pain is never done
And we remain clothed in space
Forming from space
Space we come and return
And I saw within the mystery of god
In the midst of the southern breezes
A wondrously beautiful image
It had a human form and it's countenance was of such beauty
That I could have more easily gazed at the sun
Than in that face
For a broad golden ring circled it's head
In this ring above the face there appeared a second countenance
Like that of an elderly man
It's chin and beard resting on the crown of her first face
And on both sides of the figure a wing grew out of the shoulders
The wings rose above the face and were joined there
Then at the top part of the wing on the curve appeared an eagle's head
It's eyes were like fire and in them the brilliance of angels streamed forth from the mirror
On the part of the left wing's curve there was soothed a human head
Which shone like the gleaming of the stars
Both faces were turned towards the east
And from the shoulders of the figure a wing extended to it's knees
The figure was wrapped in a garment that shone like the sun
It's hands carried the lamb which shone like a brilliant day
The figure's feet trod upon a monster of black
A serpent had fastened it's teeth into it
And it's body was wound around the wound
It's tail extended to the left
It said "I am the highest in fiery power
I have kindled every spark of life
I am it, nothing that is deadly
I decided on all reality
With my wings I fly above this little world
With wisdom have I put the universe in order
I am the fiery life of essence
I am a flame beyond the beauty even of the meadows
It is I who gleam in the waters
It is I that burn in the sun
It is I that burn in the moon
It is I that burn in the stars
With every breeze as with invisible life that contains everything
It is I that awaken every thing to life
The air lives by turning green and being in bloom
And the waters flow as if they were alive
The sun lives in it's light and the moon is enkindled
After it's disappearance once again by the light
Of the sun so that the moon is again revived
The stars too give the light with their beaming
I have established pillars that bear the entire globe
In the same way too the body envelopes the soul
And maintains it so that the soul will never blow away"
And all is cold hard beauty, pain is never done
In a foreign land
In a foreign town
Reaping time had come
We fall back into
Fields of rape
My love
And this was the way
And those were the horrors
As father went reaping
He falls back into
Fields of rape
My love
Crushed, crushed, crushed
You stand there grinning
Crushed, crushed, crushed
You stand there laughing
You fall back info
Fields of rape
My child
In a foreign land
In a foreign town
In a foreign town
In a foreign land
Reaping time had come
In fields of swaying rape
It could not happen here
Pushed to one side with the flick of a wrist
Out of sight
And out of mind
Fallng back in fields of rape
In yellow heads of blossom
Mothers babies bleeding
You stand there laughing
Unquestioning unconfronting
Poetic lines on the art of dying
Falling back in fields of rape
That was the way
Those were the horrors
As daddy went a-reaping
In nodding heads of rape
No mark on your spotless conscience
No blemish on your immaculate body
Untouched by sight or sound of misery
Close the eyes
Shift the responsibility
It was not you
It was not you
Falling back in fields of rape
My children
Falling back in fields of rape
It could not happen here
Pushed to one side with a flick of the wrist
Out of sight
And out of mind
Falling back in fields of rape
Poetic lines on the art of dying
Falling back in fields of rape
That was the way
And those were the horrors
As daddy went a-reaping
In nodding heads of rape
No mark on your spotless conscience
No blemish on your immaculate body
Untouched by sight or sound of misery
Close the eyes
Shift the responsibility
It wasn't you
Falling back in fields of rape
My children
Falling back in fields of rape
Here we go round the mulberry bush
The mulberry bush
The mulberry bush
Here we go round the mulberry bush
On a cold and frosty morning
In a foreign town
In a foreign land
Reaping time had come
Falling back in fields of rape
My love
And that was the way
And those were the horrors
As daddy went a-reaping
Falling back in fields of rape
My children
Crushed, crushed, crushed
In mud and wars
Mother children bleeding
You stand there laughing
Falling back in fields of rape
Never eating
Bags of bones dying quietly
Drinking foul water
Sorting garbage
With flies in heat
Burned with acid
Locked away for thirty years
Thrown out of a helicopter
Forced to labour endlessly
Burned alive
Killed so easily by firing squads
In a foreign town
In a foreign land
Reaping time has come
They're falling back
In fields of rape
In fields of rape
They're falling back
In fields of rape
My love
And this is our way
And these are the horrors
As we go a-reaping
They're falling back
In fields of rape
In fields of rape
They're falling back
In fields of rape
My darling
And crushed, crushed, crushed
In mud and wars
Still you stand there laughing
They're falling back in fields of rape
In fields of rape they're falling back
My lovers
In fields of rape the ravens
Descend. the yellow beak slashes
Corn, the sickles are sharpened
And the cattle bleed, and reaping
Time has come, our voices grow
Shriller, and our eyes glitter, but
In this last summer the Rapture
Descends, and father's mask has
Turned to grey, and mother's
Breasts are leper white, and
Children's laughter cracks, and
Reaping time has come, body and
Blood, body and blood, body and
Blood, body and mud, body and
Blood, body and mud, and
Christ's eyes, I am weary, and
Christ's eyes, I want to melt
Bleeding Jesus, be quick, be quick
(And what would you do, my gentlest
One... ?)
And the buddha smiled
And by the wondrous radiance of that smile
Were countless worlds illuminated
Then came a voice saying
It is not real
It can not last
The wind blowes out; the bubble dies;
The spring entomb'd in autumn lies;
The dew dries up; the starre is shot;
The flight is past; and man forgot
Earth covers earth
In the mind of god
The dead sleeping lie
And the little cogs though unmoving
Hover over the turning wheel
All life's a farce
The broken bird is draped over the paths
And paths and paths and paths
And those who say this world is not
The bloody gleaming paradise of blood and jewel
Opal and pearl bloodsocket castings
Ruby jasmine jasper onyx
Chalcedonthrone and ambergriscrown
Golden green leafwork
Scrolled with the farstars
Pitted with the moonworlds
Mother alldewey
Arrayed with the twinkling lights
The wovengold spungilded blinking godeyes
The spearshafts of heaven
The souldwelling rockhomes
Dormition and Dominion
Dormition and Dominion
The Mother is dead
The Mother awakens
She sleeps
He rules
She sleeps and rules
In her starry bodied glory
The Mother sleeps
The Mother loves
Dormition and Dominion
I wait
..Are the holders of the world and its dreams
I say there is no death
No death
We have lived before and shall live again
And again
We have slept before and shall sleep again
We have danced through the shallow pools
And shall rejoice once again
To those who say there is no hope
I say liars
Liars you are
Over the starry dancing stars
There is a land
Under the sweatribbed brow
There is a land
And this is the globed world of the Pantocrator
Finally I have understood
I have understood
I have understood
Though when I slip sleeping and silently
From this ribbed room of sighs
You shall not find the history of His personal visit
Sewn into my linings perhaps
Nevertheless I have understood
Where the logician watches god hinge all on a die
Nevertheless: I have understood!
That all this is the breathbetween moment
Our eyelids open and close
Between is the land
Between the time I first was accepted
In between Your brightboned body
Between then and there and the time You wept:
"Goodbye my love goodbye to you"
Goodbye oh goodbye
There there was the land
In the pearls of our heart
There is the immaculate heavenly loveland
In the middle of the forest Actæon is slain by his own hounds
In the middle of the forest Eustace meets the crisscross Stag
There is the land he has reached paradise
There is no death
There is no death
There as the stag turns and smiled loved
There he was takencaught by the prey
All the flowers are blossoming
And all the world calls to you:
"Dormition" -- so you sleep
"Dominion" -- so he rules
Dormition -- oh You sleep, Mother
Okay boys and girls, let's go
Another wretched morning
A wretched october day
No sound of angels in the trees
Christmas is far away
Yeah, listen, what's this?
The televoice starts whipping round
The vision comes today
And this is what the voice declaims
It's to megatherion's birthday!
Don't give us no sass or we'll kick your ass
Cause we're the heralds of crowleymass!
I said
Don't give us no sass or we'll kick your ass
Cause we're the heralds of crowleymass!
One more time
Don't give us no sass or we'll kick your ass
Cause we're the heralds of crowleymass!
Well you can take your three wise kings, your manger sheep, and hey!
And I'm gonna tell you why, too
Cause the thelema-boys are taking over with the tidings of the beast's birthday
Don't give us no sass or we'll kick your ass
Cause we're the heralds of crowleymass!
I said
Don't give us no sass or we'll kick your ass
Cause we're the heralds of crowleymass!
One more time
Don't give us no sass or we'll kick your ass
Cause we're the heralds of crowleymass!
Crowleymass, crowleymass
See the little children at crowleymass
Their faces full of awe
And they don't get no shitty dolls and trains and stuff like that
No, they just get the book of the law
Don't give us no sass or we'll kick your ass
Cause we're the heralds of crowleymass!
I said
Don't give us no sass or we'll kick your ass
Cause we're the heralds of crowleymass!
Well you can take your reincarnation, transsubstantiation and your papal kiss
Cause I'm with a beast in beastly bliss
And all I want is copulation!
Oh darling!
And there ain't no grace, there ain't no guilt
Cause this is the law, do what thou wilt
The name is crowley, it rhymes with holy
It isn't crowley, that rhymes with fouly, eeewww
Well you can take your reincarnation, transubstantiation and your papal kiss
Cause I'm with a beast in beastly bliss
Christ and the pale queens
I am without origin and from whom every beginning comes forth
I am the ancient of days to declare that I am a day by myself
Alone I am the day that does not shine by the sun rather by me
That the sun is ignited I am the reason that it is
Not made perceptible by anyone else
Rather I am the one
I own every being that lives, draws breath, and soothes to gaze at my
I have created mirrors in which I consider myself without end
Through wonders of my originality I have prepared for myself these mirrors
So they may revend and maintain song of praise
For I have a voice like a thunderbolt by which I keep in motion the entire
In the living sounds of all creation and this I have done who am the ancient of
By my word which was and is without beginning I calls all the mighty lights to
And in this light countless sparks which are angels
But when the angels came to awareness withint their light
They forgot me and wanted to be as I am
Therefore the vengeance of my punitive zeal rejected in thunderclaps those
Which had presumed to contradict me
For there is only one God and no other but me
Christ and the pale queens mighty in sorrow
Christ and the pale queens mighty in sorrow
And we bow our knees before him
Who is dead from the beginning
And his law was the law of the lies
And his temples were temples of pain
His Christ and his pale queens mighty in sorrow
With their dogma and their doctrine of deceit
He created thw world in his glory
So we should offer him praise
But Christ and the pale queens mighty in sorrow
Wait in judgment with their feet bathed in blood
Christ and the pale queens mighty in sorrow
A world without end, amen
From Christ and the pale queens mighty in sorrow
A trinity of lies and deceit
And their love was for them and their friends
And their lies for books they wrote
And their deceit bring down my pain
And the mushroom clouds were falling
Christ and the pale queens mighty in sorrow
Shall wait at the end of all time
Will you believe in a God that is dead?
Who may die in an article of faith
Whose beauty is nailed to our face
A Christ and the pale queens mighty in sorrow
The fates and faith of the dead
Sometimes falling softly like winter's snow
Sometimes falling ice so hard with red rain made of blood
Christ and the pale queens mighty in sorrow
A throne at the end of the road
We shall crawl with our knees so broken
Ripped and torn and burned and pulled and dragged on the way
We were turning, we were burning in the fires
And the people that stoked it are they
It was Christ that left tenants of love
The Armageddon angels of bliss
Apocalypse with a kiss
From Christ and the pale queens mighty in sorrow
Christ and the pale queens mighty in sorrow
Christ and the pale queens mighty in sorrow
Christ and the pale queens mighty in sorrow
Christ and the pale queens mighty in sorrow
And every Apocalypse was theirs
And the fun of the fare, impaled
And their flames were the shadows on our lives
Flames filled with war
Turning and burning at the gods
Of Christ and the pale queens mighty in sorrow
How much longer do we live under a cloud
In the shadow of shit that they gave us
Every religion has it's price
And we have all paid and paid and paid and paid
Again and again and again
And we carry our pain in our blood
He was not alone when he she'd the red fluid of his life
It was finished for him but not us
And they stand still in their judgment of us
Oh Christ and the pale queens
Christ and the pale queens
And soon their turn shall come
Will they turn on the rack as before
And dogs cast their throats to the sun
As we cast down these idols
Oh Christ and your pale queens mighty in sorrow
Give us your blessing, give us your hearing
Look upon on us your children with love
We have sinned, we have burned, we are wrong
But give us your blessing, not your vengeance
Oh Christ and your gods
Christ and the pale queens mighty in sorrow
Christ and the pale queens mighty in sorrow
Christ and the pale queens mighty in sorrow
Christ and the pale queens mighty in sorrow
Christ and the pale queens mighty in sorrow
Look on this, look on this your handiwork
All of this is yours
Christ and the pale queens mighty in sorrow
Again and again you give and you take away
And all that we are left with now is filth
Gentle, innocent and mild
Mighty one is love alone
My saviour's love to me
Love to the loveless
So that we might love thee
Gentle, Jesus is a shine
You in your sole corner
And me in mine
I am the law of the laws
He came down from heavens and danced on the earth
The tune of Christ and the pale queens mighty in sorrow
And wars upserged the flame of locusts
And many years of many more to come
Thanks to Christ and the pale queens mighty in sorrow
And give every Christmas wrapped in the colour of the pale sheep of Galilea
Nail to each promise
Oh Christ and the pale queens give us mercy
They're so good and they're so fine
Giver and taker of life
A kiss from the Apocalypse
Christ and the pale queens mighty in sorrow
Christ and the pale queens mighty in sorrow
If then I meet you along the way
Where the laurel trees surround us on every side
If then in a small place I stand alone
And turn my head and you smile there
If then I reach out and touch your form
Where all your silences and your chaos meets
Where everything joins and parts
If I may once clutch your heart
And pull it's beauty to my face
There the bloodfall falls red river cracks
Behind me lies black mother mountain
The goats wheel round
Great sign of lust
How much I wanted you
And oh Christ how much more I want you now
The great pain
The great misery
To look and look
To look and look and look
And look and find
Antichrist and barcodes
In the air that we breathe
With a little black box I hide in the sky
In the water that trickles in our mouths
In the codes that flicker are lives
On and off
Does the carton nights
Starts to swallow and shiver
And to freeze
The fish belly up
The unborn served up
Obeying the planets
No insense is strong enough
To make this life complete
Alpha and omega
The great in the small
The butterflies flutter by
The foxes stop running
The moon
As sharp as a sickle
And as bright as a pin
Breathed it's heavy sick breath
As we fitfully slept
And heavily dreamed
To awake
Back into endings
And quietly wait
For the trains to stop chugging
And the clocks to implode
His name is under our skin
And so by the hair
Of my chinny chin chin
By hook or by crook
Before and beyond the blue gates of death
Oh only two birds soar through the sky
Take two blackbirds crossformed in poppy fields
And sprung in the springtime of Europe's fertile years
When the rain was immaculate
Not redrose invisible
And where in the heart that beats in man
And where in the soul that beats in this heart
May we find pastures of the little shining man?
Eagle, his hand in hand
Eagle, his glass in hand
Birch, she sits there scowling
Another eagle darkens the stage
(She tells me she loves me but he always beckons)
They have reached the blue gates of death
They are at the blue gates of death
They shall go through the blue gates of death
And on the rocks the moss is everywhere
And the sky is blackblue
And it is darkening
Statues point to the sky
And dawn
And I believe
Christ is the Son of God
And I believe
Christ is His son
Her eyes are horizontal
Like her secret
There is no pain for me to feel
"Do not touch this pain of mine"
She says "it is darkened fear"
And London Bridge
Has fallen down
My mother sits in the kitchen
She's drinking Victoria gin
And she's eating gingerbread men
Two ciphers straddle the stage
Reclaim, declaim and decant
Their moves are pointless
Their promises echo through the night
We have all reached the blue gates of death
We are at the opening of the blue gates of death
And Christ's name is carved in stone
But the time has soaked it away
Where the rain runs to the sea
It takes moisture from the world
Where riverruns to the sea
It drags ships in it's courses
And the blue turns to green
Behind the roses
Fields and pastures
Madness is the norm
And laughing is the wine
Full garlands hang on the head of the porcupine god
Everyone reaches the blue gates of death
Everything opens
No journey is without meaning
Every road has it's end
And I shall die soon
And you shall die soon
And no luggage is carried
On the opening to the gates of death
Death is no ending
It is the beginning
I shall not take you with me
But your face rests in my heart
Your soul is part of my soul
Your love is with me always
I shall remember you
In the darkness that's to come
And flashing lights beckon
Another womb, another life
At the blue gates of death
I loved you once
I shall love you again
Do not feel pain
Nothing lasts in this world
I loved you once
I shall love you again
I loved you once
The sun turns black
Earth sinks into sea
From their steadings in heaven
The bright stars turn
Fire and reek burl upwards and break
With hazy heat against heaven itself
Brother fights with brother
They butcher each other
Daughters and sons
Incestuously mix
Man is a plaything of mighty whoredoms
An axe-time
A sword time
Shields shall be split
And what if something were brooding
Beneath our feet
And what if something were breeding
Oh when I saw you standing there
Wild flowers dying in your hair
Child of harvest time coughing up must
Black flowers' dull perfume trailing in dust
Hoisting dark pennants at the spike of the hill
Your smile started bleeding and then the mill
Shearing and sharing your love and your rage
Whilst hawk's head descending
Spewed out a new age
It isn't very good
In the dark dark wood
In the middle of the night
When there isn't any light
There are four corners to the world she said
And every one is manned with fire and ice
Through black glass darkly I can see her truth
Arrayed and raised and raising walls of war
She points to squares of wax and writes backwards
I veil my face from her and from her light
The pointless games she plays out for want of power
To slake her bloodlust and for sake of pain
Her ugly shapes breeding in her secret mound
The Call of Aethyrs and the Dog Star Crawl
There's one cracked bottle with no label on
She nods and gestures limply with her broken smile
Do you fear death she says to me
And shows me seven stars
The seven seals of her seven years of Rose Cross madness
Well christus tell us that little children suffer
It's only right that we should learn to suffer too!
The first seven are red as blood
The second seven not so red
The third seven like whitish smoke
And all the world seemed to be in darkness
And all the world seemed to be in brightness
There are four corners to the world I lie
In forms of fire have lurked across it's floor
And little banners displaying their little creeds
Have made our season on earth as red as poppy fields
There are four corners to the world she sighs
There are four corners to the world she cries
There are four corners to the world she lies
Now cursed be thee who would ruin our fair land
And cursed be thee that would seal up the wells
And cursed be thee that abandon the God's hands
And build a strange place for our people to dwell
Now cursed be thy breath
And cursed be thy breathing
And cursed be thy eyes
And cursed be thy sight
And cursed be thy hands
That have slackened the harvest
And closed the old ways to the joy and the light
Now cursed be thy name
All cursed and forgotten
All cursed beyond memory
Place or recall
And cursed be thy soul
Out of nothing begotten
Nothing to no thing
And nothing to all
Now cursed art thee
Who have ruined our fair land
And cursed art thee
That sealed up our wells
And cursed art thee
That abandon the God's hands
And have built a strange place
Beausoleil, soleil soleil soleil soleil
Beausoleil, reaping Nirvana in a desert land
Beausoleil, Thine anger rising like a scorpion
Beausoleil, dune buggy baby on a fairground slide
Beausoleil, the taste of honey and the swirl of lies
Beausoleil, jackbooting wide-eyed in the widest pit
Beausoleil, looking at smiles and seeing only grins
Beausoleil, did dead Gods smell the dog's blood rose
Beausoleil, now all Thine summers turn to menstrual winters
Beausoleil, kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill killy kill
Beausoleil, did dog's blood rise when the dead Gods died
Beausoleil, beautiful sunshine whose shadows hides
Beausoleil, white brothers planting burning crosses
Beausoleil, the sharpest flavour is the one that stains
Beausoleil, when dog's blood rises does it also dance
Beausoleil, grey benediction of the Final Church
Beausoleil, it's just your habit of culling time
Beausoleil, a Death in June under a menstrual moon
Beausoleil, Scorpio rising but the Light Bearer falls
Beausoleil, the squeky laughter of a giddy world
Beausoleil, still waving black flags from a stubble field
Beausoleil, a maltese cross is pierced by the Blood of Christ
Beausoleil, hiding from cancer crabs and cracking jokes
Beausoleil, arson archbishop makes the deserts burn
Beausoleil, the dead are grateful -- all you need is love
Beausoleil, fat Buddhas smiling with the widest grin
Beausoleil, candy floss surgeon with the golden hair
Beausoleil, a brand new Process for a brand new age
Beausoleil, a black Messiah wearing buckskin boots
Beausoleil, assassin creepy-crawls through Hebron's Vale
Beausoleil, there's no business like the devil's business
Beausoleil, another martyr for the Noddy Apocalypse
Beausoleil, que sera, sera
Beausoleil, we want to sink into the deepest basin
Beausoleil, fils de perdition, Luciferens
Beausoleil, seven and seven is the hidden key
Beausoleil, a train to Clarkesville in the menstrual night
Beausoleil, Dsineyland darknes with your Armageddon smile
Beausoleil, sangs rGyas chos dang tsogs kyi mChog rNams la
From a swerven shore to bend of bay
Just as easy to die on a bright sunny day
When my mind and heart return
To count the crackings of my faults
To try and tell the form is dark
To pitch a pain and make it hold
To crawl through rain in dust parched bowl
These are the things we may not do
This is where the light grows dim
This is where all voice is stutter
This is where all lips shall crack
This is where my life has led me
This is where I chose to stay
Sorry then bird flight
Passes across my window
Sorry then dog crouches
Under the still sun
Sorry then oi je
Regrette tout ce ue
J'ai fait
Où le soleil se couche I
Lie me down I lay
With Your body under the
Suckled lovewing mine
You were
I was not yet dressed Tibetan red
And into You, as You'll recall
I fled
The twig-smashed landscape
Is rolling and waving
Wolf wild wide wind walking
Soft smoke star space stalking
This is the comic book end
We have waited for
And not believed in
Oh nearly not at all
Oh nearly not at all
Once when we were young
Oh once we were so young
And the rainways licking the glass
Made us the observers of the distant distance
We there watched the sky's goddy tears
Only once did GoodGod cry black
And then all the clockmovements start
To crick crack crick
By the hairs on my head
By the stare in my eyes
By the pain in my heart
I shall whisper through signs:
All this world makes great blood
All this world makes great blood
All this world makes great blood
All this world makes great blood
All this world makes great blood
All this world makes great blood
Bloody smoke
Foggy smoke
Beginnings and endings...
There's a heart of the world
In the bowed bony Burren
There's a trip-hole to her heart
In soaring SnÔfellsness
And the crack of the world
The moist ruddy lips of her
Thee slit of the mother fallen
Sliced from the stars
By the slicing discus
At Kamarupa
At Kamarupa
At Kamarupa
From her mouth at the end
Of the worlds
From her mouth at the end
Of the times
The shapes that form the ends
Of the wheelings
The forces that shape the forms
Of the breaths
That cover the clouds
Of the green world's last dancing's
Flicker forth like spring-heeled jackals
All laughing and bloody and wrathful
And peaceful and shining and pallid
And burning and liquid and sadness
And joy
And joy
(Mansour is smiling teethly at the stars
John sits on the stairs with me
His eyes are shining -
Mother - come to me)
Little lovely licking tongues of fire
Smiling and slyly emerge from the stones
The air is now very very viscous
In the distance Sunday children play pipes
The air is now very violent
Birds do not fill the air
Laughing does not fill the air
No bodies fill the air
But the sun filters slowly through the air
As if it has turned to sticky sweet mud
All flowers die
Except for some few
A chain of burning bloody flowers
Follow my eyes crying tears
(Lilith is smiling at the corpse of a cow
And in that corpsey cow
The corpse of another
And so on and so on
And perhaps forever
If times were not folding and falling
Over each other
And so on and so on and so on
And certainly endless)
Mene mene tekel upharsin
We have been weighed and lost
We have been weighed and lost
(I slept I dreamt I dreamed a dream:
London bright fires smiling and burning
Light roads road through the starlacked night
Many dark suns are falling falling down
London Bridge is destroyed)
In my mind pigs and rubble gnaw
In the dark heights and hearts of Albion
Shudderings in the heart
Cruelty in the heart
And this is over
All over now
In Kamarupa
In Kamarupa
My eyes my mind spinning
Spinning back and forth
Eyes in London
Mind in a hole
Oh they come they come
They run out
Fleeing from what
They come out running
Great Babylon has fallen fallen fallen
Jerusalem has fallen fallen fallen
The great great beast
Is dead dead dead dead
Simon, Simon is dead dead dead dead
And some other bleeding children
Are smiling
They're dead in the rubble
They're dead dead dead dead
And Mercury rises
And Mercury falls
And how dead dead dead dead
Dead dead are you
When the living is easy
When the dying is easy
The world shudders on
Black tree against a bruised blue sky
The fairground is all shabby and silent
Red sky at night
Red sky at night
Christ is crying
Christ's tears leaving
His heart and night
All the many faces we have worn
All the many faces we have borne
And dead dead dead dead dead dead
Dead dead dead dead dead are we
Though once I thought
Oh once I read
The hidden god plays hide and seek
Whilst others still run from him
From the world's stomach
The goddies emerge
And who comes to judge us
And who comes to push us
The bloody master
Is bloody dead dead dead
And who comes to strike us
And who comes to hold us
Where is his colour
Where is her cover
And What is her nature
And where does he shine from
(Broken birds move through the air -
They all drink blood)
When Christ smiles his smile is broken
Holly ivy old dead trees
Dead dead dead
Holy and ivy dead dead dead dead
Dead dead dead dead
Dead dead dead dead
Rainbow lovely arc lovely lights
Dead dead dead dead
Horn stag cross meets hunter
Dead dead dead dead
(Oh Saint Eustace ora pro nobis)
Old woman old woman old woman
Old and dead dead dead dead
Now no summers left
This side of boxwood
Crosses broken in my midsummer
The south is dying
The north is dying
The west is dying
The east is dying
There are four corners to the world she said
And every one
Is dead dead dead dead
Dead dead dead dead
Dead dead dead dead dead
Dead dead dead dead
Dead dead dead dead dead
And all the planets
They're dead dead dead dead
And all my heart
Is dead dead dead dead
Dead dead dead dead dead dead dead
Dead dead dead dead dead dead dead
"Bounce the Ball still
Softly round it on all sides.
The Goal is in each Kits Eye
The Ball fixs each eye open:
It roles to each paws love;
Bounced home, where it hides."
He crouches on the floor, there's a mask on the wall
And he leafs, through the pages of a book
But wait as he may in the shadow of other leaves
His heart, in embraces to times long since scorched
The horizon folds over, with a purpose sun rise
And the wind, carry smoke, from the world that is burning
The smoke clogs in his hair, and he's covered with patterns
And a decent, of life trees, on his camouflaged soul
With a winter of memories, carved ponder bone white
Beyond his sculls for, a scorpion lies
In the crunch of the snow, as his darkness increases
A twilight of ice, encircles his teeth
This is a song for Douglas, after he's dead
This is a song for Douglas, his mercury dances
There's a swastika carved, in the palm of his hand
There's a crooked cross, that is caught in his mind
There waits a falling sun, in his eyes
There's the honor, of violence, on his lips
His father waits for him, in the towers of silence
Where they worship the fires, so long ago quenched
And the two willow trees, with el has inverted
The fork of life snapped
They are father and son
So mingling dust, as if life itself, had been mostly illusion
But parchly real
And parchly pain
And over some wall, if you look through ruble
Amongst ruins of churches, where life conquers death
Thou empires can not last, where blood and concepts
The folted and failed
A cloud still sow his teeth
As the world disappears
This is a song for Douglas, after he's dead
So much silence
Stretching above me
Around me too
Has it deafened me?
Has it closed my ears?
Has the silence itself
Brought about this rapture?
Between silence and sound
Between the cry and the cull
If man raises one voice
I'll raise two then
One for loss
One for losing
One for death
And one for birth
I may hang bloodytorn
On this tree of moss
Though my grimace
Cuts my grin
I'll rise triumphant
I'll rise triumphing
You won't catch me
I fly unseen
Through the wind of the worlds
Missiles cut space
Spearing the starlight
Masking the moon
Wide of the march
Give me two reasons to stay here
Lostlight lostlove
Smudge the tracks
And smother the traces
Of the fires of your fear
Near the
Under the
Beside the
Beyond the flowers
Then further still
The children lie
In silent space
The wind shivers through
Their cornburnt hair
Silence immaculate
If they move
From silence to sound
Will the world shudder
Will my heart stop
In a cave
In her maze
The spring slides
Through my sadness
And my winter
(The stars have now frozen into space)
(The stars have molten into space)
The children wait
Flowers around
Burnish their hair
With brazen gold
And heartred rose
If I move
Then I shall stop
(How have the sightless fallen)
I'll take a knife to your heart
I'll take a knife to your...
I'll take a knife to your...
(And London Bridge no longer remains;
Christ's face refracted through
The sky then cuts up into
When we touch the world
And it falls away
When we feel like we're born
Just to fall apart
And our mother lies in state
And the broken pitcher glistens
And the snow is at the window
Making neither sign nor symbol
And the earth covers earth
And the mud lies in pools
Where the sand-dunes stretch unbroken
And the dry wind bends and sighs
And the geese are running harmless
And our desires are running wild
When we're looking at the smoke
That's rising from the incense
Neither coming here nor going
Neither heaven here nor hell
Neither borning here nor birthing
Neither dying here nor death
And we're wrapped inside our troubles
And we're wrapped inside our pain
And wracked with fires with longing
And our eyes are blind with night
With our fingers clutching coins
And our thoughts burning with 'I'
And our eyes cannot be sated
With the world and it's nightmares
With the world and it's dreams
Though later they'll be filled
With a small handful of dust
And the gods appear on altars
And we recognise their face
It's a face that we have carved there
And it's full of fear and longing
And promises and threats
But they neither stoop to conquer
Nor do they stoop to praise
And the mines are void of diamonds
That we carry in our rags
And all the world seems
A sadness song
All the world seems
A sad sadness song
Fourteen long years she lies oh she lies oh
And love as she lies she dreams in white stone
Colonnade marbled and balcony empty
A broken band brokenly marks broken time
Fourteen long years she dreams oh she dreams oh
As dreamer she dreams on, as lover entwines
Her limbs grow round his limbs, she drinks from a bottle
She walks through the city she's lost and then found
Fourteen long years, further back scattered
She sits on some beach and reasons with him
In the secret red moist heart, the most loved and most dark
The flame shaft and fierce dart, the rose-leaf and moss-part
Spreadeagled like starfish, most pain and most fear
Like flower of sea-grass, most fragile and harmless
Most fiery and bloody, most childlike and wrinkled
This starfish, this spider, most wretched and great
''Do not cry for me; let me show you the path
On which we neither come nor go''
She smiles at me lake-wide, wet-brown-eyed and dark-skinned
Some dark moon unmoved stalks through our loss
''Do not spend this night with me;
I shall make the fallen blind see''
This too another broken toy, from broken girl gift to broken boy
I ask my sea-blue rushing mother:
There's the odour of incense
And I double in pain
And I flick through the past
As arrayed in my mind
On a bed in a room
That's locked on some hill
I'm gripping her hand
As she cries to the wall
The years stumble away
And the pain dissipates
Suzanne is clad in blues
With a mark in her hand
The lines round her lips
Are now scars in my mind
Down at the quayside
Through the sun's rising mists
Suzanne drags me down
All this world's in your mind
Can salvation emerge
From the well of this dream?
Where the horses run formless
The sky cancels it's stars
Then the fumes of the incense
Rise across the walls
And she watches me sideways
Like the world is on fire
Between the beat of her heart
And her gesture of fingers
The twist in her hands
As it beckons through me
She smiles through my pain
And my loss yet to come
I wait on the platform
For our lives to restart
And I wanted to tell her
How all my hearts felt
But my words barb inside me
And my lips cannot part
From the twisting of smokes
As we sit in her room
To the sorrow I feel
As I fall out of dreams
Inexplicable sadness
This gash that I feel
Devoid of her moon
And ripped of my sun
If I knew at that joining
If I knew at that parting
If I knew at that second
If I knew at that moment
The candlewax melts
And the water stops shining
That which is started
Is so easily falling
From cathedrals of sand
That the ocean laps away
And sometimes I wake empty
And she floats through my symbols
And I move as to hold her
Lament for my Suzanne