Archive for August 27th, 2012
Bring back WorkChoices? It is still with us
Posted by John, August 27th, 2012 - under Abbott, Building unions, Building workers, Fair Work Australia, Grocon, WorkChoices, WorkChoices Lite.
Comments: 2
Given the overwhelming rejection of WorkChoices in 2007 and the fear it still engenders, Tony Abbott cannot come out publicly in support of a return to this industrial relations ‘Golden Age’. So he hides behind weasel words about limiting union control and militancy – militancy when strike days are at historic lows! – and restoring industrial relations ‘balance’.
This is code for giving even more power to the bosses.
This is not a reason for defending Labor’s WorkChoices Lite. The alternative is to take industrial action to defend and extend jobs, wages and conditions. No to a return to WorkChoices. No to Fair Work which is WorkChoices Lite. Yes to the right to strike. Victory to the building union in its fight against Grocon.
Julian Assange must face rape accusations, not US revenge
Posted by John, August 27th, 2012 - under Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, Rape, Sweden, Wikileaks.
Comments: 8
The rape accusations should never be trivialised or brushed aside. But if the Swedish authorities were serious about investigating them, they would guarantee that Assange would not be extradited to the US. That could clear the way for him to face his accusers.