John Passant

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Me on Razor Sharp this morning
Me interviewed by Sharon Firebrace this morning for Razor Sharp. It happens every Tuesday. (0)

I am not surprised
I think we are being unfair to this Abbott ‘no surprises’ Government. I am not surprised. (0)

Send Barnaby to Indonesia
It is a pity that Barnaby Joyce, a man of tact, diplomacy, nuance and subtlety, isn’t going to Indonesia to fix things up. I know I am disappointed that Barnaby is missing out on this great opportunity, and I am sure the Indonesians feel the same way. [Sarcasm alert.] (0)

Snouts in the trough: capitalism is corrupt
Big business, politicians, even sports people are ripping off the system with their corruption. Tony Abbott’s expense rorts are not an aberration. Corruption is part and parcel of capitalism and a consequence of the exploitation of workers. Only by overthrowing the ruling class can we abolish the corruption of the system and its rulers and hangers-on and begin a new society where production is organised democratically to satisfy human need. Join this Socialist Alternative Discussion 6pm Thursday 21 November Note change of venue because of exams to: Room W108 Baldessin Building ANU (0)

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
Haven’t heard about the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, a neoliberal and imperialist wet dream? Not surprising since it is being negotiated in secret and Abbott will try to spring it on us soon enough. I have written about it in the next Red Flag, due out on Wednesday. Subscribe now. And yes, we have digital subscriptions too. (1)

NSA hacks Rupert Murdoch's phones
In breaking news the NSA has confirmed it has hacked Rupert Murdoch’s private phones for eleven years. ‘The fight against terrorism knows no bounds,’ spokesthing Joseph Dzhugashvili said.  Barack Obama said ‘Of course.’ Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott denied Australia’s spy agencies had broken any AUSTRALIAN laws in helping the Americans. (0)

What firefighters really think of the Liberals
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="236" caption="Put the hypocrites last"][/caption] (0)

Operational reasons
For operational reasons this blog will be closed until further notice. Eric Blair, Secretary, Department of Home Affairs. (0)

Boozy feral pig dies
A boozy feral pig has died in a car accident. The name of the Abbott government minister has not yet been released. (0)

Your tax dollars hard at work



Archive for May, 2010

Israeli terrorists: we are all Palestinians now

Israel is the North Korea of the Middle East, with the US its China. Victory to the Palestinians in their struggle against the terrorist state of Israel.


Mining companies – looking after us all

Mining companies are caring sharing people. Really. Take BP and the Gulf of Mexico. Or Woodside and East Timor. Or the Clive Palmers of the world whose wealth increased 19 percent last year. So when they campaign against the resource super profits tax they only have our interests at heart. Really.

Turn back the bigots

Attacking refugees has a long and dishonorable history in class society. Turning back the boats is an important part of social control and resonates with some sections of the working class – especially non-unionised workers. Enforced refugees from their own humanity attempt to regain their humanity through joining with the bosses in demonising others.   There is a lot of precedent [...]

Marx and Hegel: the dialectic and change

The essence of dialectics can be summarised by the proposition that all reality is in a process of development through contradiction and conflict.

Bolivia: a revolutionary rejoinder

Many indigenous Bolivians are working class, while others are small farmers or peasants. The former are capable of leading social revolution; the latter, are not

Saturday’s socialist speak out

Tired of capitalist crap? Want to attack war, poverty, injustice, inequity and oppression? Want to rail against all of this and more? Here’s a chance to speak out. Grab that megaphone and have a shout! Have your say. Hit the comments tag to see what people are talking about and to participate.

Give the mining tax to aborigines

Last year the mining magnates on Business Review Weekly’s Rich List increased their net wealth $9 billion.  Rudd Labor’s Resource Super Profits Tax (RSPT) will raise $9 billion in its first year. It looks to me like the filthy rich mining bosses can afford the tax. But what is Labor going to do with the [...]

Thailand: the fight against an entrenched elite

WHAT’S HISTORIC is the Red Shirt movement–that it’s so large, and made up of ordinary workers and small farmers. It’s a mass movement that has been mobilized and active since late 2008, and it’s growing. Also, the protests were prolonged, and so was the bloodshed. I think the body count was also unprecedented as well

The European debt crisis made easy

I think I get it. The banks were in crisis so various states spent lots and lots and lots of money to save them. Now the banks won’t lend to those states that saved them because their debts are too big – from saving the banks.

Passports? Genocide is the real crime

Australia is to expel a Mossad agent because Israel used fake Australian passports in the assassination of a Hamas leader in Dubai. WTF? Here is a nation which since its foundation has conducted a slow chess game of genocide against the Palestinian people. In 1948 the Israeli terrorists forced up to 750,000 Palestinians to flee their homes. Israel’s [...]