John Passant

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February 2010
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Me on Razor Sharp this morning
Me interviewed by Sharon Firebrace this morning for Razor Sharp. It happens every Tuesday. (0)

I am not surprised
I think we are being unfair to this Abbott ‘no surprises’ Government. I am not surprised. (0)

Send Barnaby to Indonesia
It is a pity that Barnaby Joyce, a man of tact, diplomacy, nuance and subtlety, isn’t going to Indonesia to fix things up. I know I am disappointed that Barnaby is missing out on this great opportunity, and I am sure the Indonesians feel the same way. [Sarcasm alert.] (0)

Snouts in the trough: capitalism is corrupt
Big business, politicians, even sports people are ripping off the system with their corruption. Tony Abbott’s expense rorts are not an aberration. Corruption is part and parcel of capitalism and a consequence of the exploitation of workers. Only by overthrowing the ruling class can we abolish the corruption of the system and its rulers and hangers-on and begin a new society where production is organised democratically to satisfy human need. Join this Socialist Alternative Discussion 6pm Thursday 21 November Note change of venue because of exams to: Room W108 Baldessin Building ANU (0)

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
Haven’t heard about the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, a neoliberal and imperialist wet dream? Not surprising since it is being negotiated in secret and Abbott will try to spring it on us soon enough. I have written about it in the next Red Flag, due out on Wednesday. Subscribe now. And yes, we have digital subscriptions too. (1)

NSA hacks Rupert Murdoch's phones
In breaking news the NSA has confirmed it has hacked Rupert Murdoch’s private phones for eleven years. ‘The fight against terrorism knows no bounds,’ spokesthing Joseph Dzhugashvili said.  Barack Obama said ‘Of course.’ Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott denied Australia’s spy agencies had broken any AUSTRALIAN laws in helping the Americans. (0)

What firefighters really think of the Liberals
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="236" caption="Put the hypocrites last"][/caption] (0)

Operational reasons
For operational reasons this blog will be closed until further notice. Eric Blair, Secretary, Department of Home Affairs. (0)

Boozy feral pig dies
A boozy feral pig has died in a car accident. The name of the Abbott government minister has not yet been released. (0)

Your tax dollars hard at work



Archive for February, 2010

Labor: making the Liberals look good

Is the Rudd Labor Government mortally wounded? Or is it just resting? A Sun-Herald/Taverner poll shows both parties at 50 percent on a two party preferred basis. So we have gone from Labor a few months ago in the stratosphere with nearly 60 percent of the 2PP vote to now being neck and neck with the [...]


Victory to Greek workers

Victory to Greek workers striking against the ‘Socialist’ Government’s attacks on them.

Building unions, the ABCC and insulation deaths

If the choice is between breaking the law by striking to enforce safety standards and protect lives or doing nothing and watching people die, I’m for breaking the law.

Australia could boycott Israel, Mr Rudd

If Rudd and Smith were serious they would not only join the boycott Israel campaign, they would lead it until Palestine is free.

Is the Old Mole stirring?

Class struggle is just so old hat, isn’t it? Well, as 2 million striking Greek workers show, maybe not. The stakes are high. The Socialist Party Pasok won the Greek elections last year on a program of defending working class living standards and social services against attacks from the Conservative government. Socialist Prime Minister Papandreou [...]

Tax – never boring

Some of my students have the heretical idea that tax is boring. So each class I begin by regaling them with a few tales about recent publicised events to help disabuse them of their egregious and erroneous thinking. This week life will imitate art. To grab my students’ attention we have been working through a completely fictitious example in [...]

Bring Netanyahu to justice

Benjamin Netanyahu is the Israeli prime Minister. He is a murderer. Interpol has issued arrest warrants for the 11 Israeli secret service agents who killed Hamas commander Mahmoud al-Mabhouh. It is also possible Fatah supporters from the Palestinian Authority helped the agency, Mossad. According to The Australian newspaper Netanyahu ‘…authorised the mission, which was not seen [...]

Garrett’s gotta go

Burn in the fires of the market you lit Minister Garrett.

Tiger Woods and Mary MacKillop

The Church hopes that Mary MacKillop will be the Tiger Woods of religion in Australia, without the sins but with a drawing power that will have people coming back through the turnstiles, oops, doors.

Fighting for women’s liberation

Julia Gillard is Deputy Prime Minster. Quentin Bryce is Governor-General. The premiers of New South Wales and Queensland are women.   Women make up almost half the workforce.   Yet working women are paid 17% less for work of equal value. They are under-represented in senior jobs in most industries.   Abortion is still a crime in some states (including Anna [...]