Dethklok - Fan song
Fan Song by Dethklok -LYRICS You people out there give us something more than just record ...
published: 04 Feb 2008
author: S0ulR33per
Dethklok - Fan song
Dethklok - Fan song
Fan Song by Dethklok -LYRICS You people out there give us something more than just record sales You give us something to hate And we hate you, you brainless ...- published: 04 Feb 2008
- views: 334520
- author: S0ulR33per
Lyrics- -- You people out there give us something more than just record sales You give us ...
published: 14 May 2008
author: DJDarkMusic
Lyrics- -- You people out there give us something more than just record sales You give us something to hate You hunched and blinded mutants Living in chat ro...- published: 14 May 2008
- views: 70502
- author: DJDarkMusic
MiZeb - Du bist Elotrix (Elotrix Fansong)
MiZeb: https://www.facebook.com/mizebrap?ref=hl
Downloade den Track: http://speedy.sh/tEX...
published: 14 Aug 2013
MiZeb - Du bist Elotrix (Elotrix Fansong)
MiZeb - Du bist Elotrix (Elotrix Fansong)
MiZeb: https://www.facebook.com/mizebrap?ref=hl Downloade den Track: http://speedy.sh/tEXeD/MiZeb-Du-bist-Elotrix-Elotrix-Fansong.mp3 Hier hab ich mal ein Fansong für einen extrem geilen Youtuber rausgehauen, weil mich ein Kumpel auf die Idee gebracht hat. Viel Spaß mit dem Track! Rap// MiZeb: https://www.facebook.com/mizebrap?ref=hl Mix// Kawo: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kawo-MC/643605428986558 Beat// 2Bough: facebook.com/2Bough Lyrics: Seid ihr auch grad auf der suche nach paar Videos zum glotzen ihr seid anspruchsvoll und findet den rest hier zum kotzen Dann gebt euch elotrix hd, er ist der beste den es gibt, er kommentiert es einfach so dass die scheisse hier jeder liebt Angefangen hat es mit ein paar einfachen commentarrys einfach mal was rausgedrückt weil leute meinten geile stimme geiler humor, du bist das was die welt hier braucht, richtig so, schlägst leute einfach mal die schlechte laune aus hast es drauf, produzier bloß weiter und hör niemals auf Mw3 Hart am limit damit kamst du richtig raus Seit dem Video, ja da wächst dein Hype quasi stetig an doch du wirst bei sowas nicht mal nervös ja du stehst dein mann deiner geiler dialket ist mit unter das was dich aus macht deine videos wie crack einmal konsumiert und man brauchst das und ich glaub das niemand deine videos hier toppen kann weil du eben neben kommentiern noch geil zocken kannst bringst leute zum lachen dass soll erst mal einer schaffen und wer da jetzt weiter hatet kann die wahrheit nicht verkraften Du bist Elotrix, ausnahmlos, der beste hier auf youtube ich guck elotrix, pausenlos, weils das ist was mir gut tut, du sprichst schwachen leuten mut, ja du bringst echt geile videos raus häng tagelang auf youtube weil ich tausend mal dein video schau elotrix danke du tust viel das wir dich feiern du machst dein ding hier echt gut doch jetzt sind wir mal an der reihe ja im namen deiner fans möcht ich dir hier einfach danke sagen mach einfach so weiter, bist der beste digga alles klar Ja ich feier dich weil du dein eigenes ding machst, hörst auf dich nicht auf die meinung von so kleineren kindern ein paar sind leider behindert und wichsen nur ins handtuch sind fett und nehmen nur ab wenn mal ikea bei den anruft du bist cool und deine storys nimmt man dir echt gut ab wenn leute sowas einfach nicht glauben dann ham se pech gehabt ich hab recht du hast einfach mal die krasseste fanbase egal wenn du fragst wirklich ey fast jeder kennt dich un ey endlich hast du dich nach deinem break wieder gefangen den für viele deiner fans brach da die welt insich zusammen du bist der beste alter zeigs ihn und mach nie mehr eine pause den in jedem deiner livestreams sorgst du stehst für gute laune egal ob vegas prinz pi auch noch mal probs an deine freunde livestream mit den bockt man ey was kennst du denn für geile leute geht's dir mal nicht gut und dir fehlt einfach die hoffnung nimm dein penis in die hand den dann ist alles in ordnung Du bist Elotrix, ausnahmlos, der beste hier auf youtube ich guck elotrix, pausenlos, weils das ist was mir gut tut, du sprichst schwachen leuten mut, ja du bringst echt geile videos raus häng tagelang auf youtube weil ich tausend mal dein video schau elotrix danke du tust viel das wir dich feiern du machst dein ding hier echt gut doch jetzt sind wir mal an der reihe ja im namen deiner fans möcht ich dir hier einfach danke sagen mach einfach so weiter, bist der beste digga alles klar Du bist Elotrix, ausnahmlos, der beste hier auf youtube ich guck elotrix, pausenlos, weils das ist was mir gut tut, du sprichst schwachen leuten mut, ja du bringst echt geile videos raus häng tagelang auf youtube weil ich tausend mal dein video schau- published: 14 Aug 2013
- views: 62736
Dethklok - FanSong (Subtitulado Español) HD
Clip capturado de la serie Metalocalypse S01E09 donde el tema dura 1.43, fue modificado pa...
published: 23 Jul 2010
author: amondisk
Dethklok - FanSong (Subtitulado Español) HD
Dethklok - FanSong (Subtitulado Español) HD
Clip capturado de la serie Metalocalypse S01E09 donde el tema dura 1.43, fue modificado para la versión completa del disco. Dethklok - Sitio Oficial http://w...- published: 23 Jul 2010
- views: 67125
- author: amondisk
♪ Hey Yogscast - Fan-made Song and Animation
Acoustic and vocals sent in by Monica AKA Kitfoxpup on our forums!! ♪ Available on iTunes ...
published: 16 Feb 2012
author: YOGSCAST Lewis & Simon
♪ Hey Yogscast - Fan-made Song and Animation
♪ Hey Yogscast - Fan-made Song and Animation
Acoustic and vocals sent in by Monica AKA Kitfoxpup on our forums!! ♪ Available on iTunes and Bandcamp - with sales going to Monica! ♪ http://itunes.apple....- published: 16 Feb 2012
- views: 4467976
- author: YOGSCAST Lewis & Simon
Sweet - A Trickster! Jane Crocker Fansong By Phemiec Lyrics
Created with WeVideo Video Editor (http://www.wevideo.com). Singer: http://phemiec.tumblr....
published: 01 May 2013
author: IWasBored9922
Sweet - A Trickster! Jane Crocker Fansong By Phemiec Lyrics
Sweet - A Trickster! Jane Crocker Fansong By Phemiec Lyrics
Created with WeVideo Video Editor (http://www.wevideo.com). Singer: http://phemiec.tumblr.com/ Chords: http://phemiec.tumblr.com/post/40738242827/sweet-chord...- published: 01 May 2013
- views: 20219
- author: IWasBored9922
Friendleader - A Karkat Vantas Fansong By PhemieC
Singer: PhemieC http://phemiec....
published: 24 Oct 2013
Friendleader - A Karkat Vantas Fansong By PhemieC
Friendleader - A Karkat Vantas Fansong By PhemieC
~~~~~I AM NOT THE SINGER ALL CREDIT GOES TO PHEMIEC~~~~~~~ Singer: PhemieC http://phemiec.tumblr.com/ Art in Lyric Parts: Jacklerules http://jacklerules.deviantart.com/ Follow me on tumblr: http://dirkjaneismyotp.tumblr.com/ 3DS Friend Code(Feel free to add me! Just either message me or comment your's so I can add you back uwu): 4656 - 6631 - 3300 No, what are you saying I did not cry when I heard this song. Heh heh. I'm back! I blame school, me getting sick (I've been sick for over a month and I just have a stuffy nose and cough but I never got a cough in so long anymore and I feel like I'm gonna die), and Pokemon X and AC:NL as the reason as to why I haven't posted in awhile. I know some of you might have been expecting Double Time, but uhhh this came out and I just had to, so uhhhh sorry! Don't worry though it'll be the next video that I upload! Also I really want to thank all the lovely people who have subscribed to me and/or left such nice comments! (; ^ ;) You are all too nice! Make sure to follow the singer PhemieC at her tumblr! The link is at the top! On another note do any of you have a 3DS friend code? I'll gladly add you, just either message me your friend code or comment it! (But I would rather you message me) I currently have, as stated before Pokemon X and AC:NL! I'll put my friend code at the top of the description! Wowie this is a long description.- published: 24 Oct 2013
- views: 5445
Mary - A Kanaya Maryam Fansong By Phemiec Lyrics
Singer and Artist of first Picture: PhemieC: http://phemiec.tumblr.com/
Art used in lyric ...
published: 27 Jun 2013
Mary - A Kanaya Maryam Fansong By Phemiec Lyrics
Mary - A Kanaya Maryam Fansong By Phemiec Lyrics
Singer and Artist of first Picture: PhemieC: http://phemiec.tumblr.com/ Art used in lyric parts by: JackleRules: http://jacklerules.deviantart.com/ Follow me on tumblr if you want: DirkJaneIsMyOTP/IWasBored http://dirkjaneismyotp.tumblr.com/ WOOT WOOT I MADE MY FIRST VIDEO DURING SUMMER BREAK! THANK YOU FOR ALMOST 100 HUNDRED SUBSCRIBERS!!- published: 27 Jun 2013
- views: 336
Sweet - A Trickster Jane Fansong by PhemieC
I am not the author/singer! Credit goes to http://phemiec.tumblr.com Download available on...
published: 16 Jan 2013
author: Eraklondike
Sweet - A Trickster Jane Fansong by PhemieC
Sweet - A Trickster Jane Fansong by PhemieC
I am not the author/singer! Credit goes to http://phemiec.tumblr.com Download available on Hamsters at Soundcloud. Description: An update fansong. Trickster ...- published: 16 Jan 2013
- views: 114326
- author: Eraklondike
Little Clown - A Sober!Gamzee Makara Fansong By PhemieC Lyrics
Singer and Artist of first Picture: PhemieC: http://phemiec.tumblr.com/
Art used in lyric ...
published: 06 Sep 2013
Little Clown - A Sober!Gamzee Makara Fansong By PhemieC Lyrics
Little Clown - A Sober!Gamzee Makara Fansong By PhemieC Lyrics
Singer and Artist of first Picture: PhemieC: http://phemiec.tumblr.com/ Art used in lyric parts by: JackleRules: http://jacklerules.deviantart.com/ Download Link Of Song: http://www.muziboo.com/mp3/little-clown-0/ Follow me on tumblr if you want: DirkJaneIsMyOTP/IWasBored http://dirkjaneismyotp.tumblr.com sORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! AAAAHHH! SUMMER STUFF, SCHOOL STARTING, AND ME JUST BEING LAZY GOT IN THE WAY! AND OMYGOSH WHERE DID YOU ALL COME FROM?? THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING AND MAKE SURE TO FOLLOW THE SINGER OF THIS SONG ON TUMBLR (a.k.a not me) SHE'S THE FIRST LINK, PHEMIEC SHE'S AWESOME AND COOL!- published: 06 Sep 2013
- views: 1147
Hey There, Castiel [Supernatural/Destiel fansong]
Supernatural is gr8 and made me cry way more times than near acceptable. Download here: ht...
published: 15 Apr 2013
author: missalbern
Hey There, Castiel [Supernatural/Destiel fansong]
Hey There, Castiel [Supernatural/Destiel fansong]
Supernatural is gr8 and made me cry way more times than near acceptable. Download here: https://soundcloud.com/sunnysniper-1/hey-there-castiel-answer-me I do...- published: 15 Apr 2013
- views: 15900
- author: missalbern
Puma 'HardChorus' - February 2010
The Puma "Hardchorus" ad breaks at half-time in ITV1's coverage of the Bolton v Spurs FA C...
published: 08 Feb 2010
author: IanSeale
Puma 'HardChorus' - February 2010
Puma 'HardChorus' - February 2010
The Puma "Hardchorus" ad breaks at half-time in ITV1's coverage of the Bolton v Spurs FA Cup match on Sunday... err... Valentine's Day, in case you forgot. G...- published: 08 Feb 2010
- views: 1311401
- author: IanSeale
Ugly Story - An Eridan Ampora Fansong by PhemieC Lyrics
Created with WeVideo (http://www.wevideo.com). Artist: PhemieC http://phemiec.tumblr.com/ ...
published: 26 Mar 2013
author: IWasBored9922
Ugly Story - An Eridan Ampora Fansong by PhemieC Lyrics
Ugly Story - An Eridan Ampora Fansong by PhemieC Lyrics
Created with WeVideo (http://www.wevideo.com). Artist: PhemieC http://phemiec.tumblr.com/ Song: Ugly Story Another one done!- published: 26 Mar 2013
- views: 3110
- author: IWasBored9922
Youtube results:
Ugly Story - an Eridan Ampora fansong by PhemieC
I am not the author/singer! Credit goes to http://phemiec.tumblr.com Download available on...
published: 23 Mar 2012
author: Eraklondike
Ugly Story - an Eridan Ampora fansong by PhemieC
Ugly Story - an Eridan Ampora fansong by PhemieC
I am not the author/singer! Credit goes to http://phemiec.tumblr.com Download available on Hamsters at Soundcloud. Description: Homestuck filk. An Eridan Amp...- published: 23 Mar 2012
- views: 248546
- author: Eraklondike
Furever - A Nepeta Leijon Fansong by PhemieC
Created with WeVideo (http://www.wevideo.com). Artist: Phemiec http://phemiec.tumblr.com/ ...
published: 26 Mar 2013
author: IWasBored9922
Furever - A Nepeta Leijon Fansong by PhemieC
Furever - A Nepeta Leijon Fansong by PhemieC
Created with WeVideo (http://www.wevideo.com). Artist: Phemiec http://phemiec.tumblr.com/ Song: Furever.- published: 26 Mar 2013
- views: 1049
- author: IWasBored9922
A Confession - A Terezi Pyrope Fansong By Phemiec
Created with WeVideo Video Editor (http://www.wevideo.com). Singer: Phemiec http://phemiec...
published: 06 Jun 2013
author: IWasBored9922
A Confession - A Terezi Pyrope Fansong By Phemiec
A Confession - A Terezi Pyrope Fansong By Phemiec
Created with WeVideo Video Editor (http://www.wevideo.com). Singer: Phemiec http://phemiec.tumblr.com/ Okay yay! Another video, and my last using WeVideo. I'...- published: 06 Jun 2013
- views: 4245
- author: IWasBored9922
8r8k (A Scourge Sisters Fansong)
8R8K (A Scourge Fansong) -
Download: http://tindeck.com/dl/vvtq
art by http://windpriest...
published: 06 Jul 2013
8r8k (A Scourge Sisters Fansong)
8r8k (A Scourge Sisters Fansong)
8R8K (A Scourge Fansong) - Download: http://tindeck.com/dl/vvtq art by http://windpriest.tumblr.com tumblr post: totalspiffage.tumblr.com/post/46712831125/8r8k-a-scourge-fansong-download-thanks-to Blue blood stains my blade The soft noise that you made in pain The smell of death that covered what was yours I try to wipe away the guilt that plagues me in the day That keeps the dreams from coming when I sleep My eyesight may have healed but I have not The balance is all off now you are gone I know that I stopped a big mistake But I never thought that I would see(make) you break Cold hands punish me Leave their bruises ruthlessly The punishment is just I tell myself This is not good for me But I can't seem to stop you see I'm addicted to the way he makes me bleed Though I know that I cannot undo my deed I can't remember the smell of your blood The vision dulled that sense so it feels it's gone for good I would give anything to have you back again And this time I'd forgo justice all to save a friend But there's no course of action I can take I'll just hope that someday soon I too will break- published: 06 Jul 2013
- views: 5890