
Friday 6 December 2013

Tyrese mourns at crash site

Tyrese Gibson

Tyrese Gibson takes debris from Paul Walker’s crash site to “keep his energy forever”.

The rapper and Paul had been friends and costars for years, starring in the Fast and Furious films together. On Sunday Tyrese paid a visit to the crash site where Paul tragically lost his life, to pay his respects.

After being visibly overcome with grief at the Santa Clarita site, he posted a picture on Instagram of some crash wreckage he took home with him.

“I will keep your energy with me forever #AshesOfAnAngel fast family around the world we live you and we love you,” he wrote as the caption to his picture. “Paul is the heartbeat of this franchise and were gonna see to it that his energy and presence lives on forever #myhearthurtssobad.”

Fans are leaving flowers and various tokens in honour of Paul at the accident site, according to TMZ.

The actor, 40, lost his life on Saturday when the red 2005 Porsche Carrera GT he was a passenger in hit a utility pole and burst into flames.

The driver of the vehicle was identified as Paul’s friend Roger Rodas, 38. Roger owned an auto dealership and racing services company called Always Evolving, reports the Los Angeles Times.

"Speed was a factor in the solo vehicle collision," the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department said in a statement to the Chicago Tribune.

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Stop pretending you aren't affected by an upsetting situation. You hate being a victim, which is why you often ignore bullies and pests. Unfortunately, these people can drain you of valuable energy if they continue to go unchecked. Go ahead and confront the person who is creating havoc in your personal life. Make it clear you won't put up with it. Be ready to carry out an ultimatum when you are tested. The sooner you establish some healthy boundaries, the happier you will be.More