Knee Pain Assessment

About Vijay Vad, M.D.Vijay Vad, M.D. is a Sports Medicine specialist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York.

He is also an assistant professor in Rehabilitation Medicine at Weill Medical College of Cornell University. Dr. Vad has published several books about arthritis and pain management.

About Vijay Vad, M.D.Vijay Vad, M.D. is a Sports Medicine specialist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York.

He is also an assistant professor in Rehabilitation Medicine at Weill Medical College of Cornell University. Dr. Vad has published several books about arthritis and pain management.

The knee pain assessment tools that we have developed really have two parts. One is the more scientifically proven scale, which is the Lysholm Scale, with a score out of 100, that talks about knee pain and function, 100 being a great score, 0 being a very low score. And then similarly we have a self-help score. The goal here is to encourage you to really get involved in self-help and that score is also out of 100, again 100 being you’re doing everything that we want you to do for self-help to try and help your knee get less painful and more function out of that knee, living with knee arthritis, managing it, taking charge of it, and minimizing pain, maximizing motion, and minimizing your dependence on anti-inflammatories. The Lysholm scale is a standardized knee outcome questionnaire. It is what we use to assess the outcomes of our interventions to see how effective they are, and its been proven in clinical trials that this particular scale works for measuring knee pain and function with a score out of 100, 100 being a great score, 0 being a very low score. The Lyscholm scale is, in general, in the last week or so, how has your pain been or how much instability do you have, not necessarily at that given instance but we want to get a gestalt for the last week or two how your knee has been doing and that’s the focus behind the Lysholm Scale. We have a self-help score, and that score is also out of 100, again 100 being your doing everything that we want you to do for self-help, the diet, the exercise, the supplements, the modalities like ice and trying to keep your weight in check. The more you invest in self help, the more you adhere to self help, and the more compliant you are with self help, I think hopefully you will see the benefits with a better and improved Lysholm Score. But I recommend before you start any self help regimen, that you will discuss this with your doctor, get their approval, its always smart to do that, especially if you’re starting some supplements or even if you’re starting an exercise regiment.

About Vijay Vad, M.D. Vijay Vad, M.D. is a Sports Medicine specialist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York.


Does your knee pain cause you to walk with a limp? How severe is the limping you experience?

Limping: How bad is your limp when you get up and start walking? Is it severe? Is there no limp? Because that’s an important function type of a question that is a part of the Lysholm Scale.

About Vijay Vad, M.D. Vijay Vad, M.D. is a Sports Medicine specialist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York.


Does your knee pain require you to walk with the support of a cane or crutch? What level of support do you require when walking?

Support: Do you use support to walk? Do you use a cane? Do you use a crutch or any assistive device to walk to take some pressure off of that painful knee? Its also important in letting us know how functional you are and what your requirements are, what other aides you need to keep your knee pain at bay and to maximize function.

About Vijay Vad, M.D. Vijay Vad, M.D. is a Sports Medicine specialist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York.


Do you ever experience locking or a catching sensation in your knee joint? How severe is the locking or catching sensation?

Locking: A lot of times, in people with either arthritis or meniscal tear, their knee, as they’re moving through a motion of walking, will just lock in one place, and they have to wiggle it out of place. That obviously causes pain and discomfort so locking is a very important part of the scale that really relates to pain and function.

About Vijay Vad, M.D. Vijay Vad, M.D. is a Sports Medicine specialist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York.


How often does your knee pain cause you to feel unstable while walking, performing daily activities, or during strenuous exercise?

Instability: It’s important to know if your knee is unstable when you’re going down the stairs or when you’re walking rapidly. The knee is a very mobile joint; it has tremendous motion in it. So inherently, any joint with a lot of motion is not a very stable joint, so it lacks “x” amount of stability in order to get the motion, so there’s always a balance. The more motion a joint has, the less stability. The less motion the joint has, the more stability, knee being inherently a less stable joint with lots of mobility.

About Vijay Vad, M.D. Vijay Vad, M.D. is a Sports Medicine specialist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York.


How often do you typically experience pain in your knee joint?

Pain: Pain is obviously a very important part of the Lysholm Scale. The less pain, hopefully the more function, the more ability to do stairs or walk. As opposed to the old dogma, “no pain, no gain,” in the Lysholm Scale, no pain is all the gain.

About Vijay Vad, M.D. Vijay Vad, M.D. is a Sports Medicine specialist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York.


Do you experience swelling of your knee joint? How often do you experience swelling in your knee?

Swelling: Swelling is a very important part of measuring knee function, because swelling is two things, first of all there’s discomfort from the swelling itself to the person. Swelling can also inhibit important muscles, especially the quadriceps muscle, that we need for knee stability and to take pressure off the knee so you have less pain. So swelling is a very important part of measuring how functional the knee is.

About Vijay Vad, M.D. Vijay Vad, M.D. is a Sports Medicine specialist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York.


Does your knee pain ever cause you to experience difficulty when climbing stairs? What's your level of difficulty when climbing stairs?

Stairs: How much difficulty are you having going up and down the stairs, or is it very easy to do stairs. The kneecap experiences significant loads when we do stairs and it’s a very important measure of pain and function.

About Vijay Vad, M.D. Vijay Vad, M.D. is a Sports Medicine specialist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York.


Does your knee pain ever cause you to experience difficulty when squatting? How difficult is it for you to squat?

Squatting: Squatting is what I call the gold standard for measuring knee function and pain, I mean doing a squat places the maximum loads on the knee and the kneecap. So to me, the ability to do a squat without pain is sort of the gold standard of where we want every knee to be despite having arthritis.

Lifestyle Factors

Next, you will gauge how diet, weight, and other lifestyle choices are affecting your knee pain. Key topics will include:
  • Diet
  • Exercise
  • Body Mass Index
  • Supplements
  • Icing

Did You Know?  Knee pain is very common and
there are many causes, including arthritis,
tendonitis, and injury.

About Vijay Vad, M.D. Vijay Vad, M.D. is a Sports Medicine specialist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York.


Your doctor may recommend a diet rich in fruits and vegetables to reduce inflammation. How closely do you follow your doctor's dietary advice?

Diet: Our modern diet is so full of inflammatory foods, processed inflammatory foods. Having unprocessed raw vegetables and fruits is very important to have in your diet along with what we call Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in things like avocados and fish. It’s important to have those because they have a potent anti-inflammatory impact, and the lower the level of inflammation in the body, hopefully the lower the knee pain. Also I'm a big believer in blueberries, or any dark berries really, because not only do they have a powerful anti-inflammatory impact but they also have something called bioflavonoids, which have been proven to reduce pain in knee arthritis.

About Vijay Vad, M.D. Vijay Vad, M.D. is a Sports Medicine specialist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York.


Proper exercise therapies can be an important part of reducing knee pain. How often do you follow your doctor's recommended exercise regimen?

Exercise: Before you start any of these exercise therapies, you should really get it cleared with your doctor. Different people tolerate different types of exercise. Exercise therapy has been clinically proven; proper exercises improve knee pain, especially from arthritis. And there are many reason for this: you’re reactivating the muscles that were shut down by pain and when you activate the muscles, not only do they take the pain or the stresses off the joint, because the muscles take up the stresses, but muscles also are primary shock absorbers, so the more tone the muscles are the better they are able to absorb the shock, and the less stress on the joints. So it’s important to do the proper exercises, walking on an even surface, whether it’s on a treadmill or outdoors with minimal ups and downs. Now some people absolutely cannot tolerate walking because they have so much knee arthritis pain. In those people I try and switch them to either a stationary bicycle, because on a bicycle the weight is on the bike, or get into the water and do aqua therapy - which can also be very important. And you should combine that with simple things like a simple leg stand, five to ten seconds, five repetitions on each side, because that restores the balance and the strength. But as a general rule of thumb, walking thirty minutes a day is one of the best things you can do for your knee if you can tolerate it. If not, switch to a bicycle or aqua therapy.

About Vijay Vad, M.D. Vijay Vad, M.D. is a Sports Medicine specialist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York.

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Every excess pound you weigh places four pounds of extra pressure on your knee joint. Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure of your weight in relation to your height. Calculate it here.

BMI: BMI or body mass index is a measure of height versus weight, and its calculated based upon those two variables. If you have a BMI in the normal range, it’s very healthy, not just for your knee, but also for your general health. Even if you’re slightly overweight or somewhat overweight and you’re BMI is higher, for every one pound you lose, you will take four pounds of pressure off your knees, so that’s an instantaneous four hundred percent return on your investment. So it pays for you to lose every pound if you’re overweight not just to lose the BMI but also to take the pressure off the knee, you’re knees will love you for every pound you take off if you’re overweight.

About Vijay Vad, M.D. Vijay Vad, M.D. is a Sports Medicine specialist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York.


Your doctor may recommend taking certain dietary supplements to reduce knee pain. How closely do you follow your doctor's recommended regimen of supplements?

Supplements: The supplements for knee arthritis that have some data are: fish oil, a couple thousand milligrams, 2000 milligrams has been really shown to decrease pain and stiffness in knee arthritis. Again, you have to check with your doctor because fish oil can thin your blood. Also, glucosamine chondroitin sulfate. There’s very good data on it on two big clinical trials that showed, for moderate or more knee arthritis pain, they actually had significant pain relief compared to placebo. If it’s just for mild knee pain they weren’t shown to be any better than placebo, but for moderate or severe, they were. So I recommend glucosamin chondroitin and a recent trial that came out called STOPP, S-T-O-P-P trial showed that the chondroitin sulfate in the glucosamin chondroitin may actually slow down the loss of cartilage, and slow down the process or progression of arthritis, so its important to have that supplement. And there’s some early data on things such as curcumin, that’s a turmeric extract, that curcumin may have very positive effect on arthritic knees, 500mg of curcumin a day.

About Vijay Vad, M.D. Vijay Vad, M.D. is a Sports Medicine specialist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York.


It's important to ice your knee following any activity that causes swelling or pain. How often do you ice your knee after activity?

Icing: Icing is very important especially after exercise as a modality, because its been shown to reduce inflammation and pain and that is a very important tool in managing knee arthritis and to minimize your dependence on anti-inflammatories.

Table of Contents
  • Limping

    Does your knee pain cause you to walk with a limp? How severe is the limping you experience?

  • Support

    Does your knee pain require you to walk with the support of a cane or crutch? What level of support do you require when walking?

  • Locking

    Do you ever experience locking or a catching sensation in your knee joint? How severe is the locking or catching sensation?

  • Instability

    How often does your knee pain cause you to feel unstable while walking, performing daily activities, or during strenuous exercise?

  • Pain

    How often do you typically experience pain in your knee joint?

  • Swelling

    Do you experience swelling of your knee joint? How often do you experience swelling in your knee?

  • Knee pain/stairs

    Does your knee pain ever cause you to experience difficulty when climbing stairs? What's your level of difficulty when climbing stairs?

  • Squatting

    Does your knee pain ever cause you to experience difficulty when squatting? How difficult is it for you to squat?

  • Diet

    Your doctor may recommend a diet rich in fruits and vegetables to reduce inflammation. How closely do you follow your doctor's dietary advice?

  • Exercise

    Proper exercise therapies can be an important part of reducing knee pain. How often do you follow your doctor's recommended exercise regimen?

  • Body Mass Index

    Every excess pound you weigh places four pounds of extra pressure on your knee joint. Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure of your weight in relation to your height.

  • Supplements

    Your doctor may recommend taking certain dietary supplements to reduce knee pain. How closely do you follow your doctor's recommended regimen of supplements?

  • Icing

    Staying physically active is important for your health, so your doctor should identify the right level of exercise and activity for you. It's important to ice your knee following any activity that causes swelling or pain. How often do you ice your knee after activity?

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1 of 15

Below are the results from your assessment. Talk to your doctor about next steps in your recovery process.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 11 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 0 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 1 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 2 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 3 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 4 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 5 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 6 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 0 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 1 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 2 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 3 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 4 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 5 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 6 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 7 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 7 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 8 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 8 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 9 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 9 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 10 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 10 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 11 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 12 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 12 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 13 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 13 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 14 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 14 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 15 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 15 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 16 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 16 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 17 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 17 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 18 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 18 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 19 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 19 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 20 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 20 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 21 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 21 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 22 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 22 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 23 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 23 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 24 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 24 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 25 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 25 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 26 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 26 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 27 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 27 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 28 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 28 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 29 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 29 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 30 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 30 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 31 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 31 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 32 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 32 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 33 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 33 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 34 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 34 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 35 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 35 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 36 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 36 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 37 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 37 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 38 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 38 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 39 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 39 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 40 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 40 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 41 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 41 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 42 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 42 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 43 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 43 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 44 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 44 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 45 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 45 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 46 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 46 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 47 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 47 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 48 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 48 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 49 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 49 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 50 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 50 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 51 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 51 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 52 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 52 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 53 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 53 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 54 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 54 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 55 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 55 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 56 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 56 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 57 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 57 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 58 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 58 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 59 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 59 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 60 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 60 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 61 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 61 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 62 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 62 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 63 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 63 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 64 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 64 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 65 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 65 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 66 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 67 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 67 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 68 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 68 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 69 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 69 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 70 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 70 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 71 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 71 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 72 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 72 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 73 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 73 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 74 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 74 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 75 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 75 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 76 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 76 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 77 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 77 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 78 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 78 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 79 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 79 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 80 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 80 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 81 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 81 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 82 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 82 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 83 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 83 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 84 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 84 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 85 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 85 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 86 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 86 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 87 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 87 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 88 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 88 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 89 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 89 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 90 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 90 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 91 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 91 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 92 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 92 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 93 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 93 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 94 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 94 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 95 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 95 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 96 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 96 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 97 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 97 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 98 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 98 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.


Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 99 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 99 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.

Your Lysholm Score 

Your Lysholm score of 100 reflects how your knee pain affects your life and mobility. Remember that this score is not final - the score you received today is a starting place to reduce your knee pain. Keep these results and retest frequently so you have a reference point to compare how your knee pain and symptoms change over time. Share the results with a specialist so that he or she can help you determine whether you are making progress in reducing your pain.

Your Lifestyle Score 

Lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can impact knee pain symptoms, at times reducing or exaggerating them. Your score of 100 partially reflects the extent to which choices like healthy eating, weight management, and activity level impact your condition. Use these results, along with your Lysholm score, to enhance conversation with your knee pain specialist, and figure out how simple changes can positively impact your mobility and comfort.


Tell us what you think about the risk assessment. Take the survey. More information about condition here. This content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice, diagnosis or treatment recommendations. This tool has been provided by our healthcare partner Healthline. Click here for their terms of service.

Next Steps:

Print or email a copy of your results
to discuss with your doctor.

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