
"If you want a General Strike organize your co-workers" An Interview with Joe Burns, author of Reviving the Strike

An Interview with Joe Burns, author of Reviving the Strike at Lawrence, Mass. Bread and Roses Centennial, April 28th, 2012

by Camilo Viveiros
Original interview:


Many in the Occupy movement have called for a general strike on May 1st but most Occupy activists aren’t involved in labor organizations or organized in their workplaces. While General Assemblies may be somewhat effective institutions at reaching the agreement of assorted activists around future direct actions, workplace stoppages require the large scale participation of workers in decision-making structures. The interview below gives some organizing advice for those who have called the general strike. I hope that this interview will inspire Occupy activists to consider the difficult work ahead that is needed to build democracy in the workplace. We are the 99%!

A Fishy Future? Interview with a Recirculating Aquaculturist—Red Herring

Tilapia, B. Johnson"I work on what’s called a “recirculating” aquaculture farm. We’re still trying to maximize fish production, but we deal with the waste problem by closing the loop, doing our own water treatment on site and re-using as much of the water as we can. We have very high stocking densities -- let’s say twenty to thirty thousand fish, in tanks the size of swimming pools. Dozens of these tanks can fit together within one warehouse building. The water they swim in is constantly flushed out, filtered or treated in several ways, and pumped back in clean. The solids that are removed in the treatment process are stored and sold for fertilizer. So the water in the tanks “recirculates,” in parallel, and the tanks share a number of supplementary systems that help maintain an optimal growing (“culture”) environment: heating, feed, chemical regulation, and so on. We grow them for about a year, with each fish ending up as about a pound of meat when fileted. The idea is that this basic design can be scaled up to make really huge farms. Ours is a really huge farm."
Red Herring, fish farmer interviewed by Flint Arthur

May Day Message of Solidarity with Imprisoned Iranian Workers

To imprisoned workers of Iran:

Dear friends,

This yearʼs International Workersʼ Day is approaching at a time when you are in prison. We know that among you there are many like Farzad Kamangar who sacrificed his life to defend the human dignity of the humble masses that are forced to sell their labour for meagre wages. And there are many more of you who like Mansour Osanloo, Ebrahim Madadi, Behnam Ebrahimzadeh, Reza Shahabi and others, have languished in prison with many dark years still ahead simply for defending workersʼ basic human rights.

Others who have gone to prison for organizing workers have continued to be punished by the ruling legal and political regime after their release, being forced out of work and thus deprived of their only source of income, creating unbearable conditions for them and their families. The government, judiciary and intelligence machinery in Iran have proven that any attempt by workers to establish independent labour organizations and defend their livelihood will be met with swift vengeance, a fact that violates both international agreements Iran is a party to and tramples on the governmentʼs own laws.

Struggle Changes Everything: Direct Action Organizing Panel & Discussion

Saturday, April 10, 2010
5:00pm - 8:00pm
Community Church of Boston
565 Boylston St.
Boston, MA

Panel, followed by discussion, composed of individuals with experience in different organizations around soliciting grievances and mobilizing around labor, housing, and immigration issues.

Panelists will talk about their organizing experiences and strategic orientation. Specifically panel will address how taking collective action and directly confronting bosses, landlords, and other powerful institutions brings a sense of empowerment and consciousness to those involved. Discussion will focus on how best to support, network, organize, and/or supplement these activities.

Sponsored by NEFAC.
Info:, (617)544-3932

Baltimore Campus Service Workers Rights Forum, April 6th

The situation: At four universities in Baltimore-—Towson, Morgan State, Coppin State and Johns Hopkins—-the campus food service or facilities workers are fighting to get back their union, UNITE HERE Local 7.

Shaw’s Strikers Rally as Health Care Is Cut

METHUEN, Mass. — Striking workers of Shaw’s distribution center here planned rallies at various Shaw’s locations Thursday to protest the retailer’s actions to hire replacement workers and cut off health insurance for striking workers, union sources said.

Hotel Workers Expand Boycotts

UNITE HERE, the hotel workers union, has expanded boycotts across the U.S. The union is targeting Columbia-Sussex properties:

  • Sheraton Baltimore City Center Hotel, Maryland
  • Hilton Crystal City At National Airport, Arlington, Virginia
  • Westin Washington DC, District of Columbia
  • Wyndham Suites Chicago, Illinois
  • Westin Chicago Northwest Itasca, Illinois
  • Hilton Sacramento Arden West, California
  • Westin San Diego at Emerald Plaza, California
  • Anchorage Hilton, Alaska

Picketline outside the Westin Washington DC, March 26, 2010

UNITE HERE has also launched a boycott of the Providence Westin in Rhode Island.

All Three Hyatt Hotels in Boston are still under boycott. Bring back the Hyatt 100

A complete list of all boycotted hotels can be found through

Journeys of an Expropriated Coat

by Frotchie

My coat was born in the Lebow Clothing Factory in 1985, shortly before the owner closed it down, firing several hundred seamstresses and quietly knocking away one of the last bastions of manufacturing that stood in the way of Baltimore's inevitable transformation into a post-industrial wasteland. The factory was closed, locked, and boarded up, and no one bothered to remove anything from inside. Endless rows of sewing machines sat rusting, great hay-bale sized rolls of textile lay collecting dust, and this coat, along with twelve thousand of its brethren, hung neatly wrapped in plastic, unseen and forgotten. Like the women who made it, it became redundant, unwanted, a discarded relic of a dying era...

Northeastern Anarchist #12, Winter 2007

Montpelier Downtown Workers’ Union
Zanon: Class Consciousness Through Self-Management
Resistance in Pyeongtaek
Anarchist Study of Iroquois
Solidarity with Six Nations
Workers, Management, and Worker-management
and more...

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