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  • Fed. Investigators on Scene of NY Train Accident...1:26
  • 'Terrorists from 83 countries fighting in Syria' - FM to UN Assembly 2013 (FULL SPEECH)...20:51
  • Protest and riots anti WTO in thailand...1:41
  • Iran foreign minister Zarif extends hand of peace to Saudi Arabia...4:21
  • German brewers want Unesco listing for 'pure' beer...2:05
  • Tens of thousands protest in Thailand | Journal...1:39
  • Deadly Division: Bloodshed on rise as sectarian war rages in Iraq...3:50
  • Thailand - Demonstrators Occupy Grounds of Government House....0:52
  • Kiev Protests Draw Over 100,000 People To March Against Regime...1:01
  • Allies ask Netanyahu not to undermine Iran deal without credible 'plan B'...4:47
  • Over 300,000 defy protest ban in Ukraine...2:32
  • Human Rights Watch on Syria...3:12
  • 30,000 Anti-Government Protesters Face Riot Police in Thailand...0:58
add video playlist National Transportation Safety Board is on the scene of the New York commuter train derailment, trying to figure out what went wrong Sunday in a crash that left four dead and more than 60 injured. (Dec. 1)
National Transportation Safety Board is on the scene of the New York commuter train derailment, trying to figure out what went wrong Sunday in a crash that left four dead and more than 60 injured. (Dec. 1)
Fed. In­ves­ti­ga­tors on Scene of NY Train Ac­ci­dent
The Syrian government is fighting against \
'Ter­ror­ists from 83 coun­tries fight­ing in Syria' - FM to UN As­sem­bly 2013 (FULL SPEECH)
Protest and riots in thailand
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Protest and riots anti WTO in thai­land
Zarif asks Saudi Arabia to work with Iran

Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran\'s foreign minister who is currently on a tour of the Gulf states, has appealed to Saudi Arabia to work with Iran towards achieving regional stability.

He said on Monday in Doha, Qatar, after visits to Kuwait and Oman for meetings on its recent nuclear deal with world powers that his goal was to assure Gulf Arab states that the deal was in their best interests.

Iran for­eign min­is­ter Zarif ex­tends hand of peace to Saudi Ara­bia
BERLIN (AFP) - German brewers say a five-century-old beer purity law deserves a spot on the Unesco list for \
Ger­man brew­ers want Un­esco list­ing for 'pure' beer
Tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets in Thailand to protest against the government. Hundreds of demonstrators have occupied government buildings, in protests triggered by a controversial plan for an amnesty bill, which could have paved the way for the return of the Prime Minister\'s brother, Thaskin Shinawatra, who is in exile after being convicted of corruption.
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Tens of thou­sands protest in Thai­land | Jour­nal
At least 70 people have been killed and 230 injured in Iraq - during just one day in the latest spike in violence. Suicide blasts, roadside bombs and gun battles rocked the country on Monday, continuing weeks of bloodshed, which has claimed nearly 2-thousand lives since April. Much of the violence is blamed on Sunni insurgents, after months of protests against the Shi\'ite-led government. RT\'s Lucy Kafanov investigates the sectarian tension.


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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Dead­ly Di­vi­sion: Blood­shed on rise as sec­tar­i­an war rages in Iraq
Daybreak in Bangkok and the Thai capital resembles a war zone. Garbarge and plastic water bottles fill the streets after more than a week of anti-government demonstrations. Soon enough- protests pick up again with the same force seen in recent days.
Thai­land - Demon­stra­tors Oc­cu­py Grounds of Gov­ern­ment House.
KIEV, Ukraine (AP) — More than 100,000 demonstrators chased away police to rally in the center of Ukraine\'s capital on Sunday, defying a government ban on protests on Independence Square, in the biggest show of anger over the president\'s refusal to sign an agreement with the European Union.

Thousands of demonstrators tried to storm the nearby presidential administration building, but were driven back by riot police using tear gas and flash grenades, which produce a loud bang but are not intended to cause injury. The standoff continued, with more demonstrators arriving.

The protest was led by prominent opposition politicians, who demanded that President Viktor Yanukovych and his government resign. They also called for a nationwide strike and for tents to be set up to allow demonstrators to remain on the square around the clock.

Kiev Protests Draw Over 100,000 Peo­ple To March Against Regime
Israeli Prime Minister\'s insistence that his country doesn\'t have to go along with the deal has got short shrift from Britain\'s top diplomat. William Hague has warned Binyamin Netanyahu against undermining what was achieved in Geneva.


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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Al­lies ask Ne­tanyahu not to un­der­mine Iran deal with­out cred­i­ble 'plan B'
It\'s being described as the biggest protest in Ukraine\'s capital since the Orange Revolution, nine years ago. 

More than 300,000 people took to the streets for the eleventh day in a row.

They\'re calling for President Yanukovich to resign after he refused to sign an European Union deal.

Some people say they\'ll set up camp in the city\'s central square until he does. 

Al Jazeera\'s David Chater reports from Kiev.
Over 300,000 defy protest ban in Ukraine
Jon Snow talks about the Syrian conflict with the executive directior of Human Rights Watch, Kenneth Roth.
Human Rights Watch on Syria
Police throw tear gas at protesters as they approach a blockade at the government house in the Thai capital, injured are carried to safety.

Full Story:

Thai riot police on Monday threw tear gas at protesters gathered in front of Government House, in a push to topple Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra from power.

Some protesters were injured in the battle with police, as they tried to make their way to the prime minister\'s office through heavy security.

The protesters had set Sunday as \
30,000 An­ti-Gov­ern­ment Protesters Face Riot Po­lice in Thai­land
BBC One Night In Bhopal 2004 TVRip d0x
There are new allegations that chemical weapons have been used in Syria, this time near the capital Damascus in the Goutha region. As always, details about the alleged attack are unclear but there are suggestions that the nerve agent Sarin was used. Even estimates of the numbers killed vary wildly from dozens to more than 600. This video looks at the most recent attack and why there are always questions over the use of chemical weapons in Syria.

Link to playlist of videos from Goutha:

Brown Moses blog featuring three chemical weapons experts:

And a load of info on previous alleged chemical weapons attacks:

A reddit live thread discussing the issues:

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Want more on Syria?:
Syria is starving --
Syrian rebels kill 190 civilians and take 200 hostage --
ISIS commander killed in Syria --
How Germany sold chemicals to Syria --
Does Russia have evidence of Syrian rebel involvement in chemical attack? --
Syria\'s cultural genocide? --
Why the US has no moral authority on Syrian chemical weapons --
War with Syria (?) --
Putin says US is lying about Syria --
Jabhat al-Nusra attacks Syria\'s ancient Aramaic village --

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Spain train crash on CCTV - horrible footage of impact:
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How many kids have US drones killed in Pakistan?:
Shocking video: Man blows himself up in Chinese airport:
How the war on drugs in Mexico began (Part 1 of 4):
The 3 best documented UFO encounters:
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Is Egypt heading for another revolution?:
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Syrian opposition execute three civilians near Aleppo:
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Syria chem­i­cal weapons - Sarin gas at­tack near Dam­as­cus? - Truthload­er

updated 02 Dec 2013; published 02 Dec 2013
Fed. In­ves­ti­ga­tors on Scene of NY Train Ac­ci­dent
The Irish Times 03 Dec 2013, The Metro-North Railroad train that hurtled off the rails on a sleepy holiday weekend morning was traveling more than 80 mph (128 km/h) as it approached one of the sharpest curves in the region’s rail system, federal investigators said on Monday - nearly three times the speed permitted through the turn. The throttle was still engaged - giving the...
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updated 30 Sep 2013; published 30 Sep 2013
'Ter­ror­ists from 83 coun­tries fight­ing in Syria' - FM to UN As­sem­bly 2013 (FULL SPEECH)
Canberra Times 03 Dec 2013, Opposition protesters in northern Syria stand on a portrait of President Bashar al-Assad. Photo: AP Geneva: The top United Nations human rights official has linked Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to war crimes and crimes against humanity for the first time, citing evidence collected by her panel of investigators over the course of the 33-month-old...
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updated 03 Dec 2013; published 03 Dec 2013
Protest and riots anti WTO in thai­land
Khaleej Times 03 Dec 2013, The unexpected move was apparently aimed at avoiding further clashes between the two sides that have left at least...
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updated 02 Dec 2013; published 02 Dec 2013
Iran for­eign min­is­ter Zarif ex­tends hand of peace to Saudi Ara­bia
Al Jazeera 02 Dec 2013, Iran's foreign minister has appealed to Gulf Arab states to overcome their differences and work together for regional stability and to find a solution to the Syrian crisis. Speaking on Talk to Al Jazeera programme, to be broadcast on Tuesday at 07:30 GMT and 16:30 GMT, Mohammad Javad Zarif said all countries in the region needed...
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updated 02 Dec 2013; published 02 Dec 2013
Ger­man brew­ers want Un­esco list­ing for 'pure' beer
BBC News 02 Dec 2013, German beer brewers want their five-century-old purity laws recognised as world heritage by the United Nations' cultural agency. They have applied to Unesco for their Reinheitsgebot law to join a list of "intangible...
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updated 25 Nov 2013; published 25 Nov 2013
Tens of thou­sands protest in Thai­land | Jour­nal
San Francisco Chronicle 02 Dec 2013, BANGKOK (AP) — Thailand's prime minister on Monday rejected the demands of anti-government protesters locked in street battles with police, saying what they want is unacceptable under the constitution. In a televised news conference Monday, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said she is willing to "open every door" for negotiations to find a...
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updated 12 Jun 2013; published 12 Jun 2013
Dead­ly Di­vi­sion: Blood­shed on rise as sec­tar­i­an war rages in Iraq
STL Today 02 Dec 2013, BAGHDAD • The number of Iraqis slain “execution-style” surged last month, the U.N. said Sunday, raising fears of a return of the death squads that killed thousands during the darkest days of sectarian violence that followed the U.S.-led invasion. The increase in targeted killings comes even though the U.N. reported that the overall death toll for...
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updated 03 Dec 2013; published 03 Dec 2013
Thai­land - Demon­stra­tors Oc­cu­py Grounds of Gov­ern­ment House.
National Public Radio 01 Dec 2013, The leader of Thailand's anti-government protests said unexpectedly that he met the prime minister Sunday after daylong clashes between his supporters and police but defiantly told her he would accept nothing less than her resignation and a new government of an appointed council. In a defiant tone that drew cheers from his supporters, Suthep...
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updated 01 Dec 2013; published 01 Dec 2013
Kiev Protests Draw Over 100,000 Peo­ple To March Against Regime
Orange News 01 Dec 2013, 1 December 2013, 15:45 Ukraine Anti-Government Demos Gain Strength Tweet Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have marched through the capital Kiev in defiance of a government ban, in protest at President Viktor Yankovych's failure to sign a deal with Brussels. The opposition rally, the biggest seen in the Ukraine since the pro-democracy Orange...
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updated 26 Nov 2013; published 26 Nov 2013
Al­lies ask Ne­tanyahu not to un­der­mine Iran deal with­out cred­i­ble 'plan B' 01 Dec 2013, Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling When Israeli leaders accused the United States and Western allies of allowing Iran's Islamists to "take humanity back to the Dark Ages,"(1) were they actually projecting their own nationally-imposed "Dark Ages" mentality onto the global stage? Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's overly exaggerated...
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updated 02 Dec 2013; published 02 Dec 2013
Over 300,000 defy protest ban in Ukraine
BBC News 01 Dec 2013, Ukrainian opposition leaders have called for new mass protests against President Viktor Yanukovich's refusal to sign a trade deal with the EU. They are demanding new elections, and the impeachment of the president. Rallies continued through the night, with thousands gathered on the main square in the capital Kiev. Police violently dispersed an...
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updated 31 Jan 2013; published 31 Jan 2013
Human Rights Watch on Syria
Al Jazeera 01 Dec 2013, In recent months, leading diplomats and statesmen from the international community have been logging frequent flier miles and consulting technical treaties in order to curb the use and development of chemical and nuclear weapons in Syria and Iran. While these efforts have seemingly yielded previously unachievable results and established a new tone...
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updated 02 Dec 2013; published 02 Dec 2013
30,000 An­ti-Gov­ern­ment Protesters Face Riot Po­lice in Thai­land
Newstrack India 01 Dec 2013, Tweet Bangkok, Dec 1 (IANS) A mass rally by pro-government Red Shirts sparked violent clashes with opponents of the government, leaving at least two dead and many injured here. Following the death of a university student, a Red Shirts supporter was found dead Saturday night, Xinhua...
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updated 31 Dec 2012; published 31 Dec 2012
BBC One Night In Bhopal 2004 TVRip d0x 30 Nov 2013, Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling "Around 12:30 I woke up to hear my baby coughing horribly in the dim light," recounts Aziza Sultan, a social worker in Bhopal, and "I saw that the room was filled with white smoke. I heard many people screaming, calling."(1) Champa Devi Shukla recalled how "People were desperate to save their lives so...
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Crashed NY train travelling three times speed limit
Full Article The Irish Times
03 Dec 2013

The Metro-North Railroad train that hurtled off the rails on a sleepy holiday weekend morning was traveling more than 80 mph (128 km/h) as it approached one of the sharpest curves in the region’s rail system, federal investigators said on Monday - nearly three times the speed permitted through the turn. The throttle was still engaged - giving the... York Accident
An Amtrak train, top, traveling on an unaffected track, passes a derailed Metro North commuter train, Sunday, Dec. 1, 2013 in the Bronx borough of New York.
photo: AP / Mark Lennihan

UN links Assad to war crimes
Full Article Canberra Times
03 Dec 2013

Opposition protesters in northern Syria stand on a portrait of President Bashar al-Assad. Photo: AP Geneva: The top United Nations human rights official has linked Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to war crimes and crimes against humanity for the first time, citing evidence collected by her panel of investigators over the course of the 33-month-old... War Nations Crime
File - Navi Pillay, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, addresses the round table discussion on “The post-2015 development agenda and inclusive development for persons with disabilities”, held as part of the General Assembly’s high-level meeting on disability and development, 23 September, 2013.
photo: UN / Sarah Fretwell

Thai police allow protesters through barricades at HQ
Full Article Khaleej Times
03 Dec 2013

The unexpected move was apparently aimed at avoiding further clashes between the two sides that have left at least... Political Protests Protest Shinawatra
Anti-government protesters get ready for a protest outside government offices which are barricaded by police forces, in Bangkok, Thailand Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2013.
photo: AP / Manish Swarup

Iran seeks Arab help for regional stability
Full Article Al Jazeera
02 Dec 2013

Iran's foreign minister has appealed to Gulf Arab states to overcome their differences and work together for regional stability and to find a solution to the Syrian crisis. Speaking on Talk to Al Jazeera programme, to be broadcast on Tuesday at 07:30 GMT and 16:30 GMT, Mohammad Javad Zarif said all countries in the region needed... Spring Nuclear Deal Peace
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif speaks in the parliament in Tehran, Iran, Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2013.
photo: AP / Ebrahim Noroozi

German beer brewers in 'world heritage' appeal
Full Article BBC News
02 Dec 2013

German beer brewers want their five-century-old purity laws recognised as world heritage by the United Nations' cultural agency. They have applied to Unesco for their Reinheitsgebot law to join a list of "intangible... Beer Heritage
beer in a plastic cup
photo: Creative Commons / James Cridland

Thai PM says protesters' demands unacceptable
Full Article San Francisco Chronicle
02 Dec 2013

BANGKOK (AP) — Thailand's prime minister on Monday rejected the demands of anti-government protesters locked in street battles with police, saying what they want is unacceptable under the constitution. In a televised news conference Monday, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said she is willing to "open every door" for negotiations to find a... In Thailand Protest Shinawatra
Anti-government protesters wave Thai national flags during a protest rally in Bangkok, Thailand, Monday, Dec. 2, 2013.
photo: AP / Vincent Thian

UN in Iraq worried about uptick in bodies found
Full Article STL Today
02 Dec 2013

BAGHDAD • The number of Iraqis slain “execution-style” surged last month, the U.N. said Sunday, raising fears of a return of the death squads that killed thousands during the darkest days of sectarian violence that followed the U.S.-led invasion. The increase in targeted killings comes even though the U.N. reported that the overall death toll for... Violence Peace Nations
In this file photo taken on Oct. 8, 2013, women walk past the aftermath of a car bomb attack in the mainly Shiite neighborhood of Zafaraniyah in southeastern Baghdad, Iraq. The number of Iraqis slain "execution-style" surged last month, the U.N. said Sunday, Dec. 1, 2013.
photo: AP / Hadi Mizban

Violent Street Clashes Bring Thai PM, Protest Leader to Meet
Full Article National Public Radio
01 Dec 2013

The leader of Thailand's anti-government protests said unexpectedly that he met the prime minister Sunday after daylong clashes between his supporters and police but defiantly told her he would accept nothing less than her resignation and a new government of an appointed council. In a defiant tone that drew cheers from his supporters, Suthep... Thai Protests Thaugsuban Shinawatra Exile
An anti-government protester, holding a Thai national flag, is sprayed by water cannon fired by police in Bangkok, Sunday, Dec. 1, 2013.
photo: AP / Sakchai Lalit

Ukraine Anti-Government Demos Gain Strength
Full Article Orange News
01 Dec 2013

1 December 2013, 15:45 Ukraine Anti-Government Demos Gain Strength Tweet Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have marched through the capital Kiev in defiance of a government ban, in protest at President Viktor Yankovych's failure to sign a deal with Brussels. The opposition rally, the biggest seen in the Ukraine since the pro-democracy Orange... Ukraine Protests Revolution - Eu Deal
Demonstrators gather during a rally in downtown Kiev, Ukraine, on Sunday, Dec. 1, 2013.
photo: AP / Sergei Grits

Is Israel and Not Iran Taking Humanity Back to Dark Ages?
Full Article
01 Dec 2013

Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling When Israeli leaders accused the United States and Western allies of allowing Iran's Islamists to "take humanity back to the Dark Ages,"(1) were they actually projecting their own nationally-imposed "Dark Ages" mentality onto the global stage? Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's overly exaggerated... Palestine Peace Iran
A Palestinian man - the owner of a poultry farm - expresses his anger in front of the cameras of journalists after the farm was targeted in an overnight Israeli air strike in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip on November 20, 2013.
photo: WN / Ahmed Deeb

Ukraine braces for new mass protests
Full Article BBC News
01 Dec 2013

Ukrainian opposition leaders have called for new mass protests against President Viktor Yanukovich's refusal to sign a trade deal with the EU. They are demanding new elections, and the impeachment of the president. Rallies continued through the night, with thousands gathered on the main square in the capital Kiev. Police violently dispersed an... Union Protests Tymoshenko
Demonstrators shout slogans in front of Ukrainian Interior ministry soldiers who guard the Independence Square in downtown Kiev, Ukraine, on Saturday, Nov. 30, 2013.
photo: AP / Efrem Lukatsky

Making human rights defenders off limits
Full Article Al Jazeera
01 Dec 2013

In recent months, leading diplomats and statesmen from the international community have been logging frequent flier miles and consulting technical treaties in order to curb the use and development of chemical and nuclear weapons in Syria and Iran. While these efforts have seemingly yielded previously unachievable results and established a new tone... Rights Iran War
The Security Council received updates from the chairs of its committees dealing with terrorism and non-proliferation concerns, including the Al-Qaeda Sanctions Committee, the Counter-Terrorism Committee and the 1540 Committee, which deals with non-proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and their means of delivery, 27 November, 2013.
photo: UN / Amanda Voisard

Two dead as Bangkok protest turns violent
Full Article Newstrack India
01 Dec 2013

Tweet Bangkok, Dec 1 (IANS) A mass rally by pro-government Red Shirts sparked violent clashes with opponents of the government, leaving at least two dead and many injured here. Following the death of a university student, a Red Shirts supporter was found dead Saturday night, Xinhua... Thailand Protest Politics Shinawatra
Anti-government protesters try to remove police barricade during a rally in front of the Department of Special Investigation in Bangkok, Thailand, Saturday, Nov. 30, 2013.
photo: AP / Wason Wanichakorn

Bhopal and the Case for a Corporate Crimes Tribunal
Full Article
30 Nov 2013

Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling "Around 12:30 I woke up to hear my baby coughing horribly in the dim light," recounts Aziza Sultan, a social worker in Bhopal, and "I saw that the room was filled with white smoke. I heard many people screaming, calling."(1) Champa Devi Shukla recalled how "People were desperate to save their lives so... Disaster Rights
File - Children of survivors and supporters of the Bhopal Gas Tragedy participate in a protest near Indian prime minister’s office on the 28th anniversary of the tragedy, in New Delhi, India, Monday, Dec. 3, 2012.
photo: AP / Manish Swarup

Silva fitness boost for Manchester City
Full Article Goal
03 Dec 2013

The Spanish playmaker has missed his side’s last four matches with a calf injury but has been given the green light to return to full training £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = WBA Draw MNC £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = WBA Draw MNC £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = WBA Draw MNC £5 £10 £20...
Manchester City's David Silva
photo: AP / Tim Hales

Milan wish Pirlo speedy recovery
Full Article Goal
03 Dec 2013

The Rossoneri hope the midfielder returns to action swiftly after picking up a muscular problem against Udinese for Juventus at the weekend £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = BOL Draw JUV £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = BOL Draw JUV £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = BOL Draw JUV AC Milan have wished former...
Juventus midfielder Andrea Pirlo controls the ball during a Serie A soccer match between AC Milan and Juventus, at the San Siro stadium in Milan, Italy, Sunday, Nov. 25, 2012.
photo: AP / Luca Bruno

Barzagli: We will miss Pirlo
Full Article Orange News
03 Dec 2013

Juventus defender Andrea Barzagli has challenged his team to overcome the absence of the instrumental Andrea Pirlo. The veteran Italy international...
Andrea Barzagli, left, and Andrea Pirlo of FC Juventus challenges for the ball during a group E Champions League soccer match against Shakhtar Donetsk at Donbas Arena stadium in Donetsk, Ukraine, Wednesday, Dec. 5, 2012.
photo: AP / Efrem Lukatsky

Sagna sidelined with injury
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
03 Dec 2013

Arsenal defender Bacary Sagna will miss Wednesday night's Barclays Premier League clash with Hull at the Emirates Stadium with a hamstring injury. Sagna is expected to be out for one match with Carl Jenkinson set to replace the French full-back as the Gunners seek to increase their lead at the top of the table. "I believe we will lose Sagna who has...
Arsenal's Bacary Sagna controls the ball during an English FA Cup replay soccer match at Arsenal's Emirates stadium in London, Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013.
photo: AP / Alastair Grant

Lewandowski predicts Bayern crisis
Full Article Goal
03 Dec 2013

The striker played down the possibility that the Bavarians - who he is expected to join in the summer - already have the league in the bag £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = LIL Draw MAR £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = LIL Draw MAR £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = LIL Draw MAR Robert Lewandowski believes...
Dortmund's Robert Lewandowski of Poland controls the ball during the German first division Bundesliga soccer match between FC Augsburg and Borussia Dortmund in Augsburg, Germany, Saturday, Aug. 10, 2013.
photo: AP / Kerstin Joensson

Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger questions Hull chairman's plans
Full Article Sky Sports
03 Dec 2013

Brought to you by Last Match: Sat 30 Nov, Barclays Premier League Cardiff 0-3 Arsenal Match Report Next: Wed 4 Dec, Barclays Premier League Arsenal 19:45 Hull City Bet Now with Sky Bet 1/5 11/2 12/1 Match Area Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger questions Hull chairman's plans Last Updated: December 3, 2013 10:27am 0 Arsene Wenger: Questioned...
Arsenal's coach Arsene Wenger seen during their Champions League qualifying playoffs, first leg soccer match with Fenerbahce at Sukru Saracoglu Stadium in Istanbul, Turkey, Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2013.
photo: AP

Messi beats Ronaldo to top awards December 3, 2013
Full Article ESPN
03 Dec 2013

Cristiano Ronaldo has been chosen as the Spanish top flight’s ‘Most Valuable Player’ for the 2012-13 season, but Lionel Messi has won the more prestigious awards for La Liga’s best player and best attacker after having guided Barcelona to the title despite recurring injury issues. GettyImagesLionel Messi triumphed over...
Real Madrid's Cristiano Ronaldo from Portugal reacts during the 1st leg of a last-16 Copa del Rey soccer match against Celta at the Balaídos stadium in Vigo, Spain, Wednesday Dec. 12, 2012. Celta won the match 2-1.
photo: AP / Lalo R. Villar

BREAKING NEWS: Wenger denies deal for Morata
Full Article Goal
03 Dec 2013

Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has denied speculation linking the club with January moves for Real Madrid sensation Alvaro Morata or Corinthians star Alexandre Pato. More to follow... Sign up with William Hill for a free bet up to £25 Sign up with bet365 for a free bet up to £200 Sign up to Paddy Power for £250 in free bets Sign up today...
Arsenal's coach Arsene Wenger watches during their Champions League qualifying playoffs, first leg soccer match with Fenerbahce at Sukru Saracoglu Stadium in Istanbul, Turkey, Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2013.
photo: AP / Arsene Wenger

Katy Perry: I can't cook
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
03 Dec 2013

Katy Perry is notoriously late and terrible at cooking. The pretty popstar is currently dating John Mayer and was married to comedian Russell Brand in the past. While she's always popular with the boys, Katy is in no hurry to fulfil the stereotype of the perfect housewife. "The first thing you should know about me is that I can't even boil an egg,"...
120523-N-MH374-584 NEW YORK (May 23, 2012) Singer Katy Perry performs for service members during a block party at the Brooklyn Piers during Fleet Week New York 2012. This year marks the 25th year the city has celebrated the nation's sea services. This year, the seven-day event coincides with the commemoration of the Bicentennial of the War of 1812 and will host more than 6,000 service members from the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard team in addition to coalition ships from around the world.
photo: US Navy / Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Drae Parker

Beyonce named Internet search queen
Full Article The Times of India
03 Dec 2013

Pop superstar Beyonce Knowles has seen off competition from Kim Kardashian to be named the Internet's most-searched celebrity of 2012....
Singer Beyonce Knowles introduces "Beyonce Live At Roseland: The Elements of 4" live concert film at a special screening for fans at the Paris Theatre on Sunday, Nov. 20, 2011 in New York.
photo: AP / Evan Agostini

Singer Rita Ora joins 'Fifty Shades of Grey' film
Full Article The Times of India
03 Dec 2013

British R&B; singer Rita Ora will be the latest addition to Universal Pictures' " Fifty Shades of Grey" film, the Comcast Corp-owned studio said on Monday. Ora, 23, will play...
Rita Ora shine ya light
photo: Creative Commons / FitoreGashi

Reggae star Junior Murvin, of Paul Kelly and The Clash fame, dies
Full Article Canberra Times
03 Dec 2013

Reggae singer Junior Murvin, best known to Australians as the Christmas musical choice of the narrator from Paul Kelly's beloved hit How to Make Gravy has died in Jamaica aged 67. Murvin, who was most famous for his distinctive falsetto voice, died at Port Antonio Hospital on Monday, according to his son...

Doctors Cave Beach, Montego Bay, Jamaica
photo: Wn

Actress Maria Bello Comes Out In New York Times Essay
Full Article Vibe Magazine
02 Dec 2013

The Prisoners actress has recently come out as gay and admitted to her 12-year-old son Jackson that she has a girlfriend. In a piece for the New York Times entitled, "Coming Out as a Modern Family," the essay finds the celebrated actress telling her young son that she was romantically involved with a...
Maria Bello
photo: Creative Commons / sheksays

James Taylor announces UK and Ireland tour dates
Full Article Digital Spy
02 Dec 2013

James Taylor has announced details of a UK and Ireland tour. The singer-songwriter will play five shows in autumn 2014, which will be his first tour of the UK and Ireland for several years. © PA Images / Chris Pizzello/AP James Taylor He will kick off the short tour at Dublin's O2 on September 23, before taking in gigs in Belfast, Birmingham...
James Taylor at Tanglewood
photo: Creative Commons / Flickr upload bot

Green Day taking a break after tour
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
02 Dec 2013

Green Day have said they will be taking a break to recharge after finishing their 2014 Australian tour. Frontman Billie Joe Armstrong told Jo Whiley in a BBC Radio 2 interview about their plans for a rest, according to Digital Spy. He confirmed: "We're going to Australia, doing a tour there and then we're going to take a break. "We haven't really...
Green Day (ft. Prima Donna and Foxboro Hot Tubs), M.E.N. Arena, October 31 2009  Green Day play their two-hour main set at the M.E.N. Arena on Halloween 2009.
photo: Creative Commons / Sarah Noble

Elton John, Katy Perry to perform at 'The X Factor' finale
Full Article Newstrack India
02 Dec 2013

Tweet London, Dec 2 (IANS) The finale of British singing reality show "The X Factor" will see a bevy of stars taking the stage to perform. The line up includes Elton John, Katy Perry and One Direction band. The show...
Katy Perry performs during the Y100 Jingle Ball at BankAtlantic Center in Sunrise, Florida USA December 11, 2010
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Salman Khan to meet fans at Jai Ho trailer launch
Full Article The Times of India
03 Dec 2013

Salman Khan is having a release almost after one year and six months. Longest gap he has ever had. Jai Ho would be his next release after Ek Tha Tiger. Salman Khan and Sohail Khan have come up with a unique idea for the first...
Bollywood actor Salman Khan looks on during Kingfisher swimsuit calendar launch in Mumbai, India, Saturday, Dec. 18, 2010.
photo: AP / Rajanish Kakade

"I am a 48 year old virgin, sleeps alone ": Salman Khan
Full Article The Siasat Daily
02 Dec 2013

Mumbai, December 02: Bollywood superstar Salman Khan said, "I'm going to save myself for the one that I get married to." He appeared on Karan Johar's much talked about chat show 'Koffee With Karan' this Sunday. The 'Dabangg' Khan opened season 4 of Koffee and looked calm and composed as he let his guard down, getting candid with host and director...
Bollywood star Salman Khan speaks during the launch of Being Human's first flagship store in Mumbai, India, Thursday, Jan. 17, 2013.
photo: AP / Rafiq Maqbool

Juhi Chawla set to make Hollywood debut
Full Article The Siasat Daily
02 Dec 2013

Washington, December 02: Juhi Chawla has landed a role in an upcoming movie produced by Steven Spielberg. The 46-year-old Bollywood star will appear alongside Dame Helen Mirren and Om Puri in ‘The Hundred-Foot Journey’,...
India Bollywood Actress Juhi Chawla inter act with media  during the Education Programme at Kolkata on Saturday 04 May 2013
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Karisma Kapoor awaits right script to create magic again
Full Article Headlines India
02 Dec 2013

Mumbai, Dec 2: Actress Karisma Kapoor, who failed to impress with her Bollywood comeback vehicle "Dangerous Ishhq" last year, says she loves to act and is now...
Bollywood actor Karisma Kapoor arrives at an event in New Delhi, India, Monday, July 13, 2009.
photo: AP / Mustafa Quraishi

Hugh Jackman Still Loves Playing Wolverine, His 'Best Friend'
Full Article Huffington Post
02 Dec 2013

When Hugh Jackman steps on screen in "X-Men: Days of Future Past" next May, it will mark the seventh time he's played Wolverine since 2000. "You're going to think this is a line, but it's true: I'm enjoying playing him more than ever," Jackman told HuffPost Entertainment during a recent interview to discuss the Blu-ray release of "The Wolverine,"...
Hugh Jackman speaking at the 2013 San Diego Comic Con International, for "The Wolverine", at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California.
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

Westwick's rough style
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
02 Dec 2013

Ed Westwick has relaxed his style since finishing Gossip Girl. The 26-year-old actor is best known for his role as dapper billionaire Chuck Bass in hit TV show Gossip Girl. After playing such a fashionable character Ed has enjoyed being able to relax more with his style since the programme finished last year. "It's relaxed. I live in LA and it's so...
Actor Ed Westwick, from "Gossip Girl" participates in a panel discussion at the CBS, Showtime and The CW Television Critics Association summer press tour in Beverly Hills, Calif., Thursday, July 29, 2010.
photo: AP / Matt Sayles

'Jai Ho', Salman to launch film's trailer amid fans
Full Article Newstrack India
02 Dec 2013

Tweet New Delhi, Dec 2 (IANS) Bollywood's "Dabangg" star Salman Khan is a hit among the masses and will take to a single screen theatre here to launch the trailer...
Bollywood actor Salman Khan attends the press conference before the celebrity cup cricket tournament which will be held at the sportscity in Dubai on Thursday, May 27, 2010.
photo: AP

Bell honoured to be Frozen princess
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
02 Dec 2013

Kristen Bell has revealed it feels "special" to join the league of Disney heroines. The Veronica Mars star lends her voice to Princess Anna in the 3D animated musical Frozen, which is loosely based on Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale The Snow Queen. The movie has already snowballed its way to the top at the US box office, becoming the biggest...
Kristen Bell speaking at the 2013 San Diego Comic Con International, for "Veronica Mars", at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

Full Article The Times of India
03 Dec 2013

MUMBAI: India captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni has won this year's LG People's Choice Award, thus becoming only the second Indian cricketer to win the coveted prize after just-retired Sachin Tendulkar. Dhoni has now become only the third cricketer to win this award after Tendulkar, who was the first-ever recipient in 2010, and Sri...
Indian cricket captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni speaks during a news conference in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Saturday, March 10, 2012. Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lankan cricket teams will participate in the Asia Cricket Cup which begins March 11 in Dhaka.
photo: AP / Pavel Rahman

Ulster Bank technical issues: RBS 'sorry' as online banking and payment systems go down
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
03 Dec 2013

Ulster Bank customers have been unable to access their online systems or use banks cards this evening - during the busiest internet shopping day of the year. Related Articles Customers trying to log in to their internet banking were shown a 'temporarily unavailable' message, while others were unable to use their debit cards or ATMs. RBS is the...
Ulster Bank logo at it's Headquarters, in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Monday, Jan. 26, 2009
photo: AP / Peter Morrison

Scott Walker Campaign: Skip Black Friday, Give Us Your Money Instead
Full Article Huffington Post
03 Dec 2013

This Black Friday, shoppers pulled knives on each other and fought over towels in an annual tradition of post-Thanksgiving consumerism. But Gov. Scott Walker's (R) campaign told supporters to skip all of the hoopla, offering up a better place for them to throw their cash. In a Friday email, Friends of Scott Walker encouraged Wisconsinites to send...
Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin speaking at the 2013 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Maryland.
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

Ukraine President Turns his Back on Turmoil, Heads for China
Full Article Voa News
03 Dec 2013

Reuters KYIV — Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych is set to head for China on Tuesday, leaving a country plunged into crisis by his decision to forego a free trade deal with Europe under pressure from Russia. With pro-Europe demonstrators blockading the government's main building in Kyiv, their allies in parliament called for a vote... Ukraine Protests - Eu Deal - China Yanukovych
Ukrainian opposition leader and presidential candidate Viktor Yanukovych is seen at a polling station during the presidential election in Kiev, Ukraine Sunday, Feb. 7, 2010.
photo: AP / Efrem Lukatsky

U.S. approves Microsoft purchase of Nokia's mobile business
Full Article The Guardian
02 Dec 2013

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. antitrust regulators have approved Microsoft Corp's deal to buy Nokia Corp's mobile phone business, the Federal Trade Commission said on Monday. The approval, which was expected, was dated November 29. The next step will be for the companies to win approval in Europe for the proposed $7.3 billion transaction. Two people... - Microsoft Deal
Stephen Elop, CEO of Nokia, introduces its newest smartphone, the Lumia 920, equipped with Microsoft's Windows Phone 8, Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2012 in New York.
photo: AP / Mark Lennihan

Dow Chemical looking to separate about 40 plants
Full Article The Wichita Eagle
02 Dec 2013

MIDLAND, Mich.Dow Chemical is looking to separate about 40 manufacturing plants from its business as it continues to... Chemical
 Dow Chemical Company -Im zentralen Tanklager des Buna-Werkes der DOW Deutschland installiert Lothar Stenzel einen Verladearm an einem Kesselwagen in Schkopau bei Halle am Mittwoch, 10. Sep. 1997. Buna ist der Hauptsitz des jetzt von der amerikanischen &q
photo: AP Photo

Stocks mixed in morning trading
Full Article Boston Herald
02 Dec 2013

NEW YORK — Stocks were mixed in early trading as investors weighed encouraging news about the economy against weaker holiday shopping sales. The Dow Jones industrial average fell 30 points, or 0.2 percent, to 16,055. The Standard & Poor's 500 index was little changed at 1,806. The Nasdaq composite was also little changed at... Day Stocks
In this July 15, 2010 photograph, trader John Bowers works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange
photo: AP / Richard Drew

ThyssenKrupp wins submarine order from Singapore
Full Article Reuters
02 Dec 2013

DUESSELDORF/FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Germany's ThyssenKrupp (TKAG.DE) said on Monday it had won an order from Singapore for two customized submarines to be built at its Marine Systems... Technologies Engineering
ThyssenKrupp headquarters in Essen.Essen is seat to several large companies, among them the ThyssenKrupp industrial conglomerate which is also registered in Duisburg and originates from a 1999 merger between Duisburg-based Thyssen AG and Essen-based Friedrich Krupp AG Hoesch-Krupp.
photo: Creative Commons / Wiki05

Fed. Investigators on Scene of NY Train Accident
Fed. Investigators on Scene of NY Train Accident
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:26
  • Updated: 02 Dec 2013
National Transportation Safety Board is on the scene of the New York commuter train derailment, trying to figure out what went wrong Sunday in a crash that left four dead and more than 60 injured. (Dec. 1)
  • published: 02 Dec 2013
  • views: 5527

'Terrorists from 83 countries fighting in Syria' - FM to UN Assembly 2013 (FULL SPEECH)
'Terrorists from 83 countries fighting in Syria' - FM to UN Assembly 2013 (FULL SPEECH)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 20:51
  • Updated: 30 Sep 2013
The Syrian government is fighting against "terrorist groups from 83 countries" as part of its "constitutional right" to protect the country's people, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem told the UN General Assembly in New York. READ MORE: RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
  • published: 30 Sep 2013
  • views: 14704'Terrorists_from_83_countries_fighting_in_Syria'__FM_to_UN_Assembly_2013_FULL_SPEECH

Protest and riots anti WTO in thailand
Protest and riots anti WTO in thailand
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:41
  • Updated: 03 Dec 2013
Protest and riots in thailand Subscribe Follow us TWITTER @newsdailyplanet
  • published: 03 Dec 2013
  • views: 2

Iran foreign minister Zarif extends hand of peace to Saudi Arabia
Iran foreign minister Zarif extends hand of peace to Saudi Arabia
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:21
  • Updated: 02 Dec 2013
Zarif asks Saudi Arabia to work with Iran Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran's foreign minister who is currently on a tour of the Gulf states, has appealed to Saudi Arabia to work with Iran towards achieving regional stability. He said on Monday in Doha, Qatar, after visits to Kuwait and Oman for meetings on its recent nuclear deal with world powers that his goal was to assure Gulf Arab states that the deal was in their best interests. "We believe that Iran and Saudi Arabia should work together in order to promote peace and stability in the region," Zarif told AFP news agency. Zarif suggested the deal should not be seen as a threat. "This agreement cannot be at the expense of any country in the region," he said on Sunday. "Our relations with Saudi Arabia should expand as we consider Saudi Arabia as an extremely important country in the region and the Islamic world." Zarif also praised Oman's role in last month's negotiations between Iran and world powers including the US that paved the way for the landmark nuclear deal. "We expressed our appreciation for the very central and positive role that the sultanate had played in facilitating these talks," Zarif said after he met Sultan Qaboos of Oman. Unlike Saudi Arabia, locked in a decades-long rivalry with Shia-dominated Iran, Oman maintains good relations with Iran. Qaboos has acted as an intermediary between Western countries and the Islamic republic in the past few years. According to reports, the sultanate hosted secret talks between Iran and the US in the lead-up to the six-month accord on Iran's nuclear programme. Arriving in Doha on Monday, Zarif held talks with Qatar's Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, the official QNA news agency reported. They "discussed bilateral relations and means of developing them as well as matters of mutual interest," QNA said. Guarded welcome The nuclear deal that was reached in Geneva, Switzerland, on November 24 was welcomed by the Sunni-ruled Gulf Arab states, which have long been concerned about Iran's regional ambitions. But the Saudi government reacted cautiously, saying the deal could mark the first step towards a comprehensive solution for Iran's nuclear programme. Zarif voiced hopes to visit Saudi Arabia soon and the United Arab Emirates, whose foreign minister announced during a visit to Tehran last week that his government was ready to create a joint economic commission with Iran. "I am ready to go to Saudi Arabia, but it is just a matter of being able to arrange a mutually convenient time. I will visit it soon inshallah [God willing]." Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) foreign ministers, meeting in Kuwait City last week, expressed hopes that the interim deal would lead to a permanent agreement on Iran's nuclear programme. The GCC is led by Saudi Arabia and includes Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and UAE. After his election in July, Iran's President Hassan Rouhani said he wanted to improve relations with neighbouring countries, especially Gulf states. "We feel that relations between countries in the region must be built on mutual trust and friendly ties must be strengthened," Oman News Agency quoted Rouhani as saying. Zarif said it was not Iran's goal to deceive the world.
  • published: 02 Dec 2013
  • views: 77

German brewers want Unesco listing for 'pure' beer
German brewers want Unesco listing for 'pure' beer
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:05
  • Updated: 02 Dec 2013
BERLIN (AFP) - German brewers say a five-century-old beer purity law deserves a spot on the Unesco list for "intangible cultural heritage". The law, called the 'Reinheitsgebot' in German, was introduced in Bavaria in 1516 and adopted nation-wide in 1906. It dictates that only water, malt, hops and yeast, and no flavourings or preservatives, may be used to make beer. "If Germany is still regarded as the undisputed beer nation, that is due to the Reinheitsgebot," said Hans-Georg Eils, president of the German Brewers Federation. Its acceptance to the world heritage list "would be for German brewers and maltsters a sign of appreciation and an incentive at the same time," Eils added.
  • published: 02 Dec 2013
  • views: 31'pure'_beer

Tens of thousands protest in Thailand | Journal
Tens of thousands protest in Thailand | Journal
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:39
  • Updated: 25 Nov 2013
Tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets in Thailand to protest against the government. Hundreds of demonstrators have occupied government buildings, in protests triggered by a controversial plan for an amnesty bill, which could have paved the way for the return of the Prime Minister's brother, Thaskin Shinawatra, who is in exile after being convicted of corruption. More Journal Videos:
  • published: 25 Nov 2013
  • views: 1779|_Journal

Deadly Division: Bloodshed on rise as sectarian war rages in Iraq
Deadly Division: Bloodshed on rise as sectarian war rages in Iraq
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:50
  • Updated: 12 Jun 2013
At least 70 people have been killed and 230 injured in Iraq - during just one day in the latest spike in violence. Suicide blasts, roadside bombs and gun battles rocked the country on Monday, continuing weeks of bloodshed, which has claimed nearly 2-thousand lives since April. Much of the violence is blamed on Sunni insurgents, after months of protests against the Shi'ite-led government. RT's Lucy Kafanov investigates the sectarian tension. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
  • published: 12 Jun 2013
  • views: 9030

Thailand - Demonstrators Occupy Grounds of Government House.
Thailand - Demonstrators Occupy Grounds of Government House.
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:52
  • Updated: 03 Dec 2013
Daybreak in Bangkok and the Thai capital resembles a war zone. Garbarge and plastic water bottles fill the streets after more than a week of anti-government demonstrations. Soon enough- protests pick up again with the same force seen in recent days.
  • published: 03 Dec 2013
  • views: 3

Kiev Protests Draw Over 100,000 People To March Against Regime
Kiev Protests Draw Over 100,000 People To March Against Regime
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:01
  • Updated: 01 Dec 2013
KIEV, Ukraine (AP) — More than 100,000 demonstrators chased away police to rally in the center of Ukraine's capital on Sunday, defying a government ban on protests on Independence Square, in the biggest show of anger over the president's refusal to sign an agreement with the European Union. Thousands of demonstrators tried to storm the nearby presidential administration building, but were driven back by riot police using tear gas and flash grenades, which produce a loud bang but are not intended to cause injury. The standoff continued, with more demonstrators arriving. The protest was led by prominent opposition politicians, who demanded that President Viktor Yanukovych and his government resign. They also called for a nationwide strike and for tents to be set up to allow demonstrators to remain on the square around the clock. "Our plan is clear: It's not a demonstration, it's not a reaction. It's a revolution," said Yuriy Lutsenko, speaking from the top of a bus. Chants of "revolution" resounded across a sea of yellow and blue Ukrainian and EU flags on the square, where the government had prohibited rallies starting Sunday. The crowd was by far the largest since the protests began more than a week ago. Many of the demonstrators had traveled to Kiev from western Ukraine, where pro-EU sentiment is particularly strong. "We are furious," said Mykola Sapronov, a 62-year-old retired businessman. "The leaders must resign. We want Europe and freedom." Protests have been held daily in Kiev since Yanukovych backed away from an agreement that would have established free trade and deepened political cooperation between Ukraine and the EU. He justified the decision by saying that Ukraine could not afford to break trade ties with Russia. The EU agreement was to have been signed Friday and since then the protests have gained strength. Sunday's demonstration also was energized by anger over the violent dispersal of several hundred protesters at Independence Square early Saturday. Some of the protesters were left bleeding from their heads after riot police beat them with truncheons. "They want to take our freedom away from us," said Nina Moskalik, 25. "They beat people, they spill blood. This is why we have to come out." Yanukovych late Saturday condemned the use of force and promised to punish those responsible. As the vast column of demonstrators approached Independence Square on Sunday and swept away metal barriers from around a large Christmas tree set up in the center, all police left the square. About a dozen demonstrators then climbed the tree to hang EU and Ukrainian flags from its branches. Several hundred demonstrators never made it to the square. Along the way they burst into the Kiev city administration building and occupied it, in defiance of police, who tried unsuccessfully to drive them away by using tear gas. The EU agreement had been eagerly anticipated by Ukrainians who want their country of 45 million people to break out of Moscow's orbit. Opinion surveys in recent months showed about 45 percent of Ukrainians supporting closer integration with the EU and a third or less favoring closer ties with Russia.
  • published: 01 Dec 2013
  • views: 43,000_People_To_March_Against_Regime

Allies ask  Netanyahu not to undermine Iran deal without credible 'plan B'
Allies ask Netanyahu not to undermine Iran deal without credible 'plan B'
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:47
  • Updated: 26 Nov 2013
Israeli Prime Minister's insistence that his country doesn't have to go along with the deal has got short shrift from Britain's top diplomat. William Hague has warned Binyamin Netanyahu against undermining what was achieved in Geneva. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
  • published: 26 Nov 2013
  • views: 13284'plan_B'

Over 300,000 defy protest ban in Ukraine
Over 300,000 defy protest ban in Ukraine
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:32
  • Updated: 02 Dec 2013
It's being described as the biggest protest in Ukraine's capital since the Orange Revolution, nine years ago. More than 300,000 people took to the streets for the eleventh day in a row. They're calling for President Yanukovich to resign after he refused to sign an European Union deal. Some people say they'll set up camp in the city's central square until he does. Al Jazeera's David Chater reports from Kiev.
  • published: 02 Dec 2013
  • views: 5638,000_defy_protest_ban_in_Ukraine

Human Rights Watch on Syria
Human Rights Watch on Syria
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:12
  • Updated: 31 Jan 2013
Jon Snow talks about the Syrian conflict with the executive directior of Human Rights Watch, Kenneth Roth.
  • published: 31 Jan 2013
  • views: 423

30,000 Anti-Government Protesters Face Riot Police in Thailand
30,000 Anti-Government Protesters Face Riot Police in Thailand
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:58
  • Updated: 02 Dec 2013
Police throw tear gas at protesters as they approach a blockade at the government house in the Thai capital, injured are carried to safety. Full Story: Thai riot police on Monday threw tear gas at protesters gathered in front of Government House, in a push to topple Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra from power. Some protesters were injured in the battle with police, as they tried to make their way to the prime minister's office through heavy security. The protesters had set Sunday as "Victory Day" to oust the government, but failed to achieve their goal of seizing the prime minister's office at Government House or occupying state buildings. Police mostly held their lines, firing repeated rounds of tear gas and using water cannons against 30-thousand protesters, many of whom hurled rocks and petrol bombs. Yingluck was forced to flee to an undisclosed location. Protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban has rejected offers to negotiate, and has extended the deadline for bringing down the government to Tuesday. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛  Add us on Facebook ☛
  • published: 02 Dec 2013
  • views: 733,000_Anti-Government_Protesters_Face_Riot_Police_in_Thailand

BBC   One Night In Bhopal 2004 TVRip d0x
BBC One Night In Bhopal 2004 TVRip d0x
  • Order:
  • Duration: 53:30
  • Updated: 31 Dec 2012
  • published: 31 Dec 2012
  • views: 24158

Syria chemical weapons - Sarin gas attack near Damascus? - Truthloader
Syria chemical weapons - Sarin gas attack near Damascus? - Truthloader
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:11
  • Updated: 21 Aug 2013
There are new allegations that chemical weapons have been used in Syria, this time near the capital Damascus in the Goutha region. As always, details about the alleged attack are unclear but there are suggestions that the nerve agent Sarin was used. Even estimates of the numbers killed vary wildly from dozens to more than 600. This video looks at the most recent attack and why there are always questions over the use of chemical weapons in Syria. Link to playlist of videos from Goutha:;=PLPC0Udeof3T4NORTjYmPoNCHn2vCByvYG&index;=1 Brown Moses blog featuring three chemical weapons experts: And a load of info on previous alleged chemical weapons attacks: A reddit live thread discussing the issues: of/ Subscribe to our channel: Why you should subscribe to Truthloader: Want more on Syria?: Syria is starving -- Syrian rebels kill 190 civilians and take 200 hostage -- ISIS commander killed in Syria -- How Germany sold chemicals to Syria -- Does Russia have evidence of Syrian rebel involvement in chemical attack? -- Syria's cultural genocide? -- Why the US has no moral authority on Syrian chemical weapons -- War with Syria (?) -- Putin says US is lying about Syria -- Jabhat al-Nusra attacks Syria's ancient Aramaic village -- More videos from Truthloader: Snowden's suspected encrypted email service forced to close: Russian Neo-Nazis torture LGBT and immigrant groups: What you're not being told about Booz Allen Hamilton and Edward Snowden: The Hessdalen Lights: UFOs over Norway: Spain train crash on CCTV - horrible footage of impact: Who are Hezbollah?: How many kids have US drones killed in Pakistan?: Shocking video: Man blows himself up in Chinese airport: How the war on drugs in Mexico began (Part 1 of 4): The 3 best documented UFO encounters: Is the Five Eyes Alliance watching you?: Is Egypt heading for another revolution?: What is NATO doing in Afghanistan?: Syrian opposition execute three civilians near Aleppo: Russian post men having a bad day: A history of the NSA: CIA drone war: How has the US got away with it?: Check out our top 20 videos playlist: Follow us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Join us on Google+: Read our reddit: Truthloader is a channel dedicated to citizen journalism. We find the best examples of crowd-sourced video and independent content, then use our expertise to add context and analysis. We respond to the stories you're interested in, so if you've got a story you'd love us to get to the bottom of, tweet us, Facebook us, or respond to our videos with a comment - and perhaps check out our reddit.
  • published: 21 Aug 2013
  • views: 1476864

President Barack Obama talks with President Vladimir Putin of Russia during a phone call in the Oval Office, July 12, 2013. Jim Johnson #43 of the Baltimore Orioles in a game against the New York Yankees at Oriole Park at Camden Yards on September 12, 2013 in Baltimore, Maryland. First lady Michelle Obama speaks during the Kids' Inaugural: Our Children. Our Future." event in Washington The COTS 2 Dragon is berthed to the ISS by Canadarm2. On 18 August 2006, NASA announced that SpaceX had won a NASA Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) contract to demonstrate cargo delivery to the International Space Station (ISS) with a possible option for crew transport.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry speaks as he is joined by British Foreign Secretary William Hague and Libyan Prime Minister Ali Zeidan following a trilateral meeting in London, U.K. on November 24, 2013. In this photo of Monday Nov 8, 2010, President Yoweri Museveni  of Uganda Sing his popular song at Otwal primary school in Lira District, Uganda. He's 65, he's been president for two decades, and he's Uganda's newest rap star. Facing a February election, President Yoweri Museveni  has released a rap song and video that's become a sensation in this East African nation. Supporters at a rally in northern Uganda last week called for Museveni to peform the hit. Museveni chuckled, then cleared his throat and started to rap. "You want another rap?" Museveni sang, quoting the chorus and the song's name. Supporters danced wildly. Africa loses $50bn annually Snow Leopard

A riot police officer walks in front of the Brazilian embassy where Honduras' ousted President Manuel Zelaya has taken refuge in Tegucigalpa, Tuesday, Sept. 22, 2009. Chelsea's Demba Ba celebrates scoring a goal during the English Premier League soccer match between Chelsea and West Bromwich Albion at Stamford Bridge Stadium in London, Saturday, March 2, 2013. Zehn Jahre Stahlgigant ThyssenKrupp Unnamed giant Dicynodont from Late Late Triassic of Poland

President Barack Obama pauses during a news conference in the James Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, March 6, 2012. INDIAN-CRICKTER-SACHIN-TENDULKAR Men and Women Laurent Salvador Lamothe, Prime Minister of Haiti, addresses the general debate of the sixty-eighth session of the General Assembly.

Australian opposition leader Tony Abbott speaks at a parliamentary dinner in Canberra, Australia, Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2011. England Batsman Alastair Cook after Century on 3 Day 3rd Test Match against India  at Eden Garden in Kolkata on Friday 07 December 2012 Infosys company office building in Pune, India India's Rohit Sharma smiles during practice session in Dambulla, Sri Lanka, Monday, Aug. 23, 2010. India, Sri Lanka and New Zealand are currently playing the tri nation cricket series.

BBC News
Anti-government protests continue in parts of Thailand's capital, Bangkok, with more clashes breaking out between demonstrators and security officials trying to maintain...
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling During the Atlantic Slave Trade Squanto, the Amerindian credited for helping the Pilgrims survive a harsh winter and their "starving...
BBC News
Vladimir Putin's legendary lateness is back in the spotlight after he kept Pope Francis waiting during a recent visit to the Vatican. What lies behind his chronic tardiness?...

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich, right, greets new Prime Minister, Mykola Azarov in parliament, Kiev, Ukraine, Thursday, March 11, 2010.
December 02: Ukrainian protesters today blockaded government buildings and camped on Kiev's central square, seeking to oust President Viktor Yanukovych after police brutality and a row over EU ties plunged the country into its worst political crisis...
photo: AP / Efrem Lukatsky
Traian Basescu, President of Romania, delivers his statement at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, eastern France, Thursday Jan. 27, 2011.
BUCHAREST, RomaniaRomanian President Traian Basescu says he won't sign a letter of intent and International Monetary Fund memorandum to protest a government decision to hike fuel prices. In November, the government said it would increase 1 liter...
photo: AP / Christian Lutz
Jeff Bezos, CEO and founder of Amazon, is illuminated by a display screen at the introduction of the new Amazon Kindle Fire HD and Kindle Paperwhite in Santa Monica, Calif., Thursday, Sept. 6, 2012. (AP Photo/Reed Saxon)
What do Amazon's new drone delivery program, Elon Musk's Hyperloop, and Uber's ice-cream sandwiches have in common? They all look like a kind of blogger-bait vaporware — improbable PR stunts designed to garner lots of attention and make the...
photo: AP / Reed Saxon
Vitali Klitschko from Ukraine, center, celebrates after winning a WBC heavyweight boxing world championship fight against Samuel Peter from Nigeria in Berlin, Germany, Saturday, Oct. 11, 2008
Klitschko, leader of the Udar party and champion boxer, has announced plans to run for president in 2015. Is Dr Ironfist, as he is also known, a heavyweight contender? Boxer and WBC heavyweight champion Vitali Klitschko: standing for president in...
photo: AP / Herbert Knosowski)
The Beer tent Barthelmarkt is an annual fair and beer festival in Manching near Ingolstadt, Germany. It is held every year on the last weekend of August
Germany is pushing for the United Nations’ cultural agency UNESCO to recognize a beer ‘purity’ law that has been in place since the 1500s and place it on the ‘intangible cultural heritage list.’ The law is known as...
photo: Creative Commons / Flominator
Elephant from Kruger Park, South Africa.
JOHANNESBURG (AP) — An international conservation group says that as many as 20 percent of Africa's elephants could be killed in the...
photo: Creative Commons / Rob Hooft
File - Nigeria troops man a checkpoint in Maiduguri, Nigeria, Wednesday, Sept, 28. 2011. Security forces have arrested a commander of a radical Muslim sect known as Boko Haram, who allegedly ordered various sectarian killings in the northeastern city.
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photo: AP / Sunday Alamba