Products & Services


PSMA Australia combines spatial data from Australia’s governments with leading-edge technology to create national spatial information datasets that include features such as roads, street addresses, and cadastral and administrative boundaries.

These datasets are then used by a network of partners who develop products and services that present the data in meaningful and useful ways. These products and services cater for a wide range of industry, government and community uses that deliver economic, environmental and social benefits to the whole of Australia.

The data we make available is an enabler, delivering greater value from existing resources. When combined with appropriate software, our digital mapping data can enhance core business outcomes, reduce crime and improve emergency responses, or simply help you navigate to a restaurant in an unfamiliar city.

Our data can be used separately or together to create an infrastructure of spatial data crucial to many business operations.

The following datasets are available for sale through our value-added resellers.


PSMA Australia is also developing a range of services to provide better access to spatial data. Services in development include: