G-NAF is the authoritative index of geocoded Australian addresses. This award-winning dataset contains more than 13 million physical addresses that are sourced from the address custodians from each state and territory, the Australian Electoral Commission and Australia Post.


G-NAF makes it possible to verify a physical address in Australia and locate its position.

Every address within G-NAF is compared between the contributors and matched against authoritative spatial datasets to ensure that there is a legal land parcel, road or locality to verify the existence and quality of the address.

G-NAF includes:

  • Location information, through the provision of a geocode that places each address at either the land parcel, the street or locality particular to each address
  • Confidence level, providing an insight into whether one, two or three of the authoritative contributors have provided the address
  • An extensive range of alias address information, covering information such as duplicate addresses, commonly known names and vanity addresses
  • Mesh Block codes for each address, simplifying analysis against ABS statistical information and similarly aligned data.



Better business

Many organisations rely on address databases to support efficient and effective service delivery. G‑NAF assists in address verification, reduced duplication and improved service delivery. G-NAF allows organisations to develop more accurate socio-economic and demographic analysis.

Emergency response

Fast incident response depends on knowing the exact location of the emergency. For example, the ACT Emergency Services Authority uses G-NAF in its computer aided dispatch system to improve its response to 000 calls.

Personal Navigation

G-NAF is used in a growing number of websites, mobiles phones and tablets, and personal navigation products to accurately located an address. This location intelligence provides connectivity between other services such as travel planning, imagery and features of interest information.

FRAUD prevention

G-NAF has the capacity to prevent identity fraud, by allowing organisations to confirm the validity of a submitted address.

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