
Craig Ferguson - Latvians are AWESOME!
Craig Ferguson meets latvian and admits latvians are AWESOME!...
published: 18 Nov 2013
Craig Ferguson - Latvians are AWESOME!
Craig Ferguson - Latvians are AWESOME!
Craig Ferguson meets latvian and admits latvians are AWESOME!- published: 18 Nov 2013
- views: 257

What an American thinks about Latvia
Just one day in Riga....
published: 08 Aug 2010
author: Kyle Pounds
What an American thinks about Latvia
What an American thinks about Latvia
Just one day in Riga.- published: 08 Aug 2010
- views: 3473
- author: Kyle Pounds

What Do You Think About Latvians?
Vox populi (voice of people) asignment for "Intro to TV" subject at Baltic Film and Media ...
published: 29 Nov 2010
author: Guntars Gulbis
What Do You Think About Latvians?
What Do You Think About Latvians?
Vox populi (voice of people) asignment for "Intro to TV" subject at Baltic Film and Media School (BFM). We shooted it in Viru Keskus (huge shopping center in...- published: 29 Nov 2010
- views: 97685
- author: Guntars Gulbis

RUNWAY, Documentary about Latvians in London
" Casualties from the Latvian property price, Natalie and Juris have come to England to ra...
published: 06 Feb 2011
author: Arnis Kursitis
RUNWAY, Documentary about Latvians in London
RUNWAY, Documentary about Latvians in London
" Casualties from the Latvian property price, Natalie and Juris have come to England to raise money to repay their debts. Leaving behind their 12 month old d...- published: 06 Feb 2011
- views: 66315
- author: Arnis Kursitis

Latvians Have MORE Talent!
Latvieši atkal iekaro Saimona simpātijas! LIKE, FAVORITE AND SUBSCRIBE! Jebšu- spied Man P...
published: 27 May 2013
author: skriimoo
Latvians Have MORE Talent!
Latvians Have MORE Talent!
Latvieši atkal iekaro Saimona simpātijas! LIKE, FAVORITE AND SUBSCRIBE! Jebšu- spied Man Patīk, Abonē manu kanālu, ieliec savos favorītos šo video un padalie...- published: 27 May 2013
- views: 78266
- author: skriimoo

Latvia on Letterman
David Letterman mentions Latvia on his April 24th, 2012 show No copyright infringement int...
published: 28 Apr 2012
author: cashmartv
Latvia on Letterman
Latvia on Letterman
David Letterman mentions Latvia on his April 24th, 2012 show No copyright infringement intended. Used solely to promote Latvia worldwide.- published: 28 Apr 2012
- views: 29510
- author: cashmartv

Americans Speaking Latvian Language
I asked my american friends to try speak latvian language :D hope you like it :) Click to ...
published: 13 Aug 2013
author: WildBananasTV
Americans Speaking Latvian Language
Americans Speaking Latvian Language
I asked my american friends to try speak latvian language :D hope you like it :) Click to tweet: http://clicktotweet.com/UakDj Royalty Free Music by http://a...- published: 13 Aug 2013
- views: 2374
- author: WildBananasTV

Russell Peters about Latvian
Skatoties Russell Peters stand up šovu, negaidīti viņam bija arī joks, kurā tika pieminēta...
published: 12 Feb 2012
author: raitis84
Russell Peters about Latvian
Russell Peters about Latvian
Skatoties Russell Peters stand up šovu, negaidīti viņam bija arī joks, kurā tika pieminēta latviešu valoda. Pats jau nu biju pārsteigts ļoti, un tiešām inter...- published: 12 Feb 2012
- views: 345155
- author: raitis84

eXile TV: Victory Day in Riga — Russians & Latvians Clash
eXile editor Mark Ames attends Riga's Victory Day celebration where Russians clash with co...
published: 22 May 2007
author: exileTV
eXile TV: Victory Day in Riga — Russians & Latvians Clash
eXile TV: Victory Day in Riga — Russians & Latvians Clash
eXile editor Mark Ames attends Riga's Victory Day celebration where Russians clash with cops protecting Latvian nationalist protesters. Read Mark's Burn, Bal...- published: 22 May 2007
- views: 39474
- author: exileTV

Saule Perkons Daugava - an essay for non-Latvians (PART 1)
A fantastic song, with tremendous emotions, performed during the grand closing concert of ...
published: 17 Jul 2009
author: lumitama
Saule Perkons Daugava - an essay for non-Latvians (PART 1)
Saule Perkons Daugava - an essay for non-Latvians (PART 1)
A fantastic song, with tremendous emotions, performed during the grand closing concert of the 2008 Latvian Song Festival (subtitled) Part 1.- published: 17 Jul 2009
- views: 19747
- author: lumitama

"The Train Station Latvians 1937" part 2
A documentary film by Dzintra Geka. A national census that was conducted in the Soviet Uni...
published: 21 Jul 2011
author: SibirijasBerni
"The Train Station Latvians 1937" part 2
"The Train Station Latvians 1937" part 2
A documentary film by Dzintra Geka. A national census that was conducted in the Soviet Union in 1926 found 151410 Latvians living there. 18346 of them live...- published: 21 Jul 2011
- views: 1409
- author: SibirijasBerni

Europe, What's Next? - A Journey Through Latvia | In Focus
We visited Latvia once before more than a decade ago. Now we've returned to the tiny repub...
published: 26 Jun 2013
author: Deutsche Welle
Europe, What's Next? - A Journey Through Latvia | In Focus
Europe, What's Next? - A Journey Through Latvia | In Focus
We visited Latvia once before more than a decade ago. Now we've returned to the tiny republic in north-eastern Europe, met the people we talked to before and...- published: 26 Jun 2013
- views: 2515
- author: Deutsche Welle

Incredible mass singing - Latvian Song festival
the one and only. This you can see just in Baltic states! This is Latvian song Olympic gam...
published: 31 Aug 2006
author: valmierietis
Incredible mass singing - Latvian Song festival
Incredible mass singing - Latvian Song festival
the one and only. This you can see just in Baltic states! This is Latvian song Olympic games, just happen every 4 years. There are more then 10 000 singers. ...- published: 31 Aug 2006
- views: 280495
- author: valmierietis

Latvians Go Crazy - Now Or Never
Video from one crazy drive. In this video you can see that Latvians know how to enjoy the ...
published: 26 Aug 2012
author: Mo4itajsz
Latvians Go Crazy - Now Or Never
Latvians Go Crazy - Now Or Never
Video from one crazy drive. In this video you can see that Latvians know how to enjoy the time. (: Song - Outasight - Now Or Never.- published: 26 Aug 2012
- views: 1690
- author: Mo4itajsz
Youtube results:

Latvians bank on new euro membership to continue recovery
Without fanfare, euro cash has been delivered to shops, restaurants and businesses in Riga...
published: 31 Dec 2013
Latvians bank on new euro membership to continue recovery
Latvians bank on new euro membership to continue recovery
Without fanfare, euro cash has been delivered to shops, restaurants and businesses in Riga over the... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained:http://eurone.ws/10ZCK4a Euronews is available in 13 other languages: http://eurone.ws/17moBCU http://www.euronews.com/2013/12/31/latvians-bank-on-new-euro-membership-to-continue-recovery Without fanfare, euro cash has been delivered to shops, restaurants and businesses in Riga over the past few days. Everyday Latvians leading everyday lives also took the single currency's arrival without a kerfuffle, in the former soviet republic. After Estonia in 2011, Latvia brings to 18 the number of EU countries in the euro group, replacing the old money, the lat. Latvia has only had the modern lat since shortly after independence from the former USSR in 1991. Officially the third-poorest country in the European Union, Latvia changed currency six times in the 20th century. The goal is to stabilise with the euro, but many Latvians are worried that inflation will come with it. Oleg Bachurin, a resident of the capital, Riga, said: "Prices rose in all the other countries which switched before us. Too bad that they'll probably rise here, too." They've already noticed that in the village of Valka, which straddles Latvia and Estonia. On Estonia's side, prices rose when it converted three years ago. But the mayor is more worried about jobs." Viesturs Zarins said: "I am not that optimistic. The main problem is unemployment. I don't see that the euro will solve that." Latvia saw 20 percent of its two million people leave the country in the wake of the 2009 financial crisis. After five years of austerity and an international rescue plan, at last it's getting back on its feet. GDP had risen to 4.5 percent by the third quarter of 2013, from a low in 2009 of more than 19 percent in the red (contraction). In April 2013, inflation stood at a mere 1.3 percent, compared to a scalding 16 percent in 2008. However, unemployment still stands at 12 percent. Find us on: Youtube http://bit.ly/zr3upY Facebook http://www.facebook.com/euronews.fans Twitter http://twitter.com/euronews- published: 31 Dec 2013
- views: 18

English,Latvians vs One Latvian animal
Iekoda muguraa....
published: 05 Aug 2012
author: nikita desjatnikovs
English,Latvians vs One Latvian animal
English,Latvians vs One Latvian animal
Iekoda muguraa.- published: 05 Aug 2012
- views: 605
- author: nikita desjatnikovs

Nov. 18th, 2013: 14,400 Latvians March To Preserve Their White Nation
Source video @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueF557PGIDw
Click below for a FREE download ...
published: 21 Nov 2013
Nov. 18th, 2013: 14,400 Latvians March To Preserve Their White Nation
Nov. 18th, 2013: 14,400 Latvians March To Preserve Their White Nation
Source video @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueF557PGIDw Click below for a FREE download of a colorfully illustrated 132 page e-book on the Zionist-engineered INTENTIONAL destruction of Western civilization. Click on the "DOWNLOAD (7.39 MB)" link. Booklet updated on Nov. 24th, 2013. (Now over 15,000 Downloads!) PDF file: http://www.mediafire.com/download/atr6nlcj1ua4gxn/WN-Debate-Booklet-11-24-13.pdf MS Word file: http://www.mediafire.com/download/lrl2s0re34tyl0z/WN-Debate-Booklet-11-24-13.docx Watch the 10 hour video version of "The Zionist Attack on Western Civilization" @ http://trutube.tv/video/14247/The-Zionist-Attack-on-Western-Civilization-Pages-1-33-Part-1-of-4-Banned-from-YouTube Notepad Promotional YouTube Comment: http://www.mediafire.com/download/96fg6ft02lyfruz/Booklet_White_YT_Comment_(Hyperlinked).txt http://www.mediafire.com/download/zcn3wozjbwnezms/Booklet-White-YT-Comment-(Hyperlinked-Back-Up%5D.txt http://www.mediafire.com/view/9uyudq1yuxu1dur/Booklet+Comment+%28Firefox%29.txt- published: 21 Nov 2013
- views: 3318