- published: 18 Jun 2013
- views: 8281
- author: bangle1

Stephen Fry - HIV and Me - Part 1
British writer and actor Stephen Fry reports on the shocking increase of new HIV-infected ...
published: 18 Jun 2013
author: bangle1
Stephen Fry - HIV and Me - Part 1
Stephen Fry - HIV and Me - Part 1
British writer and actor Stephen Fry reports on the shocking increase of new HIV-infected people in Britain and in sub-Saharan Africa.- published: 18 Jun 2013
- views: 8281
- author: bangle1

HIV Replication 3D Medical Animation
It is a very excellent animation which explains the hiv replication very clearly. For free...
published: 03 Mar 2007
author: Rufus Rajadurai
HIV Replication 3D Medical Animation
HIV Replication 3D Medical Animation
It is a very excellent animation which explains the hiv replication very clearly. For free download of this video please visit my webpage http://3dmed.wetpai...- published: 03 Mar 2007
- views: 1268181
- author: Rufus Rajadurai

My Experience: LIVING WITH HIV.. w/ Ken [Love, Stigma & Knowledge]
My Experience: LIVING WITH HIV.. w/ Ken [Love, Stigma & Knowledge] Experience a story told...
published: 28 Jun 2013
author: YoBoiNewnue
My Experience: LIVING WITH HIV.. w/ Ken [Love, Stigma & Knowledge]
My Experience: LIVING WITH HIV.. w/ Ken [Love, Stigma & Knowledge]
My Experience: LIVING WITH HIV.. w/ Ken [Love, Stigma & Knowledge] Experience a story told by Ken from Chicago, IL His story, His journey & His LIFE! Ken's Y...- published: 28 Jun 2013
- views: 8369
- author: YoBoiNewnue

HIV - the hunt for a cure.
Will the 21st Century be remembered for the eradication of HIV? It's possible.
Talk of a...
published: 04 Oct 2013
HIV - the hunt for a cure.
HIV - the hunt for a cure.
Will the 21st Century be remembered for the eradication of HIV? It's possible. Talk of a cure began shortly after the epidemic broke out in 1981, but at that stage it was just talk. Since then AIDS has claimed over 35 million lives making it one of the worst pandemics in human history. In 2007 hope was rekindled when a revolutionary treatment amazingly cured one man of HIV. Armed with proof it can be done an elite team of medical detectives is now on the case, pursuing the holy grail of HIV research -- a cure. Dr Maryanne Demasi travels to the USA to meet scientists making medical history and shakes hands with the first man to be cured of HIV.- published: 04 Oct 2013
- views: 303

The Puzzle Of HIV - Full Documentary
HIV, or Human Immunodeficiency Virus was first discovered 30 years ago, so it rarely grabs...
published: 22 Jan 2013
author: DigiComTV
The Puzzle Of HIV - Full Documentary
The Puzzle Of HIV - Full Documentary
HIV, or Human Immunodeficiency Virus was first discovered 30 years ago, so it rarely grabs space on the front pages these days. But it remains very much a de...- published: 22 Jan 2013
- views: 13044
- author: DigiComTV

Stephen Fry - HIV and Me - Part 2
British writer and actor Stephen Fry reports on the shocking increase of new HIV-infected ...
published: 18 Jun 2013
author: bangle1
Stephen Fry - HIV and Me - Part 2
Stephen Fry - HIV and Me - Part 2
British writer and actor Stephen Fry reports on the shocking increase of new HIV-infected people in Britain and in sub-Saharan Africa.- published: 18 Jun 2013
- views: 3367
- author: bangle1

How I found out I was HIV Positive
If your comments are not supportive or doubt the very existence of HIV it will be flagged ...
published: 06 Dec 2012
author: PozLifeOfPatrick
How I found out I was HIV Positive
How I found out I was HIV Positive
If your comments are not supportive or doubt the very existence of HIV it will be flagged and removed. Please be respectful!!** Sorry for the length of the...- published: 06 Dec 2012
- views: 82758
- author: PozLifeOfPatrick

When HIV Becomes AIDS (HIV #2)
HIV and AIDS are not the same thing, but the virus can lead to the disease. Learn how in t...
published: 14 Dec 2007
author: Healthguru
When HIV Becomes AIDS (HIV #2)
When HIV Becomes AIDS (HIV #2)
HIV and AIDS are not the same thing, but the virus can lead to the disease. Learn how in this video. See more videos on HIV & AIDS: http://www.sexhealthguru....- published: 14 Dec 2007
- views: 1099970
- author: Healthguru

HIV Scare Hits Porn Industry
Adult film star Cameron Bay tested positive for HIV and temporarily halted porn production...
published: 24 Aug 2013
HIV Scare Hits Porn Industry
HIV Scare Hits Porn Industry
Adult film star Cameron Bay tested positive for HIV and temporarily halted porn production.- published: 24 Aug 2013
- views: 1746

How I found out I was HIV Positive
In this video John felt the need to debate a few issues discussed by Patrick in his video ...
published: 24 May 2013
author: rethinkingAIDS
How I found out I was HIV Positive
How I found out I was HIV Positive
In this video John felt the need to debate a few issues discussed by Patrick in his video "Episode 8- Set The Record Straight / How To Support Someone Who is...- published: 24 May 2013
- views: 4487
- author: rethinkingAIDS

Understanding HIV Testing (Part 1 of 3)
Headed by Drs Rick and Anita Gutierrez, the Bethel Health Builders organisation in partner...
published: 22 Nov 2011
Understanding HIV Testing (Part 1 of 3)
Understanding HIV Testing (Part 1 of 3)
Headed by Drs Rick and Anita Gutierrez, the Bethel Health Builders organisation in partnership with HEARD and RATN, produced a series of videos aimed at prov...- published: 22 Nov 2011
- views: 33162
- author: HEARDUKZN

Terry Gee: Living With HIV
Terry Gee: Living With HIV is a documentary about me that was first shown on Channel 5 in ...
published: 27 Feb 2013
author: Terry Gee
Terry Gee: Living With HIV
Terry Gee: Living With HIV
Terry Gee: Living With HIV is a documentary about me that was first shown on Channel 5 in 2005. It follows my life over 18 months from first being diagnosed ...- published: 27 Feb 2013
- views: 3556
- author: Terry Gee
Vimeo results:

Blood Brother Trailer
Coming to NY on 10/18 and LA on 10/25
Blood Brother is the story of a group of children i...
published: 09 Jan 2012
author: Blood Brother
Blood Brother Trailer
Coming to NY on 10/18 and LA on 10/25
Blood Brother is the story of a group of children infected with HIV and Rocky Braat, a disenchanted young American that met them while drifting through India. He wanted to save them all, but in reality he couldn’t cure even one of them. He had to stay. It’s a hard life. He faces opposition in many forms. He lives in a concrete hut. Sometimes, he is close to despair. The truth is, he needs them as much as they need him. They teach him, daily, that love is the only thing that makes life worth living.
Visit bloodbrotherfilm.com to learn more and to sign up to bring Blood Brother to your town.
Questions About Hosting a Screening? bloodbrother@tugginc.com
Facebook: facebook.com/bloodbrotherfilm
Twitter: twitter.com/bloodbrotherdoc
LIGHT: www.givethemlight.org
Contact: info@bloodbrotherfilm.com

Zaproszenie do znajomych
Co zrobisz, kiedy dostaniesz zaproszenie od kogoś, kogo nie znasz?
published: 17 Nov 2011
author: CaseOfBase
Zaproszenie do znajomych
Co zrobisz, kiedy dostaniesz zaproszenie od kogoś, kogo nie znasz?

Kanamara Matsuri - かなまら祭り
The Kanamara Matsuri is an annual Shinto fertility festival held in Kawasaki, Japan. The p...
published: 23 Apr 2009
author: Anthony Trotter
Kanamara Matsuri - かなまら祭り
The Kanamara Matsuri is an annual Shinto fertility festival held in Kawasaki, Japan. The penis forms the central theme of the event that is reflected everywhere—in illustrations, candy, carved vegetables, decorations, and a mikoshi parade.
The Kanamara Matsuri is centered around a local penis-venerating shrine once popular among prostitutes who wished to pray for protection against sexually transmitted diseases. It is said that there are divine protections also in business prosperity and the clan's prosperity, easy delivery, marriage, and married couple harmony. There is also a legend of a sharp-toothed demon that hid inside the vagina of a young girl and castrated two young men on their wedding nights with the young girl before a blacksmith fashioned an iron phallus to break the demon's teeth, leading to the enshrinement of the item.
Today, the festival is used to raise money for HIV research.
(from Wikipedia)
The footage was shot with Sony HVR-Z7J and HDR-FX1

ZEWDU the street child.
See one more short on street children in Bangladesh at: https://vimeo.com/62078722
Zewdu ...
published: 18 Aug 2011
author: Enrico Parenti, Takae film
ZEWDU the street child.
See one more short on street children in Bangladesh at: https://vimeo.com/62078722
Zewdu the street child SYNOPSIS:
Zewdu is a street child that sells chewing gums and sleeps under a car in the city of Addis Ababa in Ethiopia. One day a foreign tourist gives him by mistake a larger amount of money then the one he was asking for, he decides to spend that money to go back to the village where his father lives, but a different destiny is abut to unveil.
This short hybrid movie was written and shot after I've worked with an NGO that helped orphans getting a better education. All actors are "Non-actors" me and my small crew found on the street.
Some facts:
Ethiopia counts one of the largest populations of orphans in the world: 13 per cent of children throughout the country are missing one or both parents. This represents an estimated 4.6 million children – 800,000 of whom were orphaned by HIV/AIDS.
The country has seen a steady increase in the number of children becoming orphaned because of AIDS. In the past, famine, conflict and other diseases were the main factors that claimed the lives of parents
Many street children don’t have access to basic rights such as proper care, education, psychological support and supervision. Often, orphans and other vulnerable children are forced to work to earn an income. They are exposed to various forms of exploitation, including sexual exploitation.
In order of appearance: Zewdu Fersah, Mituab, Mirtie, Marta Getachaw, Zelelem Nisgennw, Dawit Brahanu.
Written shot and edited by Enrico Parenti
Music composed and performed by: Stefano Piro
On site producers: Golden Tekeba, Thomas Lemma
Translator and adviser: Sintayehu Eshetu
Additional editing: Marco di Campli San Vito
Special Thanks to: Davis moon project, Jonathan Green, Vast Ethiopia Tours, Habtu Tekeba
Youtube results:

The History of HIV and Current Epidemic
Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Dr. Monica Gandhi, UCSF Division of HIV/AIDS, explains how and...
published: 16 May 2013
The History of HIV and Current Epidemic
The History of HIV and Current Epidemic
Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Dr. Monica Gandhi, UCSF Division of HIV/AIDS, explains how and when HIV entered the human population and its current prevalence....- published: 16 May 2013
- views: 2757
- author: University of California Television (UCTV)

The Day I Found Out I Was HIV Positive. (I'm From Rusk, TX) - True Gay Stories
More LGBTQ Stories: http://www.imfromdriftwood.com Help reduce the stigma of HIV/AIDS: htt...
published: 08 Jun 2012
author: ImFromDriftwood
The Day I Found Out I Was HIV Positive. (I'm From Rusk, TX) - True Gay Stories
The Day I Found Out I Was HIV Positive. (I'm From Rusk, TX) - True Gay Stories
More LGBTQ Stories: http://www.imfromdriftwood.com Help reduce the stigma of HIV/AIDS: http://www.thestigmaproject.com 24-year-old AIDS/LifeCycle rider Chris...- published: 08 Jun 2012
- views: 48154
- author: ImFromDriftwood

The Announcement - The Magic Johnson HIV Story Part 1
ESPN documentary on Magic Johnson announcing to the world that he has the HIV virus....
published: 12 Mar 2012
author: 215keepitlive
The Announcement - The Magic Johnson HIV Story Part 1
The Announcement - The Magic Johnson HIV Story Part 1
ESPN documentary on Magic Johnson announcing to the world that he has the HIV virus.- published: 12 Mar 2012
- views: 113012
- author: 215keepitlive

( HIV/AIDS documentary )
published: 19 Nov 2012
author: thedyingboi
( HIV/AIDS documentary )