- published: 30 Nov 2016
- views: 172
Simon Boswell (born 15 October 1956) is a BAFTA nominated British film score composer, conductor, producer and musician, with more than 90 credits to his name. He is known for combining mainly electronic elements with orchestral.
An alumnus of the independent The Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School, Boswell studied English Literature at Pembroke College at the University of Cambridge. Playing the guitar since the age of 12, he was an accomplished guitarist and was signed by Transatlantic Records in 1975 whilst still at college. This led to the release of his first solo album, "The Mind Parasites", a collection of contemporary acoustic songs and instrumentals. He formed the band "Advertising" in 1977, at the beginning of punk rock era. Labelled 'Power Pop', the band was more of an homage to the pop art style of Andy Warhol and the Velvet Underground. They toured extensively with Blondie. After the split of "Advertising", Boswell became a record producer both in the UK and Italy. He produced Italian mega star Renato Zero's album, which became the biggest selling Italian album of all time. Boswell's record productions from the 1980s have influenced many contemporary musicians – notably the sample of the band 23 Skidoo's "Coup" which became The Chemical Brothers' "Block Rockin' Beats". After producing two albums for the London band Live Wire he joined the band.
Boswell may refer to:
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A dust devil is a strong, well-formed, and relatively long-lived whirlwind, ranging from small (half a meter wide and a few meters tall) to large (more than 10 meters wide and more than 1000 meters tall). The primary vertical motion is upward. Dust devils are usually harmless, but can on rare occasions grow large enough to pose a threat to both people and property.
They are comparable to tornadoes in that both are a weather phenomenon of a vertically oriented rotating column of wind. Most tornadoes are associated with a larger parent circulation, the mesocyclone on the back of a supercell thunderstorm. Dust devils form as a swirling updraft under sunny conditions during fair weather, rarely coming close to the intensity of a tornado.
In the southwestern United States, a dust devil is sometimes called a "dancing devil". In Death Valley, California, it may be called a "sand auger" or a "dust whirl".
The Navajo refer to them as chiindii, ghosts or spirits of dead Navajos. If a chindi spins clockwise, it is said to be a good spirit; if it spins counterclockwise, it is said to be a bad spirit.
Simon Boswell - Imagination
Dust Devil Main Theme - Simon Boswell
Simon Boswell - Diskette
Simon Boswell: 'The Art of Scoring' An interview with Lloyd Kaufman
Simon Boswell - Fish Dreams (1987)
AMERICAN PERFEKT Music by Simon Boswell
SANTA SANGRE TATTOO Music by Simon Boswell
Simon Boswell & Roberto Alagna - Una Furtiva Lagrima (Donizetti)
Photographing Fairies OST (1997) -Simon Boswell
Dust Devil Main Theme, composed by Simon Boswell, for the 1992, supernatural horror movie, Dust Devil, directed by Richard Stanley property of SUBVERSIVE CINEMA studios
An interview with TROMA supremo Lloyd Kaufman at Fantaspoa Festival, Brazil.
from the horror film directed by Michele Soavi
My opening titles music from Paul Chart's brilliant, quirky movie 'American Perfekt'. The film was crudely ripped off by the Coen Brothers in 'No Country for Old Men'. Stars Robert Forster, Amanda Plummer, Fairuza Balk, David Thewlis, Paul Sorvino and a host of others!
So here I am on Dale Winton's lottery show with the lovely Dolly Parton performing my arrangement of JOLENE with DOLLY and backing band (who happened to be Culture Club!). I originally arranged and produced this for the movie WOMEN TALKING DIRTY (HELENA BOHHAM CARTER). I composed the score with Elton John.
At Morbido Festival, Mexico 2013, musician and artist SERGIO ARAU recreated his original tattoo on the chest of ADAN JODOROWSKY. Filmed and edited by contemporary fine artist LG White and set to the original music from SANTA SANGRE by Simon Boswell. www.simonboswell.com
William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream (1999)
As I did not find it on youtube, I upload this fantastic ost of this great movie by Simon Boswell Track list: 00:00 01-Overture 02:36 02-Snow Waltz 04:04 03-Fairy Eyes 07:16 04-Flower Trip 09:33 05-Bridge 12:21 06-Wings 16:36 07-Arrival 18:58 08-Different Order 20:05 09-Burning the Tree 23:41 10-Heavens Door 25:15 11-Beethoven's 8th 29:03 12-Another World 34:08 13-Double Exposure
" DAY OF THE DEAD - LIVE ! " Friday 4th November 2016 LIVE at the Ramsgate Music Hall Film Composer SIMON BOSWELL presents DAY OF THE DEAD - LIVE ! ...a psychedelic, disturbing nightmare...! performed by THE AND. http://www.ramsgatemusichall.com/ http://www.simonboswell.com/ http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005972/
Like and subscribe! Official live footage from #theAnd debut gig on October 2nd Leicester Square Theatre DUST DEVIL LIVE Music composed and performed by film composer Simon Boswell and his newly formed group #theAnd. The Band: Simon Boswell http://simonboswell.com Lola Gunn Tom Milsom Jacko Peake Projections: David Sagberg http://sagberg.co.uk Camera: Brigitta Szászfai Rea Moeti Thanks to: http://leicestersquaretheatre.co.uk http://screenagerenegade.com Simon Boswell has scored over 100 films including Dario Argento's PHENOMENA, Jodorowsky's SANTA SANGRE, Danny Boyle's SHALLOW GRAVE, Richard Stanley's HARDWARE and DUST DEVIL, STAGE FRIGHT, HACKERS, A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM, PHOTOGRAPHING FAIRIES and many others.
Like and subscribe! Official live footage from #theAnd debut gig on October 2nd Leicester Square Theatre performing the theme to Richard Stanley's film 'The Otherworld'. Music composed and performed by film composer Simon Boswell and his newly formed group #theAnd. The Band: Simon Boswell http://simonboswell.com Lola Gunn Tom Milsom Jacko Peake Projections: David Sagberg http://sagberg.co.uk Camera: Brigitta Szászfai Rea Moeti Thanks to: http://leicestersquaretheatre.co.uk http://screenagerenegade.com Simon Boswell has scored over 100 films including Dario Argento's PHENOMENA, Jodorowsky's SANTA SANGRE, Danny Boyle's SHALLOW GRAVE, Richard Stanley's HARDWARE and DUST DEVIL, STAGE FRIGHT, HACKERS, A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM, PHOTOGRAPHING FAIRIES and many others.
Like and subscribe! Official live footage from #theAnd debut gig on October 2nd Leicester Square Theatre featuring special guest Dario Argento. Music composed and performed by film composer Simon Boswell and his newly formed group #theAnd. The Band: Simon Boswell http://simonboswell.com Lola Gunn Tom Milsom Jacko Peake Projections: David Sagberg http://sagberg.co.uk Camera: Brigitta Szászfai Rea Moeti Thanks to: http://leicestersquaretheatre.co.uk http://screenagerenegade.com Simon Boswell has scored over 100 films including Dario Argento's PHENOMENA, Jodorowsky's SANTA SANGRE, Danny Boyle's SHALLOW GRAVE, Richard Stanley's HARDWARE and DUST DEVIL, STAGE FRIGHT, HACKERS, A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM, PHOTOGRAPHING FAIRIES and many others.
El compositor cinematográfico ofreció un enigmático concierto en el Teatro Principal de la Ciudad de Puebla, esto en el marco del Festival Mórbido 2015
Simon Boswell theAnd live at Leicester Square Theatre October 2014
If you are interested in old school rock n roll and pop music visit our page on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Music-On-Vinyl/257071460991262 . I don't own the melody or lyrics on this music video. Song information The second single from Kershaw's debut solo album Human Racing, it was among his more popular singles spending three weeks at #4 in the UK charts and becoming a hit throughout Europe. It is also the song with which he is most closely associated in the U.S., where it narrowly missed going Top 40. Kershaw performed this song at Live Aid in London's We...
William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream (1999)
Leicester Square Theatre - London Oct 2014
performed live by Simon Boswell the And, Leicester Square Theatre, London Oct 2014
As I did not find it on youtube, I upload this fantastic ost of this great movie by Simon Boswell Track list: 00:00 01-Overture 02:36 02-Snow Waltz 04:04 03-Fairy Eyes 07:16 04-Flower Trip 09:33 05-Bridge 12:21 06-Wings 16:36 07-Arrival 18:58 08-Different Order 20:05 09-Burning the Tree 23:41 10-Heavens Door 25:15 11-Beethoven's 8th 29:03 12-Another World 34:08 13-Double Exposure
Music by Simon Boswell. 00:00 Simon Boswell - 01 - Burn Cycle Theme 09:31 Simon Boswell - 02 - Karmic Church 13:39 Simon Boswell - 03 - Flying 18:37 Simon Boswell - 04 - System Software 25:25 Simon Boswell - 05 - Buddha's Voice 30:06 Simon Boswell - 06 - Into the Televerse 37:11 Simon Boswell - 07 - Psychic Roulette 42:18 Simon Boswell - 08 - Zip 50:12 Simon Boswell - 09 - Kris VR 54:39 Simon Boswell - 10 - A Beautiful Relationship 58:59 Simon Boswell - 11 - Meltdown
Interview with Flytrap director/writer Stephen David Brooks and composer Simon Boswell at the London IFF Festival.
Rare 1987 Italian CD release of Dario Argento's Phenomena Soundtrack. 1. Claudio Simonetti - Phenomena 2. Iron Maiden - Flash of the Blade 3. Goblin - Jennifer 4. Andi Sexgang - The Quick and the Dead 5. Andi Sexgang - You Don't Know Me 6. Goblin - The Wind 7. Bill Wyman & Terry Taylor - Valley 8. Goblin - Sleepwalking 9. Motorhead - Locomotive 10. Goblin - Jennifer's Friend 11. Simon Boswell - The Maggots 12. Andi Sexgang - The Naked and the Dead
Szereplők: Richard E. Grant, Samantha Mathis, Judi Dench, Eileen Atkins, Imogen Stubbs, Cherie Lunghi, Ian McKellen Zeneszerző: Simon Boswell Forgatókönyvíró és rendező: Tim Sullivan A tehetséges és elismert ügyvédnek, Jack-nek úgy tűnik, mindene megvan: menő állása, sikeres pályafutása és gyönyörű felesége. Tökéletesnek hitt életstílusa azonban egyre inkább eltávolítja az önző férfit szeretteitől. Amikor felesége belehal a szülésbe, Jack magára marad újszülött lányával, Sarah-val. A férfi összeomlik, az élet azonban nem áll meg. Anyós és édesanyja próbál segíteni abban, hogy Jack legyőzze a depresszióját és el kezdjen foglalkoznia a gyermekével. Végül az újdonsült apa úgy dönt, dadát fogad a kislány mellé.
Película de terror de Graveyard Disturbance la cual fue dirigida por Lamberto Bava en el año 1987,guionizada por Dardano Sacchetti,musicalizada por Simon Boswell,producida por Massimo Manasse y Marco Grillo Spina y protagonizada por Gregory Lech Thaddeus,Lea Martino,Beatrice Ring,Gianmarco Tognazzi y Karl Zinny.
Hope you enjoy the music - have a nice trip! I hope you fly with me =) (Trivia: the track is exact 2:02:00,00 min large and it wasnt intended - just random XD) Dub FX - Fly With Me Mojo - Across The Pond Phaeleh - Losing You Digital Mystikz - Anti War Dub Panda Dub - In Dub We Trust Hexic HD - Lubax Mr. Snooze - Stoner Girl The XX - Intro theMmMixx rmx (long version) Grace - Lamb of God (LethalBadger Dubstep Rmx) Limp Bizkit - My Way (dESERT Beatz rmx) Ganja White Night feat. simon - Brains Escape Bitmuch - Amelie Sensi Tribal Seeds - Dawn of Time Ackie - Call me Rambo Mellow Mood meet Paolo Baldini - Tuff like a raging storm Rebeliton - Safe and Sound Julie Crochetière/Russ Boswell (reggae mix) erfext - hand cart bwoy soja - Rasta courage don carlos - i love jah black eyed peas - don´t l...
01) Zřícenina hradu / Castle ruin - 00:00 02) Zásnuby / Engagement - 01:53 03) Svatba / Wedding - 02:59 04) Bitva s Turky / Battle with Turks - 04:05 05) Sen o modrých růžích / Dream about blue roses - 06:23 06) Benátská růže / Venetian rose - 07:16 07) Ztráta dítěte / The Lost of child - 08:17 08) Vyčerpaná Erzsébet / Exhausted Erzsébet - 09:06 09) U jezera / At the lake - 10:04 10) Dítě v ledu / Child in the ice - 11:07 11) Cesta do Transilvánie / Travel to Transilvania - 13:40 12) Šavlový tanec / Saber dance - 15:10 13) Šach mat / Checkmate - 16:35 14) Erzsébet a Merisi / Erzsébet and Merisi - 17:48 15) Pitva Ištvána / Necropsy of Ištván - 21:10 16) Smrt Eriky / Death of Erika - 22:18 17) Caravaggio - 23:35 18) Komedianti / The comedians - 24:50 19) Věštba / The oracle - 25:57 20) Rabo...
An interview with TROMA supremo Lloyd Kaufman at Fantaspoa Festival, Brazil.
Tom Huddleston (TIME OUT) interviews Simon Boswell about the making of HARDWARE, working with Richard Stanley and Lemmy's arse.
Interview with Flytrap director/writer Stephen David Brooks and composer Simon Boswell at the London IFF Festival.
A recent radio interview trawling through my musical past to present. Part 1 concerns touring with Blondie in 1978 just as Denis Denis hit number one. And a track from my album CLOSE YOUR EYES featuring music from Hackers, with voice over by Ray Winstone and myself singing a sultry song about Vampire love…Available now on at www.simonboswell.com We perform this song live with 'the And' with stunning vocals by the lovely Lola Gunn
SHALLOW GRAVE 20TH ANNIVERSARY INTERVIEW I attended this event and recorded for you all to enjoy. This year marks the 20th anniversary of Danny Boyle's debut feature film SHALLOW GRAVE (released in 1994) and was the launch pad for it's stars, Actor Christopher Eccleston (Doctor Who, 28 Days Later), Kerry Fox (An Angel At My Table) and Ewan McGregor (Trainspotting & Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace). Featuring both a Jedi and a Time Lord in the same film amongst many other great facts, the film was screened at Brighton's Duke of York's Picturehouse by Soundstage Events with a great interview afterwards, hosted by Amy Raphael, author of Danny Boyle: Creating Wonder. The guests on stage were actress Kerry Fox and SHALLOW GRAVE Composer, Simon Boswell. For more film and television...
Leicester Square Theatre - London Oct 2014