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Sathyavani vs Deshapathi Srinivas Excellent Debate On Telangana - TV5
Mr Abdelillah BENKIRANE sur TV5 - Emission en intégralité (45 mn)
Alizée  L'invité en TV5 monde
Robin Padilla surprises Mariel Rodriguez in Wowowillie
Vimalakka Mee Patanivasthuna -Tv5
Face To Face TV5 -- September 13 2013   Part 1
KCR Farmhouse -  Wonder Techniques -TV5
cheb hasni en TV5 ( 720pHD
Interview de Yamina Benguigui sur TV5 Monde (14.03.2013)
TV5: Mid Night Masala (07-06-2012)


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Sathyavani vs Deshapathi Srinivas Excellent Debate On Telangana - TV5
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  • Duration: 39:47
  • Updated: 13 Sep 2013

Sathyavani vs Deshapathi Srinivas Excellent Debate On Telangana - TV5

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  • published: 13 Sep 2013
  • views: 3262 vs Deshapathi Srinivas Excellent Debate On Telangana - TV5
Mr Abdelillah BENKIRANE sur TV5 - Emission en intégralité (45 mn)
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  • Duration: 44:41
  • Updated: 18 Jul 2013

Mr Abdelillah BENKIRANE sur TV5 - Emission en intégralité (45 mn)

Interview avec le chef de gouvernement Marocain Mr Abdelllah Benkirane. Emission l'Internationale diffusé sur TV5 le 24/02/2012. Chef du gouvernement marocai... Abdelillah BENKIRANE sur TV5 - Emission en intégralité (45 mn)
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  • Duration: 20:13
  • Updated: 26 Jul 2013


  • published: 10 Jun 2011
  • views: 21338
  • author: tv5monde TV5 MONDE
Alizée  L'invité en TV5 monde
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:18
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

Alizée L'invité en TV5 monde

Entrevista a Alizée en el programa L´invité de TV5 Monde el día 16 de Abril de 2010.
  • published: 17 Apr 2010
  • views: 174172
  • author: Alnor AWée L'invité en TV5 monde
Robin Padilla surprises Mariel Rodriguez in Wowowillie
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  • Duration: 7:44
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

Robin Padilla surprises Mariel Rodriguez in Wowowillie

For more TV5 content, visit: Padilla surprises Mariel Rodriguez in Wowowillie
Vimalakka Mee Patanivasthuna -Tv5
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  • Duration: 16:21
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

Vimalakka Mee Patanivasthuna -Tv5

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  • Duration: 1:04:27
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013


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Face To Face TV5 -- September 13 2013   Part 1
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  • Duration: 13:31
  • Updated: 13 Sep 2013

Face To Face TV5 -- September 13 2013 Part 1

Watch Face To Face TV5 -- September 13 2013 Part 1
  • published: 13 Sep 2013
  • views: 4886 To Face TV5 -- September 13 2013 Part 1
KCR Farmhouse -  Wonder Techniques -TV5
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  • Duration: 3:37
  • Updated: 07 Aug 2013

KCR Farmhouse - Wonder Techniques -TV5

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cheb hasni en TV5 ( 720pHD
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  • Duration: 6:00
  • Updated: 28 Jul 2013

cheb hasni en TV5 ( 720pHD Site Officiel de en TV5, Ecouter Mp3 en TV5 2013 Gratuit, Nouveau Album en TV5 2013, Telecharger Mp3 ...
  • published: 09 Apr 2013
  • views: 2675
  • author: hasni2com hasni en TV5 ( 720pHD
Interview de Yamina Benguigui sur TV5 Monde (14.03.2013)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:51
  • Updated: 05 Jun 2013

Interview de Yamina Benguigui sur TV5 Monde (14.03.2013)

Yamina Benguigui, ministre chargée de la Francophonie est interviewée sur TV5 Monde dans l'émission "L'Invité" du 14 mars 2003. Elle répond notamment à des q... de Yamina Benguigui sur TV5 Monde (14.03.2013)
TV5: Mid Night Masala (07-06-2012)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 16:20
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

TV5: Mid Night Masala (07-06-2012)

TV5: Mid Night Masala (07-06-2012) Mid Night Masala (07-06-2012)
Thamasoma jyothirgamaya -TV5
  • Order:
  • Duration: 40:43
  • Updated: 30 Apr 2013

Thamasoma jyothirgamaya -TV5

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Bandla Ganesh, Srinu Vaitla Chit Chat with TV5
  • Order:
  • Duration: 25:48
  • Updated: 15 Jun 2013

Bandla Ganesh, Srinu Vaitla Chit Chat with TV5

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  • Sathyavani vs Deshapathi Srinivas Excellent Debate On Telangana - TV5
    Sathyavani vs Deshapathi Srinivas Excellent Debate On Telangana - TV5
  • Mr Abdelillah BENKIRANE sur TV5 - Emission en intégralité (45 mn)
    Mr Abdelillah BENKIRANE sur TV5 - Emission en intégralité (45 mn)
  • Alizée  L'invité en TV5 monde
    Alizée L'invité en TV5 monde
  • Robin Padilla surprises Mariel Rodriguez in Wowowillie
    Robin Padilla surprises Mariel Rodriguez in Wowowillie
  • Vimalakka Mee Patanivasthuna -Tv5
    Vimalakka Mee Patanivasthuna -Tv5
  • Face To Face TV5 -- September 13 2013   Part 1
    Face To Face TV5 -- September 13 2013 Part 1
  • KCR Farmhouse -  Wonder Techniques -TV5
    KCR Farmhouse - Wonder Techniques -TV5
  • cheb hasni en TV5 ( 720pHD
    cheb hasni en TV5 ( 720pHD
  • Interview de Yamina Benguigui sur TV5 Monde (14.03.2013)
    Interview de Yamina Benguigui sur TV5 Monde (14.03.2013)
  • TV5: Mid Night Masala (07-06-2012)
    TV5: Mid Night Masala (07-06-2012)
  • Thamasoma jyothirgamaya -TV5
    Thamasoma jyothirgamaya -TV5
  • Bandla Ganesh, Srinu Vaitla Chit Chat with TV5
    Bandla Ganesh, Srinu Vaitla Chit Chat with TV5

Sathyavani vs Deshapathi Srinivas Excellent Debate On Telangana - TV5

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  • published: 13 Sep 2013
  • views: 3262

Sathya­vani vs De­sha­p­athi Srini­vas Ex­cel­lent De­bate On Telan­gana - TV5
Sub­scribe for more News: http://​goo.​gl/​NHJD9 Web­site : http://​www.​tv5news.​in Like us on FB...
pub­lished: 13 Sep 2013
Mr Ab­delil­lah BENKI­RANE sur TV5 - Emis­sion en intégralité (45 mn)
In­ter­view avec le chef de gou­verne­ment Maro­cain Mr Ab­del­l­lah Benki­rane. Emis­sion l'In­ter­na...
pub­lished: 28 Feb 2013
au­thor: Caillera Maroc
pub­lished: 10 Jun 2011
au­thor: tv5­monde
Alizée L'invité en TV5 monde
En­tre­vista a Alizée en el pro­gra­ma L´invité de TV5 Monde el día 16 de Abril de 2010....
pub­lished: 17 Apr 2010
au­thor: Alnor AW
Robin Padil­la sur­pris­es Mariel Ro­driguez in Wowow­illie
For more TV5 con­tent, visit: www.​tv5.​com.​ph www.​facebook.​com/​TV5manila www.​twitter.​com/​TV5...​
pub­lished: 08 Feb 2013
au­thor: Sheena Ramos
Vi­malak­ka Mee Patani­vasthu­na -Tv5
Sub­scribe for more News: http://​goo.​gl/​NHJD9 Web­site : http://​www.​tv5news.​in Like us on FB...
pub­lished: 08 Jul 2013
Please Sub­scribe to Face­book :http://​www.​facebook.​com/​tv5newschannel Web­site : http://www....
pub­lished: 18 Jan 2013
Face To Face TV5 -- Septem­ber 13 2013 Part 1
Watch Face To Face TV5 -- Septem­ber 13 2013 Part 1...
pub­lished: 13 Sep 2013
KCR Farm­house - Won­der Tech­niques -TV5
Sub­scribe for more News: http://​goo.​gl/​NHJD9 Web­site : http://​www.​tv5news.​in Like us on FB...
pub­lished: 09 Jul 2013
cheb hasni en TV5 (hasni2.​com) 720pHD
http://​www.​hasni2.​com http://​www.​facebook.​com/​hasni2com Site Of­fi­ciel de en TV5, Ecouter M...
pub­lished: 09 Apr 2013
au­thor: has­ni2­com
In­ter­view de Yam­i­na Ben­guigui sur TV5 Monde (14.03.2013)
Yam­i­na Ben­guigui, min­istre chargée de la Fran­co­phonie est in­ter­viewée sur TV5 Monde dans l...
pub­lished: 18 Mar 2013
TV5: Mid Night Masala (07-06-2012)
TV5: Mid Night Masala (07-06-2012)...
pub­lished: 07 Jun 2012
Thama­so­ma jyothirga­maya -TV5
Please Sub­scribe to Face­book :http://​www.​facebook.​com/​tv5newschannel Web­site : http://www....
pub­lished: 30 Apr 2013
Band­la Ganesh, Srinu Vait­la Chit Chat with TV5
Sub­scribe Please to Face­book :http://​www.​facebook.​com/​tv5newschannel Web­site : http://www....
pub­lished: 13 Apr 2013
Youtube results:
for­ma­tion en français avec TV5....
pub­lished: 11 Apr 2010
au­thor: SIMOU HAS­SAN
Re­portage TV5
100% Ma­mans vue par TV5. Merci Mehdi ;o)...
pub­lished: 23 Jan 2012
pub­lished: 09 Sep 2013
Grupo TV5 Music Live Ponte De Lima 2012 HD
Vɪᴅᴇᴏ Pʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴇᴅ Bʏ Sᴀᴊɪᴅ Sʜᴀʜ....
pub­lished: 25 Jun 2012
photo: AP / Bryan van der Beek
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe gives a statement to the media after a meeting with Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, unseen, at the Istana in Singapore on Friday July 26, 2013.
Edit New Straits/Business Times
17 Dec 2013
TOKYO. Japan announced Tuesday it will buy stealth fighters, drones and submarines as part of a splurge on military hardware that will beef up defence of far-flung islands amid a simmering territorial row with China ...  . The shopping list is part of efforts by Abe to normalise the military in  Japan, which has been officially pacifist since defeat in World War II ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ... ....(size: 4.8Kb)
photo: AP / Ariel Schalit
Israeli soldiers stand guard in Rosh Hanikra, Israel, near the border between northern Israel and Lebanon, Monday, Dec. 16, 2013. Israeli troops shot two Lebanese soldiers early on Monday.
Edit Belfast Telegraph
16 Dec 2013
Israeli troops have shot two Lebanese soldiers, hours after a Lebanese army sniper killed an Israeli soldier. The shooting took place just after midnight last night after Israeli forces identified "suspicious movement" along the border and shot two members of Lebanon's armed forces. The shooting occurred near where a Lebanese army sniper killed an Israeli soldier late yesterday ... AP Download the Belfast Telegraph iPad App ... Reader images ... ....(size: 5.9Kb)

Edit Malaya
19 Dec 2013
Initially available for Android phones, it runs regardless of mobile network, said Benjie Fernandez, Chief Operating Officer of Voyager Innovations which developed the first home-grown mobile weather app. The RaincheckPH app is downloadable free and covers nearly 70 cities ... Voyager Innovations plans to hook the app to sister company TV5, an online news outlet, to provide real-time reports on class or work suspensions in local areas ... ....(size: 2.6Kb)
Edit Sun Star
19 Dec 2013
KAPATID actor Derek Ramsay said he's ready to be a father but he has yet to meet the baby's mother. In a recent interview with the "For Love or Money" lead actor, Derek shared he enjoys spending a lot of time with his nephews. When asked on having children of his own, he immediately welcome the thought. "Matanda na ako ... Derek said, "Relax muna tayo diyan ... With all these blessings since I worked with TV5, they've given me so much....(size: 2.7Kb)
Edit Sun Star
18 Dec 2013
Two passengers, who were interviewed in their hospital beds by TV5 Aksyon ......(size: 0.4Kb)
Edit Journal Online
17 Dec 2013
ALJUR Abrenica impressed possible future father-in-law Robin Padilla about the sincerity of his feelings for Kylie Padilla ...Hot pa talaga si Alice,” says TV5 PR head Peachy Vibal-Guioguio who acted as broker for Alice’s sexy pictorial ... “Oo naman,” agrees Derek Ramsay, Alice’s leading man in the much talked about TV5 provocative drama, “For Love or Money”, that’s gaining more viewers every Thursday night at 9 p.m ... It will just hit you ... ....(size: 5.6Kb)
Edit Journal Online
17 Dec 2013
SINCE houses are much cheaper in Cavite than in Metro Manila, our family, just like other middle-class citizens who can’t afford to buy expensive houses and condominiums in the metropolis, decided to buy (through Pag-IBIG) a house in Imus some three years ago ... Everyday, I have to go to work in TV5 in Novaliches, so I suffer three to four hours of traffic congestion, especially during this Christmas rush ... ***. Email your reaction ... ....(size: 3.1Kb)
Edit PR Newswire
17 Dec 2013
2013 Candidates Include Denver's Julius Thomas, Chicago's Alshon Jeffery, St. Louis' Zac Stacy, Cincinnati's Giovani Bernard and 2012 Winner Seattle's Russell Wilson. Download image. Download image ... IRVINE, Calif., Dec ... (Photohttp.// ...   ... About VIZIO. VIZIO, Inc ... VIZIO is now also America's #1 Smart TV5 and large size LCD company2 as the leading seller of 60" and larger HDTVs in the U.S....(size: 8.9Kb)
Edit Malaya
16 Dec 2013
TV5’s entertainment head Wilma Galvante says she’ll be hosting and act in TV shows and movies ... Raymond Gutierrez feels lucky that he was the one assigned by TV5 to interview Justin Bieber when the latter visited Tacloban to help the victims there of Typhoon Yolanda where he also had an impromptu mini-concert and even played basketball with natives in a makeshift court....(size: 7.8Kb)
Edit Sun Star
16 Dec 2013
FHM December cover girl, seasoned actress Alice Dixson, confirmed that she's back in the dating game again. In a recent interview with the TV5 star, Alice shared she's going out on dates but nothing serious yet. She's still in the "getting to know you" stage and clarified that she's not exclusively dating someone. "Kakaumpisa lang. Hindi pa todo ito, getting my feet wet pa lang," said Alice ... "I would avoid expecting somebody to change....(size: 2.6Kb)
Edit The Inquisitr
16 Dec 2013
The singer launched the drive 12 days ago with an announcement video at, a celebrity fundraising platform. Currently donations have reached $1,081,247, and counting. The campaign stops accepting donations at 23.59 PST today ... Bieber and co ... Speaking to Manila’s TV5 television network which filmed Bieber and his manager Scooter Braun in Tacloban for an interview, the pair opened up about their reasons for making the trip ... ....(size: 4.0Kb)
Edit Sun Star
15 Dec 2013
YOUNG actress Jasmine Curtis-Smith will remain a TV5 Princess after she inked another three-year exclusive deal with the network. Present during the contract signing were TV5 President Noel Lorenzana, Entertainment Head Wilma Galvante and manager Betchay Vidanes ... She added that it's always been her choice to renew her contract with TV5 as it also showed loyalty to her. "I felt content with TV5 and I know I'll be good here....(size: 2.2Kb)
Edit Journal Online
15 Dec 2013
THE speculations after the breakup of Angel Locsin and athlete Phil Younghusband have become ridiculous ... Angel, in turn, was linked to ex-BF Luis Manzano, who just broke up with Jennylyn Mercado. It quickly fizzled out ... PREDICTION ON MELAI-JASON ... MORE NEW, DARING SHOWS FOR TV5. TV5 president Noel Lorenzana was present at the renewal of Jasmine Curtis Smith’s contract as a Kapatid princess and he was asked about their plans for 2014 ... FUJI ... ....(size: 7.3Kb)
Edit Sun Star
15 Dec 2013
MUSEUM. Imagine yourself being part of each of the 80 large artworks every time you pose in front of them or even just stand beside them ... This is achieved through light refraction and reflection effect ... Enjoyment ... Understatement. It was a show like no other ... Aside from the hotel, the show was also made possible by Park n Go Bakeshop, station manager Karla Kintanar-Fernandez and the staff of Kapatid Network TV5, lawyer Frank Malilong Jr....(size: 3.1Kb)
Edit The Inquisitr
15 Dec 2013
The premiere for the Jon M. Chu directed film takes place December 18 at Regal L.A. Live in Los Angeles, California ... The singer also played basketball with local youth and the head coach of the country’s basketball team. Speaking to Manila’s TV5 television network, Braun and Bieber shared some background on their surprise trip and talked about the Believe movie premiere ... (Photo. Bieber in the Philippines, December 10.) ... ....(size: 4.0Kb)

TV5 may refer to the following television enterprises, networks and stations:

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Robinhood Ferdinand Cariño Padilla (born November 23, 1969) better known by his stage name Robin Padilla is a Filipino film director, screenwriter, producer, martial artist and actor. Padilla is both a matinee idol and cultural icon; he is sometimes referred to as "James Dean" and dubbed as "Bad Boy" of the Philippine Cinema; as he portrayed 'protagonist gangster roles' in his films Anak ni Baby Ama, Grease Gun Gang, Bad Boy 1 & Bad Boy 2. Padilla is active in television series program. He played important roles in Asian Treasures, Joaquin Bordado, Totoy Bato, Guns and Roses, and Toda Max.

Both acting and the showbiz industry are not new to Padilla. He came from a brood of talent, performer, and political family. His father Roy Padilla, who was a film director, served as vice-governor of Camarines Norte in 1970s and assemblyman in 1980s; while his mother was an actress, and three of his siblings Rustom, Rommel and Royette are actors.

Padilla's movies with Sharon Cuneta in Maging Sino Ka Man, and Vina Morales in Ang Utol Kong Hoodlum series were blockbuster hits. He figured accidents while filming Tulak ng Bibíg, Kabig ng Dibdíb when he was trapped inside a speeding car that flew into the air, flipped and landed on its roof. Padilla's worst accident was when a blasting scene for Utol Kong Hoodlum burned him literally, which left scars around his tummy and arms.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Mariel Rodriguez-Padilla (born Maria Erlinda Lucille Suazon Termulo in 1984) is a Filipino commercial model, endorser, TV host, former MTV VJ and actress. She first started as an MTV VJ. Currently, she co-hosts the noontime variety show Happy Yipee Yehey!. During its run, she has also been a host for the reality franchise Pinoy Big Brother and the now defunct noontime show Wowowee.

Starting her career as a model for Clean&Clear facials and became a VJ on MTV Pilipinas, she was brought in by GMA-7. Later she moved to station ABS-CBN Network to host the noon-time program Wowowee and Pinoy Big Brother. On September 2011, she resigned on ABS-CBN and moved to TV5.

Other than hosting jobs on TV, Rodriguez-Padilla acted in the Bud Brothers Series played as Betsey (Betchay), Varga series and several films.

Born as Maria Erlina Lucille Sazon Termulo, she was known by the nickname 'Mariel' as a child.

Rodriguez studied at De La Salle Zobel in grade school and high school. She graduated at De La Salle University with a Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Communication

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Cheb Hasni (Arabic : الشاب حسني) born Hasni Chakroun (February 1, 1968 – September 29, 1994) was a performer of Algerian Raï music. He was popular across North Africa, having reached the height of his career in the late 1980s and early 1990s. He was the son of a welder and grew up in a working class family where he was one of seven children. Hasni is most well known for his love songs, but he also dealt with taboo subjects such as divorce and alcohol. He was murdered in 1994.

Born in Oran, Algeria, Cheb Hasni was interested in performing from an early age. In an interview published in the French newspaper Libération in 1992, Hasni recounted how "everyone knew me in our neighbourhood when I was a kid. I was always walking up the road with my school bag thrown off my shoulder, singing my head off"[citation needed]. Hasni was also talented in football and a good student, but these traits were overshadowed by his musical interests.

Hasni's first significant performance as a singer occurred when he attended a local wedding party, where the group led by the famous Naoui brothers was playing. Impressed by his voice, they invited him to perform on stage at a well-known cabaret, La Guinguette.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Yamina Benguigui (born in Lille on 9 April 1957) is a French-Algerian film director and politician. She is known for her films on gender issues in the North African immigrant community in France.

Benguigui's parents were Algerian Kabyle and immigrated to France from Algeria in the early 1950s. She never discovered why her parents decided to leave Algeria, saying the subject was considered taboo. Born in Lille, Benguigui was the eldest daughter of six children and spent her childhood in northern France. Describing herself as a quiet child who grew up in the Islamic tradition, Benguigui was only 13 years old when she first decided to become a filmmaker.

Her father was a political leader in the Algerian National Movement, and was jailed in France for three years as a political prisoner (she has also stated that he was jailed on two separate occasions, and that her whole family was once under house arrest). Because he did not support her in her chosen profession, Benguigui broke off contact with him early on, only to reconnect with him in late 2001. After she left the family her mother divorced her father as well. Yamina Benguigui married a Jewish pied-noir and has two daughters.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Palavras e ações lançadas em minha direção
me atingiram em cheio e agora em meu peito estão
à esquerda alojados, só tentando me derrubar
Família e amigos não vão me deixar fraquejar.
Seguirei os seus conselhos
quem tá de fora vê melhor
com a cabeça fria e a razão
eles irão me ajudar
Sentimentos me corroendo
as coisas que ela me disse estão doendo
aqui dentro, do meu peito
a cura ninguém tem e eu estou sofrendo
Agora que algum tempo já passou
aprendi que não é feio chorar
que não devemos reprimir os sentimentos
bonito é dizer o que estamos sentindo
Minha Família, meus amigos
vocês são tudo que eu tenho nessa vida
quando eu preciso são vocês que me amparam
obrigado, amo vocês.

Pra ser alguém, pra outro lado você deve olhar
seus jeitos e modos deve esquecer
outro caminho você deve seguir
ou então, barrado do baile estará
Não volte mais, esses seus trapos aqui te fazem menor
o que falar do seu modo de se portar
a sua ausência é o nosso bem estar
do nosso ar você não vai respirar
enquanto não mudar
No lugar de outros
não existe lugar.
Um espaço para todos
bem do jeito que são.
No lugar de outros
muitos querem estar.
Mas o preço é caro
e as regras são claras.
Como vou viver, pois sem a liberdade não dá.
Há pouco que te ajude a se proteger
desse mundo que insiste em te julgar
Não há como escapar.

As suas glórias
não são
feitas só por esses momentos
que você julga sempre importantes
também tem aqueles que os outros
não conseguem ver
Sua real felicidade nunca é
justificada pelas suas conquistas materiais
nunca deixe uma bela tarde com amigos
ser superada por desejos banais.
O seu caminho
não pode ser
mais um aliado dessa doutrina,
que nos leva a crer que os prazeres estão
em coisas insignificantes vou dizer
que os seus dogmas nos dizem para ignorarmos
os reais motivos de nossa alegria
e seguirmos o ritmo dessa procissão de valores doentes
vou querer
Aprender a valorizar
o que eu tenho e não dou valor
com outros olhos vou enxergar e descobrir
que um simples domingo de sol
é muito bom para se perder
Deixar passar sem perceber.

Da sua inveja eu gostei
Aprendi a não segui-la
E a falsidade eu explorei
Vi em mim diminuí-la
Vamos lá, me jogue o mal
Quero ver ele me fazer (crescer)
Vou reciclá-los em pensamentos bons
Não vai me vencer
Capacidade de olhar
Enxergar o bem em cinzas
Deixar a mente se preparar
Observando os egoístas
Não conseguirá vencer
Não conseguirá vencer.

Uma forma limpa de vencer
O mundo te força a ignorar
Só o que vale é você
Não importa
Quantos você irá ferir
Essa disputa não nos deixa outra escolha
Senão à multidão se unir.
Vou resistir até o fim
Até quando o sol agüentará nascer
E lutar com nuvens negras que o fazem se esconder?
Até quando iremos resistir assim?
Essa corrida de ratos quer a mim
Esse jogo te obriga a se sujar
Faz a sua mente se transformar
Mas não vou permitir
Esse veneno me incorporar..

Se eu te falar que as pessoas eram justas
não havia porque roubar
e ficar vivendo sempre as custas do dinheiro
e o simples fato de estar com amigos
já trazia paz
os valores eram outros,
eu não vou esquecer,
não vou esquecer jamais.
Se eu te falar que as pessoas tinham sonhos
os quais acreditavam muito
e sabiam que eram donos,
do seu destino,
não se conformar em ver o tempo passar
e nada mudar
não queriam ser apenas mais uma a lutar
a tentar,
e não vencer.
Foi só um Sonho, mas o nosso mundo podia pensar assim.
Foi só um sonho, mas o nosso mundo podia ser assim
Um sonho de liberdade pra você.

Ring the bell
With only seconds to impact
Now the curtains have drawn
Faced into the blackboard
The future is dead and gone
Spotlight on you brightly it shone
From beyond, how can you see with the blinders on
Flash the light hold still for the mugshot
Diced up and thrown into the melting pot
Forced to live with their lies and their ways
In all the hopes we'll see better days
I'm still here and there's no one else to see
It's mind control as nine's still wearing on
A no-brainer escape list
And the voice passes on
Coaxed into the front line
And sold on the telethon
Chin up high sporting their vest
The next day, you're bowing to the faceless (ghosts)
That hold your life in their hands
Their plans? To have you killing your fellow man
Forced to live with their lies, and their ways
In all the hopes we'll see better days
Set the rules
Fill the time
Ring the bell

This is your life
Live it your own way
I lived part of my life
Being scared of my dreams
Everytime someone asks
What I'm shooting for in life
I would hide my true feelings
And when I spoke up to my friends
They made fun of my dreams
So shen times got too rough
I would think back on one thing
My momma would say to me
This is your life
You got to live it your own way
Forces of evil struck back and forth
Throughout my younger days
Because I would listen
And care what other people would say
Like a four letter word
I ignored that whole world
And built my own tiny world with respect
But it took time to relate
What my momma would say time after time again, she said
This is your life
You got to live it your own way(Repeat)
This is your life
You've got to live it your own way

[Chorus: Capone *singing*]
Girl, you are so sweet (so sweet)
Say that is what you are (what you are ma)
See me I'm from Q.B. (Q.B.)
And you can be my star (be my star)
So come sail away with me (c'mon, c'mon)
Let's cruise into my thug world (let's go)
And we'll get high with each other
(hear ma, hear ma) uh-huh, do your thing ma
You say you lookin for a lover Boo, someone you can talk to
I walk these streets, tryin hard not to hawk you
Laugh when they stalk you, playin my cards
Weighin the odds, I see your face like a mirage
Your hair tied in a bun, with a chopstick through it
Your frames make you look erotic, exotic twist
Don't know I'm a thug, but I'm sentimental
Cried when Cochese died; a villain need a girlfriend too
Love it when they play shy - and if I ever fall in love
see this babyface Swear I never tell a lie
Gossip got you hatin me so much right now
Like Kelis, ready to call police, give 'em all the heat
You know I'm on parole, so you chose not to beep for a week
Couldn't see your man goin up creek
Fuck the B.I.'s, the letters, and the short-eye pictures
I'ma ride for my bitches, if they ride for my niggaz
I see you workin hard, the wrong man got you cursin God
Earth in the physical flesh, a certified star
You make your own, I know you tired of spendin days alone
All cried out, I'm wonderin if I can take you home
We can lay up, breakfast when you wake up
A covergirl, lovin your world, fly no make-up
Ain't nuttin change, I stay sunk in the Range
I get brain, switch lanes when I'm pluckin a dame
Hit your job on your lunch break, the spots they can take
Make a date later this week, so we can celebrate
Knew my hustle, you never did try to knock it
The first true thug in your life, I got you in the pocket
Wasn't with the sneakin thing, the hill showed your appeal
You keep it real with the feminine feel
I still love the stretch socks and your Reeboks
I love my mami's, konichi-wa, and your nani-nani
How does it feel for you to be in my world
Even my girl shoppin sprees Monopoly cheese, coppin you pearls
Sautee or foreplay, all day
From the bedroom, to the hallway, I'm all in her toes
Open my nose, love it when you go downtown
Hold a freak too, I'd love to see you, in somethin see-through
Beep daddy, I come and eat you
Speedin in a Caddy buck on the (), room three-two
The spot next to () low, nobody gotta know
I left the studio ma, yeah, we gotta cop and go
But don't sweat it though, I got us round trip to Mexico
Chanel thong to go along with your X and O

Motherfuckin, ladies and gentleman
My style's rugged like Timberland
When I clock lyric then women give me more love than Wimbledon
My style flow local like New Jersey transit
And I can't stand it
And you'll need Teddy to unjam it when I cram it
I'm from N-to-the-E
W-A-R-K, Newark NJ got the AK
When I wave bitch you better say heeyyyyyyyy
I'm a Kid From the Hall
I got big balls to make your pussy walls dribble in my drawers
Hey boy this is the way the East coast swing it so bring it
Man I told you ass Brown-er than James with the Sex Machine shit
I keep the chronic patrol on the road
in case you're wondering why I keep my izm
Cause I smoked everybody else's shit up
My style's the ultimate funk when I mic checka
One two checka
And I give effects to niggaz with my Black and Decker
So check the, manuscript, man you flipped
Put it down if you can't handle it
Got a B-R-C-G, Blunt Rollers College Graduate
I got a degrees in Physics on how high I can get
Then next I check how many niggaz that can die from my Tec
Cause the N-E-W-A-R-K is where the niggaz robbin and stealin
and fuckin niggaz everyday
Now Jersey's on max so pass the dutchie on the lefthand side
Hide the hidash, in case we cridash, in my ride
So, sliiiide, before I call the medics
You can bet bitch you couldn't get fly if you were FedEx
Can I, drop the funk on ya, run it on ya
Strong as ammonia, smell it from here to California
Cause Reggie Noble dropped that cock named Noble at Sunoco
I'm better than rice and beans when I rock you ocho to ocho
My music more underground than a kid at 300 XL
Convertible, fuel-injected, that's why my style's well-respected
I'm dope on the ridealz, so fidealz, on my didealz
And chumps are wondering what two niggaz dropped the funk funk
Verbally you never heard of me I smoke you third degrees
and cause surgery for emergency
cause Reggie Noble's known like burglary
I get hot busted when I dip my nuggets
Hey, if it take a million niggaz to stop it just like Chuck did
Cause we run around Newark with the nine cock
Keep it heated for the brothers that's not off my block
And if ya don't know the flavor, be a tough guy and enter
So go show you more nigga events than Jacob Jaffrey center
I'm genuine, to the rhyme, get your canines
Cops that got the hot glock stocked for when it's playtime
I rock around the Robin TWEET TWEET on the calendar
Cause you couldn't pull my number if your class major was Algebra
I make bitches moan to my Stallone without Sylvester
Cause I'm more deadlier than a whole school system of investors
So check us, I always smoke mad blunts before breakfast
Cause I, Get Around like 2Pac with Poetic in my Justic
Hold tight, hold tight, everybody hold tight
I'm sooper like my man cat, cause I keep my styles jam packed
I wrreerawwwowww like Anthrax, split my pants like Bill Bixby
You could tell the tracks was fat from the work of my MP-60
I smoke the chronic that's why my sinus always fucked up
Them bones, them bones, them bones will have you fucked up
I blaze blunts with my nigga Mellow, yo say hello
(Yo whattup dogg)
Really, now pass the second blunt to Quilly
Now sit your big ass down cuz I don't know about this rap stuff
There wasn't rap when I was pickin cotton, sayin massa
Y'all y'all whippersnappers, with the caps on backwards
Man, y'all fuck around with Quilly I kick a bone out yo' ass quick
Watch out now, I ain't bullshittin
I representin the oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-G's from forty-three goddamnit
And if you keep on with that dirty mistreatin
I'm gonna whoop your ass, til your heart stop beating
And yo, chronic bubonic the funky bionic
you find it I'll have to rewind it where minds are blinded
Time 4 Sum Aksion so time to find it
I smoked out like a cookout, look out my dick's out
That was last album when I was bouncin on trains like Malcolm
I was hiiiiigh, I thought I wouldn't survive
That's why I quit my nine to five and got live
Because this hip-to-the-hop shit fills my pockets
And I'm Audi for ninety-four because I already got my props
Hoes, hoes, and more hoes...

I sowed the seeds of love
I sowed them in the springtime
Gathered them up in the morning so soon
While small birds sweetly sing
While small birds sweetly sing
My garden was planted well
With flowers everywhere
I had not the liberty to choose for myself
The flower I held most dear
The gardener standing by
Three flowers he gave to me
He gave me the violet, the lily and the pink
But I refused all three
The violet I did not like
Because it fades so soon
The lily and the pink I did overthink
And vowed I would wait til June
For in June is the red, red rose
And that's the flower for me
Ofttimes Have I plucked that red rosy bush
And gained a willow tree
Now the willow tree may twist
And the willow tree may twine
I wish I was lying in that young woman's arms
That once held this heart of mine

Long ago in days I'm told
Were ruled by Lords of greed
Maidens fared with gold
They dared to bare their wombs that bleed
Kings and queens and guillotines
Taking lives denied
Starch and parchment laid the laws
When bishops took the ride
Only to deceive
Oh I know I lived this life afore
Somehow know now truths I must be sure
Tossin turnin' nightmares burnin' dreams of swords in hand
Sailin' ships the Viking spits the blood of father's land
Only to deceive
Living times of knights and mares
Raising swords for maidens fair
Sneer at death fear only loss of pride
Living other centuries
Deja vu or what you please
Follows true to all who do or die
Screams of no reply they died
Screams of no reply and died
Lordy lordy and then then they died
Lordy no then they died
Live and do or die
Long ago were days I told...Lord they died
Kings and queens and guillotines...
Live and no reply they died
Long ago were days I told...
Kings and queens and guillotines...

me, I'm nothing but a goddam liar set me loose on the wolves I am hungry =
hope the sides of the dice add to seven cuz I won't be back clean your =
plate and masturbate and fill the world with pride and joy and look him, =
he's such a dream, he's mommy's little boy tell me friends and tell my =
girlfriend what I said before I said I'm leaving town, I'm outta here, I =
won't be back no more I just need to believe I have gone away to become =
a big star I just need to believe a limousine, a record deal, a video, =
I'll make it far greed, fill your pockets and your swimming pools with =
silver build me a temple cuz I'm your ------- hero I've gone off the end =
of the world and I won't be back

Sua resposta me faz sorrir
Ver as palavras que escrevi
Sendo cantadas por você
Ver que você compreendeu
Pelo seu olhar consigo ver
Que o seu sentimento é real
E que você um dia também sentiu
O que a letra traz
O que vale em cantar sem sentir
Quero ver você perder a voz
O que vale em cantar sem sentir paz
E quando vi não foi fácil de acreditar
Que aqueles versos conseguiram te acertar
Vi você cantar, se emocionar
E pude perceber que palavras podem tocar
O seu coração
E te fazer chorar
Vi você chorar, vi você chorar
O que vale em cantar sem sentir
Quero ver você perder a voz
O que vale em cantar sem sentir paz.
