- published: 26 Jul 2012
- views: 811
- author: NDdotEDU

Chris Schommer-Pries: Dualizability in Low Dimensional Higher Category Theory (Part 1)
Chris Schommer-Pries (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Abstract: The cobordism hypot...
published: 26 Jul 2012
author: NDdotEDU
Chris Schommer-Pries: Dualizability in Low Dimensional Higher Category Theory (Part 1)
Chris Schommer-Pries: Dualizability in Low Dimensional Higher Category Theory (Part 1)
Chris Schommer-Pries (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Abstract: The cobordism hypothesis establishes a powerful relationship between extended topologi...- published: 26 Jul 2012
- views: 811
- author: NDdotEDU

Masskara Festival 2013 Champion (School Category,Bata National High School)
Bata National High School - MassKara Festival School Category Champion for 2013....
published: 18 Oct 2013
Masskara Festival 2013 Champion (School Category,Bata National High School)
Masskara Festival 2013 Champion (School Category,Bata National High School)
Bata National High School - MassKara Festival School Category Champion for 2013.- published: 18 Oct 2013
- views: 2734

Category Theory - Dr Richard Garner - Macquarie University
http://www.mq.edu.au/ Dr Garner's research is in the mathematical discipline of category t...
published: 06 Oct 2011
author: MacquarieUniversity
Category Theory - Dr Richard Garner - Macquarie University
Category Theory - Dr Richard Garner - Macquarie University
http://www.mq.edu.au/ Dr Garner's research is in the mathematical discipline of category theory. Category theory seeks to understand the forms of high-level ...- published: 06 Oct 2011
- views: 2724
- author: MacquarieUniversity

Slavoj Žižek /// Love as a political category ||| 16th May 2013
16/05/2013, 21:00h, cinema Europa, 6th Subversive festival Slavoj Žižek "Love as a politic...
published: 26 May 2013
author: SkriptaTV
Slavoj Žižek /// Love as a political category ||| 16th May 2013
Slavoj Žižek /// Love as a political category ||| 16th May 2013
16/05/2013, 21:00h, cinema Europa, 6th Subversive festival Slavoj Žižek "Love as a political category" Moderator: Srećko Horvat Che Guevara's statement that ...- published: 26 May 2013
- views: 29638
- author: SkriptaTV

Manage WordPress Content with List Category Posts Plugin
Info Level: Beginner Presenter: Eli the Computer Guy Date Created: January 3, 2012 Length ...
published: 03 Jan 2013
author: elithecomputerguy
Manage WordPress Content with List Category Posts Plugin
Manage WordPress Content with List Category Posts Plugin
Info Level: Beginner Presenter: Eli the Computer Guy Date Created: January 3, 2012 Length of Class: 10:46 Tracks WordPress Web Publishing Prerequisites Abili...- published: 03 Jan 2013
- views: 6531
- author: elithecomputerguy

Jeopardy! Category The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Jeopardy October 15th episode features a category dedicated to The Church of Jesus Christ ...
published: 16 Oct 2013
Jeopardy! Category The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Jeopardy! Category The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Jeopardy October 15th episode features a category dedicated to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! It also includes 2 photos submitted by LDS members through Create.LDS.org- published: 16 Oct 2013
- views: 23463

Category 6 Day of Destruction 2004 DVDrip V3nDetta
published: 12 Oct 2011
author: CleanOSongs
Category 6 Day of Destruction 2004 DVDrip V3nDetta
Category 6 Day of Destruction 2004 DVDrip V3nDetta
- published: 12 Oct 2011
- views: 23702
- author: CleanOSongs

Category Management Definition
Contact: info@procurement-academy.com. The e-learning topics, for buyers, covered in our p...
published: 02 Jul 2013
author: procurementacademy
Category Management Definition
Category Management Definition
Contact: info@procurement-academy.com. The e-learning topics, for buyers, covered in our procurement academy online training: tender, negotiation, finance, t...- published: 02 Jul 2013
- views: 5753
- author: procurementacademy

WRO Germany 2013 - Open Category - 1st Place - Team Nettetal
Bei der World Robot Olympiad in Deutschland gab es im Jahr 2013 zum ersten Mal die Open Ca...
published: 27 Jun 2013
author: technikbegeistertev
WRO Germany 2013 - Open Category - 1st Place - Team Nettetal
WRO Germany 2013 - Open Category - 1st Place - Team Nettetal
Bei der World Robot Olympiad in Deutschland gab es im Jahr 2013 zum ersten Mal die Open Category. Die Open Category basiert auf dem Thema der jeweiligen WRO ...- published: 27 Jun 2013
- views: 585
- author: technikbegeistertev

eLDee - Category
www.mcafeez.com Category is off eLDee's off UNDENIABLE album. Category is another club ant...
published: 19 Apr 2012
author: McAfeez TeeV
eLDee - Category
eLDee - Category
www.mcafeez.com Category is off eLDee's off UNDENIABLE album. Category is another club anthem, eLDee is onpoint, lyrics too legit.... Produced by Sarz.. Pres...- published: 19 Apr 2012
- views: 22800
- author: McAfeez TeeV

The Tellers - Second Category - Music Video
The Tellers - Second Category - Music Video www.thetellers.be www.62tvrecords.com www.defl...
published: 03 Apr 2007
author: deflowerprod
The Tellers - Second Category - Music Video
The Tellers - Second Category - Music Video
The Tellers - Second Category - Music Video www.thetellers.be www.62tvrecords.com www.deflower.be.- published: 03 Apr 2007
- views: 333410
- author: deflowerprod

MassKara Festival 2013 (Elementary Category, C.B. Ramos Elementary School)
The 34th MassKara Festival with the theme "Rediscover and Celebrate Bacolod"...
published: 18 Oct 2013
MassKara Festival 2013 (Elementary Category, C.B. Ramos Elementary School)
MassKara Festival 2013 (Elementary Category, C.B. Ramos Elementary School)
The 34th MassKara Festival with the theme "Rediscover and Celebrate Bacolod"- published: 18 Oct 2013
- views: 947

Objective C Category - XCode 4.6.1
In this tutorial, I show how to use Objective C Category. I extend the functionalities of ...
published: 27 Mar 2013
author: iffytheperfect1983
Objective C Category - XCode 4.6.1
Objective C Category - XCode 4.6.1
In this tutorial, I show how to use Objective C Category. I extend the functionalities of UIColor, and UIFont to be used in an iPhone App. Check out these ap...- published: 27 Mar 2013
- views: 1080
- author: iffytheperfect1983

Hurricane Charley (Part 2) Extreme Eyewall Category 5 Wind Gust !
http://www.UltimateChase.com EXCLUSIVE and RARE VIDEO: Strongest Wind Gust Recorded on Vid...
published: 10 Sep 2010
author: UltimateChase
Hurricane Charley (Part 2) Extreme Eyewall Category 5 Wind Gust !
Hurricane Charley (Part 2) Extreme Eyewall Category 5 Wind Gust !
http://www.UltimateChase.com EXCLUSIVE and RARE VIDEO: Strongest Wind Gust Recorded on Video inside a Hurricane. At 03:08 in this video you will witness a Ca...- published: 10 Sep 2010
- views: 378001
- author: UltimateChase
Vimeo results:

Winner - Best Cinematography, Rhode Island International Film Festival, 2011
Winner - Act...
published: 11 Aug 2010
author: Astray Films
Winner - Best Cinematography, Rhode Island International Film Festival, 2011
Winner - Action Sports Category, Vimeo Awards 2012
Winner - G-Raid Driven Creativity award - Professional Category
Winner - Best Cinematography, 5Point Film Festival 2011
Winner - Grand Prize - Chamonix Film Festival 2011
Winner - Best short - New York Surf Film Festival 2011
Winner - Digital short of the Year, Surfer Poll
Winner - Relentless Short Stories 2011
Winner - Amstel Surf Film Festibal, Peoples Choice award
Winner - Best short, Sheffield Adventure Film Festival
Winner - Best International Short, Canadian Surf Film Festival
Winner - Best Short, Waimea Ocean Film Festival

A History Of The Title Sequence
WINNER OF THE VIMEO AWARDS 2012 in CATEGORY MOTION GRAPHICS! Thanks so much for voting eve...
published: 11 Jul 2011
author: From Form
A History Of The Title Sequence
WINNER OF THE VIMEO AWARDS 2012 in CATEGORY MOTION GRAPHICS! Thanks so much for voting everyone! Watch a short 1 min. making of here, which was shown at the awards: vimeo.com/44046584
Graduation project 2011
Designed as a possible title sequence for a fictitious documentary, this film shows a history of the title sequence in a nutshell. The sequence includes all the names of title designers who had a revolutionary impact on the history and evolution of the title sequence. The names of the title designers all refer to specific characteristics of the revolutionary titles that they designed.
This film refers to elements such as the cut and shifted characters of Saul Bass' Psycho title, the colored circles of Maurice Binder's design for Dr. No and the contemporary designs of Kyle Cooper and Danny Yount.
This title sequence refers to the following designers and their titles:
Georges Méliès - Un Voyage Dans La Lune, Saul Bass - Psycho, Maurice Binder - Dr. No, Stephen Frankfurt - To Kill A Mockingbird, Pablo Ferro - Dr. Strangelove, Richard Greenberg - Alien, Kyle Cooper - Seven, Danny Yount - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang / Sherlock Holmes
Direction and Animation: Jurjen Versteeg / www.synple.nl
Music and sound design: Lea Jurida / www.jurida.com
Many thanks to all the people who helped me realizing this project!
For some more info on the concept and the production process, please check out the interview on 'Forget the Film, Watch The Titles': http://bit.ly/pzvXXE
Watch a short 1min. making of here: vimeo.com/44046584

This is a short film that was directed by the French animation collective H5, François Ala...
published: 14 Mar 2010
author: Marc Altshuler - Human Music
This is a short film that was directed by the French animation collective H5, François Alaux, Hervé de Crécy + Ludovic Houplain. It was presented at the Cannes Film Festival 2009. It opened the 2010 Sundance Film Festival and won a 2010 academy award under the category of animated short.
In this film there are two pieces of licensed music, in the beginning and in the end. All the other music and sound design are original. The opening track (Dean Martin "Good Morning Life") and closing track (The Ink Spots "I don't want to send the world on fire") songs are licensed pre-existing tracks. All original music and sound design is by, human (www.humanworldwide.com)

Experience Freedom
Special thanks to:
Ossie Khan
Roberta Mancino
published: 14 Feb 2012
author: InfinityList
Experience Freedom
Special thanks to:
Ossie Khan
Roberta Mancino
Chris "Douggs" McDougall
Joby Ogwyn
Jeff Nebelkopf
Barry Holubeck
Other skydivers:
Alana Jade Bertram
Vicki Allen
Jill Grantham
Brett Newman
Adrian Aquardo
Jon DeWet
Haas Herbert
Aerobatic Pilot: Ben Lappin
Chapter 1: Experience Human Flight (vimeo.com/22428395)
Chapter 2: Experience Zero Gravity (https://vimeo.com/29017795)
Light off - Music up - Full screen!
We are very proud to be working with the some of the worlds most talented Skydive, Base Jumping and Wingsuit athletes. Our aim through this video is to showcase their work and open the doors for other athletes and filmmakers and provide opportunities for greater exposure. This is The INFINITY LIST Mission and we do it in eight adventure sports categories. It's what we do.
The Experience Freedom Journey will take you through the world of skydiving and Base Jumping in some of the most amazing and scenic locations in the world.
Special Thanks to the following:
Fr. Tedd Rudd 1976 – 2011
Thank you for bringing colour to so many peoples lives.
Chris “Douggs McDougall
Roberta Mancino
Barry Holubeck
Jeff Nebelkopf
Ben Lappin
2009 National Intermediate Champion
2008 New South Wales Champion
2008 3rd place Victorian Championsips
2008 Victorian Sportsman Champion
5D Wingsuiting’s Brett Newman and Adrian Acquado
Yarra Valley Helicopter. Craig and Andy
Brad Goble, Pat Smith, Chas Mackinnon, Ossie Khan, Vicki Allen, Alana Jayde Bertram, Jill Grantham, Justin De Waad, Haas Herbert, Jon DeWet, Mike Tibbits, Tom Sierakowski
Shot on a GoPro
Music: Immediate Music – “Surrender To Hope”
Youtube results:

WordPress Tutorial: Working with Categories
http://webspace.incredibletutorials.com Learn what categories are and how they can benefit...
published: 10 Jun 2010
author: LilredheadComics
WordPress Tutorial: Working with Categories
WordPress Tutorial: Working with Categories
http://webspace.incredibletutorials.com Learn what categories are and how they can benefit your WordPress website. Want to stay up to date on the latest tuto...- published: 10 Jun 2010
- views: 12537
- author: LilredheadComics

Category 7- The End of the World 2005 trailer
It's tornadoes, hurricanes, electrical storms, and mass destruction as the effects of glob...
published: 14 Jun 2010
author: xloupas
Category 7- The End of the World 2005 trailer
Category 7- The End of the World 2005 trailer
It's tornadoes, hurricanes, electrical storms, and mass destruction as the effects of global warming brew into a super storm that threatens to rend the earth...- published: 14 Jun 2010
- views: 71366
- author: xloupas

John Bender: Faster JavaScript with Category Theory
Math: It's certainly not something you expect to see at a conference about JavaScript, but...
published: 16 Nov 2012
author: JSConf
John Bender: Faster JavaScript with Category Theory
John Bender: Faster JavaScript with Category Theory
Math: It's certainly not something you expect to see at a conference about JavaScript, but even this far from its ivory towers it has an important role to pl...- published: 16 Nov 2012
- views: 1259
- author: JSConf

Phill Jupitus -- Second Category 3 Sighting
The last in the arachnophobia segment, and the end of his routine altogether. It's truly a...
published: 16 Jun 2008
author: Arulo84
Phill Jupitus -- Second Category 3 Sighting
Phill Jupitus -- Second Category 3 Sighting
The last in the arachnophobia segment, and the end of his routine altogether. It's truly a joy to watch this man put all his inhibitions aside and expose his...- published: 16 Jun 2008
- views: 45166
- author: Arulo84