- published: 30 May 2013
- views: 604012
- author: AndyRaconte

Internet est Fantastique ! - Andy
Des petites choses inutiles que je sais grâce à internet. parceque sans internet , on n'es...
published: 30 May 2013
author: AndyRaconte
Internet est Fantastique ! - Andy
Internet est Fantastique ! - Andy
Des petites choses inutiles que je sais grâce à internet. parceque sans internet , on n'est rien ! Bon sauf si tu arrives à vivre sans internet, mais si c'ét...- published: 30 May 2013
- views: 604012
- author: AndyRaconte

ANDY - Che Ehsaseh Ghashangi OFFICIAL VIDEO HD
oin Andy & all your favorites http://fb.com/avangmusic artist: ANDY song: CHE EHSASEH GHAS...
published: 17 Feb 2012
author: avangmusic
ANDY - Che Ehsaseh Ghashangi OFFICIAL VIDEO HD
ANDY - Che Ehsaseh Ghashangi OFFICIAL VIDEO HD
oin Andy & all your favorites http://fb.com/avangmusic artist: ANDY song: CHE EHSASEH GHASHANGI label: AVANG MUSIC.- published: 17 Feb 2012
- views: 1001348
- author: avangmusic

Andy and Amy's Haunted House
Ellen's writer Amy scares pretty easily, but she's nothing compared to Ellen's Executive P...
published: 22 Oct 2013
Andy and Amy's Haunted House
Andy and Amy's Haunted House
Ellen's writer Amy scares pretty easily, but she's nothing compared to Ellen's Executive Producer, Andy. That's why he was the perfect person to join Amy in this haunted house. Enjoy.- published: 22 Oct 2013
- views: 789320

8 Façons de ne PAS se faire aborder dans la Rue - Andy (ft. Le Rire Jaune)
Un reminder des 8 façons de ne pas se faire aborder dans la rue... Parcequ'on a toutes déj...
published: 16 May 2013
author: AndyRaconte
8 Façons de ne PAS se faire aborder dans la Rue - Andy (ft. Le Rire Jaune)
8 Façons de ne PAS se faire aborder dans la Rue - Andy (ft. Le Rire Jaune)
Un reminder des 8 façons de ne pas se faire aborder dans la rue... Parcequ'on a toutes déjà utilisé ces techniques là :) Bon sauf les 2 dernières, j'espère.....- published: 16 May 2013
- views: 910283
- author: AndyRaconte

C'est juste moi ou ..? - Andy
Et vous, quand est ce que vous vous posez cette question? Et mentez pas sinon je le saurai...
published: 12 Sep 2013
C'est juste moi ou ..? - Andy
C'est juste moi ou ..? - Andy
Et vous, quand est ce que vous vous posez cette question? Et mentez pas sinon je le saurais! Rejoins moi sur Facebook ! http://www.facebook.com/andyraconte Ou sur Twitter http://www.twitter.com/andyraconte (@andyraconte) Et aussi sur instagram ! http://www.instagram.com/andyraconte (@andyraconte)- published: 12 Sep 2013
- views: 106556

Ce que pensent réellement les filles - Andy
Ou plutôt ce que pensent réellement les filles qui n'aiment pas les prises de tête ! Ca ma...
published: 25 Jul 2013
author: AndyRaconte
Ce que pensent réellement les filles - Andy
Ce que pensent réellement les filles - Andy
Ou plutôt ce que pensent réellement les filles qui n'aiment pas les prises de tête ! Ca marche plutôt bien! Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/andyraconte Twi...- published: 25 Jul 2013
- views: 516298
- author: AndyRaconte

Ce que dit une Chieuse à son mec - Andy
Si tu es une fille et que tu te reconnais, félicitations! Tu es une chieuse! Si tu es un m...
published: 13 Jun 2013
author: AndyRaconte
Ce que dit une Chieuse à son mec - Andy
Ce que dit une Chieuse à son mec - Andy
Si tu es une fille et que tu te reconnais, félicitations! Tu es une chieuse! Si tu es un mec et que tu reconnais ta copine, je compatis... Si tu es un mec et...- published: 13 Jun 2013
- views: 1029632
- author: AndyRaconte

Andy Cohen -- Digging For Gold!
Andy Cohen went on a walk with his dog, and picked his nose out in public, but picking you...
published: 25 Oct 2013
Andy Cohen -- Digging For Gold!
Andy Cohen -- Digging For Gold!
Andy Cohen went on a walk with his dog, and picked his nose out in public, but picking your nose is supposed to be for the drive home! Right?- published: 25 Oct 2013
- views: 4301

Si Barbie était vivante - Andy
Barbie, est ce que t'es conne ? Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/AndyRaconte Twitter: ht...
published: 07 Apr 2013
author: AndyRaconte
Si Barbie était vivante - Andy
Si Barbie était vivante - Andy
Barbie, est ce que t'es conne ? Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/AndyRaconte Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/andyraconte Instagram: http://www.instagram/co...- published: 07 Apr 2013
- views: 762468
- author: AndyRaconte

Andy V tildó de discriminadores a Gigi y 'Peluchín'
Los conductores de Amor Amor Amor le dejaron en claro a Andy V que es un personaje más de ...
published: 24 Oct 2013
Andy V tildó de discriminadores a Gigi y 'Peluchín'
Andy V tildó de discriminadores a Gigi y 'Peluchín'
Los conductores de Amor Amor Amor le dejaron en claro a Andy V que es un personaje más de la farándula y que ellos no discriminan nadie.- published: 24 Oct 2013
- views: 1593

Les premiers Rendez-Vous - Andy
Je sais pas pour vous mais les rencards c'est sûrement le truc qui me stresse le plus, apr...
published: 27 Mar 2013
author: AndyRaconte
Les premiers Rendez-Vous - Andy
Les premiers Rendez-Vous - Andy
Je sais pas pour vous mais les rencards c'est sûrement le truc qui me stresse le plus, après le BAC et les solos en classe de musique au collège. C'est vraim...- published: 27 Mar 2013
- views: 738259
- author: AndyRaconte

Andy & Kouros - Ameneh | اندی و کورس - آمنه
http://www.youtube.com/user/caltexrecordsmusic?feature=mhee#g/p http://www.caltexrecords.c...
published: 25 Nov 2009
author: caltexrecordsmusic
Andy & Kouros - Ameneh | اندی و کورس - آمنه
Andy & Kouros - Ameneh | اندی و کورس - آمنه
http://www.youtube.com/user/caltexrecordsmusic?feature=mhee#g/p http://www.caltexrecords.com Andy Kouros, Andy & Kouros, Andy Madadian, Andy & Kouros Old Son...- published: 25 Nov 2009
- views: 409339
- author: caltexrecordsmusic

Cortex piégé par Gonzague et Andy
Comme vous le savez peut-être je connais Cortex depuis l'année dernière et depuis que j'av...
published: 01 Oct 2013
Cortex piégé par Gonzague et Andy
Cortex piégé par Gonzague et Andy
Comme vous le savez peut-être je connais Cortex depuis l'année dernière et depuis que j'avais essayé de le piéger à la PGW... Je l'ai fait tourner dans la video lara croft et je me suis rendu compte que c'etait quand les cameras étaient sur OFF qu'il etait le plus drole. Donc on a décidé avec la complicité de Pyzik et Andy, de lui faire croire qu'on organisait une parodie du bachelord. En réalité, le tournage du bachelord n'est qu'un prétexte pour lui faire faire des trucs qu'il n'aime pas du tout... et là évidement il ne sait pas qu'entre les prises on filme tout. Donc là vous voyez le vrai Cortex, tel qu'il est vraiment: un peu nerveux, mais surtout il est marrant.- published: 01 Oct 2013
- views: 117572

Le guide des photos de profil (Edition filles) - Andy
Fini les photos de profil pourries les filles !! Enfin presque...
Rejoins moi sur Faceboo...
published: 17 Oct 2013
Le guide des photos de profil (Edition filles) - Andy
Le guide des photos de profil (Edition filles) - Andy
Fini les photos de profil pourries les filles !! Enfin presque... Rejoins moi sur Facebook ! http://www.facebook.com/andyraconte Sur Twitter ! http://www.twitter.com/andyraconte (@andyraconte) Et sur instagram ! http://www.instagram.com/andyraconte (@andyraconte)- published: 17 Oct 2013
- views: 26831
Vimeo results:

A Year in New York
As a filmmaker living in New York for the first time, I'd grab my Canon 7D and shoot foota...
published: 26 Oct 2011
author: Andy Clancy
A Year in New York
As a filmmaker living in New York for the first time, I'd grab my Canon 7D and shoot footage of what was going on around me, to try and take in all that was happening. To try and capture the sense of community I felt in a place so large and diverse.
The HDSLR was a great tool for this. It allowed me get in among people and crowds but at the same time not draw attention to myself.
It seemed like a never ending project and you could stay filming life in New York for a long time. But eventually I put my camera down and started to edit. Here's the end result, it's a bit rough and tumble but that's life in the Big Apple I guess.
Turn up the volume or put your in earphones for the beautiful song 'We Don't Eat' by Irishman James Vincent McMorrow.
For those who asked these are the lens I used:
Canon EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM
Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II
Sigma 20mm f/1.8 EX DG RF

Experience Freedom
Special thanks to:
Ossie Khan
Roberta Mancino
published: 14 Feb 2012
author: InfinityList
Experience Freedom
Special thanks to:
Ossie Khan
Roberta Mancino
Chris "Douggs" McDougall
Joby Ogwyn
Jeff Nebelkopf
Barry Holubeck
Other skydivers:
Alana Jade Bertram
Vicki Allen
Jill Grantham
Brett Newman
Adrian Aquardo
Jon DeWet
Haas Herbert
Aerobatic Pilot: Ben Lappin
Chapter 1: Experience Human Flight (vimeo.com/22428395)
Chapter 2: Experience Zero Gravity (https://vimeo.com/29017795)
Light off - Music up - Full screen!
We are very proud to be working with the some of the worlds most talented Skydive, Base Jumping and Wingsuit athletes. Our aim through this video is to showcase their work and open the doors for other athletes and filmmakers and provide opportunities for greater exposure. This is The INFINITY LIST Mission and we do it in eight adventure sports categories. It's what we do.
The Experience Freedom Journey will take you through the world of skydiving and Base Jumping in some of the most amazing and scenic locations in the world.
Special Thanks to the following:
Fr. Tedd Rudd 1976 – 2011
Thank you for bringing colour to so many peoples lives.
Chris “Douggs McDougall
Roberta Mancino
Barry Holubeck
Jeff Nebelkopf
Ben Lappin
2009 National Intermediate Champion
2008 New South Wales Champion
2008 3rd place Victorian Championsips
2008 Victorian Sportsman Champion
5D Wingsuiting’s Brett Newman and Adrian Acquado
Yarra Valley Helicopter. Craig and Andy
Brad Goble, Pat Smith, Chas Mackinnon, Ossie Khan, Vicki Allen, Alana Jayde Bertram, Jill Grantham, Justin De Waad, Haas Herbert, Jon DeWet, Mike Tibbits, Tom Sierakowski
Shot on a GoPro
Music: Immediate Music – “Surrender To Hope”

A supercell near Booker, Texas
Find more of my work here: http://www.mikeolbinski.com
Also follow me on Instragram for s...
published: 09 Jun 2013
author: Mike Olbinski
A supercell near Booker, Texas
Find more of my work here: http://www.mikeolbinski.com
Also follow me on Instragram for storm photos and whatnot - http://instagram.com/mikeolbinski
Still print of this storm can be found here if interested: http://gallery.mikeolbinski.com/stormchasing/h6015e87e#h6015e87e
Technical deets: Canon 5D2, Rokinon 14mm 2.8...first three clips were at 1-second intervals = 880ish photos, the last sequence was around 90, 5-second exposures
Music by Kevin MacLeod - http://incompetech.com/
It took four years but I finally got it.
A rotating supercell. And not just a rotating supercell, but one with insane structure and amazing movement.
I've been visiting the Central Plains since 2010. Usually it's just for a day, or three, or two...but it took until the fourth attempt to actually find what I'd been looking for. And boy did we find it.
No, there was no tornado. But that's not really what I was after. I'm from Arizona. We don't get structure like this. Clouds that rotate and look like alien spacecraft hanging over the Earth.
We chased this storm from the wrong side (north) and it took us going through hail and torrential rains to burst through on the south side. And when we did...this monster cloud was hanging over Texas and rotating like something out of Close Encounters.
The timelapse was shot on a Canon 5D Mark II with a Rokinon 14mm 2.8 lens. It's broken up into four parts. The first section ends because it started pouring on us. We should have been further south when we started filming but you never know how long these things will last, so I started the timelapse as soon as I could.
One thing to note early on in the first part is the way the rain is coming down on the right and actually being sucked back into the rotation. Amazing.
A few miles south is where part two picks up. And I didn't realize how fast it was moving south, so part three is just me panning the camera to the left. During that third part you can see dust along the cornfield being pulled into the storm as well...part of the strong inflow.
The final part is when the storm had started dying out and we shot lightning as it passed over us.
Between the third and fourth portions we drove through Booker, Texas where tornado sirens were going off...it was creepy as all heck. And intense.
I hope you enjoy this. Once thing I've learned about timelapsing is that I always wish it would be longer or wouldn't end. I wish I had been south and been able to record this storm come at me for 45 minutes.
But I love it the way it is. I wasn't ever certain I'd see structure like this even though it's been such a goal of mine. But we did it.
And by we, I mean myself and my buddy Andy Hoeland, who knows his crap and got us into position so we could chase this storm. Without him along I don't know if I get this timelapse.

Maybe it's time to remember an old friend...
published: 03 Jul 2011
author: fireapple films
Maybe it's time to remember an old friend...
Special Jury Award - Young Director Award 2011, Cannes
Best European Branded Short - Young Director Award 2011, Cannes
Best European Filmschool - Young Director Award 2011, Cannes
Best Filmschool Film - German Commercial Award 2011
1st Prize - Kurzundschön Film Festival 2011
Silver Award - Porsche Advertising Award 2011
Winner G-Technology Driven Creativity Competition 2011
Winner Saatchi & Saatchi - New German Directors Showcase 2011
Winner Caligari Award 2010
Youtube results:

La vraie Signification des phrases de Rupture - Andy
A prendre au sérieux, ou pas. A vous de voir...Basé sur des faits réels et moultes recherc...
published: 02 May 2013
author: AndyRaconte
La vraie Signification des phrases de Rupture - Andy
La vraie Signification des phrases de Rupture - Andy
A prendre au sérieux, ou pas. A vous de voir...Basé sur des faits réels et moultes recherches sur des forums de se... d'amouuuuuuurrrrrrr. Qu'est ce que je f...- published: 02 May 2013
- views: 979096
- author: AndyRaconte

Un super week end! - Andy
Je suis partie en week end chez mes parents! C'était trop la fête y'avait des chats, des c...
published: 27 Mar 2013
author: AndyRaconte
Un super week end! - Andy
Un super week end! - Andy
Je suis partie en week end chez mes parents! C'était trop la fête y'avait des chats, des chiens, des spermatozoïdes volants, des caravanes, des canards en pl...- published: 27 Mar 2013
- views: 402243
- author: AndyRaconte

Last Dinosaurs - Andy
Music video by Last Dinosaurs performing Andy. (C) 2012 Dew Process/Universal Music Austra...
published: 05 Jun 2012
author: LastDinosaursVEVO
Last Dinosaurs - Andy
Last Dinosaurs - Andy
Music video by Last Dinosaurs performing Andy. (C) 2012 Dew Process/Universal Music Australia.- published: 05 Jun 2012
- views: 233204
- author: LastDinosaursVEVO

Andy McKee - Guitar - Drifting - www.candyrat.com
CD "Art of Motion" available at http://www.candyrat.com itunes (http://tinyurl.com/bkwypfl...
published: 25 Nov 2006
author: rpoland
Andy McKee - Guitar - Drifting - www.candyrat.com
Andy McKee - Guitar - Drifting - www.candyrat.com
CD "Art of Motion" available at http://www.candyrat.com itunes (http://tinyurl.com/bkwypfl) amazon (http://amzn.com/B000E5N0C6) Andy McKee is playing a Lowde...- published: 25 Nov 2006
- views: 47562619
- author: rpoland