Tourist survives plunge at Victoria Falls

2013-11-28 08:42

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Lusaka - A Chinese tourist who fell into a gorge at Zambia's famous Victoria Falls while taking pictures has escaped with only bruises, a tourism official said on Wednesday.

The tourist named as Wang Shun Xue plunged into the shallow section of the gorge and survived with "only minor injuries," John Zulu, manager of the National Heritage Conservation Commission in Livingstone, told AFP.

"The depth of the gorge is 25 metres but where he fell from, it's about 15 metres because some places there are slopes."

He fell on a rock and sustained bruises on his arm, said Zulu. "He looked shocked because of the accident."

After a medical check at a local clinic, the 45-year-old tourist and his three friends flew out of the country.

The Victoria Falls, a sheet of falling water, plunges 108 metres at its deepest point.

On the Zambezi River on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe, the Victoria Falls is a popular destination for foreign holidaymakers.

Read more on:    zimbabwe  |  victoria falls  |  travel international  |  southern africa  |  travel

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2013-11-29 18:05

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