- published: 05 Aug 2012
- views: 25714
- author: Chineseaction

Sea Battle 1895 Sino-Japanese War 甲午大海戰 PART 1
published: 05 Aug 2012
author: Chineseaction
Sea Battle 1895 Sino-Japanese War 甲午大海戰 PART 1
Sea Battle 1895 Sino-Japanese War 甲午大海戰 PART 1
- published: 05 Aug 2012
- views: 25714
- author: Chineseaction

1895-台灣民主國 1/3 (2009-04-25)
一段被抹滅的歷史,亞洲第一個民主共和國--台灣民主共和國很多人一談到歷史上的「台灣問題」,就非理性的搬出「台灣自古就是中國領土」做藉口, 拒絕接受正確的資訊。但這句話根本不通,「自...
published: 22 Nov 2010
author: HistoryTaiwan
1895-台灣民主國 1/3 (2009-04-25)
1895-台灣民主國 1/3 (2009-04-25)
一段被抹滅的歷史,亞洲第一個民主共和國--台灣民主共和國很多人一談到歷史上的「台灣問題」,就非理性的搬出「台灣自古就是中國領土」做藉口, 拒絕接受正確的資訊。但這句話根本不通,「自古」究竟是從何時開始? 自古?你可以說成是「地球自古就是台灣領土」「是永不可分割的一部份」。 這個答案也對!- published: 22 Nov 2010
- views: 9152
- author: HistoryTaiwan

Early film collection (1878-1895)
Creative commons footage used, this is for educational purposes. Collection of early films...
published: 18 Feb 2013
author: TopicPortal
Early film collection (1878-1895)
Early film collection (1878-1895)
Creative commons footage used, this is for educational purposes. Collection of early films from 1878 till 1895. Used footage: 1. Eadweard Muybridge (1878 ) -...- published: 18 Feb 2013
- views: 1582
- author: TopicPortal

Japanese army invasion Taiwan 1895 台灣 一八九五 1
published: 26 Aug 2011
author: Chineseaction
Japanese army invasion Taiwan 1895 台灣 一八九五 1
Japanese army invasion Taiwan 1895 台灣 一八九五 1
- published: 26 Aug 2011
- views: 8480
- author: Chineseaction

Winchester Model 1895
Shooting and discussing an original Winchester '95, John Browning's last Winchester Lever ...
published: 24 Nov 2013
Winchester Model 1895
Winchester Model 1895
Shooting and discussing an original Winchester '95, John Browning's last Winchester Lever Action design. Thanks again to Guns & Leather for the loan of this cool rifle: http://www.gunsandleather.com/- published: 24 Nov 2013
- views: 49494

1895 Nagant Revolver
Shooting and showing this unique Russian gas-seal revolver. http://www.aimsurplus.com/...
published: 26 Dec 2012
author: hickok45
1895 Nagant Revolver
1895 Nagant Revolver
Shooting and showing this unique Russian gas-seal revolver. http://www.aimsurplus.com/- published: 26 Dec 2012
- views: 171424
- author: hickok45

Marlin 1895 STP "Trapper" .45-70
The shortest little .45-70 you might ever put your hands on! The barrel is just a little o...
published: 31 Jul 2011
author: hickok45
Marlin 1895 STP "Trapper" .45-70
Marlin 1895 STP "Trapper" .45-70
The shortest little .45-70 you might ever put your hands on! The barrel is just a little over 16" in length, and it has a full length magazine. Pretty cool! ...- published: 31 Jul 2011
- views: 124814
- author: hickok45

Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat (The Lumière Brothers, 1895)
Original Title: L'Arrivée d'un Train à la Ciotat Directors: Auguste and Louis Lumière Year...
published: 27 May 2006
author: raphaeldpm
Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat (The Lumière Brothers, 1895)
Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat (The Lumière Brothers, 1895)
Original Title: L'Arrivée d'un Train à la Ciotat Directors: Auguste and Louis Lumière Year: 1895 The first public exhibition of motion pictures occurred on ...- published: 27 May 2006
- views: 693131
- author: raphaeldpm

Marlin 1895 "Guide Gun" Disassembly
http://downeastgunworks.com http://facebook.com/gunworks Jim Green, gunsmith and owner of ...
published: 15 Mar 2013
author: downeastgunworks
Marlin 1895 "Guide Gun" Disassembly
Marlin 1895 "Guide Gun" Disassembly
http://downeastgunworks.com http://facebook.com/gunworks Jim Green, gunsmith and owner of GunWorks in Harrington, Maine, is also a co-star on the new Nationa...- published: 15 Mar 2013
- views: 3339
- author: downeastgunworks

The Sprinkler Sprinkled (1895) - 1st Comedy Movie - LOUIS LUMIERE - L'Arroseur Arrose
The world's 1st comedy, The Sprinkler Sprinkled (also known as L'Arroseur Arrosé and The W...
published: 29 Nov 2011
author: changebeforegoing
The Sprinkler Sprinkled (1895) - 1st Comedy Movie - LOUIS LUMIERE - L'Arroseur Arrose
The Sprinkler Sprinkled (1895) - 1st Comedy Movie - LOUIS LUMIERE - L'Arroseur Arrose
The world's 1st comedy, The Sprinkler Sprinkled (also known as L'Arroseur Arrosé and The Waterer Watered) was shot in Lyon in the spring of 1895. The film po...- published: 29 Nov 2011
- views: 11302
- author: changebeforegoing

客+100系列報導-政治篇:1895乙未年 廣州起義.吳湯興抗日
published: 07 Dec 2011
author: hakkatv
客+100系列報導-政治篇:1895乙未年 廣州起義.吳湯興抗日
客+100系列報導-政治篇:1895乙未年 廣州起義.吳湯興抗日
1895年乙未年在中國近代史上,是重要的一年,除了國父孫中山先生,在廣州發動第一次起義,啟動改變中國命運的齒輪,甲午戰敗後的中國,在馬關條約將台灣割讓給日本,也引起台灣人的反抗。其中以吳湯興為首的客家義勇軍乙未抗日,留下可歌可泣的故事,而在1913年也就是民國2年,受到國父革命成功的影響,苗栗大湖客家人羅福星也在...- published: 07 Dec 2011
- views: 1494
- author: hakkatv

Russian 1895 Nagant Revolver
One of the mechanically interesting guns that is really widely available in the US for a g...
published: 20 May 2013
author: Forgotten Weapons
Russian 1895 Nagant Revolver
Russian 1895 Nagant Revolver
One of the mechanically interesting guns that is really widely available in the US for a great price (or was until very recently, it seems) is the Russian M1...- published: 20 May 2013
- views: 8759
- author: Forgotten Weapons
Youtube results:

1895-台灣民主國 2/3 (2009-04-25)
一段被抹滅的歷史,亞洲第一個民主共和國--台灣民主共和國很多人一談到歷史上的「台灣問題」,就非理性的搬出「台灣自古就是中國領土」做藉口, 拒絕接受正確的資訊。但這句話根本不通,「自...
published: 22 Nov 2010
author: HistoryTaiwan
1895-台灣民主國 2/3 (2009-04-25)
1895-台灣民主國 2/3 (2009-04-25)
一段被抹滅的歷史,亞洲第一個民主共和國--台灣民主共和國很多人一談到歷史上的「台灣問題」,就非理性的搬出「台灣自古就是中國領土」做藉口, 拒絕接受正確的資訊。但這句話根本不通,「自古」究竟是從何時開始? 自古?你可以說成是「地球自古就是台灣領土」「是永不可分割的一部份」。 這個答案也對!- published: 22 Nov 2010
- views: 3528
- author: HistoryTaiwan

115 Years in Film 1895-2009
115 movies from 1895 to 2009. A complete history of cinema from the Edison experimental er...
published: 15 Apr 2010
author: jollymanbigboy
115 Years in Film 1895-2009
115 Years in Film 1895-2009
115 movies from 1895 to 2009. A complete history of cinema from the Edison experimental era to the Silent Film Era, from the Golden Age to Hollywood blockbus...- published: 15 Apr 2010
- views: 18085
- author: jollymanbigboy