published: 24 Jun 2013
author: BRT Taichung
2012-06-28 THAI BANGKOK BRT ラチャプルック~サトーンまで
昨年の5月にサトーンからラチャプルック(終点)までをアップしましたが今回逆のラチャプルック(終点)からサトーンまでを撮って来ました。 I have to take from Sat...
published: 05 Jul 2012
author: PhraPinklao
2012-06-28 THAI BANGKOK BRT ラチャプルック~サトーンまで
2012-06-28 THAI BANGKOK BRT ラチャプルック~サトーンまで
昨年の5月にサトーンからラチャプルック(終点)までをアップしましたが今回逆のラチャプルック(終点)からサトーンまでを撮って来ました。 I have to take from Sathorn (end) Rachapurukku reverse this time was up to (end) Rachapuru...- published: 05 Jul 2012
- views: 1923
- author: PhraPinklao
快捷巴士BRT 12月31日正式於東海大學至靜宜大學路段開始逐站試運轉~針對車輛及車上設備進行測試,並配合國際街口與正英路口站台上機電與土建設施進行整合測試,交通局局長親自隨車督導...
published: 31 Dec 2013
快捷巴士BRT 12月31日正式於東海大學至靜宜大學路段開始逐站試運轉~針對車輛及車上設備進行測試,並配合國際街口與正英路口站台上機電與土建設施進行整合測試,交通局局長親自隨車督導,檢視測試過程及結果,整體結果大致符合基本功能及需求。 詳細資料歡迎至交通局網http://www.traffic.taichung.gov.tw/ 或快捷巴士網站http://www.brttaichung.com.tw/ 查詢- published: 31 Dec 2013
- views: 11921
BRT Chicago—Ashland Avenue Bus Rapid Transit
Bus Rapid Transit is fast, easy and reliable, and it's coming to Ashland Avenue. http://ww...
published: 12 Jun 2013
author: MetroplanningChicago
BRT Chicago—Ashland Avenue Bus Rapid Transit
BRT Chicago—Ashland Avenue Bus Rapid Transit
Bus Rapid Transit is fast, easy and reliable, and it's coming to Ashland Avenue. http://www.brtchicago.com.- published: 12 Jun 2013
- views: 2514
- author: MetroplanningChicago
Costs & Advantages of Bus Rapid Transit.mov
http://www.voteben2012.com http://www.honolulutraffic.com Cost and advantages of bus rapid...
published: 22 Feb 2012
author: hontrafficdir
Costs & Advantages of Bus Rapid Transit.mov
Costs & Advantages of Bus Rapid Transit.mov
http://www.voteben2012.com http://www.honolulutraffic.com Cost and advantages of bus rapid transit A study by the United States General Accounting Office con...- published: 22 Feb 2012
- views: 6370
- author: hontrafficdir
Cleveland BRT
Cleveland has a BRT system much like what the Rapid's SilverLine will be like. Our fellow ...
published: 30 Mar 2009
author: rapidyes
Cleveland BRT
Cleveland BRT
Cleveland has a BRT system much like what the Rapid's SilverLine will be like. Our fellow Grand Rapids native Andy Dragt created this video to help us see wh...- published: 30 Mar 2009
- views: 26441
- author: rapidyes
BRT Bus Rapid Transit Bangkok เปิดรั้วโรงเรียน
BRT Station Sathorn. สาทร เปิดรั้วโรงเรียน....
published: 02 Oct 2012
author: Jeff T
BRT Bus Rapid Transit Bangkok เปิดรั้วโรงเรียน
BRT Bus Rapid Transit Bangkok เปิดรั้วโรงเรียน
BRT Station Sathorn. สาทร เปิดรั้วโรงเรียน.- published: 02 Oct 2012
- views: 2407
- author: Jeff T
Curitibas BRT: Inspired Bus Rapid Transit Around the World
Curitiba, Brazil first adopted its Master Plan in 1968. Since then, it has become a city w...
published: 04 Jun 2009
author: StreetfilmsVlog
Curitibas BRT: Inspired Bus Rapid Transit Around the World
Curitibas BRT: Inspired Bus Rapid Transit Around the World
Curitiba, Brazil first adopted its Master Plan in 1968. Since then, it has become a city well known for inventive urban planning and affordable (to the user ...- published: 04 Jun 2009
- views: 13692
- author: StreetfilmsVlog
BRT - Sistema de Transporte Rápido por Ônibus
Conheça como funciona o sistema apresentado no Seminário Nacional NTU 2010....
published: 30 Aug 2010
author: transportecnt
BRT - Sistema de Transporte Rápido por Ônibus
BRT - Sistema de Transporte Rápido por Ônibus
Conheça como funciona o sistema apresentado no Seminário Nacional NTU 2010.- published: 30 Aug 2010
- views: 32046
- author: transportecnt
Veja como funciona a operação do BRT, sistema que está operando no Rio de Janeiro há um an...
published: 13 Aug 2013
Veja como funciona a operação do BRT, sistema que está operando no Rio de Janeiro há um ano e que repensa o transporte público oferecendo mais rapidez nas viagens, conforto e segurança aos seus usuários. Equipe RioCard Cartões www.cartaoriocard.com.br www.cartaoriocard.com.br/vt- published: 13 Aug 2013
- views: 34
EMTU - Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
Conheça um pouco mais sobre o inovador BRT, sistema de transporte que será utilizado pela ...
published: 27 Dec 2012
author: EMTU SP
EMTU - Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
EMTU - Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
Conheça um pouco mais sobre o inovador BRT, sistema de transporte que será utilizado pela EMTU/SP nos novos corredores, entre eles o Perimetral Leste Jacu-Pê...- published: 27 Dec 2012
- views: 688
- author: EMTU SP
Mejek FTK ft. Bartek BRT- braci się nie traci prod. Nupel
Sekcja Silesia prezentuje klip do numeru pt. "braci się nie traci"
Rap: Mejek FTK, Bartek ...
published: 29 Dec 2013
Mejek FTK ft. Bartek BRT- braci się nie traci prod. Nupel
Mejek FTK ft. Bartek BRT- braci się nie traci prod. Nupel
Sekcja Silesia prezentuje klip do numeru pt. "braci się nie traci" Rap: Mejek FTK, Bartek BRT Muzyka: Nupel Obraz: GULIwer filmy Mix/master: Olo WND- published: 29 Dec 2013
- views: 5356
BRT - el futuro del transporte terrestre
A Embarq Brasil y NTU apresentan lo Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), un sistema de autobuses rápid...
published: 11 Dec 2012
author: TransporteUrbanoNTU
BRT - el futuro del transporte terrestre
BRT - el futuro del transporte terrestre
A Embarq Brasil y NTU apresentan lo Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), un sistema de autobuses rápidos que hace parte de las soluciones para la movilidad urbana en la ...- published: 11 Dec 2012
- views: 448
- author: TransporteUrbanoNTU
Youtube results:
Como será o BRT de Belo Horizonte ?
BRT - Sistema de transporte por ônibus, eficiente, de alta capacidade e alta qualidade, op...
published: 26 Aug 2011
author: Bhtrans Pbh
Como será o BRT de Belo Horizonte ?
Como será o BRT de Belo Horizonte ?
BRT - Sistema de transporte por ônibus, eficiente, de alta capacidade e alta qualidade, operado de forma semelhante ao metrô, capaz de atender os usuários co...- published: 26 Aug 2011
- views: 54809
- author: Bhtrans Pbh
バス専用道路を走る気仙沼線BRT(bus rapid transit)バス①(前面展望)
published: 25 Aug 2013
バス専用道路を走る気仙沼線BRT(bus rapid transit)バス①(前面展望)
バス専用道路を走る気仙沼線BRT(bus rapid transit)バス①(前面展望)
バス・ラピッド・トランジット(BRT)とは、地下鉄等に相当する大量輸送型の都心軌道系交通(ラピッド・トランジット=都市高速鉄道)を軌道ではなくバスを用いて実現した旅客輸送システムを指す。輸送量は1時間当たり5千人以上(片方向)の大量輸送を可能とする。 これを実現するために、常設の専用走行空間(専用バスレーン、もしくは専用道か高架道)を有する形態が多く、一般道・一般レーンにおける交通信号による停止指示や通行速度状況(渋滞等)の影響からは隔離され、高頻度の定時運行による大量輸送を都心域で実現する。連節バスを運行する形態も多い。欧州やオセアニアのバスウェイではガイドウェイバスの事例がある。- published: 25 Aug 2013
- views: 133
Best BRT Systems in major world cities
Take a closer look at leading BRT Systems in 3 major cities: Brisbane, Australia Curitiba,...
published: 27 Nov 2012
author: OzeBusandCoach
Best BRT Systems in major world cities
Best BRT Systems in major world cities
Take a closer look at leading BRT Systems in 3 major cities: Brisbane, Australia Curitiba, Brazil Bogota, Colombia Find out why these cities decided to inves...- published: 27 Nov 2012
- views: 494
- author: OzeBusandCoach
【前面展望】JR大船渡線BRT専用道路区間 盛→大船渡
2013年5月2日 盛駅BRT乗り場(大船渡線2番ホーム) → 大船渡駅 → 一般道に出るまで....
published: 06 May 2013
author: cdefinverter
【前面展望】JR大船渡線BRT専用道路区間 盛→大船渡
【前面展望】JR大船渡線BRT専用道路区間 盛→大船渡
2013年5月2日 盛駅BRT乗り場(大船渡線2番ホーム) → 大船渡駅 → 一般道に出るまで.- published: 06 May 2013
- views: 1049
- author: cdefinverter