- published: 27 Sep 2013
- views: 16282
4MIN News September 27, 2013: They Blame You
They want to blame you : http://youtu.be/l-RvUedfKpk
(Share this on the comments of all th...
published: 27 Sep 2013
4MIN News September 27, 2013: They Blame You
4MIN News September 27, 2013: They Blame You
They want to blame you : http://youtu.be/l-RvUedfKpk (Share this on the comments of all the news articles that post the IPCC bullcrap today) http://www.suspicious0bservers.org/premium Donate Memberships for Others: http://tiny.cc/f195ww or https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=DJA3SBBF29BFN 0bserver Shop: http://www.cafepress.com/s0s Original music by NEMES1S http://www.suspicious0bservers.org/shop/ [Get NEMES1S Music!] http://www.soundclick.com/nemes1s TODAY's New LINKS: Water on Mars: http://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/curiositys-sam-instrument-finds-water-and-more-in-surface-sample/#.UkU_RxbHJO4 IPCC: http://www.ipcc.ch/news_and_events/docs/ar5/press_release_ar5_wgi_en.pdf Summary of Climate report: http://www.climatechange2013.org/images/uploads/WGIAR5-SPM_Approved27Sep2013.pdf CO2: http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/view.php?id=82142&eocn;=home&eoci;=iotd_title Drought: http://www.drought.gov/drought/content/products-current-drought-and-monitoring-drought-indicators/us-drought-monitor Background: How to Watch the Sun: Spaceweather 101 - http://youtu.be/ld5ecZuHECA Ice Age Soon? http://youtu.be/UuYTcnN7TQk An Unlikely but Relevant Risk - The Solar Killshot: http://youtu.be/X0KJ_dxp170 REPEAT LINKS: WORLD WEATHER: NDBC Buoys: http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/ Tropical Storms: http://www.wunderground.com/tropical/ HurricaneZone Satellite Images: http://www.hurricanezone.net/westpacific/animations.html Weather Channel: http://www.weather.com/ NOAA Environmental Visualization Laboratory: http://www.nnvl.noaa.gov/Default.php Pressure Maps: http://www.woweather.com/cgi-bin/expertcharts?LANG=us&MENU;=0000000000&CONT;=glob&MODELL;=gfs&MODELLTYP;=1&BASE;=-&VAR;=pslv&HH;=0&ARCHIV;=0&PANEL;=0&ZOOM;=0.= Satellite Maps: http://www.woweather.com/cgi-app/satellite?LANG=us&CONT;=namk Forecast Maps: http://www.woweather.com/weather/maps/forecastmaps?LANG=us&CONT;=usus EL DORADO WORLD WEATHER MAP: http://www.eldoradocountyweather.com/satellite/ssec/world/world-composite-ir-sat.html TORCON: http://www.weather.com/news/tornado-torcon-index [Tornado Forecast for the day] HURRICANE TRACKER: http://www.weather.com/weather/hurricanecentral/tracker US WEATHER: Precipitation Totals: http://www.cocorahs.org/ViewData/ListIntensePrecipReports.aspx GOES Satellites: http://rsd.gsfc.nasa.gov/goes/ THE WINDMAP: http://hint.fm/wind/ Severe Weather Threats: http://www.weather.com/news/weather-severe/severe-weather-tracker Canada Weather Office Satellite Composites: http://www.weatheroffice.gc.ca/satellite/index_e.html Temperature Delta: http://www.intellicast.com/National/Temperature/Delta.aspx Records/Extremes: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/extremes/records/ SPACEWEATHER: Spaceweather: http://spaceweather.com SOHO Solar Wind: http://umtof.umd.edu/pm/ HAARP Data Meters: http://www.haarp.alaska.edu/haarp/data.html Planetary Orbital Diagram - Ceres1 JPL: http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=ceres;orb=1;cov=0;log=0;cad=0#orb SDO: http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/data/ Helioviewer: http://www.helioviewer.org/ SOHO: http://sohodata.nascom.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/soho_movie_theater Stereo: http://stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/images SOLARIMG: http://solarimg.org/artis/ iSWA: http://iswa.gsfc.nasa.gov/iswa/iSWA.html NASA ENLIL SPIRAL: http://iswa.gsfc.nasa.gov:8080/IswaSystemWebApp/iSWACygnetStreamer?timestamp=2038-01-23+00%3A44%3A00&window;=-1&cygnetId;=261 NOAA ENLIL SPIRAL: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/wsa-enlil/ GOES Xray: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/sxi/goes15/index.html Gamma Ray Bursts: http://grb.sonoma.edu/ BARTOL Cosmic Rays: http://neutronm.bartol.udel.edu//spaceweather/welcome.html ISWA: http://iswa.ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov:8080/IswaSystemWebApp/ NOAA Sunspot Classifications: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ftpdir/latest/SRS.txt GONG: http://gong2.nso.edu/dailyimages/ GONG Magnetic Maps: http://gong.nso.edu/data/magmap/ondemand.html MISC Links: JAPAN Radiation Map: http://jciv.iidj.net/map/ RADIATION Network: http://radiationnetwork.com/ LISS: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/monitoring/operations/heliplots_gsn.php QUAKES LIST FULL: http://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/seismologist.php RSOE: http://hisz.rsoe.hu/alertmap/index2.php [That cool alert map I use] Moon: http://www.fourmilab.ch/earthview/pacalc.html- published: 27 Sep 2013
- views: 16282
The Alex Jones Show - Friday, September 27, 2013 (Full Show): Jesse Ventura
On this Friday, September 27 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the partisanship ...
published: 27 Sep 2013
The Alex Jones Show - Friday, September 27, 2013 (Full Show): Jesse Ventura
The Alex Jones Show - Friday, September 27, 2013 (Full Show): Jesse Ventura
On this Friday, September 27 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the partisanship follies in the district of criminals as a shut down of government looms and an effort to derail Obamacare gains momentum in the House. Alex also covers Seymour Hersh's claim that the Osama bin Laden raid is a lie and he details a government forewarning to family members about the bloody terrorist attack on the Westgate Mall in Kenya. On today's show, Alex talks with the former governor of Minnesota and US Navy SEAL, Jesse Ventura. Jesse's latest book is They Killed Our President: 63 Reasons to Believe There Was a Conspiracy to Assassinate JFK. Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars: http://www.stopthecrime.net/docs/SILENT.pdf Humanity on the BRINK - Research Report from Scientist Barrie Trower - WiFi - Irreversible Damage to Your Children http://www.stopthecrime.net/docs/WiFi%20-%20a%20Thalidomide%20in%20the%20making%20-%20who%20cares.pdf NASA The Future of War in PDF FORMAT: http://www.stopthecrime.net/docs/nasa-thefutureof-war.pdf Yes, The Re-Education Camp Manual Does Apply Domestically to U.S. Citizens: The time for denial is over!! http://info.publicintelligence.net/USArmy-InternmentResettlement.pdf Click the link to read the full document entitled "FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations" Harvard Study Finds Fluoride Lowers IQ - Published in Federal Gov't Journal: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/07/24/idUS127920+24-Jul-2012+PRN20120724 FCC-TelecommunicationsAct of 1996: http://www.fcc.gov/telecom.html James Tracy Previews "Boston Marathon Bombing Timeline": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40wnHlp9_GY Startpage.com: Get The Government Out of Your Search Engine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InKsUq3Q6lc&feature;=c4-overview&list;=UUH6zgqkVbTsE52FFa-_y2zQ StartMail - The World's Most Private Email: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fleEOrMK-Ps Alex Abella: Inside The RAND Corporation (FULL): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBj3Iq4r52c&list;=PLF71721CD249F43B2&index;=21 Full Disclosure: http://benswann.com/ Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/BenSwannRealityCheck?feature=watch What the Media Isn't Telling You About War in Syria: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v;=ZLTkMYg4zbI NSA's Criminal Activity:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfUi5C7WdrA http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/everything-is-rigged-the-biggest-financial-scandal-yet-20130425 http://www.infowars.com/whats-a-false-flag-google-trends-shows-search-term-spike/ http://www.infowars.com/surreal-us-troops-stage-in-jordan-to-defend-al-qaeda-in-syria/ http://www.infowars.com/yes-the-re-education-camp-manual-does-apply-domestically-to-u-s-citizens/ http://www.infowars.com/leaked-u-s-army-document-outlines-plan-for-re-education-camps-in-america/ http://www.infowars.com/report-more-than-100000-americans-are-domestic-terrorists/ http://www.infowars.com/shock-docs-total-federalization-of-police-under-new-homeland-security-mission/ http://www.prisonplanet.com/army-manual-outlines-plan-to-kill-rioters-in-america.html http://www.infowars.com/fema-to-mobilize-for-mass-fatality-planning/ FEMA CAMP Videos: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA7079368A5BC2133&feature;=plcp NDAA Videos: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL89E30634A26C423A&feature;=plcp http://www.infowars.com/11-stories-infowars-drove-to-the-mainstream-in-2011/ FEMA CAMP DOCUMENTS http://www.infowars.com/military-to-designate-u-s-citizens-as-enemy-during-collapse/ http://www.infowars.com/government-censors-document-revealing-plans-to-wage-war-on-americans/ http://www.infowars.com/paralysis-cases-spike-in-wake-of-bill-gates-polio-vaccination-effort-in-india/ http://www.endgamethemovie.com/ Death by "Gun Control": http://jpfo.org/filegen-a-m/deathgc.htm DEMOCIDE: MURDER BY GOVERNMENT: http://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/MURDER.HTM Lifting The Veil of Evil: Nightly News Special Report 1/2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcMNJBvY2cU&list;=PLF2DE9316B34EC74A&index;=2 Black Genocide in Libya! - Special Report: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhR0sR1vqpY&list;=PLF2DE9316B34EC74A&index;=4 Exclusive: Bilderberg 1966 Data Dump -- The War on Nationalism Exposed: All files in ZIP format (31.1 MB): http://static.infowars.com/2012/06/i/general/Bilderberg-1966.zip http://www.infowars.com/exclusive-bilderberg-1966-data-dump-the-war-on-nationalism-exposed/ FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law.- published: 27 Sep 2013
- views: 2895
Jodha Akbar September 27 Episode Recap
Jodha Akbar is a sixteenth century love story about a political marriage of convenience sa...
published: 30 Sep 2013
Jodha Akbar September 27 Episode Recap
Jodha Akbar September 27 Episode Recap
Jodha Akbar is a sixteenth century love story about a political marriage of convenience saga between a Mughal emperor, Akbar, and a Rajput princess, Jodhaa. But much more then that it's the marriage of contrasts.- published: 30 Sep 2013
- views: 5017
HOT THIS WEEK: Sept. 27, 2013
September 27, 2013. Our weekly wrap-up show covers the biggest premieres and best VEVO or...
published: 27 Sep 2013
HOT THIS WEEK: Sept. 27, 2013
HOT THIS WEEK: Sept. 27, 2013
September 27, 2013. Our weekly wrap-up show covers the biggest premieres and best VEVO originals from this week as well as what's on tap for next week! Tag your pics with #VEVOHTW on Instagram and you might be included in our next episode! © 2013 VEVO Demi Lovato - #VEVOCertified, Pt 1: Demi Talks About Her Fans http://vevo.ly/PTl2eH Skylar Grey - Get Lucky (Daft Punk cover) http://vevo.ly/XWYftK Justin Timberlake - Take Back The Night (Live From Hoboken) http://vevo.ly/o7eoPO Mike WiLL Made-It - 23 http://vevo.ly/HoHisv Zedd - Stay The Night http://vevo.ly/W113qc http://facebook.com/vevo http://twitter.com/vevo http://instagram.com/vevo http://vevo.tumblr.com- published: 27 Sep 2013
- views: 42247
The Alex Jones Show:(VIDEO Commercial Free) Friday September 27 2013: Jesse Ventura
The Bin Laden Killing "One Big Lie"
On this Friday, September 27 edition of the...
published: 27 Sep 2013
The Alex Jones Show:(VIDEO Commercial Free) Friday September 27 2013: Jesse Ventura
The Alex Jones Show:(VIDEO Commercial Free) Friday September 27 2013: Jesse Ventura
The Bin Laden Killing "One Big Lie" 09/27/2013 On this Friday, September 27 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the partisanship follies in the district of criminals as a shut down of government looms and an effort to derail Obamacare gains momentum in the House. Alex also covers Seymour Hersh's claim that the Osama bin Laden raid is a lie and he details a government forewarning to family members about the bloody terrorist attack on the Westgate Mall in Kenya. On today's show, Alex talks with the former governor of Minnesota and US Navy SEAL, Jesse Ventura. Jesse's latest book is They Killed Our President: 63 Reasons to Believe There Was a Conspiracy to Assassinate JKF. It is now available at the Infowars Store. http://www.infowars.com/ http://www.infowarsshop.com/ http://www.prisonplanet.com/ http://www.prisonplanet.tv/ Thanks to Alex Jones and the whole INFOWARS Crew for producing a great show. Ron Gibson (9-27-13) Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=hard2startyubetube/ Follow: https://twitter.com/AdFreeRadio/ Like: https://www.facebook.com/adfreeradio/ This Video: http://youtu.be/FQFFxz9K5RM/ Also Try These Shows On My Channel: INFOWARS Nightly News What Really Happened Radio Show with Michael Rivero (Mike Rivero) USA Prepares Radio Show with Vincent Finelli- published: 27 Sep 2013
- views: 10221
The Alex Jones Show:(1st HOUR-VIDEO Commercial Free) Friday September 27 2013: News & Calls
The Bin Laden Killing One Big Lie
On this Friday, September 27 edition of the A...
published: 27 Sep 2013
The Alex Jones Show:(1st HOUR-VIDEO Commercial Free) Friday September 27 2013: News & Calls
The Alex Jones Show:(1st HOUR-VIDEO Commercial Free) Friday September 27 2013: News & Calls
The Bin Laden Killing One Big Lie 09/27/2013 On this Friday, September 27 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the partisanship follies in the district of criminals as a shut down of government looms and an effort to derail Obamacare gains momentum in the House. Alex also covers Seymour Hersh's claim that the Osama bin Laden raid is a lie and he details a government forewarning to family members about the bloody terrorist attack on the Westgate Mall in Kenya. On today's show, Alex talks with the former governor of Minnesota and US Navy SEAL, Jesse Ventura. Jesse's latest book is They Killed Our President: 63 Reasons to Believe There Was a Conspiracy to Assassinate JKF. It is now available at the Infowars Store. http://www.infowars.com/ http://www.infowarsshop.com/ http://www.prisonplanet.com/ http://www.prisonplanet.tv/ Thanks to Alex Jones and the whole INFOWARS Crew for producing a great show. Ron Gibson (9-27-13) Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=hard2startyubetube/ Follow: https://twitter.com/AdFreeRadio/ Like: https://www.facebook.com/adfreeradio/ This Video: http://youtu.be/33dcmaBCoMU/ Also Try These Shows On My Channel: INFOWARS Nightly News What Really Happened Radio Show with Michael Riv- published: 27 Sep 2013
- views: 301
The Alex Jones Show:(2nd HOUR-VIDEO Commercial Free) Friday September 27 2013: Jesse Ventura
The Bin Laden Killing One Big Lie
On this Friday, September 27 edition of the A...
published: 27 Sep 2013
The Alex Jones Show:(2nd HOUR-VIDEO Commercial Free) Friday September 27 2013: Jesse Ventura
The Alex Jones Show:(2nd HOUR-VIDEO Commercial Free) Friday September 27 2013: Jesse Ventura
The Bin Laden Killing One Big Lie 09/27/2013 On this Friday, September 27 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the partisanship follies in the district of criminals as a shut down of government looms and an effort to derail Obamacare gains momentum in the House. Alex also covers Seymour Hersh's claim that the Osama bin Laden raid is a lie and he details a government forewarning to family members about the bloody terrorist attack on the Westgate Mall in Kenya. On today's show, Alex talks with the former governor of Minnesota and US Navy SEAL, Jesse Ventura. Jesse's latest book is They Killed Our President: 63 Reasons to Believe There Was a Conspiracy to Assassinate JKF. It is now available at the Infowars Store. http://www.infowars.com/ http://www.infowarsshop.com/ http://www.prisonplanet.com/ http://www.prisonplanet.tv/ Thanks to Alex Jones and the whole INFOWARS Crew for producing a great show. Ron Gibson (9-27-13) Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=hard2startyubetube/ Follow: https://twitter.com/AdFreeRadio/ Like: https://www.facebook.com/adfreeradio/ This Video: http://youtu.be/kK78uxfHzwQ/ Also Try These Shows On My Channel: INFOWARS Nightly News What Really Happened Radio Show with Michael Rivero (Mike Rivero) USA Prepares Radio Show with Vincent Finelli- published: 27 Sep 2013
- views: 3124
Funny Bubble Gang ( September 27, 2013 )
Bubble Gang
Episode (( September 27, 2013 )
Bubble Gang is a Philippine comedy sketch ...
published: 29 Sep 2013
Funny Bubble Gang ( September 27, 2013 )
Funny Bubble Gang ( September 27, 2013 )
Bubble Gang Episode (( September 27, 2013 ) Bubble Gang is a Philippine comedy sketch gag show airing on GMA Network since October 20, 1995. It is the longest-running sketch comedy program on Philippine television.[3] The show shot up to popularity for their parodies of television commercials, politicians and current events.[4] The show also airs internationally via GMA Pinoy TV, while re-runs are aired via Fox Filipino. Michael V.1 (1995--present), Antonio Aquitania1 (1995--present), Rufa Mae Quinto (2001--present), Maureen Larrazabal (2002--present), Boy 2 Quizon (2003--present), James "Moymoy" Obeso2 (2008--present), Rodfil "Roadfill" Obeso2 (2008--present) , Ellen Adarna3 (2010--present) , Sam Pinto3 (2010--present) , Jackie Rice3 (2010--present) , Gwen Zamora3 (2010--present) , Betong Sumaya (2012--present) , Paolo Contis (2012--present) , Joyce Ching6 (2013--present) , Juancho Triviño6 (2013--present) , Arny Ross6 (2013--present) , Maricris Garcia6 (2013--present) , Abel Estanislao6 (2013--present) , Denise Barbacena6 (2013--present) , Jan Manual6 (2013--present) , RJ Padilla6 (2013--present) , Rhoel Mendoza6 (2013--present) , Nicole Borgonia6 (2013--present) Characters and segments Mr. Assimo , Brothers Pete, Willie, and Jocel , Cheche & Bureche , Boy Pickup , MC Bits , Neneng B. (B. for Bakit) , Boy Basag , Bonggang Bongbong , D Wonder Boys , Ang Dating Doon , Commercial Spoofs , Iyo Tube , Sopoorman , CheChe Bureche , Balitang News , Battle of Pickup Lines , Assimo , Ba't Ganun? , My Husband's Driver , Munggo Mo'y Akin Extra TAGS: Wow Mali (TV Program),Funny,Practical Joke,Face,Comedy,Stand-up Comedy (TV Genre),Television (Invention),Talk Show (TV Genre),Laugh,joey deleon,PrankStars (TV Program),prank jokes,Jokes,Joke (Literature Subject),kapatid,Wow Meganon (TV Program),comedy bar,Funny Face (Film) , ryzza mae dizon, kempe de leon, tito sotto, allam k, fliptop, abra, dello, loonie, zaito, eat bulaga, it's show time, abs-cbn, gma 2, kapatid network, pamily network, ka puso network, bubble gang, tropang turompo, banana nite, ogag, wow mali parin, vong navaro, jimmy santos, billy crawford, zanjoe marudo, eugine domingo, wally bayola, wally bayola scandal, nakakatawa, tawa, just for laughs , just for laughs gang, ai ai delas alas, angelica panganiban, john prats, ryan bang, kalokalike, ang joke ko, ikaw at ang echo, tado,, viral, must watch, verry funny, prank joke, Bubble Gang- published: 29 Sep 2013
- views: 5343
TomorrowWorld 2013 - Live On Youtube - September 27-28-29
Be part of the TomorrowWorld 2013 Madness: www.youtube.com/tomorrowworld
Live TomorrowWor...
published: 24 Sep 2013
TomorrowWorld 2013 - Live On Youtube - September 27-28-29
TomorrowWorld 2013 - Live On Youtube - September 27-28-29
Be part of the TomorrowWorld 2013 Madness: www.youtube.com/tomorrowworld Live TomorrowWorldTV: September 27-28-29. From 07h pm till 02h am EST. 7 hours per day non-stop TomorrowWorld Madness. http://tomorrowworld.com/buy-tickets http://tomorrowworld http://facebook.com/tomorrowworld http://twitter.com/tomorrowworld https://plus.google.com/+tomorrowworld- published: 24 Sep 2013
- views: 39099
Infowars Nightly News for Friday, September 27, 2013 (Full Show): Lloyd Chapman
Friday: The Nightly News. Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist Seymour Hersh Derides Main Str...
published: 28 Sep 2013
Infowars Nightly News for Friday, September 27, 2013 (Full Show): Lloyd Chapman
Infowars Nightly News for Friday, September 27, 2013 (Full Show): Lloyd Chapman
Friday: The Nightly News. Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist Seymour Hersh Derides Main Stream Media For Never Questioning Preposterous Government Account Of Bin Laden Death: On The September 27, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Gigi Ernetta Hosts & We Interview "Andrew" On The 1 Yr. Anniversary Of His Infamous ObamaLady Film Clip In Addition To Lloyd Chapman of ASBL.com. News Covered: Seymour Hersh: Bin Laden Raid "One Big Lie." People In NY Yell "USA" After Supposed BinLaden Capture. Senator Says Politics Have Reached Civil War Levels. Reid Clamors For Debt Increase in 2013, Railed Against It In 2006. Senate Defeats Cruz filibuster, Passes Bill That Funds Obamacare. U.S. Judge Allows Lawsuit Against Google Over Email Ads. FBI Has Been Using Drones Since 2006, Watchdog Agency Says. Iran, U.S. Talks Seen as 'Good Start.'Doctor Reveals Fukushima Radiation Nightmare Solution. Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars: http://www.stopthecrime.net/docs/SILENT.pdf Humanity on the BRINK - Research Report from Scientist Barrie Trower - WiFi - Irreversible Damage to Your Children http://www.stopthecrime.net/docs/WiFi%20-%20a%20Thalidomide%20in%20the%20making%20-%20who%20cares.pdf NASA The Future of War in PDF FORMAT: http://www.stopthecrime.net/docs/nasa-thefutureof-war.pdf Yes, The Re-Education Camp Manual Does Apply Domestically to U.S. Citizens: The time for denial is over!! http://info.publicintelligence.net/USArmy-InternmentResettlement.pdf Click the link to read the full document entitled "FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations" Harvard Study Finds Fluoride Lowers IQ - Published in Federal Gov't Journal: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/07/24/idUS127920+24-Jul-2012+PRN20120724 FCC-TelecommunicationsAct of 1996: http://www.fcc.gov/telecom.html James Tracy Previews "Boston Marathon Bombing Timeline": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40wnHlp9_GY Startpage.com: Get The Government Out of Your Search Engine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InKsUq3Q6lc&feature;=c4-overview&list;=UUH6zgqkVbTsE52FFa-_y2zQ StartMail - The World's Most Private Email: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fleEOrMK-Ps Alex Abella: Inside The RAND Corporation (FULL): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBj3Iq4r52c&list;=PLF71721CD249F43B2&index;=21 Full Disclosure: http://benswann.com/ Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/BenSwannRealityCheck?feature=watch What the Media Isn't Telling You About War in Syria: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v;=ZLTkMYg4zbI NSA's Criminal Activity:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfUi5C7WdrA http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/everything-is-rigged-the-biggest-financial-scandal-yet-20130425 http://www.infowars.com/whats-a-false-flag-google-trends-shows-search-term-spike/ http://www.infowars.com/surreal-us-troops-stage-in-jordan-to-defend-al-qaeda-in-syria/ http://www.infowars.com/yes-the-re-education-camp-manual-does-apply-domestically-to-u-s-citizens/ http://www.infowars.com/leaked-u-s-army-document-outlines-plan-for-re-education-camps-in-america/ http://www.infowars.com/report-more-than-100000-americans-are-domestic-terrorists/ http://www.infowars.com/shock-docs-total-federalization-of-police-under-new-homeland-security-mission/ http://www.prisonplanet.com/army-manual-outlines-plan-to-kill-rioters-in-america.html http://www.infowars.com/fema-to-mobilize-for-mass-fatality-planning/ FEMA CAMP Videos: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA7079368A5BC2133&feature;=plcp NDAA Videos: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL89E30634A26C423A&feature;=plcp http://www.infowars.com/11-stories-infowars-drove-to-the-mainstream-in-2011/ FEMA CAMP DOCUMENTS http://www.infowars.com/military-to-designate-u-s-citizens-as-enemy-during-collapse/ http://www.infowars.com/government-censors-document-revealing-plans-to-wage-war-on-americans/ http://www.infowars.com/paralysis-cases-spike-in-wake-of-bill-gates-polio-vaccination-effort-in-india/ http://www.endgamethemovie.com/ Death by "Gun Control": http://jpfo.org/filegen-a-m/deathgc.htm DEMOCIDE: MURDER BY GOVERNMENT: http://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/MURDER.HTM Lifting The Veil of Evil: Nightly News Special Report 1/2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcMNJBvY2cU&list;=PLF2DE9316B34EC74A&index;=2 Black Genocide in Libya! - Special Report: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhR0sR1vqpY&list;=PLF2DE9316B34EC74A&index;=4 Exclusive: Bilderberg 1966 Data Dump -- The War on Nationalism Exposed: All files in ZIP format (31.1 MB): http://static.infowars.com/2012/06/i/general/Bilderberg-1966.zip http://www.infowars.com/exclusive-bilderberg-1966-data-dump-the-war-on-nationalism-exposed/ FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law.- published: 28 Sep 2013
- views: 1261
Mommy, you're ANNOYING! - September 27, 2013 - itsJudysLife Vlog
14 Weeks Pregnant! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6ghUXPX3EI
Happy Slip/ Christine's Dail...
published: 28 Sep 2013
Mommy, you're ANNOYING! - September 27, 2013 - itsJudysLife Vlog
Mommy, you're ANNOYING! - September 27, 2013 - itsJudysLife Vlog
14 Weeks Pregnant! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6ghUXPX3EI Happy Slip/ Christine's Daily Vlog! http://www.youtube.com/user/christinegambito Mommy Channel!!! http://www.youtube.com/itsMommysLife Yesterday's Vlog http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOtq0QNrPMA Welcome to our Everyday Lives! We tied the knot on Aug. 12, 2011. See our Wedding Series here! http://bit.ly/15pEBz7 On October 18, 2012 we welcomed our little cutie bear, Julianna onto this world! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZsZs5O0OAM Instagram! http://www.instagram.com/itsjudytime Itsjudytime Facebook http://www.facebook.com/itsjudytime Subscribe to our channel for daily real life vlogs http://www.youtube.com/itsJudysLife Vlog Camera We Use: http://amzn.to/UNla0s Video about the Camera's I Use In My Videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkGMgxtpQu4 Itsjudytime in Spanish! http://www.youtube.com/BellezaConJudy Judy's Twitter http://www.twitter.com/itsJudyTime Benji's Twitter http://www.twitter.com/BenjiManTV Judy's Beauty Channel http://www.itsjudytime.tv Benji's Food Channel http://www.youtube.com/BenjiManTV Judy's Blog http://www.itsjudytime.com *Amazon links are affiliate links grocery shopping, costco, shopping, mom, walmart, arroz caldo, happyslip, bath time, julianna, vlog, it's judys life, itsjudyslife vlog, judy and benji vlog, video blogging, daily vlog, vlogging, benji, benjimantv, comedy, funny, comedy, newlyweds, married, real life, couple, seattle, relationship, real relationship, life, everyday, reality, family, mom, baby, babies, pregnant, pregnancy, infant- published: 28 Sep 2013
- views: 75403
published: 27 Sep 2013
VER VIDEO EN ESPAÑOL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f50QAAWB3BA PAGINA WEB http://www.gabehash.com/ YOUTUBE http://www.youtube.com/Gabehash (Canal Español) http://www.youtube.com/GabehashTV (English Channel) TWITTER https://twitter.com/GABEHASH FACEBOOK http://www.facebook.com/losamigosdegabehash Canada: A meteor lit up the skies of Alberta last September 21, 2013 and was recorded by a dash cam (a camera inside a vehicle) into a police car. (Read more http://www.gabehash.com/)- published: 27 Sep 2013
- views: 5180
Solvathellam Unmai - September 27, 2013
Sollvathellam Unnmai is a fiery, action packed reality talk show. The program deals with i...
published: 01 Oct 2013
Solvathellam Unmai - September 27, 2013
Solvathellam Unmai - September 27, 2013
Sollvathellam Unnmai is a fiery, action packed reality talk show. The program deals with interpersonal problems, real life stories, family courts, stories of miracles, social issues and more. Most unsolved problems get sorted out on the show with many happy endings. Anchored by popular actor and director Lakshmi Ramakrishnan. Monday -- Friday 20:30 -- 21:30 Hrs- published: 01 Oct 2013
- views: 10907
Galactic Federation of Light Saint Germain September-27-2013
Saint Germain ~ Separation and Duality, energetic changes ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont
published: 28 Sep 2013
Galactic Federation of Light Saint Germain September-27-2013
Galactic Federation of Light Saint Germain September-27-2013
Saint Germain ~ Separation and Duality, energetic changes ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com/2013/09/suzanne-lie-arcturian-message-first.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm;_medium=email&utm;_campaign=Feed%3A+Pleiadedolphininfos+%28pleiadedolphininfos%29 Méline Lafont 2012 -- 2013, permission is given to share freely in its entirety and unaltered http://awakeningtohigherlove.com and http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.com- published: 28 Sep 2013
- views: 2603
Vimeo results:
Out Of A Forest
Running time: 5:53
Stop Motion on location / greenscreen
Directed by: Tobias Gundorff Boes...
published: 09 Feb 2010
author: Tobias Gundorff Boesen
Out Of A Forest
Running time: 5:53
Stop Motion on location / greenscreen
Directed by: Tobias Gundorff Boesen
Animation by: Katrine Kiilerich, Frederik Villumsen, Christophe Peladan, Tobias Gundorff Boesen
Light and Photography: Martin Bested, Andreas Berg
2010 The Animation Workshop
My Bachelorfilm from The Animation Workshop. Set to the song "Slow Show" by The National, who were kind enough to allow me to use their music. It is a non-commercial short film, intended for festivals.
It is shot in the forests surrounding Viborg, Denmark. My main inspiration was victorian litterature, and "Boxer" by the national. It was painful to finish, as shooting stop motion in the forest at night for longer periods turned out to offer alot of problems :) But it was also great fun and adventure.
"Wallabout Film Festival" April 2010, New York
"VISIONS FROM THE FUTURE" may 2010, Torino
"Kinetoscope Animation Festival", june 2010, Taipei
"Anima Mundi" july 2010, Sao Paolo & Rio de Janeiro
"Festival Internacional de Benicassim" July 2010 Spain
"Odense International Film Festival", August 2010, Odense Denmark
"BUSTER International Film Festival" September 2010, Copenhagen Denmark
"3D Wire" October 2010, Segovnia Spain
"Hamburg Animation Awards" 2010
"Topanga Film Festival", August 2010, California
"Salt Lake City Film Festival", 12-15 August 2010
"Bornshorts Festival", 27-28 August 2010, England
"Fantastic Film Festival", October 2010, Lund Sweden
"Animest International Animation Festival", Oct 2010, Bucharest Romania
"Encounters Film Festival", October 2010, Bristol England
"KLIK International animation festival" Amsterdam Holland, 2010
"Best of KLIK festival" Programme at Turin Italy, oct 2010
"Århus Filmfestival", November 2010, Denmark
"LINOLEUM" Festival, October 2010, Moscow Russia,
"Freeky Creek Film Festival", October 2010, USA
"Musicclip Festival", November 2010, Barcelona Spain
"Animated Dreams" - Black Nights Film Festival. Tallinn, Estonia Dec. 2010
"METERS" international youth film festival, Russia nov. 2010
"Kathmandu International Mountain Film Festival" Nepal, Dec. 2010
The International Youth Festival of Short Cinema and Animation "METERS", Moscow Russia, November 2010
“Minimalen” International Film festival, Norge 2011
“Go Short” International short film festival Nijmegen, Holland 2011
"Chulpicine Film Festival", Equador, September 2011
"Montreal Stop Motion Festival", Montreal Canada, September 2011
"Maelstrom International Fantastic Film Festival", Seattle September 2011
"Se-Ma-For Film Festival", Poland 22-25 sept 2011
"FIJR Granada", Granada Spain, 22-29 Oct 2011
"Canterbury Anifest", Canterbury England, October 2011
PLAY, Amsterdam Holland 17-19 Nov 2011
Awards and nominations
“Best Picture” Wallabout Film Festival, New York
“Diamond In The Rough” Topanga Film Festival, California
“Best Music Video” Anim’est International Animation Festival, Bucharest Romania
“Most Surprising National Film” Odense International Film Festival
3rd Place Hamburg Animation Awards 2010
"ANOBA Award" 2010 Nominee, Helsinki Finland oct. 2010
"Melies D’or" 2010 Nominee, SITGES Spain, Oct. 2010
"VIEW! Award" nominee, Turin Italy Oct 2010
"2nd Place, Best new director" Musicclip Festival, Barcelona nov. 2010
"Best Animated Film" METERS film festival, Russia
Temporal Distortion
Featuring an original score by Bear McCreary (Battlestar Galactica, The Walking Dead, Eure...
published: 13 Feb 2012
author: Randy Halverson
Temporal Distortion
Featuring an original score by Bear McCreary (Battlestar Galactica, The Walking Dead, Eureka, etc) http://www.bearmccreary.com Thanks to Bear for taking the time to do this!
Watch in HD
http://dakotalapse.com/2012/02/temporal-distortion-2/ for more info and digital download.
There is a 23 minute extended cut, available for digital download here http://dakotalapse.com/2012/02/temporal-distortion-extended-cut/ The feature is 23+ minutes of Milky Way, Aurora and other night timelapse, it has 2 original scores by Simon Wilkinson http://www.thebluemask.com , as well as some from his royalty free collection.
Download an MP3 of Bear McCreary's Temporal Distortion on Amazon http://tinyurl.com/8955prd or on Itunes
What you see is real, but you can't see it this way with the naked eye. It is the result of thousands of 20-30 second exposures, edited together to produce the timelapse. This allows you to see the Milky Way, Aurora and other Phenonmena, in a way you wouldn't normally see them.
In the opening "Dakotalapse" title shot, you see bands of red and green moving across the sky. After asking several Astronomers, they are possible noctilucent clouds, airglow or faint Aurora. I never got a definite answer to what it is. You can also see the red and green bands in other shots.
At :53 and 2:17 seconds into the video you see a Meteor with a Persistent Train. Which is ionizing gases, which lasted over a half hour in the cameras frame. Phil Plait wrote an article about the phenomena here http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/badastronomy/2011/10/02/a-meteors-lingering-tale/
There is a second Meteor with a much shorter persistent train at 2:51 in the video. This one wasn't backlit by the moon like the first, and moves out of the frame quickly.
The Aurora were shot in central South Dakota in September 2011 and near Madison, Wisconsin on October 25, 2011.
Watch for two Deer at 1:27
Most of the video was shot near the White River in central South Dakota during September and October 2011, there are other shots from Arches National Park in Utah, and Canyon of the Ancients area of Colorado during June 2011.
Equipment Used
Thanks to Dynamic Perception for their support and for making the Stage Zero Dolly. http://www.dynamicperception.com The best dolly made in many ways!
Canon 5D Mark II and Canon 60D
Canon 16-35, Tokina 11-16
Shot in RAW format. Manual mode, Exposure was 30 seconds on most Milky Way shots, 15-30 seconds on Aurora. ISO 1600 - 6400 F2.8. 3 second intervals between exposures
Production Assistants - River Halverson and Kelly McIlhone
Opening title by Gus Winkelman // Winkelmedia LLC // Contact Guswinkelman@gmail for creative solutions
Available in 4K Digital Cinema
Contact for licensing footage, or anything else.
Randy Halverson
Google + https://plus.google.com/115274420552571826637/posts
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/dakotalapse
Twitter http://www.twitter.com/dakotalapse
The Icebook (HD)
The Icebook - the world's first projection mapped pop-up book. An exquisite experience of ...
published: 30 Jan 2011
author: Davy and Kristin McGuire
The Icebook (HD)
The Icebook - the world's first projection mapped pop-up book. An exquisite experience of fragile paper cutouts and video projections that sweep you right into the heart of a fantasy world. It is an intimate and immersive experience of animation, book art and performance.
For more information on the making of and the artists please visit: www.theicebook.com.
Music: Ben Woods
Icebook performances:
Library of Birmingham Discovery Season, Birmingham/UK: 22nd of October 2013, tbc
Big Imaginations Festival @ The Citadel, St Helens/UK: 21 of October 2013, 12pm to 3:30pm
Big Imaginations Festival @ The Atkinson, Southport/UK: 20th of October 2013, 12pm to 3:30pm
Big Imaginations Festival @ Z-arts, Manchester/UK: 19th of October 2013, 12pm to 3:30pm
Big Imaginations Festival @ Media City, Manchester/UK: 18th of October 2013, tbc
Bank Street Arts, Sheffield/UK: 12th of October 2013, 11:30am to 4pm
E-topia, Takamatsu/Japan: 1st & 3rd of August 2013, 11am to 4pm
Hamilton House Open Studios, Bristol/UK: 9th of June 2013, 3pm to 6pm
Maison du Savoir, Saint Laurent de Neste/France: 23rd - 24th of April 2013, tbc
Micro Performance Series, Vancouver/Canada: 27th of February - 2nd of March 2013, 7pm to 9:30pm
Royal Shakespeare Company, Stratford/UK: 18th - 23rd of February 2013, tbc
Jaffe Center for Book Arts, Florida/USA: 7th, 8th and 9th of December, please see times here
Cinecity Brighton Film Festival, Brighton/UK: 1st of December, time tbc
Prema Arts Centre, Dursley/UK: 17th of November, time tbc
Bournemouth Arts Festival, Bournemouth/UK: 29th of September 2012, 5pm to 9:30pm
(Leading up to the festival there is a chance to watch our fun installation Peepboardpleasure)
Scopitone Festival, Nantes/France: 19th to 23rd of September 2012, 1pm to 7:30pm
Cambridge Film Festival, Cambridge/UK: 15th of September, 1pm to 6.30pm
SHOWTIME, Queens Gardens Croydon, London/UK: 6th of September 2012
Fringe Madrid, Madrid/Spain: 9th and 10th of August 2012, 6pm to 11pm
Watershed Bristol 30th Birthday, Pervasive Media Studio: 7th of June 2012, 12 to 5pm
Bath Spa Live, Burdall’s Yard, Bath: 24th of March 2012, 3 to 9:30pm
Flatpack Festival, The Custard Factory, Birmingham: 17th of March 2012, 1 to 6pm
Belfast Children’s Festival, Belfast/Ireland: 10th to 13th of March 2012
Broadway Cinema, Nottingham/UK: 10th of February 2012, 15:30pm to 19:30pm, shows every 30 min.
InShadow Festival, Lisbon/Portugal: 5th to 9th of December 2011
Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff/Wales: 5th of November 2011, 10 am to 3pm
Frequency, Lincoln Digital Culture Festival 2011, UK: 27th to 29th of October 2011
Parabola Arts Centre, Cheltenham/UK: 21 of October 2011, 7:30pm to 9:30pm
Stratford Circus, London/UK: 16th of October 2011, 2pm to 7pm
Dreamfactory Warwick, UK: 15th of October 2011, 2pm onwards
Berwick Film and Media Festival, Berwick/UK: 24th to 25th of September 2011
Teatret Gruppe 38, Aarhus/Denmark: 2nd to 3rd of September 2011, 6 to 10 pm
Pervasive Media Studio, Bristol/UK: 9th of September 2011, 1pm
Aardman Animations, Bristol/UK: 18th of July 2011, 2pm
Bo Lee Gallery, London/UK: 14th of June 2011, 6 to 9pm
Toy Theatre Festival, Harderwijk/Holland: 1st to 3rd of June 2011
Mayfest, Bristol/UK: 17 to 27th of May 2011
Imagine Create, Derry/Northern Ireland: 1st of April 2011
The Icebook is available for touring. If you would like to host the show please don't hesitate to get in touch with us info@theicebook.com.
Apple of My Eye - IPHONE 4 FILM
Shot and edited entirely on the iPhone 4 / iMovie App (in 48 hours).
Want more iPhone 4 m...
published: 24 Jun 2010
author: Michael Koerbel
Apple of My Eye - IPHONE 4 FILM
Shot and edited entirely on the iPhone 4 / iMovie App (in 48 hours).
Want more iPhone 4 movies?
Watch GOLDILOCKS - http://vimeo.com/15608787
Download THE MAJEK APP - http://tinyurl.com/themajekapp
Follow us on Twitter @majekpictures
Read some of the press about APPLE OF MY EYE:
TomCruise.com - "Mobile Filmmaker Guide - Learn How to Make Professional Quality Films with a Smartphone"
Guardian UK (via - "Filmmakers Turn To Smartphones"
TheNextWeb - "Did Apple Redefine Photography with the iPhone?"
AppStorm - "Is The iPhone Ruining Film and Photography?"
Reelz Channel HOLLYWOOD DAILIES Interview
CNN - "A new 'indie' genre: iPhone 4 filmmaking"
CNET - "iPhone 4 video embodies new-tech aesthetic"
San Francisco Chronicle - "Mobile devices expanding creativity"
USA Today - "Shooting and Editing Travel Videos In the iPhone"
Sacramento News 13 Segment
Sacramento News 10 Segment
The iOScars - "Apple of My Eye Inspires iOScars"
MacRumors - "Short Film Shot and Edited Entirely on iPhone4"
MacDailyNews - "Short film shot and edited with iMovie on iPhone 4"
TUAW - "Video shot and edited entirely on an iPhone 4"
Notebook - "iMovie for the iPhone 4: Details and Review"
PSFK - "iOscars Celebrates Mobile Filmmaking"
The Observer News - "Moving Pictures That Will Move You"
Permission To Suck Blog - "Equipment Doesn’t Matter; iPhone Movies & Michael Koerbel"
Directed by Michael Koerbel
Written by Anna Elizabeth James and Michael Koerbel
Executive Produced by Anna Elizabeth James
Produced by Eric Edmonds and Rebekah Koerbel
Photographed by Michael Koerbel
Edited by Anna Elizabeth James
Production Design by Leigh Koerbel
Original Score Composed and Conducted by Corey Wallace
Starring Greta Charness and Timothy Guest
Special thanks to
Allied Model Trains, Culver City, CA
Birns & Sawyer, Burbank, CA
Michael Rogers
Greta's Parents
In loving memory of Leigh Koerbel
February 28, 1950 - September 27, 2010
a Majek Picture | contact us via hello@majekpictures.com
Youtube results:
The Snake Charmer - "Backstage Fallout" - September 27, 2013
The Great Khali charms Santino's "Cobra" & the Real Americans complete their post match wo...
published: 28 Sep 2013
The Snake Charmer - "Backstage Fallout" - September 27, 2013
The Snake Charmer - "Backstage Fallout" - September 27, 2013
The Great Khali charms Santino's "Cobra" & the Real Americans complete their post match workout.- published: 28 Sep 2013
- views: 69016
The Front Row with Anupama Chopra - September 27, 2013
The Front Row brings you a special episode featuring a conversation
with the father-son du...
published: 27 Sep 2013
The Front Row with Anupama Chopra - September 27, 2013
The Front Row with Anupama Chopra - September 27, 2013
The Front Row brings you a special episode featuring a conversation with the father-son duo, Rishi and Ranbir Kapoor on acting, movies, family and working together for the first time in Besharam. Like www.facebook.com/TheFrontRowWithAnupamaChopra on Facebook Follow @tfr2013 on Twitter- published: 27 Sep 2013
- views: 6468
Hasb e Haal 27 September 2013 27-09-2013 latest azizi hasbe haal (27th September 2013)
Hasb e Haal 27 September 2013
Hasb e Haal 2013. Subscribe for new episode of Hasb e Haal ...
published: 27 Sep 2013
Hasb e Haal 27 September 2013 27-09-2013 latest azizi hasbe haal (27th September 2013)
Hasb e Haal 27 September 2013 27-09-2013 latest azizi hasbe haal (27th September 2013)
Hasb e Haal 27 September 2013 Hasb e Haal 2013. Subscribe for new episode of Hasb e Haal of 27 September 2013 . Thanks for Watching Hasb E Haal 27 September 2013. hasb-e-hall 27th September 2013 hasbehall 27 September 2013 hasbe hall 27 September 2013 azizi latest, meera, khusra visit Hasb e Haal 2013. The next episode of Hasb e Haal is uploaded on 27th September 2013. hasb e hall 27 September 2013 hasb e hall 27 September 2013 hasb e hall 27 September 2013 hasb e hall 27th September 2013 hasb e hall 27 September 2013. Hasb e Haal of 27 September 2013 is presented. Thanks for Watching Hasb e Haal 27th September 2013 i.e. 27-09-2013 and 27/09/2013. For latest azizi 27 September 2013 as various characters and hasbe hall 16 september 2013 hasb-e-hall 27th September 2013 hasbehall 27 September 2013 hasbe hall 27 September 2013 azizi latest, meera, khusra visit HasbeHaal2013. The next episode of hasb e haal is uploaded on 27th September 2013. hasb e hall 27 September 2013 hasb e hall 27 September 2013 hasb e hall 27 September 2013 hasb e hall 27th September 2013 hasb e hall 27 September 2013. Hasb e Haal , 27th September 2013 , 27-09-2013 , Full Comedy Show , Sohail Ahmed ,Azizi , Dunya News. Junaid Saleem presents fresh episode of hasb e haal with najia baig and Sohail ahmed azizi ,Watch fresh episode of hilarious comedy show hasb e hall presented on dunya news channel on 27th September 2013 , 27-09-2013 , 27 September 2013. hasb e hall 27 September 2013. Hasb e hall is a comedy show broad cast on dunya news from thursday to sunday at 11:00 pm . Sohail ahmed azizi is a famous pakistani comedian who does parody of different famous politicians. Hasb e Haal 27th September 2013(hasb-e-haal 27 September 2013 ) full Hasb e Haal 27th September 2013(hasb-e-haal 27 September 2013 ) full# Hasb e Haal 27th September 2013(hasb-e-haal 27 September 2013 ) full Hasb e Haal 27th September 2013(hasb-e-haal 27 September 2013 ) full# Hasb e Haal 27th September 2013(hasb-e-haal 27 September 2013 ) full Hasb e Haal 27th September 2013(hasb-e-haal 27 September 2013 ) full# Hasb e Haal 28th September 2013(hasb-e-haal 28 September 2013 ) full Hasb e Haal 28th September 2013(hasb-e-haal 28 September 2013 ) full# Hasb e Haal 28th September 2013(hasb-e-haal 28 September 2013 ) full Hasb e Haal 28th September 2013(hasb-e-haal 28 September 2013 ) full# Hasb e Haal 28th September 2013(hasb-e-haal 28 September 2013 ) full Hasb e Haal 28th September 2013(hasb-e-haal 28 September 2013 ) full# For latest azizi as various characteres and hasbe hall 27 September 2013. Subscribe to us : http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=HasbeHaal2013 Join us on facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mazatv/376232872497950 . Follow Us on Twitter for All Latest Upload & Updates https://twitter.com/MazaTv Hasb e Haal 27 September 2013- published: 27 Sep 2013
- views: 758
The Clarence B&B; Update - September 27, 2013
Here's what happened the week September 23, 2013 on B&B....;
published: 27 Sep 2013
The Clarence B&B; Update - September 27, 2013
The Clarence B&B; Update - September 27, 2013
Here's what happened the week September 23, 2013 on B&B.;- published: 27 Sep 2013
- views: 7933