Order your next organizer now!  Click here to see a list of local stores that carry the organizer, links to mail-order distro websites, and names of the 2014 cover colors. 

Slingshot collective does not sell the Slingshot organizer to Walmart. There is no reason to think that anyone can walk into a Walmart and purchase a Slingshot organizer.  We think that Walmart's website lists the organizer for sale because their computer automatically lists every book that is available through the book distribution network on its website.  We are certainly annoyed and embarrassed that their website lists the organizer, and we suspect that Walmart would be annoyed and embarrassed too, if they knew about it.  But after looking into the situation, we are pretty sure that no human being from Walmart or from one of our distributors ever decided to put Slingshot on the Walmart website.

Slingshot collective distributes most of the organizers we print directly to a network of infoshops, food co-ops, and small independent bookstores that we've built up over the last 20 years.  We also distribute about 20% of the organizers through the following small, independent distributors:  AK Press, Buy Olympia, Small Changes, Microcosm, Pioneers Press, Vision Works, Last Gasp, Active Distro (London) and Kersplebedeb (Canada).

All of these distributors are collectives or small mom-and-pop operations that have long traditions in the alternative / counterculture scene.  Some of these distributors have relationships with larger book distribution companies which is how we think the Slingshot ended up on the Walmart website, and other stupid places like Amazon, eBay, etc.

A few years ago, a Borders bookstore sent Slingshot collective an order for some Slingshot organizers.  We decided at a meeting about the order that we would refuse to fill orders from capitalist fucks -- because we want to support independent bookstores and alternatives to the capitalist machine. We have never sent organizers to any big corporate entity. We don't know if there is a way to get Walmart to remove Slingshot from their website but we'll see if we can think of one.  Until then, please ignore fucking Walmart and get an organizer from a small collective near you. Doing so supports that collective as well as our collective.  Thx.