- published: 16 Jun 2010
- views: 58443
- author: unesco

UNESCO History
The c was born on 16 November 1945 UNESCO works to create the conditions for dialogue amon...
published: 16 Jun 2010
author: unesco
UNESCO History
UNESCO History
The c was born on 16 November 1945 UNESCO works to create the conditions for dialogue among civilizations, cultures and peoples, based upon respect for commo...- published: 16 Jun 2010
- views: 58443
- author: unesco

UNESCO - It's Evil Purpose and Philosophy
"...The task before UNESCO... is to help the emergence of a single world culture with its ...
published: 16 May 2011
author: AlanWattResistance
UNESCO - It's Evil Purpose and Philosophy
UNESCO - It's Evil Purpose and Philosophy
"...The task before UNESCO... is to help the emergence of a single world culture with its own philosophy and background of ideas and with its own broad purpo...- published: 16 May 2011
- views: 4877
- author: AlanWattResistance

U.S. cuts off UNESCO funding after Palestinian vote
Oct. 31 - The United States says it has stopped funding UNESCO, the U.N. cultural agency, ...
published: 31 Oct 2011
author: ReutersVideo
U.S. cuts off UNESCO funding after Palestinian vote
U.S. cuts off UNESCO funding after Palestinian vote
Oct. 31 - The United States says it has stopped funding UNESCO, the U.N. cultural agency, following its vote to grant the Palestinians full membership. Rough...- published: 31 Oct 2011
- views: 121285
- author: ReutersVideo

UNESCO Creative Cities Network (short version)
This film introduces the UNESCO Creative Cities Network, an international platform that co...
published: 11 May 2012
author: unesco
UNESCO Creative Cities Network (short version)
UNESCO Creative Cities Network (short version)
This film introduces the UNESCO Creative Cities Network, an international platform that connects cities to share experiences, ideas and best practices in the...- published: 11 May 2012
- views: 3581
- author: unesco

57 million children out of school
Progress in reducing the number of children denied their right to primary education has al...
published: 06 Jun 2013
author: unesco
57 million children out of school
57 million children out of school
Progress in reducing the number of children denied their right to primary education has all but stopped, according to new data from the UNESCO Institute for ...- published: 06 Jun 2013
- views: 4811
- author: unesco

The History of UNESCO
An overview of the principal events that helped create UNESCO. In 1945, UNESCO was created...
published: 14 Jun 2013
author: unesco
The History of UNESCO
The History of UNESCO
An overview of the principal events that helped create UNESCO. In 1945, UNESCO was created in order to respond to the firm belief of nations, forged by two w...- published: 14 Jun 2013
- views: 3151
- author: unesco

Historia de la UNESCO
La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura, fundada...
published: 12 Mar 2010
author: unescoSpanish
Historia de la UNESCO
Historia de la UNESCO
La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura, fundada en 1945, es un organismo especializado de las Naciones Unidas con ...- published: 12 Mar 2010
- views: 26155
- author: unescoSpanish

Deze film over Unesco legt aan middelbare scholieren uit wat Unesco doet en waarom. Scholi...
published: 11 Dec 2012
author: HoeisheterMedia
Deze film over Unesco legt aan middelbare scholieren uit wat Unesco doet en waarom. Scholieren krijgen de film op school te zien. Gemaakt door: Hoe is het er...- published: 11 Dec 2012
- views: 276
- author: HoeisheterMedia

Mit offenen Karten - Wozu dient das UNESCO Welterbe
Mit offenen Karten - Wozu dient das UNESCO Welterbe....
published: 30 Sep 2012
author: GermanSurvivalTV
Mit offenen Karten - Wozu dient das UNESCO Welterbe
Mit offenen Karten - Wozu dient das UNESCO Welterbe
Mit offenen Karten - Wozu dient das UNESCO Welterbe.- published: 30 Sep 2012
- views: 415
- author: GermanSurvivalTV

Minerii RMGC și Comisia Parlamantară UNESCO -- NECENZURAT
Comisia UNESCO a Parlamentului - Un nou departament al companiei miniere
Vizita de dez-i...
published: 22 Aug 2013
Minerii RMGC și Comisia Parlamantară UNESCO -- NECENZURAT
Minerii RMGC și Comisia Parlamantară UNESCO -- NECENZURAT
Comisia UNESCO a Parlamentului - Un nou departament al companiei miniere Vizita de dez-informare la Rosia Montana -- ministrul culturii și Comisia UNESCO au refuzat dialogul cu cei ce se opun proiectului minier! Azi, 20 august, a avut loc în Roșia Montană o pseudo vizită de informare din partea Ministrului Culturii, Daniel Barbu și a Comisiei Permanente Comune a Camerei Deputaților și Senatului pentru relația cu UNESCO. Vizita s-a desfășurat, din momentul lansării invitațiilor către societatea civilă, și până la momentul în care Comisia a părăsit Roșia Montană, sub patronajul explicit și absolut al companiei miniere. Această deplasare din partea Comisiei și a ministrului Culturii, având scopul declarat de "informare și evaluare a proiectului la fața locului, din perspectiva riscurilor pentru patrimoniul cultural", nu a fost anunțată și către organizațiile de specialiști care au întocmit documentațiile și solicitările de includere în Lista Patrimoniul Universal UNESCO a Roșiei Montane. Aceste solicitări au fost comunicate ministerului încă din 2009 și reamintite oficialilor cu ocazia acestei vizite. Deși reprezentanți ai Comisiei au afirmat că deplasarea a fost organizată exclusiv de către autorități, vă semnalăm următoarele fapte deosebit de grave: - Întâlnirile de lucru s-au derulat în spații ale companiei miniere, în clădirea vechii primării, concesionată recent către aceasta, motiv pentru care Alburnus Maior a invitat membrii Comisiei să vină la sediul asociației pentru un dialog pe poziții de egalitate. - Atât reprezentanți ai autorităților locale, dar și membri ai Comisiei Parlamentare au fost transportați cu mașini puse la dispoziție de firma minieră. - Firma minieră a organizat o manifestație în centrul localități la care au fost aduși participanți cu autocare (chiar si autobuze destinate transportului elevilor) din mai multe localități. - Traseul de vizitare a monumentelor din Roșia Montană a vizat strict obiective în proprietatea Gold Corporation. Au fost evitate cu perseverență imobilele aflate în restaurare prin efortul continuu al organizațiilor neguvernamentale și prin implicarea voluntarilor. Mai mult, accesul într-una dintre aceste clădiri - casa parohială unitariană, a fost blocat de angajați ai companiei miniere pentru ca vreun membru al Comisiei să nu accepte invitația de a intra. - Pe tot parcursul vizitei jurnaliști și simpli cetățeni care filmau evenimentele și care reușeau să pună întrebări nefavorabile companiei miniere au fost bruscați, loviti și înjurați de persoane purtand uniforma angajatilor RMGC. - Firma minieră a asigurat paza membrilor comisiei și ministrului și a imobilului în care s-au derulat discuțiile. Jandarmeria a mobilizat doar 4 jandarmi la manifestația minerilor și vizita Comisiei, în schimb la sediul Alburnus Maior au fost trimiși 8 jandarmi să pazească grupul de localnici care așteptau vizita Comisiei. - Pe traseul vizitei Comisiei aveau acces doar vehicule ale firmei miniere, accesul fiind blocat pentru oricine altcineva. Asociația Alburnus Maior a invitat Comisia Parlamentara sa discute si cu localnicii ce se opun distrugerii patrimoniului la sediul asociației, și nu în clădirea companiei miniere și în atmosfera ostilă alimentată de angajații companiei miniere. Aceștia însă au trimis un reprezentant să negocieze cu localnicii participarea lor la "dezbateri". Coborât la rândul său dintr- un autoturism proprietate a companiei miniere, Ionuț Munteanu, consilierul Comisiei Parlamentare, a recunoscut în fața membrilor Alburnus Maior că membrii Comisiei NU VOR să discute de fapt cu ei (VIDEO). "Noi la Roșia Montană ne-am săturat să tot vedem autoritățile cum se comportă ca niște departamente ale companiei miniere. Am văzut astăzi același gen de turism practicat de companie cu jurnaliști prin Noua Zeelandă. Dar acești oameni nici măcar nu mimează imparțialitatea, s-au dus toți la un pișcot și o friptură și s-au făcut că nu ne văd la plecare. De la Rosia Montană până la București, România se află sub asediul RMGC. Dar, ceea ce uită reprezentanții autoritaților, dar și compania și presa, e ca noi nu am glumit când am spus că revoluția începe la Roșia Montană", a declarat Eugen David, președinte Alburnus Maior. Informează-te! www.rosiamontana.org- published: 22 Aug 2013
- views: 3473

Intervención del Presidente del Ecuador ante la Conferencia General de la UNESCO
Rafael Correa, Presidente de la República del Ecuador, intervino ante la Conferencia Gener...
published: 09 Nov 2013
Intervención del Presidente del Ecuador ante la Conferencia General de la UNESCO
Intervención del Presidente del Ecuador ante la Conferencia General de la UNESCO
Rafael Correa, Presidente de la República del Ecuador, intervino ante la Conferencia General de la UNESCO el 7 de noviembre de 2013. Este vídeo recoge su discurso al completo. Para más información visite: http://www.unesco.org/new/es/media-services/single-view/news/rafael_correa_exhorts_international_community_to_vanquish_poverty_at_unescos_general_conference/#.UnwNveKn-18- published: 09 Nov 2013
- views: 1217

Las Historias generales y regionales de la UNESCO
Las Historias generales y regionales de la UNESCO: una contribución al acercamiento de las...
published: 16 Mar 2010
author: unescoSpanish
Las Historias generales y regionales de la UNESCO
Las Historias generales y regionales de la UNESCO
Las Historias generales y regionales de la UNESCO: una contribución al acercamiento de las culturas URL: http://www.unesco.org/culture/es/histories/ Una pelí...- published: 16 Mar 2010
- views: 4604
- author: unescoSpanish
Vimeo results:

Follow me at:
Twitter - http://www.twitter.c...
published: 24 Aug 2013
Follow me at:
Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/scientifantasti | Instagram - http://instagram.com/scientifantastic | Google+ - http://gplus.to/scientifantastic
I was lucky enough to be sent to Rio on assignment to shoot some 4K and 10K timelapse footage for a major electronics manufacturer. This video is a compilation of some of the footage I shot there. Most of the locations are within the city of Rio De Janeiro, but I also traveled to the famous Iguazú Falls on the border of the Brazilian state of Paraná and the Argentinian province of Misiones. In 2011 Iguazú Falls was announced as one of the seven winners of the New Seven Wonders of Nature by the New Seven Wonders of the World Foundation.
No wonder the beautiful city of Rio De Janeiro was chosen to host the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Summer Olympics. Rio de Janeiro, or simply Rio, is the capital city of the State of Rio de Janeiro, the second largest city of Brazil, and the third largest metropolitan area and agglomeration in South America, boasting approximately 6.3 million people within the city proper. Part of the city has been designated as a World Heritage Site, named "Rio de Janeiro: Carioca Landscapes between the Mountain and the Sea", identified by UNESCO in the category Cultural Landscape.
Rio de Janeiro is one of the most visited cities in the southern hemisphere and is known for its natural settings, carnival celebrations, samba, Bossa Nova, balneario beaches such as Barra da Tijuca, Copacabana, Ipanema, and Leblon. Some of the most famous landmarks in addition to the beaches include the giant statue of Christ the Redeemer ("Cristo Redentor") atop Corcovado mountain, named one of the New Seven Wonders of the World; Sugarloaf mountain (Pão de Açúcar) with its cable car; the Sambódromo, a permanent grandstand-lined parade avenue which is used during Carnival; and Maracanã Stadium, one of the world's largest football stadiums.
I hope you enjoy the video!
Camera Gear:
Canon 5DIII
Canon 5DII
PhaseOne IQ180
Various Canon lenses
Music By:
Jan Baumann - http://www.baumann-musik.de
Special thanks to:
My production assistant José Olímpio ( www.joseolimpio.com ). Without his help this video would not have been possible. If you are ever in Rio and need a local production person I highly recommend José.
Dynamic Perception - http://www.dynamicperception.com
Division Camera - http://www.divisioncamera.com
Digital Fusion - http://www.digitalfusion.net
Jag35 - http://www.jag35.com
Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/scientifantasti
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Vimeo - http://www.vimeo.com/scientifantastic
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Scientifantastic/163137190447579
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500px - http://500px.com/scientifantastic
ProPic - http://propic.com/scientifantastic

ISS Startrails - TRONized
ALERT: new spectacular Video: "ISS Image Frontier - making the invisible visible" - with D...
published: 15 Oct 2012
author: Christoph Malin
ISS Startrails - TRONized
ALERT: new spectacular Video: "ISS Image Frontier - making the invisible visible" - with Dr. Don Pettit / NASA Astronaut! https://vimeo.com/61083440 !
--- Do you remember 1982's "TRON" movie? The plot: A computer programmer (epic: Jeff Bridges) is digitized inside the software world of a mainframe computer, where he interacts with various programs in his attempt to get back out. I loved the light cycle races and strange solar wind ships...
Back in the real word the ISS is in a way one of these solar ships, constantly rotating around us. A tiny white spot, as it can be seen racing over the sky from time to time, when illuminated by the sunset (and sunrise ;).
This Video was achived by "stacking" image sequences provided by NASA from the Crew at International Space Station (see also http://www.fragileoasis.org/blog/2012/3/on-the-trails-of-stars/). These "stacks" create the Star Trails, but furthermore make interesting patterns visible. For example lightning corridors within clouds, but they also show occasional satellite tracks (or Iridium Flashes) as well as meteors - patterns that interrupt the main Star Trails, and thus are immediately visible.
The many oversaturated hot pixels in some of the scenes are the inevitable result of ultrahigh ISO settings the Nikon D3s in ISS-use are pushed to for keeping exposure times short by all means (owed to the dramatic speed the ISS travels). As there are no dark frames or RAW data currently available, hot pixels are not easy to remove.
After the initial stacking, all images have been sequenced with Apple Motion and the Video cut and edited with Final Cut Pro X. Stacking done with StarStaX, get it here: markus-enzweiler.de/software/software.html
This Video would also not have been possible without that great minimal soundtrack "Eileen" by Lee Rosevere (http://members.shaw.ca/happypuppyrecords/index.html) that totally nailed the mood, as well as a short clip of "Window #3" by Two Bicycles (http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Two_Bicycles/Beko_Crash_Symbols_1/07_Window_3). VIMEO MUSIC STORE ROCKS!
All sequences and images courtesy "The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth", Image Science & Analysis Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center, eol.jsc.nasa.gov/Videos/CrewEarthObservationsVideos/
Closing sequence © Christoph Malin / ESO.org / filmed at Cerro Paranal.
Thanks a lot to my favourite bad Astronomer, Phil Plait at BadAstronomy for first posting the film (http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/badastronomy/2012/10/16/my-god-its-full-of-star-trails/) and many many thanks to Vimeo for the Staff Pick!
A truckload of thanks go out to NASA astronaut Don Pettit (http://www.petapixel.com/2012/06/25/astronaut-don-pettit-floating-with-his-huge-camera-collection-on-the-iss/) and his colleagues for taking these images, and making films like this one reality!
Finally, please also be aware of the growing issue of light pollution (http://www.plightwithlight.org/index.php?id=49&L;=1) one can see in many of these scenes! Support IDA (http://www.darksky.org) on their challenge to preserve the night sky for us and our children, on reducing energy waste! And don't forget, it is your tax money that lights up the sky!
Oh, and visit my friends at the UNESCO Project TWAN (http://twanight.org) for some of the coolest nightsky images and videos on our planet! One people, one sky!
Always believe in your dreams and make it possible!
All the best,
Christoph Malin
PS: At about 1:42 you see Comet "Lovejoy" rising...
PS2: Be sure to check out my other Movies:
"Astronomer's Paradise", http://vimeo.com/36972668 - featured on National Geographic
"The Island - Teaser", http://vimeo.com/27539860 - featured on NG
"Urban Mountain Sky", http://vimeo.com/40969904 - featured on Discovery Channel
"Black Hole Sun", http://vimeo.com/24149087, featured on NG

'The Lake' Overall winner - CHRONOS film festival 2013
'Around the World in Timelapse' on BLU-RAY disc http://www.gtimage.com/bluray-pre-order-re...
published: 19 Feb 2013
author: geoff tompkinson
'The Lake' Overall winner - CHRONOS film festival 2013
'Around the World in Timelapse' on BLU-RAY disc http://www.gtimage.com/bluray-pre-order-registration
For Day to night sequences and HDR I use PROMOTE CONTROL http://tinyurl.com/promotecontrol
For many years now I have been fortunate enough to live for part of each year on the shore of Lake Hallstatt in Upper Austria.
This video is not about the town - but about the Lake itself.
Hallstatt, the town, is famous for its production of salt, dating back to prehistoric times. It is a very popular summer tourist destination - so popular with the Chinese that they have actually built a replica of the town in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong.
The whole area has Unesco World Heritage status.
Lake Hallstatt has been referred to as the "melancholic lake", the "still fjord" and the "vision of a perfect mountain lake". It is a classic relic of the Ice Age and it has a total area of 8.58 square KM lying between the steep Obertraun and Hallstatt mountains and Bad Goisern. It is the fifth largest of the Salzkammergut lakes.
Although this lake is one of the darker, colder, less inviting lakes of the region, as a photographer I decided to use this darkness and stillness as a device to reveal the true beauty of the lake through its mirror-like surface.
This is my reflective homage to
I was fortunate to collaborate on the music for 'The Lake' with the french composer Vincent Jacq see his work here: http://www.vincentjacq.com facebook.com/VincentJacq https://vimeo.com/user3179553
Follow the 'Round the World in Timelapse' project at facebook.com/gtimage

Welcome to Fontevraud
Fontevraud Abbey is a religious building hosting a cultural centre and situated in the Lo...
published: 31 Mar 2011
author: Francis Cutter
Welcome to Fontevraud
Fontevraud Abbey is a religious building hosting a cultural centre and situated in the Loire Valley (France), an Unesco World Heritage Site.
Today the Fontevraud Abbey invite young artists ( here dancer & motion designers ) to reappropriate this historical place through their discipline.
Created with After Effect and Photoshop with vanishing point tool and camera projection.
Shoot on Canon 7D.
Directed by Francis Cutter & Vincent Nguyen at Ensad 2011
Choregraphy by Nick Mukoko
Music & Sound design by Nodey & Omar Tryana
VFX art & technical crew : Naïmé Perrette & Pierre-Yves Dougnac
Photographer: Natalianne Boucher
Contact & Info: fran6cutter[at]gmail[dot]com
Youtube results:

Intervention de Michel Collon à l'Unesco
Intervention de Michel Collon à l'Unesco le 14 juin 2012, lors de la table ronde organisée...
published: 15 Jun 2012
author: CercleDesVolontaires
Intervention de Michel Collon à l'Unesco
Intervention de Michel Collon à l'Unesco
Intervention de Michel Collon à l'Unesco le 14 juin 2012, lors de la table ronde organisée par le "Club des 77 et la Chine", sur le thème "Quel avenir et que...- published: 15 Jun 2012
- views: 25754
- author: CercleDesVolontaires

Irina Bokova, directrice générale élue de l'Unesco
Fraîchement élue à la tête de l'Unesco, la diplomate bulgare Irina Bokova livre à FRANCE 2...
published: 24 Sep 2009
author: FRANCE 24
Irina Bokova, directrice générale élue de l'Unesco
Irina Bokova, directrice générale élue de l'Unesco
Fraîchement élue à la tête de l'Unesco, la diplomate bulgare Irina Bokova livre à FRANCE 24 ses premières impressions sur une élection qui l'opposait au très...- published: 24 Sep 2009
- views: 1840
- author: FRANCE 24

8th UNESCO Youth Forum - Highlights DAY 1
Highlights of the first day of the 8th UNESCO Youth Forum which is organised from 29-31 Oc...
published: 29 Oct 2013
8th UNESCO Youth Forum - Highlights DAY 1
8th UNESCO Youth Forum - Highlights DAY 1
Highlights of the first day of the 8th UNESCO Youth Forum which is organised from 29-31 October at UNESCO HQ in Paris on the theme "Youth and social inclusion: civic engagement, dialogue and skills development".- published: 29 Oct 2013
- views: 1459