The Wayback Machine -
Bank - Ciągle ktoś mówi coś (oryginał 1982)
RBS - Inside The Bank That Ran Out Of Money
ちっぽけな勇気 FUNKY MONKEY BABYS with Bank Band LIVE
Bank Roll
ZDFzeit - Unheimliche Geschäfte Die Skandale der Deutschen Bank
Anonymous vs Bank of America
Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve
はじまりはいつも雨  桜井和寿×ASKA with Bank Band LIVE
MUST WATCH!! Chase Bank Prepares for BANK RUNS, Limits Cash Withdrawals $50K
永遠に - ゴスペラーズ with 桜井和寿 Bank Band LIVE
Goldman Sachs - Eine Bank lenkt die Welt - Neues aus der Anstalt 13.11.2012 -  die Bananenrepublik


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Banks Filmography

Banks, Don Filmography

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    2010, role: actor , character name: Radio Personality

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Bank - Ciągle ktoś mówi coś (oryginał 1982)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:16
  • Updated: 27 Jul 2013

Bank - Ciągle ktoś mówi coś (oryginał 1982)

Bank - Ciągle ktoś mowi coś, znany hit lat 80-tych, polski rock.
  • published: 21 May 2008
  • views: 378292
  • author: Leo May - Ciągle ktoś mówi coś (oryginał 1982)
RBS - Inside The Bank That Ran Out Of Money
  • Order:
  • Duration: 58:58
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

RBS - Inside The Bank That Ran Out Of Money A BBC Documentary about the hubris at the heart of The Royal Bank of Scotland during the boom. And the ensuin... - Inside The Bank That Ran Out Of Money
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:26
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013


Azealia Banks - "212" Video (2011)
  • published: 13 Sep 2011
  • views: 56169523
  • author: AzealiaBanks BANKS - 212 FT. LAZY JAY
ちっぽけな勇気 FUNKY MONKEY BABYS with Bank Band LIVE
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:32
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

ちっぽけな勇気 FUNKY MONKEY BABYS with Bank Band LIVE

ap bank fes 10 【歌詞編集付き by yoshimi】 ap bank fes 2005~2012 LIVE 再生リスト ファンキーモンキーベイビーズ 桜井和寿 Mr.Children.ちっぽけな勇気 FUNKY MONKEY BABYS with Bank Band LIVE
Bank Roll
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:29:16
  • Updated: 27 Jul 2013

Bank Roll

What would you do if your brother was accused of a crime he was guilty of committing? Set in present day Burbank, California and the surrounding San Fernando... Roll
ZDFzeit - Unheimliche Geschäfte Die Skandale der Deutschen Bank
  • Order:
  • Duration: 43:34
  • Updated: 04 Aug 2013

ZDFzeit - Unheimliche Geschäfte Die Skandale der Deutschen Bank

Ist der Deutschen Bank der Gewinn wichtiger als Recht und Moral? Seit Monaten wird Deutschlands größte Bank von einer Reihe von Skandalen erschüttert. Mehrfa...
  • published: 21 May 2013
  • views: 2944
  • author: hobecker - Unheimliche Geschäfte Die Skandale der Deutschen Bank
Anonymous vs Bank of America
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:14
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

Anonymous vs Bank of America

The following is a message from anonymous to the general public, Every day, BOA defrauds hundreds of thousands of its customers along with innocent borrowers... vs Bank of America
Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve
  • Order:
  • Duration: 42:09
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013

Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve

Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson understood "The Monster". But to most Americans today, "Federal Reserve" is just a name on the dollar bill. They have no ...
  • published: 22 Feb 2006
  • views: 917252
  • author: misesmedia, Banking and the Federal Reserve
はじまりはいつも雨  桜井和寿×ASKA with Bank Band LIVE
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:28
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

はじまりはいつも雨 桜井和寿×ASKA with Bank Band LIVE

ap bank fes 11 【歌詞編集付き by yoshimi】 桜井和寿 Mr.Children 作詞・作曲飛鳥涼 ap bank fes 2005~2012 LIVE 再生リストはじまりはいつも雨 桜井和寿×ASKA with Bank Band LIVE
MUST WATCH!! Chase Bank Prepares for BANK RUNS, Limits Cash Withdrawals $50K
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:51
  • Updated: 16 Oct 2013

MUST WATCH!! Chase Bank Prepares for BANK RUNS, Limits Cash Withdrawals $50K

In today's video, Christopher Greene of AMTV reports that Chase Bank has limited cash withdrawals and wire transfers. Facebook: Twitter: Donate: Website: [SPONSOR] *Please visit our sponsor, Invest in Silver, Gold and Platinum - buy online now or order by phone at 877-429-8790! [T-SHIRT LINK!!!] + Get a Sons of Liberty Tee - buy online now! ++ Christopher Greene favorite tee 'You can not defend the first amendment. Without the Second. T-Shirt' - buy online now! [DONATE] **Donate $5 / month or more to alternative media SUBSCRIBE to AMTV on YouTube for daily updates on the news and politics from Christopher Greene and the AMTV Crew! 'Hard-hitting and in your face!' [SOCIAL] Facebook: My Twitter: Google+: Pinterest: Get a text when our shows are uploaded: Website: Blog: Gear: Weekly Newsletter: Donate Link: [SOURCES] Chase Bank Limits Cash Withdrawals, Bans International Wire Transfers Food Stamp Debit Cards Failing To Work In 17 States US banks fill ATMs with extra cash JPMorgan's Dimon Posts First Loss on $7.2 Billion Legal Cost Jamie Dimon Steps Down as JP Morgan Chairman [MEDIA KIT] Advertise on AMTV: Download Media Kit: [CREDITS] Copyright 2013 © AMTV 2013™ All rights reserved. Powered by Wave Enterprises, LLC. FAIR USE NOTICE: This video contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of criminal justice, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.
  • published: 16 Oct 2013
  • views: 199 WATCH!! Chase Bank Prepares for BANK RUNS, Limits Cash Withdrawals $50K
永遠に - ゴスペラーズ with 桜井和寿 Bank Band LIVE
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:50
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

永遠に - ゴスペラーズ with 桜井和寿 Bank Band LIVE

ap bank fes 12 【歌詞編集付き by yoshimi】 桜井和寿 ミスチル mr.children.永遠に - ゴスペラーズ with 桜井和寿 Bank Band LIVE
Goldman Sachs - Eine Bank lenkt die Welt - Neues aus der Anstalt 13.11.2012 -  die Bananenrepublik
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:11
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

Goldman Sachs - Eine Bank lenkt die Welt - Neues aus der Anstalt 13.11.2012 - die Bananenrepublik

NEU und Zweiter-Upload-Kanal: Backup-Kanal... Sachs - Eine Bank lenkt die Welt - Neues aus der Anstalt 13.11.2012 - die Bananenrepublik
John Cena vs. CM Punk - WWE Championship Match: Money in the Bank 2011 (Full-Length Match)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 44:58
  • Updated: 14 Sep 2013

John Cena vs. CM Punk - WWE Championship Match: Money in the Bank 2011 (Full-Length Match)

John Cena fights for the pride of WWE as CM Punk tries to leave WWE with the as champion.
  • published: 14 Sep 2013
  • views: 301 Cena vs. CM Punk - WWE Championship Match: Money in the Bank 2011 (Full-Length Match)
[720p] VIXX - Winner + Encore @Music Bank 131206
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:57
  • Updated: 06 Dec 2013

[720p] VIXX - Winner + Encore @Music Bank 131206

✬Upload by QTD |
  • published: 06 Dec 2013
  • views: 853[720p] VIXX - Winner + Encore @Music Bank 131206
  • Bank - Ciągle ktoś mówi coś (oryginał 1982)
    Bank - Ciągle ktoś mówi coś (oryginał 1982)
  • RBS - Inside The Bank That Ran Out Of Money
    RBS - Inside The Bank That Ran Out Of Money
  • ちっぽけな勇気 FUNKY MONKEY BABYS with Bank Band LIVE
    ちっぽけな勇気 FUNKY MONKEY BABYS with Bank Band LIVE
  • Bank Roll
    Bank Roll
  • ZDFzeit - Unheimliche Geschäfte Die Skandale der Deutschen Bank
    ZDFzeit - Unheimliche Geschäfte Die Skandale der Deutschen Bank
  • Anonymous vs Bank of America
    Anonymous vs Bank of America
  • Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve
    Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve
  • はじまりはいつも雨  桜井和寿×ASKA with Bank Band LIVE
    はじまりはいつも雨 桜井和寿×ASKA with Bank Band LIVE
  • MUST WATCH!! Chase Bank Prepares for BANK RUNS, Limits Cash Withdrawals $50K
    MUST WATCH!! Chase Bank Prepares for BANK RUNS, Limits Cash Withdrawals $50K
  • 永遠に - ゴスペラーズ with 桜井和寿 Bank Band LIVE
    永遠に - ゴスペラーズ with 桜井和寿 Bank Band LIVE
  • Goldman Sachs - Eine Bank lenkt die Welt - Neues aus der Anstalt 13.11.2012 -  die Bananenrepublik
    Goldman Sachs - Eine Bank lenkt die Welt - Neues aus der Anstalt 13.11.2012 - die Bananenrepublik
  • John Cena vs. CM Punk - WWE Championship Match: Money in the Bank 2011 (Full-Length Match)
    John Cena vs. CM Punk - WWE Championship Match: Money in the Bank 2011 (Full-Length Match)
  • [720p] VIXX - Winner + Encore @Music Bank 131206
    [720p] VIXX - Winner + Encore @Music Bank 131206

Bank - Ciągle ktoś mówi coś (oryginał 1982)

Bank - Ciągle ktoś mowi coś, znany hit lat 80-tych, polski rock.
  • published: 21 May 2008
  • views: 378292
  • author: Leo May

Bank - Ciągle ktoś mówi coś (ory­gi­nał 1982)
Bank - Ciągle ktoś mowi coś, znany hit lat 80-tych, pol­s­ki rock. www.​myspace.​com/​grupabank...​
pub­lished: 21 May 2008
au­thor: Leo May
RBS - In­side The Bank That Ran Out Of Money
http://​epetitions.​direct.​gov.​uk/​petitions/​31070 A BBC Doc­u­men­tary about the hubris at the ...
pub­lished: 26 Nov 2011
Azealia Banks - "212" Video (2011) www.​azealiabanks.​com....
pub­lished: 13 Sep 2011
ちっぽけな勇気 FUNKY MON­KEY BABYS with Bank Band LIVE
ap bank fes 10 【歌詞編集付き by yoshi­mi】 ap bank fes 2005~2012 LIVE 再生リスト http://​bitly.​com/​Ru7HL...​
pub­lished: 04 Nov 2012
au­thor: Yoshi­mi ANACP
Bank Roll
What would you do if your broth­er was ac­cused of a crime he was guilty of com­mit­ting? Set ...
pub­lished: 17 Jul 2013
au­thor: In­dieRights
ZD­Fzeit - Un­heim­liche Geschäfte Die Skan­dale der Deutschen Bank
Ist der Deutschen Bank der Gewinn wichtiger als Recht und Moral? Seit Monat­en wird Deutsch...
pub­lished: 21 May 2013
au­thor: hobeck­er
Anony­mous vs Bank of Amer­i­ca
The fol­low­ing is a mes­sage from anony­mous to the gen­er­al pub­lic, Every day, BOA de­frauds h...
pub­lished: 11 Apr 2013
Money, Bank­ing and the Fed­er­al Re­serve
Thomas Jef­fer­son and An­drew Jack­son un­der­stood "The Mon­ster". But to most Amer­i­cans today,...
pub­lished: 22 Feb 2006
はじまりはいつも雨 桜井和寿×ASKA with Bank Band LIVE
ap bank fes 11 【歌詞編集付き by yoshi­mi】 桜井和寿 Mr.​Children 作詞・作曲飛鳥涼 ap bank fes 2005~2012 LIVE 再生...
pub­lished: 03 Mar 2012
MUST WATCH!! Chase Bank Pre­pares for BANK RUNS, Lim­its Cash With­drawals $50K
In today's video, Christo­pher Greene of AMTV re­ports that Chase Bank has lim­it­ed cash with...
pub­lished: 16 Oct 2013
永遠に - ゴスペラーズ with 桜井和寿 Bank Band LIVE
ap bank fes 12 【歌詞編集付き by yoshi­mi】 桜井和寿 ミスチル mr.​children....
pub­lished: 22 May 2013
Gold­man Sachs - Eine Bank lenkt die Welt - Neues aus der Anstalt 13.11.2012 - die Ba­na­nen­re­pub­lik
NEU http://​www.​facebook.​com/​Stimmbuerger und https://​twitter.​com/​Stimmbuerger Zweit­er-Up­lo...
pub­lished: 14 Nov 2012
John Cena vs. CM Punk - WWE Cham­pi­onship Match: Money in the Bank 2011 (Full-Length Match)
John Cena fights for the pride of WWE as CM Punk tries to leave WWE with the as cham­pi­on....
pub­lished: 14 Sep 2013
[720p] VIXX - Win­ner + En­core @Mu­sic Bank 131206
✬Up­load by QTD | https://​twitter.​com/​qtdpro...​
pub­lished: 06 Dec 2013
Youtube results:
Chase Bank Lim­its Cash With­drawals and Wire Trans­fers
Chase Bank has moved to limit cash with­drawals while ban­ning busi­ness cus­tomers from sendi...
pub­lished: 17 Oct 2013
'Dol­lar val­ue­less, about to crash' - World Bank whistle­blow­er
The US gov­ern­ment shut­down - a tem­po­rary ail­ment or a symp­tom of a grave dis­ease? Are the ...
pub­lished: 08 Oct 2013
小さな恋のうた - MON­GOL800 - ap bank fes 10 LIVE
ap bank fes 10 【歌詞編集付き by yoshi­mi】 ap bank fes 2005~2012 LIVE 再生リスト http://​bitly.​com/​Ru7HL...​
pub­lished: 02 Nov 2012
au­thor: Yoshi­mi ANACP
GTA 5 BIG BaNK Job Live Stream - GTA V Trevor VS Michael Cam­paign - Grand Theft Auto 5
GTA 5 BIG BaNK Job Live Stream GTA V Trevor VS Michael Cam­paign Grand Theft Auto 5 ► Subs...
pub­lished: 26 Oct 2013
photo: AP / Florence Richard
File - In this photo taken Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2013, fighters from a Christian militia movement known as the "anti-balaka" display their makeshift weaponry in the village of Boubou, halfway between the towns of Bossangoa and Bouca, in the Central African Republic.
Edit BBC News
08 Dec 2013
French troops have reached the town of Bossangoa in the Central African Republic, which has been paralysed by communal fighting. France is deploying 1,600 troops to help end the fighting in the country, alongside a larger African Union force. French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian told the BBC the mission was aimed at creating stability to enable humanitarian aid could arrive ... Accelerated operations ... Please turn on JavaScript ... Source....(size: 6.1Kb)
photo: AP / Khin Maung Win
Myanmar's democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi speaks to reporters at her National League for Democracy Party headquarters on Wednesday, June 29, 2011, in Yangon, Myanmar.
09 Dec 2013
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. In Burma's ancient epic "Ramayana," also known as the "Forest Book," it describes the further adventures of Rama. Born to the king's first wife in the kingdom of Ayodhya, at an early age a Brahmin sage came to the court and told the king that Rama must go into the forest to battle the demon king who lives there ... Using golden arrows, he is victorious and returns....(size: 5.4Kb)
photo: AP / Jason Straziuso
File - A barefoot child stands among ragged tents at a refugee camp in Dolo, Somalia on Wednesday, July 18. 2012. The U.N., which declared a famine in Somalia one year ago, says conditions have improved but that 2.5 million people are still in crisis.
Edit BBC News
09 Dec 2013
Humanitarian agencies paid Somalia's al-Shabab militants for access to areas under their control in the 2011 famine, according to a joint report by two think tanks. In many cases al-Shabab insisted on distributing the aid and kept much of it for itself, the report says ... More than 250,000 people died during the 2011 famine ... ....(size: 1.6Kb)
photo: AP / Peter Dejong
An image of former South African president Nelson Mandela is projected on a screen at the FNB Stadium in Soweto, near Johannesburg, South Africa, ahead of his memorial service Tuesday Dec. 10, 2013.
Edit Mashable
10 Dec 2013
Dozens of heads of state from around the world are arriving in South Africa early this week to commemorate Nelson Mandela, the country's former president and anti-apartheid hero, at a state memorial service. U.S ... to 3 p.m....(size: 1.2Kb)

Edit noodls
10 Dec 2013
World Bank Group). WASHINGTON, December 9, 2013 - The Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) took an important step toward increased transparency today with the release of key IADB data on AidFlows (, a joint World Bank-OECD website ... AidFlows is the result of a partnership between the OECD, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, and the Islamic Development Bank....(size: 2.7Kb)
Edit noodls
10 Dec 2013
National Bank of the Republic of Tajikistan) 06.12.2013 Attention. Hot line - for elimination of lacks of sphere of banking services ... + (992 44 600-15-20 is organized in the National Bank of Tajikistan....(size: 1.1Kb)
Edit noodls
10 Dec 2013
Bank of Maharashtra). BANK OF MAHARASHTRA ... PRESS RELEASE Extraordinary General Meeting of Bank of Maharashtra. Bank of Maharashtra held Extraordinary General Meeting on 09.12.2013 for approving allotment of 17, 76, 19,893 equity shares on preferential basis to Govt....(size: 1.4Kb)
Edit noodls
10 Dec 2013
Cairo Amman Bank) ... And this award is an evidence of Cairo Amman Bank institution superiority in various banking areas especially institutionalizing a culture of distinction and creativity, offering banking solutions to customers and contributing to a large extent to the community responsibility in the kingdom ... This noodl was issued by Cairo Amman Bank and was initially posted at 2.0Kb)
Edit Business Wire
10 Dec 2013
TYSONS CORNER, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Board of Directors of Cardinal Bank (NASDAQ ... Rao has been elected to Banking Officer and promoted to Manager of Cardinal’s Fairfax Corner location. Rao began her banking career as a teller with SunTrust Bank more than a decade ago ... Rao joined Cardinal Bank in June 2012 as the Fairfax Corner Banking Center’s ......(size: 3.1Kb)
Edit noodls
10 Dec 2013
Cairo Amman Bank). Cairo Amman Bank participated as the official sponsor of "SmartBuy Company" celebration in the occasion of having six years passed since its establishment. And on this occasion, the company launched a huge advertising campaign which was sponsored by Cairo Amman Bank by granting a winner at its end the opportunity to entering Dinars Room which included 25 Thousand Dinars....(size: 1.8Kb)
Edit Reuters
10 Dec 2013
RABAT (Reuters) - Morocco is set to receive $4 billion in loans from the World Bank between 2014 and ......(size: 0.5Kb)
Edit noodls
10 Dec 2013
OTP Bank Nyrt) Strategy and Finance Division ... Treasury share transactions executed in relation to OTP Bank's BUX futures trading activity. OTP Bank Plc. hereby announces that the following treasury share transactions were executed in relation to OTP Bank's BUX futures trading activity. on 9 December 2013 the Bank purchased ... OTP Bank Plc....(size: 1.6Kb)
Edit noodls
10 Dec 2013
Bank of Beijing Co Ltd) ... 2013, Bank of Beijing issued its Q3 report this year. In the first 3 quarters, Bank of Beijing's net profit reached RMB 11 billion, indicating better development quality and sustainability.   As of Q3-end, Bank of Beijing's ... This noodl was issued by Bank of Beijing Co....(size: 1.5Kb)
Edit noodls
10 Dec 2013
Reserve Bank of New Zealand) ... New residential construction loans will now be exempt from the loan-to-value (LVR) restrictions introduced from 1 October, Reserve Bank Deputy Governor Grant Spencer said today. "The Reserve Bank has recently consulted ... "The Reserve Bank will communicate with banks to clarify which loans will qualify for the exemption."....(size: 1.8Kb)
Edit noodls
10 Dec 2013
Doha Bank QSC). Doha Bank conducts fire drill in conjunction with Civil Defense Department. Doha Bank recently supported the efforts of the Ministry of Interior's (MoI) General Directorate of Civil Defense (GDCD) to assess and enhance emergency response protocols in Qatar ... Doha Bank CEO Dr ... Doha Bank also used this opportunity to check many internal safety systems and refresh security staff protocols for the exercise....(size: 2.2Kb)
Edit noodls
10 Dec 2013
(Source. Chinatrust Financial Holding Co Ltd) ... announced on behalf of CTBC Bank Co., Ltd. the bank's consolidated preliminary earnings of November 2013 ... CTBC Bank Co., Ltd ... 7.Cause of occurrence.Announce CTBC Bank Co., Ltd.'s consolidated ... CTBC Financial Holding Co., Ltd.'s subsidiary, CTBC Bank Co., Ltd., posted a ... Ltd....(size: 1.6Kb)
Edit Stockhouse
10 Dec 2013
10, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pacific Mercantile Bancorp (Nasdaq.PMBC) today announced that Jill Fatál has joined Pacific Mercantile Bank (the "Bank", "PMB") as a Senior Vice President and Relationship Manager in the Bank's Commercial Banking Division ... locations, it offers comprehensive banking services over its Internet Bank at 3.2Kb)

A bank is a financial institution and a financial intermediary that accepts deposits and channels those deposits into lending activities, either directly or through capital markets. A bank connects customers that have capital deficits to customers with capital surpluses.[citation needed]

Due to their critical status within the financial system and the economy[citation needed] generally, banks are highly regulated in most countries. Most banks operate under a system known as fractional reserve banking where they hold only a small reserve of the funds deposited and lend out the rest for profit. They are generally subject to minimum capital requirements which are based on an international set of capital standards, known as the Basel Accords.

The oldest bank still in existence is Monte dei Paschi di Siena, headquartered in Siena, Italy, which has been operating continuously since 1472.

Banking in the modern sense of the word can be traced to medieval and early Renaissance Italy, to the rich cities in the north like Florence, Venice and Genoa. The Bardi and Peruzzi families dominated banking in 14th century Florence, establishing branches in many other parts of Europe. Perhaps the most famous Italian bank was the Medici bank, set up by Giovanni Medici in 1397. The earliest known state deposit bank, Banco di San Giorgio (Bank of St. George), was founded in 1407 at Genoa, Italy.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Azealia Amanda Banks (born May 31, 1991) is an American rapper, singer and lyricist from Harlem, New York signed to Interscope/Polydor, and formerly known under the pseudonym Miss Bank$. Banks rose in notability in 2011 when she topped NME's "Cool List" for the year. On December 5, 2011, the BBC announced that Banks had been nominated for the Sound of 2012, where she ultimately finished third. Her debut single, "212" featuring Lazy Jay, was released on December 6, 2011, charting in some European countries.

Banks was born in 1991. Her mother raised her and two older sisters in Harlem, after their father died when she was two years old. At a young age she became interested in musical theater, acting, and singing. Aged ten, she began performing in off-Broadway musicals with the Tada! Youth Theater in Lower Manhattan. She had lead roles in three productions (Rabbit Sense, Sleepover, and Heroes) in addition to performing as a soloist. Banks was trained in the performing arts at the LaGuardia High School of Performing Arts in Manhattan. At the age of sixteen, Banks starred in a production of the comedy-noir musical City of Angels. She never finished high school, instead choosing to follow her dream of becoming a recording artist.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

John Felix Anthony Cena (/ˈsnə/; born April 23, 1977) is an American professional wrestler and actor. He is currently signed to WWE as a member of its Raw brand.

In WWE, Cena has won 19 championships in total, including 12 world titles (having won the WWE Championship a record 10 times and the World Heavyweight Championship twice). In addition, Cena has also won the WWE United States Championship three times, and is a four-time Tag Team Champion, having held the World Tag Team Championship twice (once each with Shawn Michaels and Batista), and the WWE Tag Team Championship twice (once each with David Otunga and The Miz). Cena also won the 2008 Royal Rumble match, and is a two-time Superstar of the Year Slammy Award winner (2009 and 2010). He also has the fourth highest number of combined days as WWE Champion behind Bob Backlund, Hulk Hogan and Bruno Sammartino.

Cena started his professional wrestling career in 2000, wrestling for Ultimate Pro Wrestling, where he held the UPW Heavyweight Championship. In 2001, Cena signed a contract with the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) and was sent to Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW) where he held the OVW Heavyweight Championship and the OVW Southern Tag Team Championship (with Rico Constantino).

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Phillip Jack Brooks (born October 26, 1978), better known by his ring name CM Punk, is an American professional wrestler signed to WWE and appearing on its Raw brand as the reigning WWE Champion.

In professional wrestling, Brooks is a seven time World Champion, having held the ROH World Championship and ECW Championship once, the World Heavyweight Championship three times and the WWE Championship twice.

In addition to these championships Punk has also won the World Tag Team Championship (with Kofi Kingston), and the WWE Intercontinental Championship making him the nineteenth WWE Triple Crown Champion and the man to achieve this honor fastest at 203 days. Between WWE and Ring of Honor (where he is also a two-time World Tag Team Champion), Punk has won a total of eleven championships. He was also the winner of the 2008 and 2009 Money in the Bank ladder matches (the only wrestler to win the match twice in a row), and was the 2011 Superstar of the Year Slammy Award winner.

Punk initially came to prominence through his career on the professional wrestling independent circuit, primarily as a member of the ROH roster, where he was the first head trainer of the ROH wrestling school as well as winning both of their championships. In 2005, Punk signed a contract with WWE and was sent to its developmental promotion, Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW), where he won every championship available in the promotion. Throughout his career, Punk has consistently used the gimmick of being straight edge, a lifestyle he follows in his actual day-to-day life. Depending on Punk's alignment as a crowd favorite or villain, he emphasizes different aspects of the culture to encourage the desired audience reaction.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

If you gotsta know what happened 22ND
August 07 said I know
And times weren't touched but we couldn't Get enough
and now you've got to keep it on the down low
Rolled up in the place
Rocking nuff mase
Stills up in the face
Safes open like bar be at our party said I know.
Robbed a bank today, Oh yea
said put your backs against the wall
And gimme something to roll in
They thought it was a prank
'til we said
go put your backs against the wall
And now I'm running, I'm running away
We just go through Bonnie
And Clyde got amped up and it's dog day afternoon in our
We flat our nose with our
girl's panty hose and I got
bros in the front two bros in
the back said I know
Check it now know I ain't yellow
Stop once getting digits of a cute teller
With our actions on a napkin
We rock and roll
Robbed a bank today, Oh yea
said put your backs against the wall
And gimme something to roll in
They thought it was a prank
'til we said
go put your backs against the wall
Now I'm running, and running, and running, and running away
I'll get a new place
Formally owned by Chevy Chase
I'm slowing down my pace
Have you forgot we're being chased
Wallet for my wallet and a grill for
my grill and I said ill be fine ya
Sticking up the man
We do what we can
Fleeing to Japan
I'm not moving to Japan
Rocking no copsing and I'm chalking one up and..
Robbed a bank today, Oh yea
said put your backs against the wall
And gimme something to roll in
They thought it was a prank
'til we said
go put your backs against the wall
and now I'm running, I'm running away!
Same as I never knew
Gone down the avenue
I fooled all of you
All for the revenue

Gnashing of teeth
stamping of feet
I'm on my way to the bank
Crying in sleep
borrowing to deep
I'm on my way to the bank
I'm on my way to the back country
I've got to take out all of, all of my money
I'm on my way to the bank company
I'm on my way to the bank
Practiceing deciet, suspending belief
I'm on my way to the bank
When I'm dead I agreed their lieing you'll see
I'm on my way to the bank
I'm on my way to the back country
I've got to take out all of, all of my money
I'm on my way to the back country
I'm on my way to the bank
I'm on my way to the back country
I've got to take out all of, all of my money
I'm on my way to the back country
I'm on my way to the bank
I'm on my way to the back country
I've got to take out all of, all of my money
