Carlos Delclós

Autonomy in Barcelona: the Mount Zion community

by Carlos Delclós on June 26, 2013

Post image for Autonomy in Barcelona: the Mount Zion community

Echoing the area’s inspiring history of autonomous self-organization, a community of migrant workers in Barcelona now risks being thrown onto the street.


Catalonia: emancipation or politics as usual?

by Carlos Delclós on January 30, 2013

Post image for Catalonia: emancipation or politics as usual?

As Catalan parties square off with the federal government to claim independence from Spain, the reality of the street remains one of deferred dreams.

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ROAR on RT: “democracy kidnapped” in Spain

by Carlos Delclós on September 26, 2012

Post image for ROAR on RT: “democracy kidnapped” in Spain

ROAR writer Carlos Delclos appeared live on RT during today’s clashes in front of Congress, explaining how Spain’s democracy has been kidnapped.


Spanish workers expropriate food from supermarkets

by Carlos Delclós on August 11, 2012

Post image for Spanish workers expropriate food from supermarkets

Members of the Andalusian fieldworkers’ union expropriate cartloads full of food from Carrefour and Mercadona, and give it to the austerity-stricken poor.


Homer Simpson and the communism of capital

by Carlos Delclós on August 4, 2012

Post image for Homer Simpson and the communism of capital

The task of the capitalist firm today is an ambivalent one: to reify the institution of private property while pretending to “create a better world”.


Post image for Que se jodan! The eroding legitimacy of Rajoy’s gov’t

The legitimation crisis of the Rajoy government signals a qualitative shift in Spain compared to when the indignados burst onto the scene last year.


Post image for ROAR on RT: “take away our homes — expect violence”

ROAR contributor Carlos Delclos appeared on RT to explain why yesterday’s clashes in Madrid are a logical outgrowth of the state’s handling of the crisis.


Post image for ROAR on RT: “If Rajoy had any dignity, he’d resign”

Invoking the legacy of Franco, ROAR contributor Carlos Delclos appeared on RT News to denounce the police violence against miners and their sympathizers.


Post image for ‘Occupy Mordor’ in Spain: the finger in Sauron’s eye

With Spain bracing for a run on the banks, the #OccupyMordor protest in front of the Caixa bank in Barcelona strikes the system where it hurts most.


Post image for Felip Puig: the psychopath who keeps Barcelona on lock-down

With Barcelona on lock-down over a European Central Bank meeting, the Minister of the Interior of Catalonia is making a name for himself as a tyrant.