The Real World: San Diego is the fourteenth season of MTV's reality television series The Real World, which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It is the fourth season of The Real World to be filmed in the Pacific States region of the United States, specifically in California after The Real World: San Francisco.
This was the first of two seasons to be filmed in San Diego. In 2011, the show made a return in the twenty-sixth season, The Real World: San Diego (2011).
The season featured a total of eight cast members over the course of the season, as one cast member was replaced after she voluntarily left the show. The season was filmed from August 16 to December 14, 2003. The season premiered on January 6, 2004 and consisted of 26 episodes. The premiere was watched by approximately 4 million viewers.
Almost every season of The Real World, beginning with its fifth season, has included the assignment of a season-long group job or task to the housemates, continued participation in which has been mandatory to remain part of the cast since the Back to New York season. The San Diego cast worked in San Diego Bay as crew members for Next Level Sailing on a boat named Stars & Stripes, which carried visitors daily. Before beginning their regular duties as tour guides, which included preparing yachts for excursions, piloting them in San Diego Bay, and providing maintenance, the cast had to undergo a course in sailing, and navigating the vessels. This created a problem for Frankie Abernathy, who has a phobia of large metal objects, such as boats, and is initially frightened by the sight of the harbor.