Call for papers: symposium on the Turkish resistance

Thumbnail image for Call for papers: symposium on the Turkish resistance by ROAR Collective November 27, 2013 News

ROAR is looking for contributions to a series of essays on the June uprising in Turkey and the future of the resistance to authoritarian neoliberalism.

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Videos of Global Uprisings conference now online

Thumbnail image for Videos of Global Uprisings conference now online by Global Uprisings November 27, 2013 News

From November 15-17, the Global Uprisings conference in Amsterdam brought together activists from around the world. Watch some videos of the event here.

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The university crumbles under neoliberal contradictions

Thumbnail image for The university crumbles under neoliberal contradictions by Bran Thoreau November 26, 2013 Education & Emancipation

Until the neoliberal university collapses under its own dead weight, we need to look to free universities to remind ourselves that another world is possible.

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Greece: rise of the party, demise of the movement?

Thumbnail image for Greece: rise of the party, demise of the movement? by Leonidas Oikonomakis November 25, 2013 People & Power

The direct democracy of the squares has given way to representative party politics — a dangerous development, the Latin American experience teaches us.

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Autonomy in Brazil: towards a new political culture

Thumbnail image for Autonomy in Brazil: towards a new political culture by Raúl Zibechi November 25, 2013 Capitalism & Crisis

The old modes of struggle no longer correspond to the needs of the moment, but a new political culture of autonomy and horizontalism is already emerging.

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Thoughts on ‘how to win’: the water struggle in Greece

Thumbnail image for Thoughts on ‘how to win’: the water struggle in Greece by Maria Kanellopoulou November 22, 2013 People & Power

What does it take for a movement to actually win? Organizers in the campaign against water privatization in Greece share their story and their strategy.

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Autonomy in Brazil: below and behind the June uprising

Thumbnail image for Autonomy in Brazil: below and behind the June uprising by Raúl Zibechi November 21, 2013 People & Power

Raúl Zibechi explores the autonomous and horizontal forms of organization, direct action and consensus decision-making behind the Brazilian uprising.

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‘Reflections on a Revolution’ is now ‘ROAR Magazine’

Thumbnail image for ‘Reflections on a Revolution’ is now ‘ROAR Magazine’ by ROAR Collective November 19, 2013 News

Changing the name of our Facebook page is a small first step in an exciting new direction for ROAR. Keep your eyes pried for a big announcement soon.

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FULL program for Global Uprisings conference

Thumbnail image for FULL program for Global Uprisings conference by Global Uprisings November 13, 2013 News

The full program for the historic Global Uprisings conference in Amsterdam (November 15-17) is available. Speakers include David Graeber and Paul Mason.

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South Africa’s untold tragedy of neoliberal apartheid

Thumbnail image for South Africa’s untold tragedy of neoliberal apartheid by Jerome Roos November 12, 2013 Development & Dependency

Twenty years after apartheid, the old freedom fighters of the ANC have come to reproduce the same structures of oppression against which they once arose.

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