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Category Archives: news

Anarchist and libertarian responses to the ostensible “ban” of Golden Dawn from the greek state

We have prepared a small feature with analyses from the wider antagonist movement on the ostensible “ban” of the Golden Dawn from the greek state – and the challenges and issues this now raises (tag: golden dawn ban) When the state turns antifa, by cognord The fascist threat beyond Golden Dawn, by Michael Theødosiadis Hello, [...]

Hello, Dr. strangelove: the neo-nazi golden dawn and state apparatuses in greece

by Dimitris Dalakoglou, from the fifth issue of Occupied London:   “No government in the world fights fascism to the death. When the bourgeoisie sees power slipping from its grasp it has recourse to fascism to maintain itself.” Buenaventura Durruti, Interview to Pierre Van Paasen in Madrid, 24 July 1936. Published in The Toronto Daily [...]

The fascist threat beyond Golden Dawn

via A provisional assessment After the fatal stabbing of Pavlos Fyssas in Nikea (Athens) by Giorgos Roupakias (a member of the neo-nazi party Golden Dawn, organizer and coordinator of the party’s blackshirts’), mass demonstrations took place across the country. A few days later the conservative government launches crackdown on GD, resulting to the prosecution [...]

Two Golden Dawn members shot dead, one injured outside GD office in Neo Iraklio, Athens

According to mainstream media reports, two Golden Dawn members have been shot outside GD’s local office in the neighbourhood of Neo Iraklio, a northern suburb of Athens. Another one member is injured and hospitalised. The three were shot by two men on a motorbike that drove past the building. GD members are gathering at the [...]

When the state turns antifa

via cognord; download a pdf here.   Preface Golden Dawn (GD), as we knew it, is over. Their leader N. Michaloliakos is behind bars, along with other prominent members, while those who survived the first purge are facing added charges that emerged a few days after the first arrests. While this was happening, a number of [...]

Occupied London#5: full contents online &distribution points around the world

All articles of OL#5, “Disorder of the Day”, are now available on the OL website. Here is a list of where you can find paper copies in Greece, Germany, the UK, the US and Canada. If you want to distribute in other cities/ countries, get in touch! in Greece Athens Autonomo Steki Bookshop of the [...]

Occupied London#5 is out! “Disorder of the Day”

Voices of Resistance from Occupied London #5: Disorder of the day Fall 2013 Illustrations kindly provided by the legendary Leandros from Greece and the incredible Painsugar Designworks from Indonesia. Fonts: AmazingBasic, Straw Hat, old style smallcaps and Chapparal pro. This journal exists because of Dawn, Andy, Gal, Alessio, Painsugar, Anna, Leandros, John, Dimitris, Hara, Ali, [...]

VIDEO: The Politics of Knives

The Politics of Knives from Ross Domoney on Vimeo. Produced by Ross Domoney, Klara Jaya Brekke and Dimitris Dalakoglou. Filmed and edited by Ross Domoney. Script edited by Klara Jaya Brekke. Music by Giorgos Triantafillou. Special thanks to Lena Theodoropoulou and Yiannis Chri.