aduki blog

This is an archive of the old aduki blog and online magazine. You will find years of your old favourite articles here, any new relevant posts will be added to the main Chinchilla Media blog from now on.

Formatting might be a bit wonky in places, it will be fixed over time.

ecg about

Hello! aduki press helped compile the animal based ingredient component of the Ethical consumers guide, with the vast majority of the work undertaken by an amazing volunteer, Katherine Pham Do.

About aduki independent press
aduki independent press is a small press based in Melbourne, Australia.

Our focus is non-fiction books, essays and magazines with particular
interest in: community, environment, food, migration, politics, social
justice and travel.

Surveying the Wreckage Sydney Launch

New Matilda is back online!

Yes, after coming perilously close to disappearing altogether in 2010, New Matilda is well and truly back in business. We were saved by a successful crowd-funding campaign which saw over 1200 readers donate more than $150,000 to keep NM going.  There��s more to read on the site than ever and traffic is up. So we��re ready to celebrate.

Vegan month mentoring program

Are you thinking about becoming Vegan? Tried the 30 day challenge and need a bit more help? Maybe take a look at Xavier Shay's mentoring program kicking off again in April.Not only does he have a month long program of advice and events worked out, you even pay what you feel! You really can say fairer than that!
