
Niall O'Brien

His website here, or on Dandvmanagement.

Hollis Bennett

Picture from Cowlitz County, Washington serie.
Hollis Bennett website here .


Rebel Youth by Weinberger

Zurich, circa 1962, ©Rebel Youth: Karlheinz Weinberger, Rizzoli New York, 2011


Last january at Agnes b.

Musique Plastique exhibition, with Julien Langendorff, Joël Hubaut and more...


Dream organising by Chris Rehberger

(More) photos from excellent blogFreunde Von Freunden. Chris Rehberger's agency is called Double Standards, website here.


It Was On Earth That I Knew Joy

First movie of Para One / Jean-Baptiste de Laubier
Les Inrockuptibles review (in French) here.

Tom Vek

Click on the picture to see the video.


Life Is Flashing Before Your Eyes

By Vince Collins via La Boca's blog (see previous post).


La Boca

More about graphic designers La Boca at Mr L'Agent's, or on their own website as well as their inspiring blog.


Roman Cieslewicz's exhibition in Paris

Cité Nationale de l'Histoire de l'Immigration, til may 31st.
Palais de la Porte Dorée, 293, avenue Daumesnil, Paris XII
Read more (in french) about Roman Cieslewicz on the exhibition's dedicated page here, as well as on Design & Typo Le Blog . 



Ruppert & Mulot started their blog, Succursale. It promises to be great, it's already funny (for the french at least ;), and you can DRAW your own comment !



First images i added to my collection this year... From The Selby , Freundevonfreunden and Gravel & Gold.


Modèle Puissance exhibition

Do not miss this exhibition, from artists collective MODELE PUISSANCE (great name by the way) : it's only til january 12th 2011 in Paris !

Thank you Maroussia !

Marvin Gaye - How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)


Hugh Holland in Paris

Book signing at Colette Store today 6-8pm, be there !
213 Rue Saint-Honoré 75001 Paris


Olaf Breuning's Queen Mary II

OLAF BREUNING's Queen Mary II book release party at PRINTED MATTER
for his new publication featuring 70 recent drawings
Friday November 19th, 5-7 pm. 195, 10th Ave at 22nd Street, NYC
Printedmatter + metropictures + Olaf Breuning

Keegan Gibbs

Keegan Gibb's blog here.


Bank Holiday music by THITH

"THIS Is No Fantasy." RADIO THITH by thehundredinthehands
The Hundreds In The Hands are currently on tour in France, with !!!
Check their blog here.


Preppy punks ?

From The Official Preppy Handbook by Lisa Birnbach. Download it here, from amazing Issuu website.

K, Heidi.

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