
Let’s start with the fashion. Here’s some images from a group that perfectly merges anarcho-hooliganism with mansy style and mansy flair.  Os Cangaceiros were a Brazilian band of well… bandits that fought against the greedly landlords, stole from the rich and, naturally, gave to the poor.  They also happened to love fashion, apparently to be a Cangaciero aside from the prereq of the thirst for blood and theft, you had to be adept at sewing and accessorizing.  No joke, they were known for neurotically sewing colorful ribbons, bits of metal, coins, and anything shiny, really, to their garments, (a little passé but a classic in any century).  Talk about haphazard accessories! As well, the most famous of the group, Lampião, was known for using an excessive amount of stolen French perfume; and incidentally, Os Cangaceiros were responsible for popularizing the xaxado dance, which I think was the 19th century Brazilian equivalent of the stanky leg…

Oh and speaking of dances, you’ve got to check out this video from Sgt Sass by way of Israel… it sort of changed my life, well at least how much I snap!

But yeah, Os Cangaceiros fashion is pretty amazing, and though their tale ends in tragedy they helped to lay the foundation for the Landless Movement, which is still going strong, as well as inspire generations of insurrectionists, illegalists, anarchists and hooligans. And I hate to say I told you so about the fashion tip, but seriously. I mean these locas were the real deal.

In fact, as a testament to their legacy, I recently read an amazing [article] posting on aaarg (heart heart) about a group of self-proclaimed French hooligans in the 1980’s and 90’s named Os Cangaceiros, just for clarity I’ll refer to them as the French Cangaceiros.  Up until this article, I must confess I hadn’t a dream of a whisper that they had existed and considering how incredible, ridiculous, and sort of mind boggling they were, it’s really surprising more people aren’t talking about them… My favorite action they did I think is squatting a luxury condo, when asked why a luxury condo they simply replied that they had been enticed with luxury all their lives and they wanted to see it played out!  When the police came to evict them, they had barricaded the doors with steel and in the hours that it took to weld through or whatever, they called their friends in the community who started a protest surrounding the cops who inevitably gave up.


okay, that is literally a parrot on his shoulder! weee birdles!

The article is faaantastic as well, I think it gives a truly balanced look at what hooliganism adds to anarchism,  as well as its short comings and lessons to be learned.  For example, in the article is an account from a former French Cangaceiro/a, who discusses some of their successes and failures in dealing with the media.  Most of their work was done against prisons, for example sabotaging railroads in solidarity with prison riots, but since they were mostly involved with banditry and the like they couldn’t go bragging about it so they naturally relied on the media to inform the people, which is the case for all acts of symbolic property destruction.  But the cops told the media to not publish any of their cray cray, which effectively made those types of actions moot.


In contrast, their most popular and successful action, in their own eyes, involved stealing the plans of a new prison that was going up and publishing them in a pamphlet called 13,000 belles, since the new prison was to have 13,000 new cells.  Instead of their usual guns ablaze (literally) tactics, this time they just brought up that there are a ton of these leeching architects and other profiteers rubbing their hands as the poor are locked away and then sat back and let the people decide what was too be done, albeit with a sketchiness that no one other than a hooligan would bring.  They took the pamphlet, discovered weaknesses where people could escape (li.ter.a.lly) and circulated it in cafes, and basically everywhere, totally circumnavigating the press and creating what the media call “a buzz” that was impossible to ignore.  When the media did take note, they had no choice but to side with the Cangaceiros since the entire city had as well, and the media ended up printing unabridged letters from the collective, complimenting them on their organizational skills (what?!) and basically painting them as modern Robin Hoods, romantic outlaws and friends of the people.


Yo. Read the article, they’re amahzing… dancing on the roofs of prisons, traveling around the world sabotaging the state, and thousands of other pranks and acts of grifter goodness and then getting away (that’s right) scot free.  I mean what group of roving bandits have you ever heard about getting away?!  Even Robin Hood had to sell out to the state eventually, not to mention the endless list of martyred  hooligans… sigh.



Everybody’s talking about insurrectionism these days, mumble mumble catastrophe of totality  mumble love in the wreckage mumble mumble burning riot hallway dumpster etc etc etc. You hear it e.ver.y.where.  I mean, ever since I picked up Killing King Abacus a million years ago, I’ve been enduring this insurrectionist mumbling, I mean seriously, have you ever talked with Texas?  Talk about mumblecore.

But enunciation aside, I read The Coming Insurrection and The Call, by the Invisible Committee and have to say, I’m deeeply disturbed… well more deeply annoyed than anything, especially with their crappy name, “their” royal we, and most of all their neocommunism.*  I really don’t want to get into all my criticisms, but at this point I’ve brought up insurrectionism mainly for how it informs hooliganism.


I do like a good bit about the Invisible Committee’s writings, their disgust for radical purity and the discussion of the anarchist scene turning into a new code of behaviors, but their pipe dream that insurrection, or even hooliganism, is the only form of valid radicalism just plain smacks of privilege.  There are moments, of course, to riot, but not all riots aid the destruction of the state. Sometimes, in the case of the ‘68 DNC, cops riot, or other times fascists riot, bigots burn dumpsters and barricade hallways, the kkk smashes windows… there’s nothing liberating in these acts, other than adrenaline, they are just tactics, nothing more. And seriously, we all know who is most attracted to riots… cicgendered strait white boys, I wonder why!


What is liberating is what the French Cangaceiros, or the o.g. Os Cangaceiros did, which is create a sustained hooliganism, take these tactics and string them together in a meaningful way.  This sustained hooliganism can’t be taught in a book! And it certainly can’t be achieved through guilting people with propagandistic theory!  Both the above examples were of hooligans turned radical, not the other way around.  It’s actually pretty offensive to think that some fools can say, ‘hey be a hooligan, go break a window and steal for a living, it’s no thing.’  It is a thing!  People are getting killed, or their lives are being ruined everyday who don’t succeed at living the hooligan dream, and then some worms living in books decide to take it on?  What both Os Cangaceiros groups demonstrate is that it took criminals, genuine day one criminals to succeed at being bandits long enough to make an impact. And as much as I wish these tactics could immediately dismantle the power of the state like out of Harry Potter or something, they don’t, and the hundreds of thousands of people imprisoned right now are a testament to that.


When it comes to hooliganism, I think you can either be an anarchist or a hooligan, you just can’t be both. You can be a sketchy or grifty anarchist or even a sassy pirate-type anarchist or something, but being a hooligan is a career path!  And the goals of each are vastly different, though both necessary. As I see it, the goals of hooliganism are the creation of inspirational moments that transcend all of the state’s mythology and physical force and the beauty of these moments in turn inspires people to rise up themselves.  It’s a sort of shooting the moon scenario, but you’ve only got to be one smooth operator otherwise you’re fucked!  The goal of the anarchist, the radical theorist, the organizer, the farmer, the artist, the feminist, the sex worker etc! etc! is more based in therapy.  The therapy that gives us the strength to carry on and understand and fight by any means necessary against the oppression and alienation that surrounds us. That therapy creates the conditions for hooligans to even begin their struggle, shares the stories of inspirational hooligans and creates the community that they fall back on for support. And it’s a cliché, but we really do need each other.  Well, honestly, hooligans need anarchists a little more, but who’s counting!


The Os Cangaceiros called them coiteiros, people that helped out the Cangaceiros and who the Cangaceiros were bandit-ing for in the first place.  Without them, the Cangaceiros (o.g. or French) would never have lasted a day.  It’s that relationship, between the hooligans and the coiteros that should be further explored, how can we create communities that foster hooligans that will in turn keep the community in mind when they are out hooligan-ing?  And how can the goals of hooligans and the goals of anarchists coalesce  to create a situation where both radical romanticism and therapy based tactics work hand in hand?

*As for the Invisible Committee and their neocommunism, give me a break. Seriously. I realize that they are arguing for an almost mystical communism that transcends the memory of communism as it existed in history, for example, ignoring that communism has murdered and tortured tens of thousands of anarchists, queers and artists in the name of “the party”… But even if we can magically whisk away these associations, their whole project just reeks of totalitarianism.  They ironically resurrect terms like ‘the party’ and ‘all power to the soviets’ and expect us to believe they aren’t trying to seize power and that they wouldn’t turn into tyrants? There are a thousand “red flags” but to name a couple, in the entirety of their texts, they only discuss internal hierarchy once, in about two sentences, where they claim that meetings are holding them back and that in their world, hierarchy is avoided through “good intelligence” and “reconnoissance.”  This strikes me as a little more than suspicious.  As well, Crimethinc’s use of the royal we through divine anonymity is bad enough, but these characters take it a step beyond.  They use “we” at some points to denominate the entire world except the reader! Talk about the voice of god! It reminds me of Doctor Zhivago, the passage when the Bolsheviks seize power and they issue their first communique and Yury is taken with the sweeping emotions of the ‘we’ and he feels the warm arms of history’s embrace.  But after 5 years of these sweeping communiques, their static language and didactic view of history he feels like that moment of sweeping emotion turned into a nightmare of complete alienation and subjectivity, as Guattari might say, and he is being made to revisit that moment again and again, as if in a Sartre play.



Yayay! Back from my tryst to nyc, fun fun fun!  Unfortunately I didn’t get any pictures of my own personal fashion but maybe in the next week I’ll recreate some of the looks…!  Eitherway, as for what I saw going down, the situation was pretty much the same for mansies as everywhere else, ie: just as dismal, but on a larger scale… Of course, there were some spectacular mansies, (also not pictured, sorry!) but overall there was more rockertown than you can shake a dick at and then there’s the plaid, oh the plaid.  About this time last year, I wrote that if you absolutely must wear plaid a few strategies (buttoned up and/or plaid bow tie) can make it ooooooookkkkkaaaaaaayyyyy… but after having literally seen so much urban outfitter/ fluorescent/ ironic plaid that it made me physically fatigued, I’ve come to the conclusion that in no circumstances is plaid acceptable today.  Not for the modern mansy, no. I’m sorry to make such a bold and didactic statement, but it after seeing thousands upon thousands of casual, plaid casualties it’s just gone too far.

News Flash: The Boulevardier Declares Plaid… OUT!

But as for my trip, it was oh so lovely! Thank you Yorkie for being so much fun! Btw, Denver! Give me an f’n sesame ball, right now! The food was so so so good, I already miss it!



Here’s some pics from styling Travis at THE Bowery Ballroom… He put this top on on the street, where a passing mansy stopped and asked who the designer was! Me! Yay!



And here’s Israel gogo dancing at the East Village Boys Party!  And there’s his beau Johnny… Frisk-ay!



Then we did a Free Boutique installation exploring the potentials of construction fence at Judson Church with the Really Really Free Market (in the same room where Carolee Schneemann did Meat Joy 40 years ago!) Thanks Hannah! And OMG there were a lot of people that came, 600 people in 3 hours! AAAH!


And here’s some pics Kate took of our Sylvia Plath moment at Coney Island… totally apocalyptic, oscillating between heston and juggalo, so epic!



yessss new york!


So, as you’re probably aware, the main reason why I started this column was because I am concerned with the representation of anarchists not only in the media but on the streets, and in this case, in court. As I’ve written before, anarchists tend to fall into the same semiotic traps time and time again, whether it’s the practically compulsory hyper-masculine all-black uniform at mass demonstrations, the déclassé “hobohemian” neurosis or the broken record that is punky punk punk fashion.

While these fashion choices are often portrayed as based on necessity, more often than not, they are nothing more than a desire to fit in and feel a part of a subculture. With such a diverse politic as anarchism, being interpreted and enacted in thousands of different cultures around the world, not to mention the contributions of anarcha-feminism and queer anarchism, it’s totally  unacceptable to let one or two subcultures dominate the look and the feel of this movement.  It’s not like subcultures don’t have their place and don’t have anything to offer to anarchist fashion, it’s just that we should be aware of how often we pigeon hole (wait, why is a pigeon in a hole!) ourselves and how exclusive these representations can seem to the uninitiated.

So, when Ariel approached Kate and I to see if the Free Boutique could help her dress for her court dates (stemming from these allegations), from my end of things, I felt inspired to help because it was such a good opportunity to subvert the media portrayals of anarchism and of course to help my friend look mahvelous!


For this first look, we decided to go for something more reserved, merging Ariel’s own punk aesthetic with something more formal and appropriate for court, while still maintaining personal autonomy and disregard for conservative court fashions. While elements of her love for le punk remain in the boots, and a little in the pants, we wanted to push the look into more experimental territory, confusing gender lines and creating an elegance that is unique and confrontational.

At first, I wanted to really go for this MMM inspired shiny black top with giant villain shoulders and have her wear this large circle-a pendant, playing off the whole anarchist villian/evil tranny thing, but Kate reminded me that when Marc Jacobs dressed Winona Ryder in court, his inspiration was, not surprisingly, “innocence” and that we should probably tone it down… like a lot.  Which is what we did, as you can see, and I think it turned out beautifully. It gives her an air of a sophisticated bank robber, a classic classic look to be sure.  As well, in this case, it’s obvious that the overdressed look is the only route that can subvert the sobriety and bad fashion that is seemingly demanded in court without reifying the court’s power over us and undermining our agency as adults. Transcendence by the Free Boutique.


It might be a little difficult to spot in these photos, but that  lovely necklace there was made by my friend Madi and her jewelry project faht:::stik, and is a beautiful collection of found scrap metal interlaced with turquoise and copper wire. “Exquisite. Rare. Bricabrac. faht:::stik”

And this is just the first installment, her next court date is November 5th, Guy Fawkes Day ironically, and we are already thinking capes, capes and more capes!


Walking out into the media frenzy!

For more into about her case, email or check the Denver ABC for updates, also please donate some cold hard cash to help with her legal defense, it ain’t cheap you know!

Last weekend the Free Boutique had the wonderful opportunity to dress Slight Harp, and having recently seen the Fellini film Satyricon, I thought it would make a good point of inspiration…  Even though it was pretty last minute, I think Rianna and I did a pretty good job, and it was a blast! (Though I will say, if I could go back and do it again, I would definitely make a minotaur mask…) Thanks Alejandro and good luck in LA!

satyriconhandssatyriconsolos satyriconperform5satyriconsolos2 satyriconsolos4 satyriconsolos10satyricongroup satyriconsolos8satyriconperform4 satyricongroup3

also here’s some clips from the film to refresh your memory…

and here’s an interested clip from the making of…

you’ve seen these, right?  because if not, now. is. the. time.

ps. thanks jessie!


Alright, so here’s the deal… last year Bernard Willhelm made a collection with Lebanese-French porn star François Sagat that was basically wrestling outfits with holes for the ass cheeks and penis.  When I first saw it, I have to say I was pretty annoyed, I felt like it embodied the trend in menswear to make these ridiculous garments that are totally and utterly unwearable to say the least.  That is a pretty logical position all in all, wouldn’t you say? Right, which is why I don’t really know why I changed my mind, but I did. In a big way.  In fact, now I’m sort of obsessed with wrestling fashion…




I think I’ve been getting closer and closer to accepting wrestling fashion for a while though, especially after the sundress bloodbath outfits which were a lot of fun to make and all more or less in the singlet spirit, but the straw that broke the camel’s back was probably seeing Israel’s wrestling outfit at a party a couple weeks ago.  I think just seeing it out and about made me realize that not only is it a possibility, it might be a necessity.  

Titwrench 025

And you know what, it makes a lot of sense, I think… Aside from the blatantly wonderful homoerotic overtones, wrestling is a cheap and easy way to stay physically fit and therapeutically it is healthy to make physical contact with your friends even if it’s not necessarily sexual.  As a martial art, wrestling is also definitely in the spirit of diy self defense, which I think is the future of anarchist organizing and something that in it’s little way, lessens our mental reliance on the state.  


As far as precedents for anarchist wrestlers, just think of ultimate fighting man, Jeff “The Snowman” Monson, who is known as “one of the world’s top submission grapplers” and is a self proclaimed anarchist, and who incidentally was convicted last week for tagging the circle a at a protest. btw/wtf!



But as far as professional wrestling goes I, honestly, no next to nothing and it will most likely stay that way, though I did closely follow my friend Jessie’s assent in the Denver Lucha Libre Association to her place as one of the legs in the organization’s ‘tripod’ and then her quick descent and near excommunication, but that’s another story.  Oh and I also know that El Santo fought for the common man and that makes him alright in my book… 

el santo

So anyway, in that spirit I’m making a whole collection of wrestling singlets for Free Boutique model Noah Weiss’ going away party this Saturday, whether he likes it or not, and all in all I’m pretty damn excited.  The party is at 721 Elati and the fashion show will be at 11 if you want to come down…


Read the rest of this entry »


I stumbled across their website the other day and have been sort of obsessing over it ever since… It’s a little hard to explain other than they make my feel really squirmy about the 21st century! You should definitely explore their site, it’s stoopid in all the right ways.




Mauro Guzman:


La historia de amor más grande, más bella y más heroica de todos los tiempos

Tara Mateik:


I saw his video Operation Invert a little while back and was totally blown away, this one might not give you the best idea of his work, but it’s pretty amazing in other respects…

this video is interesting as well…


Carolee Schneeman:

I don’t know why, but I’ve been a little bit obsessed with her performance art lately… well I do know why, it’s because she’s major, in a major way! But I’m not sure why I’m obsessing over her right now… I think it’s because I read an article about Marina Abromović, who recently curated a performance art festival mainly of re-performance or utilizing older performance pieces as scores that can repeated again and again, like a symphony rather than just as a fleeting moment. I think this is a fantastic idea, and am physically and mentally prepared to start a performance art cover band, whenever I can get a collective together!

Nevertheless, for those who don’t [scoff] know Carolee Schneeman, she’s pretty much the quintessential 70’s feminist performance artist, actually, probably the quintessential performance artist period!  Here’s a picture of her performing one of her most famous pieces Interior Scroll (and one of the two performances was performed in Colorado, interestingly enough!)…


Here’s a link to watch a couple of her other performance pieces.


Kalup Kinzy:



Edie Fake:




The Boulevardier:


j/k roflcopter!


(rofl copter courtesy of robin!)

Here’s a picture of a couple of secret cops that were recently found out while spying on the Grand Junction group Housing First! No More Deaths! Talk about a fashion statement!  This is a textbook example of the intersection between men’s casual fashion, sports, and militarism: baseball hats (invented by the army as well), cargo shorts (camouflaged to boot!), Xtremist sunglasses, oversized t-shirts, action sandals, study it well! 


Read the whole story here


free boutique


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