Archive | October, 2010

what the enemy is wearing…

13 Oct

As I’ve said before, the black bloc as a tactic is a form of patriarchal nationalism that undermines whatever feeble gains are made in the street by reducing anarchism to a uniform, flag, and constructed identity.  It is no surprise that fascists have taken this tactic and style as their own, because the tactic in and of itself is synonymous with the tenets of fascism.  People do not participate in the black bloc out of tactical concerns, they do so out of the desire to form a national identity.  The black bloc is a construction of whiteness. The black bloc is a construction of patriarchy. The black bloc is a construction of homophobia. The good news is now we’ll be able to spot the cops and the fascists at our rally’s and on the streets, they’ll be wearing all black.

Fascists in Serbia attacking a gay pride parade

Fascists in Serbia attacking a gay pride parade

Anarcho Nationalist Rally

Anarcho Nationalist Rally

Anarcho Nationalist Rally

Anarcho Nationalist Rally

Anarcho Nationalist Rally


9 Oct


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