Archive | September, 2010

luxury… (south korea)

10 Sep

“A genuine luxury requires the complete contempt for riches, the somber indifference of the individual who refuses work and makes his life on the one hand an infinitely ruined splendor, and on the other, a silent insult to the laborious lie of the rich.  Beyond a military exploitation, a religious mystification and a capitalist misappropriation, henceforth no one can rediscover the meaning of wealth, the explosiveness that it heralds, unless it is in the splendor of rags and the somber challenge of indifference.  One might say, finally that the lie destines life’s exuberance to revolt.” Georges Bataille

Transgender salon in Seoul in 1987:

Oasis Project- squatters collective:

Party/Funeral for the Guem-ho Dong neighborhood which was raized to build condos:

Lee Min Ho:

Lesbian Samulnori Pae Public Intervention:

André Kim:

Last year’s Ssangyong Occupation:

Music Boys Live In Absolute Quality (MBLAQ):


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