Archive | June, 2009

blue jean baby… (the boulevardier is not that bad)

23 Jun

Some highlights from dressing Israel at the Tit-wrench benefit party last saturday…



Indigo denim pants, or blue pants as they’re more commonly known, are the epitome of iconographic garments.  Historically they have symbolized a sexualized masculine rebellion from the class warfare of 19th century western miners, farmers and ranch hands, to the teenage rebellion of the 50′s embodied by western fashion icon, James Dean.  While in popular culture they are seen as symbol of western class struggle, their production has always been classically oppressive (which means in every denim related labor struggle from the 30′s to the 90′s the state’s militia was used to kill union organizers and suppress economic democracy). As well, even the association of indigo denim with the American West is a reflection of American eurocentrism, as it ignores the original origins of the garment, which was with sailors in India, not white capitalists, surprise, surprise. 


These days, the message of the indigo denim pants is worse.  It has become a symbol of casual homogeneity, American nationalism, and middle class values of simplicity and conformity.  Indigo denim has become almost invisible it is so common.  Far from being a garment that conveys class consciousness, it has become everything from a businessman’s attempt to be “hip” to $300 pre- worn biking culottes with stickers that warn that the rips present when you buy them will become worse over time though you can “repair as you wish for a more vintage and personal look.” 


By using recycled indigo denim as fetish gear and as an outfit for erotic dancing, we at the Free Boutique celebrate the radical sexualization of the working class, while undermining the nascent conformity of indigo denim as the benchmark of the status quo.

anarchist fashion hero: federico garcía-lorca

16 Jun

Wow… I just read the saddest article in this week’s New Yorker about the exhumation of the mass grave in Spain where Federico García-Lorca was killed.  I never knew very much about Lorca before this article… For those that are unacquainted: he is considered the greatest Spanish poet, was a prolific playwright, as well, and was one of a very few people at that time to live openly as a gay man.  I guess I had no idea how brutal the fascists were in Spain, but along with the hundreds of thousands of people they outright murdered, there were as many, if not more, people put into concentration camps – not to mention the dark fact that many of those who escaped to France were by and large picked up by the gestapo and put into German concentration camps.  The site where Lorca was murdered by the fascists, and where his body lies still, remains, at this point,  completely unmarked, and though there have been several plaques put out, each has been removed or destroyed. 

Lorca was such a beautiful person, here’s a quote and a poem for you to remember him by:


The artist, and particularly the poet, is always an anarchist in the best sense of the word. He must heed only the call that arises within him from three strong voices: the voice of death, with all its foreboding, the voice of love and the voice of art.”


Sonnet of the Sweet Complaint


Never let me lose the marvel

of your statue-like eyes, or the accent

the solitary rose of your breath

places on my cheek at night.


I am afraid of being, on this shore,

a branchless trunk, and what I most regret

is having no flower, pulp, or clay

for the worm of my despair.


If you are my hidden treasure,

if you are my cross, my dampened pain,

if I am a dog, and you alone my master,


never let me lose what I have gained,

and adorn the branches of your river

with leaves of my estranged Autumn.



12 Jun

Here are some of the mansy looks from last week’s MAKE TOTAL DESTROY runway show at the Blastomat that I helped put together… yes that’s a tie of safety pins on Jordan’s shirt!


yay, nick cave! [not the singer]

12 Jun



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