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  • President Karzai's meeting with U.S. National Security Advisor, Susan Rice -- Nov 25, 2013...0:59
  • War in Syria, violence in Syria today Rebels rob cars...1:08
  • Gunman at Yale University Today November 25, 2013 - Campus on Lockdown...1:43
  • Unrest hits Bangkok as protesters target Finance Ministry...0:54
  • UN brokers Syria peace talks for January...7:32
  • P5+1 & Iran agree landmark nuclear deal at Geneva talks...16:16
  • The Enemy Within: The Pakistan Taliban...26:56
  • Libya Violence, the killing by Libyan rebels...1:56
  • BBC News Iran nuclear talks Kerry Hague to join talks in Geneva...1:23
  • Clashes as mass rallies sweep Ukraine over EU trade deal shelving...2:28
  • US Sets Deadline For Afghanistan Security Pact...3:05
  • Super Typhoon Yolanda / Haiyan Hits Tacloban Philippines Breaking News Footage 1...1:52
  • AFP interviews Mali poll hopeful Ibrahim Keita...1:04
  • CrossTalk: US-Iran Nuclear Talks...4:08
add video playlist رئیس جمهور کرزی با مشاور امنیت ملی ایالات متحده امریکا ملاقات نمود حامد کرزی، رئیس جمهوری اسلامی افغانستان، شام امروز در ارگ با خانم سوزان رایس، مشاور امنیت ملی ایالات متحدهء امریکا ملاقات نمود. دراین دیدار، هردوجانب درمورد موافقت نامه همکاری های امنیتی و دفاعی میان افغانستان و ایالات متحدهء امریکا و زمان امضاء آن بحث و تبادل نظر کردند. رئیس جمهورکرزی ضمن تآکید بر موضع قبلی افغانستان یاد آور گردید که قطع کامل عملیات نیروهای خارجی بر منازل مسکونی، آغاز صادقانهء پروسهء صلح و برگزاری انتخابات شفاف، به موقع و همه شمول از جمله شرایطی میباشند که مردم افغانستان می خواهند از آن اطمینان حاصل نمایند. رئیس جمهور اسلامی افغانستان برعلاوه به اشاره به قطعنامهء جرگهء مشورتی، یادآور شد که ایالات متحدهءامریکا باید به خواسته ها و پیشنهادات ذکرشده در آن قطعنامه، منجمله آزاد نمودن زندانیان افغان از زندان گوانتانامو جواب مثبت بدهند. مشاور امنیت ملی امریکا گفت که کشورش به برگزاری انتخابات شفاف، سرتاسری، به موقع و بدون هر گونه مداخله، براساس پروسهء قانونی، آن متعهد است. در مورد قطع عملیات نظامی برخانه های مردم افغانستان، جنرال دانفورد، قوماندان نیروهای ائتلاف بین المللی گفت که وی به نیروهای خود هدایت داد است تا به اساس روحیهء موافقت نامه امنیتی و پیشنهادات لویه جرگهء مشورتی عمل نمایند. هیئت امریکائی به رهبری خانم رایس، در مورد آغازعملی پروسهء صلح به جانب افغانستان تعهدی ارائه ننمود. رئیس جمهور کرزی از مشاور امنیت ملی امریکا خواست تا پیام مردم افغانستان را در رابطه به امنیت و مصوونیت خانه های شان و آغاز عملی پروسهء صلح، قبل از امضاء موافقت نامهء امنیتی، را به رئیس جمهور اوباما انتقال داده و افغانستان را دراین مورد اطمینان دهد. ---------- Office of the Spokesperson & Directorate of Communications Presidential Palace -- ARG Kabul, Afghanistan Website:
رئیس جمهور کرزی با مشاور امنیت ملی ایالات متحده امریکا ملاقات نمود

حامد کرزی، رئیس جمهوری اسلامی افغانستان، شام امروز در ارگ با خانم سوزان رایس، مشاور امنیت ملی ایالات متحدهء امریکا ملاقات نمود.

دراین دیدار، هردوجانب درمورد موافقت نامه همکاری های امنیتی و دفاعی میان افغانستان و ایالات متحدهء امریکا و زمان امضاء آن بحث و تبادل نظر کردند.

رئیس جمهورکرزی ضمن تآکید بر موضع قبلی افغانستان یاد آور گردید که قطع کامل عملیات نیروهای خارجی بر منازل مسکونی، آغاز صادقانهء پروسهء صلح و برگزاری انتخابات شفاف، به موقع و همه شمول از جمله شرایطی میباشند که مردم افغانستان می خواهند از آن اطمینان حاصل نمایند.

رئیس جمهور اسلامی افغانستان برعلاوه به اشاره به قطعنامهء جرگهء مشورتی، یادآور شد که ایالات متحدهءامریکا باید به خواسته ها و پیشنهادات ذکرشده در آن قطعنامه، منجمله آزاد نمودن زندانیان افغان از زندان گوانتانامو جواب مثبت بدهند.

مشاور امنیت ملی امریکا گفت که کشورش به برگزاری انتخابات شفاف، سرتاسری، به موقع و بدون هر گونه مداخله، براساس پروسهء قانونی، آن متعهد است.

در مورد قطع عملیات نظامی برخانه های مردم افغانستان، جنرال دانفورد، قوماندان نیروهای ائتلاف بین المللی گفت که وی به نیروهای خود هدایت داد است تا به اساس روحیهء موافقت نامه امنیتی و پیشنهادات لویه جرگهء مشورتی عمل نمایند.

هیئت امریکائی به رهبری خانم رایس، در مورد آغازعملی پروسهء صلح به جانب افغانستان تعهدی ارائه ننمود.

رئیس جمهور کرزی از مشاور امنیت ملی امریکا خواست تا پیام مردم افغانستان را در رابطه به امنیت و مصوونیت خانه های شان و آغاز عملی پروسهء صلح، قبل از امضاء موافقت نامهء امنیتی، را به رئیس جمهور اوباما انتقال داده و افغانستان را دراین مورد اطمینان دهد.
Office of the Spokesperson & Directorate of Communications
Presidential Palace -- ARG
Kabul, Afghanistan
Pres­i­dent Karzai's meet­ing with U.S. Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty Ad­vi­sor, Susan Rice -- Nov 25, 2013
War in Syria, violence in Syria today Rebels rob cars izle, War in Syria, violence in Syria today Rebels rob cars video, War in Syria, violence in Syria today Rebels rob cars hd War in Syria, violence in Syria today Rebels rob cars izle, War in Syria, violence in Syria today Rebels rob cars video, War in Syria, violence in Syria toda...  War in Syria, violence in Syria today Rebels shoot and have fun izle, War in Syria, violence in Syria today Rebels shoot and have fun video, War in Syria, vi...  SUBSCRIBE PLS Larry King\'s online show Larry King Now has a new home on Ora TV & Hulu! Tune in for more celebrity interviews, fun segments, & memorable mom...  War in Syria, violence in Syria today Rebels flee and hide izle, War in Syria, violence in Syria today Rebels flee and hide video, War in Syria, violence in ...  War in Syria, violence in Syria today modern weapons rebels izle, War in Syria, violence in Syria today modern weapons rebels video, War in Syria, violence i...  War in Syria, violence in Syria today Terrorists in bewilderment izle, War in Syria, violence in Syria today Terrorists in bewilderment video, War in Syria, ...  About war and violence in Syria today:comment, rate, subscribe.  SUBSCRIBE PLS Larry King\'s online show Larry King Now has a new home on Ora TV & Hulu! Tune in for more celebrity interviews, fun segments, & memorable mom...  icerik giriniz.  War in Syria, violence in Syria today Rebels are stuck in the house izle, War in Syria, violence in Syria today Rebels are stuck in the house video, War in Syria, violence in Syria today Rebels...  SUBSCRIBE PLS Larry King\'s online show Larry King Now has a new home on Ora TV & Hulu! Tune in for more celebrity interviews, fun segments, & memorable mom...  İcerik giriniz.  War in Syria rebels hiding and shooting спрятались и стреляют izle, War in Syria rebels hiding and shooting спрятались и стреляют video, War in Syria rebels...  icerik giriniz.  SUBSCRIBE PLEASE Syria wars video. We are dont want war! War is very bad! Please stop the war! syrian army, syria war, syria today, syria news, syria damascu...  Obama Syria Syria Civil War Syria Violence Obama Syria Attack Obama Syria Chemical Weapons Obama Syria Intervention Syria Attack Syria Chemica...  Obama Syria Syria Civil War Syria Violence Obama Syria Attack Obama Syria Chemical Weapons Obama Syria Intervention Syria Attack Syria Chemica...  War in Syria a truck robbery in Homs izle, War in Syria a truck robbery in Homs video, War in Syria a truck robbery in Homs hd War in Syria a truck robbery i...  Obama Syria Syria Civil War Syria Violence Obama Syria Attack Obama Syria Chemical Weapons Obama Syria Intervention Syria Attack Syria Chemica...  A suicide and car bomb attack in Beirut kills 23. Is this a sign that Syria\'s civil war is moving onto new fronts? Read more:   Syria - Shoot To Kill - معرة النعمان.mp4.  Syria families take shelter in caves - YouTube ▻ 1:17▻ 1:17 ‎ 3 dias atrás - Vídeo enviado por Al Jazeera English Five mil...  اخبار العرب مصر سوريا العراق اليمن تونس ليبيا بشار الاسد الجيش الحر النظامي الائتلاف السوري القذافي علي عبد الله صالح- جيش الشيعة السنة الفتاح السيسي مرسي ال...
War in Syria, vi­o­lence in Syria today Rebels rob cars
Gunman at Yale University Today November 25, 2013 - Campus on Lockdown.

UPDATE 12:10 p.m. EST: In the latest update from the emergency section of Yale\'s website, the university said the lockdown remains in place.

Gun­man at Yale Uni­ver­si­ty Today Novem­ber 25, 2013 - Cam­pus on Lock­down
Anti-government protesters in Bangkok have forced their way into the Finance Ministry to call for...

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Anti-government protesters in Bangkok have forced their way into the Finance Ministry to call for the resignation of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

Thousands of demonstrators marched on 12 state buildings including government offices, military bases and TV studios.

The protests have been sparked by a controversial amnesty bill.

The legislation, would have allowed former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra , the brother of the current prime minister, to return to Thailand without serving a jail term for corruption.

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Un­rest hits Bangkok as protesters tar­get Fi­nance Min­istry
The United Nations has said it has brokered an agreement for Syrian government and opposition negotiators to meet for talks in January, the first such meeting since the start of the country\'s 32-month-old war.  Al Jazeera\'s David Chater reports from Geneva, Zeina Khodr reports from Beirut, and James Bays reports from the United Nations in New York.
UN bro­kers Syria peace talks for Jan­uary
The P5+1 world powers and Iran have struck a historic deal on Tehran\'s nuclear program at talks in Geneva. Ministers overcame the last remaining hurdles to reach an interim agreement, despite strong pressure from Israel and lobby groups. READ MORE:


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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
P5+1 & Iran agree land­mark nu­cle­ar deal at Gene­va talks
With rare access to a deeply troubled corner of Pakistan, this report asks whether the tribal borderlands are a ticking time bomb of extremism. 

For downloads and more information visit:

Out of bounds for most Pakistanis, this report gains rare access to a deeply troubled corner of Pakistan. The army claims it has South Waziristan under control, but is it a ticking time bomb of extremism?

In a military hospital in Islamabad, hundreds of \
The Enemy With­in: The Pak­istan Tal­iban
The violence killing by the libyan rebels
Libya Vi­o­lence, the killing by Libyan rebels
The Foreign Secretary, William Hague and his US counterpart John Kerry are flying in to join other foreign ministers in Geneva amid hopes that a deal can finally be reached on Iran\'s nuclear programme.

Negotiations are entering their fourth day after the talks were extended.

The West wants Iran to curb its nuclear activities, in return for an easing of sanctions.

Katy Watson reports.^^^^PLEASE SUBSCRİBE^^^^
BBC News Iran nu­cle­ar talks Kerry Hague to join talks in Gene­va
Tens of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of several Ukrainian cities in protest at Kiev\'s decision to suspend the EU trade agreement. A major rally for Euro integration with sporadic clashes is taking place in Kiev. READ MORE


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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Clash­es as mass ral­lies sweep Ukraine over EU trade deal shelv­ing
The United States is urging Afghanistan to sign a new security agreement by the end of the year or face the prospect of no U.S. troops in the country beyond 2014. Afghan President Hamid Karzai said Thursday that a new pact can be signed only after the country\'s presidential election next April. VOA\'s Zlatica Hoke reports.
US Sets Dead­line For Afghanistan Se­cu­ri­ty Pact
Super Typhoon Yolanda / Haiyan Hits Tacloban Philippines Breaking News Footage 1 - for licensing please email James (at) EarthUncut (tv) Footage as super typhoon Yolanda devastated Tacloban Philippines on 8th November 2013. Footage includes severe eyewall winds and rescue of people from flood waters. Footage copyright Earth Uncut TV, shot alongside Josh Morgerman of and Mark Thomas.
Super Ty­phoon Yolan­da / Haiyan Hits Tacloban Philip­pines Break­ing News Footage 1
Unsuccessful candidate for presidential elections in 2002 and 2007, Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, nicknamed IBK after his initials, runs for President for the third time in 68 years. Duration: 01:02
AFP in­ter­views Mali poll hope­ful Ibrahim Keita
Ali Alizadeh breaks down the team that Iran sent to Geneva to hammer out a nuclear deal with the P5+1.  Will Iran and the US get down to serious negotiations? Who\'s more overconfident? From Tehran\'s perspective, it must \'surrender\' to Washington before negotiat...  Iran\'s nuclear negotiating team returned to a heroes\' welcome after clinching a deal with world... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscrib...  Cheering crowds have welcomed home the Iranian negotiators who secured a nuclear deal with world powers, while Israel called it a historic mistake. US Pres...  Secretary of State John Kerry is on his way back to Geneva for a new round of talks over Iran\'s nuclear program. Negotiators hope to reach a deal that would ...  BREAKING: Israeli cabinet minister: Iran deal based on `deceit,\' Israel can\'t celebrate. ( GENEVA — The foreign policy chief of the European Unio...  Flowers and flags and thousands greeted Iran\'s negotiators on their return to Tehran after reaching... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subs...  The top U.S. nuclear negotiator is calling for a pause in U.S. congressional efforts to impose sanctions on Iran, weeks after accusing Iran of being deceptiv...  Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany have reached a deal on the country\'s nuclear energy program. The news has been co...  Can there be a negotiated way out of the high-stakes stand-off between Iran and the West over the Islamic republic\'s nuclear ambitions? A new round of talks ...  Israel\'s Claims On Iranian Nuclear Program Fact Checked Huffington Post-22 hours ago Israel also fears the negotiations could leave intact the mainstays of I...  The lead U.S. negotiator for Iran\'s nuclear program called the first two days of a new round of direct talks detailed and substantive. Foreign Minister ...  Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, on the Fox Business Network, discusses Iran\'s nuclear program and the ongoing negotiat...  Delegates from the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany met in Almaty, Kazakhstan with Iran for a second day of talks aimed at curbing ...  Full script of interview: The international community turns a blind eye on Iran being discriminated and terrorized over its peaceful ...  Iran Nuclear Nuclear negotiator says Iran will not suspend programme ahead of talks.  The Limits of Stuxnet Virus in Iran Nuclear Program Cyber Crime Units Around The Globe ___...  Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, joins CBS This Morning to discuss dealing with Iran during nuclear negotiations. He ...  Flash Points: Prior to President Obama s phone call on Friday with Iranian President Rouhani, CBS News National Security Correspondent Bob Orr talked with CB...  The latest round of international talks on Iran\'s nuclear program has wrapped up in Kazakhstan, with participants praising the negotiations as constructive, ...  Negotiating a decade old dispute is a very difficult process, especially when it involves parties who have not trusted each other or did not have diplomatic ...  Officials from Iran, the US, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, China and Russia are back in Geneva to renew talks about Iran\'s nuclear program. If the neg...  November 8 2013 Breaking News Iran 2 weeks from weapons-grade uranium former IAEA senior official Delegates from the P5+1 and Iran meet in Geneva, at the sta...  Cheering crowds have welcomed home the Iranian negotiators who secured a nuclear deal with world powers, while Israel called it a historic mistake. US Pres...  The Iranian nuclear negotiating team arrived back in Tehran to a cheering crowd, but hardliners are bitterly opposed, calling the deal a sell-out. Israel and...
CrossTalk: US-Iran Nu­cle­ar Talks
Torture in Syrian prisons -- torture of children
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Tor­ture in Syr­i­an pris­ons -- tor­ture of chil­dren

updated 25 Nov 2013; published 25 Nov 2013
Pres­i­dent Karzai's meet­ing with U.S. Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty Ad­vi­sor, Susan Rice -- Nov 25, 2013
Dawn 26 Nov 2013, KABUL: US national security advisor Susan Rice told Afghan President Hamid Karzai Monday that a delay in signing a troubled security deal risked the US pulling troops out of the country completely next year. The US said that Karzai had called for “new conditions” for signing the bilateral security agreement (BSA) to allow US forces to remain in the...
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updated 26 Nov 2013; published 26 Nov 2013
War in Syria, vi­o­lence in Syria today Rebels rob cars
Huffington Post 26 Nov 2013, AFP via Getty Images This picture taken on November 9, 2013 shows Internally Displaced Persons (IDP's) standing in a camp next to the Cathedral in Bossangoa, 380 km north of Bangui. (MATTHIEU ALEXANDRE/AFP/Getty Images) UNITED NATIONS (AP) — A U.N. peacekeeping operation will be needed in the Central African Republic, which is descending into...
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updated 25 Nov 2013; published 25 Nov 2013
Gun­man at Yale Uni­ver­si­ty Today Novem­ber 25, 2013 - Cam­pus on Lock­down
Skynews 25 Nov 2013, Police say a call that sparked fears of a gunman on the Yale University campus appears to have been a hoax. Students had been urged to "shelter in place" following the security scare, but the...
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updated 26 Nov 2013; published 26 Nov 2013
Un­rest hits Bangkok as protesters tar­get Fi­nance Min­istry
Voa News 25 Nov 2013, Thousands of anti-government protesters in Thailand have seized the Finance Ministry in Bangkok and marched on a dozen other government facilities in an escalation of their efforts to topple the government of...
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updated 25 Nov 2013; published 25 Nov 2013
UN bro­kers Syria peace talks for Jan­uary
The New York Times 25 Nov 2013, GENEVA — Senior United States, Russian and United Nations officials resumed talks on Monday to try to set the date for a second international conference on Syria to pursue a political solution that would end more than 30 months of conflict. Connect With Us on Twitter Follow @nytimesworld for international breaking news and headlines. Twitter List:...
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updated 24 Nov 2013; published 24 Nov 2013
P5+1 & Iran agree land­mark nu­cle­ar deal at Gene­va talks 25 Nov 2013, Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. Several centuries ago, observers looking at global maps noticed the similarity in outline of the western coast of Africa and the eastern coast of South America. Some begin to speculate that these continents had once been part of the same land mass, which had later separated. In 1912, Alfred Wegener...
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updated 23 Sep 2013; published 23 Sep 2013
The Enemy With­in: The Pak­istan Tal­iban
BBC News 25 Nov 2013, The chairman of the governing party in Pakistan has told the BBC that the government will continue to use whatever means it can to persuade the Pakistan Taliban to take part in peace talks, even though the militants have already rejected the offer. Senator Raja Zafar ul Haq went so far as to say they would refrain from making any critical comments...
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updated 17 May 2011; published 17 May 2011
Libya Vi­o­lence, the killing by Libyan rebels
Al Jazeera 25 Nov 2013, US Secretary of State John Kerry has met the British Foreign Secretary William Hague and the Libyan Prime Minister Ali Zeidan in London to discuss the security situation in Libya. Rebels helped topple and kill veteran dictator Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, but have since banded into militias carving their...
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updated 23 Nov 2013; published 23 Nov 2013
BBC News Iran nu­cle­ar talks Kerry Hague to join talks in Gene­va
Yahoo Daily News 25 Nov 2013, By Louis Charbonneau and Parisa Hafezi GENEVA (Reuters) - President Barack Obama has pulled off a historic deal with Iran on curbing its nuclear program but he and other global leaders now have tough work ahead turning an interim accord into a comprehensive agreement. In a sign of how difficult the coming talks will be, some differences emerged...
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updated 24 Nov 2013; published 24 Nov 2013
Clash­es as mass ral­lies sweep Ukraine over EU trade deal shelv­ing
Chosunilbo 24 Nov 2013, Tens of thousands of demonstrators gathered in the Ukraine capital, Kyiv, to protest the government's decision not sign a landmark trade deal with the European Union. Protesters waved Ukrainian and EU...
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updated 14 Aug 2012; published 14 Aug 2012
PR Newswire 24 Nov 2013, WASHINGTON, Nov. 24, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- European Union leaders welcomed the agreement reached in Geneva between the European Union, negotiating on behalf of the E3+3 countries, and Iran. European Parliament President Martin Schulz "paid tribute to unity of international community on the Iran nuclear deal and to all involved. Diplomacy...
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updated 23 Nov 2013; published 23 Nov 2013
US Sets Dead­line For Afghanistan Se­cu­ri­ty Pact
Al Jazeera 24 Nov 2013, Hamid Karzai, the Afghan president, has agreed to sign a strategic agreement with the United States if it brings peace to the nation after a more than three-decade-long conflict. Speaking at the conclusion of the “consultative” Loya Jirga, Grand Assembly, on Sunday morning, Karzai said the result of the Bilateral Strategic Agreement...
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updated 09 Nov 2013; published 09 Nov 2013
Super Ty­phoon Yolan­da / Haiyan Hits Tacloban Philip­pines Break­ing News Footage 1
The Gleaner 24 Nov 2013, MANILA, (AP):The death toll from one of the strongest typhoons on record could exceed 6,000. Already, the death toll has risen above 5,000 and with 1,611 persons still unaccounted for Philippine officials say it is likely to climb further, although recovery efforts are beginning to take hold. Interior Secretary Mar Roxas said 4,919 people were...
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updated 11 Nov 2013; published 11 Nov 2013
Tear­ful Speech By Philip­pines Man After Su­per-Ty­phoon Haiyan
noodls 24 Nov 2013, (Source: UN - United Nations) Ban welcomes deal at UN-led climate change talks as step towards 2015 treaty Climate change is a growing cause of displacement in Africa, where some areas have been devastated by drought. Photo: UNHCR/B. Bannon 23 November 2013 - The United Nations-led climate talks in Warsaw, Poland, concluded today with an agreement...
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US warns Karzai it may leave no troops in Afghanistan
Full Article Dawn
26 Nov 2013

KABUL: US national security advisor Susan Rice told Afghan President Hamid Karzai Monday that a delay in signing a troubled security deal risked the US pulling troops out of the country completely next year. The US said that Karzai had called for “new conditions” for signing the bilateral security agreement (BSA) to allow US forces to remain in the... In Afghanistan Karzai
File - Staff Sgt. Henry Baez, of Chicago, Spc. Todd Verstrate, of Kewanee, Ill., as well as other Soldiers of Delta Company Security Forces, 33rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, conduct a foot patrol in Kabul, Afghanistan.
photo: US Army / Spc. Luke S. Austin, photojournalist

UN: Central African Republic Needs Peacekeeping Operation
Full Article Huffington Post
26 Nov 2013

AFP via Getty Images This picture taken on November 9, 2013 shows Internally Displaced Persons (IDP's) standing in a camp next to the Cathedral in Bossangoa, 380 km north of Bangui. (MATTHIEU ALEXANDRE/AFP/Getty Images) UNITED NATIONS (AP) — A U.N. peacekeeping operation will be needed in the Central African Republic, which is descending into... War - Car Peacekeeping
 ** FILE ** Central African Republic troops stand guard at an airstrip on the outskirts of Birao, the small sun-blasted capital of the Vakaga region of Central African Republic, in this Sunday, Feb. 11, 2007 file photo. Rebels in Central African Republic
photo: AP /Schalk van Zuydam

Yale Put On Lockdown Amid Reports Of Gunman
Full Article Skynews
25 Nov 2013

Police say a call that sparked fears of a gunman on the Yale University campus appears to have been a hoax. Students had been urged to "shelter in place" following the security scare, but the... Shooting In Us University
Pedestrians walk through a gate on the campus of Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass. Thursday, Aug. 30, 2012.
photo: AP / Elise Amendola

Thai Protesters Occupy Government Compounds
Full Article Voa News
25 Nov 2013

Thousands of anti-government protesters in Thailand have seized the Finance Ministry in Bangkok and marched on a dozen other government facilities in an escalation of their efforts to topple the government of... Thai Protests Shinawatra Exile Shinawatra
Anti-government protesters wear masks as they prepare for the teargas outside a closed downtown shopping mall where thousands of anti-government protesters refused to leave the commercial heart of Thailand's capital that they occupied for more than one week in Bangkok, Thailand, Saturday, April 10, 2010
photo: AP / Vincent Yu

Diplomats Seek a Date for Syria Peace Talks
Full Article The New York Times
25 Nov 2013

GENEVA — Senior United States, Russian and United Nations officials resumed talks on Monday to try to set the date for a second international conference on Syria to pursue a political solution that would end more than 30 months of conflict. Connect With Us on Twitter Follow @nytimesworld for international breaking news and headlines. Twitter List:... Ii Peace Talks War
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov,right, and U.N. envoy for Syria Lakhdar Brahimi, center, shake hands as they meet in Moscow, Russia, on Saturday, Dec. 29, 2012.
photo: AP / Ivan Sekretarev

Islamic Drift Theory and Transitional Tectonics
Full Article
25 Nov 2013

Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. Several centuries ago, observers looking at global maps noticed the similarity in outline of the western coast of Africa and the eastern coast of South America. Some begin to speculate that these continents had once been part of the same land mass, which had later separated. In 1912, Alfred Wegener... Uprising Peace Talks
FILE - In this Sept. 26, 2013 file photo, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, left, and Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, right, attend a meeting of the five permanent members of the Security Council plus Germany during the 68th session of the United Nations General Assembly at the U.N. headquarters in New York. The five permanent U.N. Security Council members and Germany meet Iran in Geneva on Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2013 to try to reduce concerns that Tehran wants to build nuclear weapons while satisfying Iran’s demands to recognize its right to peaceful nuclear activities.
photo: AP / Jason DeCrow, File

Alarm over Pakistan's 'conciliatory' Taliban approach
Full Article BBC News
25 Nov 2013

The chairman of the governing party in Pakistan has told the BBC that the government will continue to use whatever means it can to persuade the Pakistan Taliban to take part in peace talks, even though the militants have already rejected the offer. Senator Raja Zafar ul Haq went so far as to say they would refrain from making any critical comments... Insurgency Drone Strikes
Pakistani military forces stand guard during the funeral of victims killed in sectarian clashes last Friday, in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, Sunday, Nov. 17, 2013.
photo: AP / Anjum Naveed

Libya still plagued by violence
Full Article Al Jazeera
25 Nov 2013

US Secretary of State John Kerry has met the British Foreign Secretary William Hague and the Libyan Prime Minister Ali Zeidan in London to discuss the security situation in Libya. Rebels helped topple and kill veteran dictator Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, but have since banded into militias carving their... Spring Peace
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry speaks as he is joined by British Foreign Secretary William Hague and Libyan Prime Minister Ali Zeidan following a trilateral meeting in London, U.K. on November 24, 2013.
photo: US DoS

Tough road lies ahead after landmark Iran nuclear deal
Full Article Yahoo Daily News
25 Nov 2013

By Louis Charbonneau and Parisa Hafezi GENEVA (Reuters) - President Barack Obama has pulled off a historic deal with Iran on curbing its nuclear program but he and other global leaders now have tough work ahead turning an interim accord into a comprehensive agreement. In a sign of how difficult the coming talks will be, some differences emerged... Nuclear Deal Nuclear Program Peace Talks
In this photo released by the official website of the office of the Iranian Presidency, Iran's President Hassan Rouhani speaks during a news briefing after Iran and world powers agree in Geneva to a deal over Iran's nuclear program, at the Presidency compound in Tehran, Iran, Sunday, Nov. 24, 2013.
photo: AP / Mohammad Berno

Thousands Rally in Ukraine for EU Integration
Full Article Chosunilbo
24 Nov 2013

Tens of thousands of demonstrators gathered in the Ukraine capital, Kyiv, to protest the government's decision not sign a landmark trade deal with the European Union. Protesters waved Ukrainian and EU... - Ukraine Trade Deal Of Ukraine Protests
Demonstrators march during a protest in Kiev, Ukraine, Sunday, Nov. 24, 2013.
photo: AP / Sergei Chuzavkov

European Union Leadership on the agreement on Iran's nuclear programme
Full Article PR Newswire
24 Nov 2013

WASHINGTON, Nov. 24, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- European Union leaders welcomed the agreement reached in Geneva between the European Union, negotiating on behalf of the E3+3 countries, and Iran. European Parliament President Martin Schulz "paid tribute to unity of international community on the Iran nuclear deal and to all involved. Diplomacy... Leaders Nuclear Security Council
European Union Leadership on the agreement on Iran's nuclear programme
photo: UN / Jean-Marc Ferré

Karzai agrees to Afghan-US security pact
Full Article Al Jazeera
24 Nov 2013

Hamid Karzai, the Afghan president, has agreed to sign a strategic agreement with the United States if it brings peace to the nation after a more than three-decade-long conflict. Speaking at the conclusion of the “consultative” Loya Jirga, Grand Assembly, on Sunday morning, Karzai said the result of the Bilateral Strategic Agreement... In Afghanistan Karzai
File - A Paratrooper from the 82nd Airborne Division keeps a lookout over a main avenue of approach in the Sangin city district center of Helmand Province, Afghanistan, April 14, 2007.
photo: US Army / Spc. Daniel Love

The stench of death remains even as recovery begins
Full Article The Gleaner
24 Nov 2013

MANILA, (AP):The death toll from one of the strongest typhoons on record could exceed 6,000. Already, the death toll has risen above 5,000 and with 1,611 persons still unaccounted for Philippine officials say it is likely to climb further, although recovery efforts are beginning to take hold. Interior Secretary Mar Roxas said 4,919 people were... Weather Disaster Haiyan
Families affected by Typhoon Haiyan wait for evacuation at the Tacloban airport, Philippines, 22 November, 2013.
photo: US Navy / MCS3 Jonah Z. Stepanik

Ban welcomes deal at UN-led climate change talks as step towards 2015 treaty (UN - United Nations)
Full Article noodls
24 Nov 2013

(Source: UN - United Nations) Ban welcomes deal at UN-led climate change talks as step towards 2015 treaty Climate change is a growing cause of displacement in Africa, where some areas have been devastated by drought. Photo: UNHCR/B. Bannon 23 November 2013 - The United Nations-led climate talks in Warsaw, Poland, concluded today with an agreement... Change
Ban welcomes deal at UN-led climate change talks as step towards 2015 treaty (UN - United Nations)
photo: European Community / EC

Player Ratings: Arsenal 2-0 Marseille
Full Article Goal
26 Nov 2013

Wilshere double puts the Gunners on the brink of qualification from Group F By Greg Stobart at Emirates Stadium Comments Arsenal FC 2.77 0 0 3.00 Wojciech Szczesny Very little to do but sharp off his line and made a big save to deny Thauvin twice when he was needed in the second-half. 0 0 2.50 Bacary Sagna Lovely ball to set up Wilshere's opener....
Arsenal's Jack Wilshere, center, celebrates beside his teammate Mesut Ozil, left, after scoring his second goal of the game as Marseille's goalkeeper Steve Mandanda stands in the background during the Group F Champions League soccer match between Arsenal and Marseille at the Emirates stadium in London, Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2013.
photo: AP / Alastair Grant

Borussia Dortmund 3-1 Napoli: Klopp's men pile pressure back on Partenopei
Full Article Goal
26 Nov 2013

The Germans needed a victory to keep their qualification hopes alive, and they got one thanks to goals from Marco Reus, Jakub Blaszczykowski and Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang More On : Borussia Dortmund, Napoli, Borussia Dortmund vs Napoli Comments Bongarts Borussia Dortmund put their Champions League destiny back into their own hands with a...
Dortmund's Pierre Emerick Aubameyang of Gabon celebrates after scoring during the German first division Bundesliga soccer match between FC Augsburg and Borussia Dortmund in Augsburg, Germany, Saturday, Aug. 10, 2013.
photo: AP / Kerstin Joensson

Celtic 0-3 AC Milan: Kaka & Balotelli on target to end hosts' qualification hopes
Full Article Goal
26 Nov 2013

A limp display from Neil Lennon's side saw Massimiliano Allegri's side claim a comfortable victory and boost their chances of reaching the knockout stages of the Champions League More On : AC Milan, Celtic, Celtic vs AC Milan Comments Getty Celtic's hopes of reaching the knockout stages of the Champions League were extinguished on...
AC Milan forward Mario Balotelli celebrates after scoring during the Serie A soccer match between Genoa and AC Milan at the Ferraris stadium in Genoa, Italy, Friday, March 8, 2013.
photo: AP / Antonio Calanni

Bayern must not ease off, warns Guardiola
Full Article Goal
26 Nov 2013

The Spaniard insists an arduous trip to Russia, coupled with the fact they have already secured qualification, must not be excuses for his side to take their foot off the gas £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = CSK Draw BAY £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = CSK Draw BAY £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = CSK Draw...
Barcelona's coach Pep Guardiola reacts during their La Liga soccer match against Betis at the Villamarin stadium, in Seville, Spain on Saturday, May 12, 2012.
photo: AP / Angel Fernandez

Mourinho calls on players to seal Champions League knockout place
Full Article The Irish Times
26 Nov 2013

Jose Mourinho has called on Chelsea to secure their passage into the knockout phase of the Champions League with victory at Basel as his players enter a cluttered and pivotal period of the season where “only the brave can survive”. A victory at St Jakob-Park will claim Group E for the Europa League holders and allow Mourinho to rest key personnel...
Real Madrid's coach Jose Mourinho from Portugal leaves the stadium following a Spanish La Liga soccer match against Atletico de Madrid at the Vicente Calderon stadium in Madrid, Spain, Saturday, April 27, 2013.
photo: AP / Andres Kudacki

Ronaldo out of Galatasaray game, confirms Ancelotti
Full Article Goal
26 Nov 2013

The Portugal international will miss Wednesday's encounter due to a thigh injury, while the Real Madrid coach stresses the Turkish champions should not be underestimated £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = RMA Draw GAL £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = RMA Draw GAL £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = RMA Draw GAL...
PSG's coach Carlo Ancelotti, from Italy, seen prior to their 1-0 defeat against FC Porto during their Champions League group A soccer match Wednesday, Oct. 3 2012, at the Dragao stadium in Porto, Portugal.
photo: AP / Paulo Duarte

Garcia defends Roma draw
Full Article Orange News
26 Nov 2013

Roma coach Rudi Garcia has reminded doubters that his side has yet to lose this season. The Giallorossi were held to a goalless draw at home to Cagliari on Monday, a result...
Lille coach Rudy Garcia is seen prior to his French League one soccer match between PSG and Lille at the Parc des Princes, in Paris Saturday, May 21, 2011.
photo: AP / Jacques brinon

Napoli won't play for a draw against Borussia Dortmund, warns Reina
Full Article Goal
26 Nov 2013

The goalkeeper, on loan for Liverpool, says that Rafa Benitez's men are out for all three points in their crucial Champions League group-stage clash against the Germans £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = BVB Draw NAP £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = BVB Draw NAP £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = BVB Draw NAP...
Liverpool's Pepe Reina during their English Premier League soccer match against Everton at Anfield in Liverpool, England, Sunday May 5, 2013.
photo: AP / Clint Hughes

Would sacrifice my privacy to help fans: Lovato
Full Article The Times of India
26 Nov 2013

Singer Demi Lovato knows that the price of fame is no privacy at all but she's ok with that as long as it helps her fans. The 21-year-old singer admits that...
Demi Lovato perfoms during the 2011 Y100 Jingle Ball at the Bank Atlantic Center Sunrise, Florida - December 10, 2011
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Lenny Kravitz Talks 'Hunger Games' Success And New Album Details
Full Article Huffington Post
26 Nov 2013

With 2013 nearing its end, Lenny Kravitz is celebrating his second film release of the year with the latest installment in “The Hunger Games” franchise, “Catching Fire.” And as expected, the highly-anticipated sequel capitulated to the top of this weekend’s box office, beating out last week’s No. 1 superhero flick, “Thor: The Dark World.” In...
Concert de Lenny Kravitz au Minute Maid Center de Houston, le 10 juillet 2013. Lenny Kravitz Live at the Minute Maid Center, 2013 July 10th.
photo: Creative Commons / Guerric

Lily Allen wants to work with Miley Cyrus
Full Article Newstrack India
26 Nov 2013

Tweet Los Angeles, Nov 26 (IANS) Singer Lily Allen is keen to jam with Miley Cyrus and says that she is not attacking the 21-year-old pop star with her new video. Allen, 28, met...
Lily allen live
photo: Creative Commons / Fuzzy Gerdes

** FILE ** British pop singer Robbie Williams performs in the Puskas Ferenc stadium in Budapest, during the Hungarian stop of his European tour "Close Encounters 2006", in this Wednesday, July 19, 2006 file photo. Williams is one of the leading artists signed to the recording giant EMI. The long courtship between EMI Group PLC and Warner Music Group is on again. EMI confirmed Tuesday Feb. 20, 2007, that it had received an approach from Warner about a possible bid. There is, however, no proposal currently for the EMI board to consider," the company said in a statement to the London Stock Exchange.
photo: AP / Mate Nandorfi

Latin Grammys go on after green carpet rainout
Full Article The Associated Press
22 Nov 2013

Undeterred by a torrential rainstorm that soaked the green-carpet arrivals, the stars of Latin music gathered Thursday to anoint Guatemalan-American singer-songwriter Gaby Moreno as best new artist at the 14th annual Latin Grammy Awards in Las Vegas. "What an honor, my first Grammy!" she said. "This award - I want to dedicate it to all my people in...
Carlos Vives performs onstage at the 14th Annual Latin Grammy Awards at the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino on Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013, in Las Vegas.
photo: AP / Frank Micelotta/Invision

AOL to shut down Winamp
Full Article CNN
20 Nov 2013

By David Goldman @DavidGoldmanCNN November 20, 2013: 5:17 PM ET AOL will stop supporting Winamp as of Dec. 20. NEW YORK (CNNMoney) Winamp, the iTunes predecessor you didn't realize still existed, is still alive and kicking -- for one more month. AOL (AOL) announced Wednesday that it will stop supporting the 15-year-old Winamp software,...
photo: WN / Saveri Dhekney

Madonna beats Elton, Gaga and Jovi to top Forbes highest-paid musician list
Full Article London Evening Standard
20 Nov 2013

The singer who broke onto the scene in the early 80s with hits such as Holiday and Lucky Star, is still the queen of pop according to the magazine, earning $125 million from June 2012 to May 2013. The figure was thanks to her sell-out MDMA Tour, and put her miles ahead of her nearest rival Lady Gaga, who raked in $80 million....
U.S. singer Madonna performs on stage during her 'Sticky and Sweet' tour in Tallinn, Estonia,Tuesday, Aug. 4, 2009.
photo: AP / Mindaugas Kulbis

Demi Lovato defends Miley Cyrus
Full Article Newstrack India
19 Nov 2013

Tweet Los Angeles, Nov 19 (IANS) Singer Demi Lovato believes that her friend, singer Miley Cyrus is a talented artist, overshadowed by her eyebrow-raising acts. "I think she knows what she's doing. A lot of...
Demi Lovato perfoms during the 2011 Y100 Jingle Ball at the Bank Atlantic Center Sunrise, Florida - December 10, 2011
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Huma was nervous to dance with Madhuri
Full Article Deccan Chronicle
26 Nov 2013

Actress Huma Qureshi says she was a bit nervous shaking a leg with dancing diva Madhuri Dixit in 'Dedh Ishqiya'....
Bollywood Actress Huma Quereshi inaguration the new Pipal Tree Hotel in Kolkata on Wednesday 23 October 2013
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Kashmir is "biggest human tragedy" of our time: Vishal
Full Article The Siasat Daily
26 Nov 2013

November 25: Filmmaker Vishal Bharadwaj, who had to cut short the shooting of his film "Haider" inside Kashmir University following protests by students, today said the sufferings of people of the Valley were the "biggest human tragedy" of our time. Asserting that he was not unduly perturbed by the protests at the University campus in Hazratbal...
Bollywood director Vishal Bhardwaj adressing a press conference regarding the ongoing Shooting of movie Haider in Srinagar, India,   Monday  on 25, November 2013.
photo: WN / Imran Nissar

Director Georges Lautner, centre, gestures as he arrives for the screening of The Paperboy at the 65th international film festival, in Cannes, southern France, Thursday, May 24, 2012.
photo: AP / Francois Mori

IFFI to have permanent facility in Goa from next year: Parrikar
Full Article Indian Express
21 Nov 2013

Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar today assured construction of a special facility to host International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in the state next to Miramar beach by the next edition of the event....
The Chief Minister of Goa, Shri Manohar Parrikar addressing at the inaugural ceremony of the 44th International Film Festival of India (IFFI-2013), in Panaji, Goa on November 20, 2013.
photo: PIB of India

Waheeda Rehman, Kamal Haasan, Susan Sarandon inaugurate IFFI 2013
Full Article Indian Express
21 Nov 2013

The 10-day-long International Film Festival of India (IFFI) today opened with legendary Waheeda Rehman getting the inaugural centenary film award and Hollywood star Susan Sarandon adding the extra glamour as the guest of honour. The festival also feted Oscar-winning Czech filmmaker Jiri Menzel with its prestigious Lifetime...
Actress Waheeda Rehman lighting the lamp at the inauguration of the 44th International Film Festival of India (IFFI-2013), in Panaji, Goa on November 20, 2013. The Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Information & Broadcasting, Shri Manish Tewari, Chief Minister of Goa, Shri Manohar Parrikar, the Secretary, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Shri Bimal Julka, Actor Kamal Hassan and American actress Mrs. Susan Sarandon are also seen.
photo: PIB of India

Kailash to Kailasa
Full Article Deccan Chronicle
19 Nov 2013

When Kailash Kher moved to Mumbai in 2001, he didn’t know where he was headed. Now, in 2013, after having made a name for himself in Bollywood, international concerts and Indian pop rock, Kailash feels he was born to create music. Famous for his powerful and high-pitched voice in playback singing, he turned music composer with Dasvidaniya, after...
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Kristen Mary "Kris" Jenner (formerly Kardashian; born November 5, 1955) is an American television reality star, and businesswoman.
photo: Creative Commons / Rubenstein

Elizabeth Banks Shares The Hunger Games Rules of Wearing McQueen
Full Article IMDb
19 Nov 2013

Elizabeth Banks picked a stunning Versace look for tonight's premiere of The...
Elizabeth Banks
photo: AP / Carlo Allegri

Stocks higher, helped by retail and housing stocks
Full Article Herald Tribune
26 Nov 2013

NEW YORK - Stocks edged higher in early trading, following a strong earnings report Monday from luxury retailer Tiffany & Co. and new data showing that builders remain optimistic about the future. The Dow Jones industrial average rose 27 points to 16,098. The Standard & Poor's 500 index gained 2 points to 1,804 and the Nasdaq composite added a... Stocks Stocks
Trader Daniel Ryan uses a phone post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Wednesday, April 7, 2010
photo: AP / Richard Drew

BMW long-term profit payoff expected as R&D hits latest numbers
Full Article Detroit news
26 Nov 2013

By Neil Winton comments Neil Winton Tweet The BMW 4 cabrio was unveiled in L.A. last week German luxury car maker BMW’s profits have taken a bit of a hit in the short-term because of the huge spend on research and development, but investors expect this to pay off big in the long-term. Others though warn that the pay-dirt may not be as rich as in...
2011 BMW 5-Series GranTurismo photographed in Montreal, Quebec, Canada at the 2011 Montreal International Auto Show.
photo: Public Domain / Bull-Doser

AP News in Brief at 10:58 p.m. EST
Full Article Palm Beach Post
26 Nov 2013

Pushing back on critics of Iran deal, Obama says US can't shun diplomacy, peaceful solutions WASHINGTON (AP) — Pushing back hard, President Barack Obama forcefully defended the temporary agreement to freeze Iran's disputed nuclear program on Monday, declaring that the United States "cannot close the door on diplomacy." The president's remarks...
President Barack Obama gestures while delivering his State of the Union address on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2012.
photo: AP / J. Scott Applewhite

Qualcomm faces antitrust probe in China
Full Article The Guardian
25 Nov 2013

By Supantha Mukherjee and Neha Alawadhi (Reuters) - Qualcomm Inc said on Monday it faces an antitrust probe in China, sending its shares lower as investors worried the investigation could hurt the chipmaker's business in the fast-growing smartphone market. The company said it was not aware of any antitrust violations but would cooperate with the...
 Qualcomm headquarters in the Sorrento Valley area of San Diego is shown in a file photo from July 20, 2005. Qualcomm says the U.S. International Trade Commission has commenced an investigation into whether Nokia Corp. and its U.S. subsidiary have engaged
photo: AP Photo/Denis Poroy, File

Wal-Mart board elects new CEO
Full Article Sacramento Bee
25 Nov 2013

Wal-Mart Stores Inc.'s board members on Monday elected a new chief executive and president to replace Mike Duke, 63. Doug McMillon, 47, is scheduled to take the reins Feb. 1, the company said. Duke stepped... Mcmillon Duke
Shopper Jose Alvarez, right, carries out a newly-purchased television past protestors outside a Walmart store Friday Nov. 23, 2012, in Paramount, Calif. Wal-Mart employees and union supporters are taking part in today's nationwide demonstration for better pay and benefits A union-backed group called OUR Walmart, which includes former and current workers, staged the demonstrations and walkouts at hundreds of stores on Black Friday, the day when retailers traditionally turn a profit for the year.
photo: AP / Nick Ut

Stock rally rolls on as Nasdaq crosses 4,000
Full Article The Los Angeles Times
25 Nov 2013

The stock market rally rolled on Monday, with the Nasdaq composite index crossing 4,000 for the first time since 2000. Though it remains far below its all-time high, the technology-laden Nasdaq is up more than 32% this year, making it one of the best-performing market indexes of 2013. Nasdaq rallied strongly Monday morning, topping 4,007 before...
The reflection of a passer-by in Times Square is reflected on the studio window of the NASDAQ Marketsite as he looks inside to the Market wall Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2008, in New York. A passer by in Times Square stops to look inside the NASDAQ Marketsite studio to check out the Market wall Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2008, in New York. Wall Street snapped back Tuesday after its biggest sell-off in years amid growing expectations that lawmakers will salvage a $700 billion rescue plan for the financial sector. But the seized-up credit markets where businesses turn to raise money showed no sign of relief. The Nasdaq composite index rose 77.34, or 3.90 pe
photo: AP / Julie Jacobson

Monte Paschi seeks to press ahead with January capital hike - sources
Full Article The Guardian
25 Nov 2013

By Stefano Bernabei and Silvia Aloisi ROME/MILAN (Reuters) - Italian lender Monte dei Paschi di Siena is set to approve a capital increase of up to 3 billion euros (2.5 billion pounds) on Tuesday, and aims to launch the rights issue as early as January, four sources close to the matter said. In a statement on Monday, the Tuscan lender said a board... Paschi Paschi Capital
People walk past the stock exchange market, in Milan, Italy, Thursday, Aug. 4, 2011.
photo: AP / Antonio Calanni

Wall St edges up on Iran deal
Full Article Independent online (SA)
25 Nov 2013

New York - US stocks rose modestly on Monday as a deal between world powers and Iran eased tensions in the Middle East, though the agreement also weighed on oil prices and energy stocks. Trading is expected to be light this week, with markets closed Thursday for Thanksgiving, and closing early on Friday. The light action could increase market... Nuclear Deal Energy
In this photo taken July 8, 2010, traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange
photo: AP / Richard Drew

President Karzai's meeting with U.S.  National Security Advisor, Susan Rice -- Nov 25, 2013
President Karzai's meeting with U.S. National Security Advisor, Susan Rice -- Nov 25, 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:59
  • Updated: 25 Nov 2013
رئیس جمهور کرزی با مشاور امنیت ملی ایالات متحده امریکا ملاقات نمود حامد کرزی، رئیس جمهوری اسلامی افغانستان، شام امروز در ارگ با خانم سوزان رایس، مشاور امنیت ملی ایالات متحدهء امریکا ملاقات نمود. دراین دیدار، هردوجانب درمورد موافقت نامه همکاری های امنیتی و دفاعی میان افغانستان و ایالات متحدهء امریکا و زمان امضاء آن بحث و تبادل نظر کردند. رئیس جمهورکرزی ضمن تآکید بر موضع قبلی افغانستان یاد آور گردید که قطع کامل عملیات نیروهای خارجی بر منازل مسکونی، آغاز صادقانهء پروسهء صلح و برگزاری انتخابات شفاف، به موقع و همه شمول از جمله شرایطی میباشند که مردم افغانستان می خواهند از آن اطمینان حاصل نمایند. رئیس جمهور اسلامی افغانستان برعلاوه به اشاره به قطعنامهء جرگهء مشورتی، یادآور شد که ایالات متحدهءامریکا باید به خواسته ها و پیشنهادات ذکرشده در آن قطعنامه، منجمله آزاد نمودن زندانیان افغان از زندان گوانتانامو جواب مثبت بدهند. مشاور امنیت ملی امریکا گفت که کشورش به برگزاری انتخابات شفاف، سرتاسری، به موقع و بدون هر گونه مداخله، براساس پروسهء قانونی، آن متعهد است. در مورد قطع عملیات نظامی برخانه های مردم افغانستان، جنرال دانفورد، قوماندان نیروهای ائتلاف بین المللی گفت که وی به نیروهای خود هدایت داد است تا به اساس روحیهء موافقت نامه امنیتی و پیشنهادات لویه جرگهء مشورتی عمل نمایند. هیئت امریکائی به رهبری خانم رایس، در مورد آغازعملی پروسهء صلح به جانب افغانستان تعهدی ارائه ننمود. رئیس جمهور کرزی از مشاور امنیت ملی امریکا خواست تا پیام مردم افغانستان را در رابطه به امنیت و مصوونیت خانه های شان و آغاز عملی پروسهء صلح، قبل از امضاء موافقت نامهء امنیتی، را به رئیس جمهور اوباما انتقال داده و افغانستان را دراین مورد اطمینان دهد. ---------- Office of the Spokesperson & Directorate of Communications Presidential Palace -- ARG Kabul, Afghanistan Website:
  • published: 25 Nov 2013
  • views: 1598's_meeting_with_US__National_Security_Advisor,_Susan_Rice_-_Nov_25,_2013

War in Syria, violence in Syria today Rebels rob cars
War in Syria, violence in Syria today Rebels rob cars
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:08
  • Updated: 26 Nov 2013
War in Syria, violence in Syria today Rebels rob cars izle, War in Syria, violence in Syria today Rebels rob cars video, War in Syria, violence in Syria today Rebels rob cars hd War in Syria, violence in Syria today Rebels rob cars izle, War in Syria, violence in Syria today Rebels rob cars video, War in Syria, violence in Syria toda... War in Syria, violence in Syria today Rebels shoot and have fun izle, War in Syria, violence in Syria today Rebels shoot and have fun video, War in Syria, vi... SUBSCRIBE PLS Larry King's online show Larry King Now has a new home on Ora TV & Hulu! Tune in for more celebrity interviews, fun segments, & memorable mom... War in Syria, violence in Syria today Rebels flee and hide izle, War in Syria, violence in Syria today Rebels flee and hide video, War in Syria, violence in ... War in Syria, violence in Syria today modern weapons rebels izle, War in Syria, violence in Syria today modern weapons rebels video, War in Syria, violence i... War in Syria, violence in Syria today Terrorists in bewilderment izle, War in Syria, violence in Syria today Terrorists in bewilderment video, War in Syria, ... About war and violence in Syria today:comment, rate, subscribe. SUBSCRIBE PLS Larry King's online show Larry King Now has a new home on Ora TV & Hulu! Tune in for more celebrity interviews, fun segments, & memorable mom... icerik giriniz. War in Syria, violence in Syria today Rebels are stuck in the house izle, War in Syria, violence in Syria today Rebels are stuck in the house video, War in Syria, violence in Syria today Rebels... SUBSCRIBE PLS Larry King's online show Larry King Now has a new home on Ora TV & Hulu! Tune in for more celebrity interviews, fun segments, & memorable mom... İcerik giriniz. War in Syria rebels hiding and shooting спрятались и стреляют izle, War in Syria rebels hiding and shooting спрятались и стреляют video, War in Syria rebels... icerik giriniz. SUBSCRIBE PLEASE Syria wars video. We are dont want war! War is very bad! Please stop the war! syrian army, syria war, syria today, syria news, syria damascu... Obama Syria Syria Civil War Syria Violence Obama Syria Attack Obama Syria Chemical Weapons Obama Syria Intervention Syria Attack Syria Chemica... Obama Syria Syria Civil War Syria Violence Obama Syria Attack Obama Syria Chemical Weapons Obama Syria Intervention Syria Attack Syria Chemica... War in Syria a truck robbery in Homs izle, War in Syria a truck robbery in Homs video, War in Syria a truck robbery in Homs hd War in Syria a truck robbery i... Obama Syria Syria Civil War Syria Violence Obama Syria Attack Obama Syria Chemical Weapons Obama Syria Intervention Syria Attack Syria Chemica... A suicide and car bomb attack in Beirut kills 23. Is this a sign that Syria's civil war is moving onto new fronts? Read more: Syria - Shoot To Kill - معرة النعمان.mp4. Syria families take shelter in caves - YouTube ▻ 1:17▻ 1:17 ‎ 3 dias atrás - Vídeo enviado por Al Jazeera English Five mil... اخبار العرب مصر سوريا العراق اليمن تونس ليبيا بشار الاسد الجيش الحر النظامي الائتلاف السوري القذافي علي عبد الله صالح- جيش الشيعة السنة الفتاح السيسي مرسي ال...
  • published: 26 Nov 2013
  • views: 3,_violence_in_Syria_today_Rebels_rob_cars

Gunman at Yale University Today November 25, 2013 - Campus on Lockdown
Gunman at Yale University Today November 25, 2013 - Campus on Lockdown
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:43
  • Updated: 25 Nov 2013
Gunman at Yale University Today November 25, 2013 - Campus on Lockdown. UPDATE 12:10 p.m. EST: In the latest update from the emergency section of Yale's website, the university said the lockdown remains in place. "There are confirmed reports of a person with a gun on campus on the Old Campus. The shelter-in-place/lockdown continues," the message read. "Teams from Yale Police, New Haven and the State Police are on the scene and are actively searching for any gunman. THIS IS NOT A TEST. Call 911 with any information." While the school said the alleged gunman was seen in the vicinity of Old Campus, authorities have set up a perimeter that includes "pretty much all of the Yale campus," a New Haven dispatcher told the Boston Globe. UPDATE 11:48 a.m. EST: Yale sent out the following updated emergency message on its website: "SHELTER IN PLACE/LOCKDOWN REMAINS ON CAMPUS. IF OFF CAMPUS, STAY AWAY." Original story: A person with a gun has been reported Monday on the Old Campus at Yale University, prompting the school to alert anyone on the New Haven, Conn., campus to shelter in place. At 11:02 a.m. EST, Yale sent the following text message to students: "Confirmed report of person with a gun on/near Old Campus. SHELTER IN PLACE. This is NOT a test." An earlier message sent to what the school called the "Yale community" said the report was unconfirmed: "New Haven Police have received an anonymous call from a phone booth in the 300 block of Columbus Avenue (between Howard Avenue and Hallock Street) reporting a person on the Yale Campus with a gun," the message read. "There have been NO confirmations or sightings of this person. Yale and New Haven Police are in the area. If you have information, please call 911 immediately. The Yale Police Department advises those on campus to remain in their current location until there is additional information."
  • published: 25 Nov 2013
  • views: 3328,_2013__Campus_on_Lockdown

Unrest hits Bangkok as protesters target Finance Ministry
Unrest hits Bangkok as protesters target Finance Ministry
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:54
  • Updated: 26 Nov 2013
Anti-government protesters in Bangkok have forced their way into the Finance Ministry to call for... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained: Euronews is available in 13 other languages: Anti-government protesters in Bangkok have forced their way into the Finance Ministry to call for the resignation of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra. Thousands of demonstrators marched on 12 state buildings including government offices, military bases and TV studios. The protests have been sparked by a controversial amnesty bill. The legislation, would have allowed former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra , the brother of the current prime minister, to return to Thailand without serving a jail term for corruption. Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
  • published: 26 Nov 2013
  • views: 754

UN brokers Syria peace talks for January
UN brokers Syria peace talks for January
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:32
  • Updated: 25 Nov 2013
The United Nations has said it has brokered an agreement for Syrian government and opposition negotiators to meet for talks in January, the first such meeting since the start of the country's 32-month-old war. Al Jazeera's David Chater reports from Geneva, Zeina Khodr reports from Beirut, and James Bays reports from the United Nations in New York.
  • published: 25 Nov 2013
  • views: 909

P5+1 & Iran agree landmark nuclear deal at Geneva talks
P5+1 & Iran agree landmark nuclear deal at Geneva talks
  • Order:
  • Duration: 16:16
  • Updated: 24 Nov 2013
The P5+1 world powers and Iran have struck a historic deal on Tehran's nuclear program at talks in Geneva. Ministers overcame the last remaining hurdles to reach an interim agreement, despite strong pressure from Israel and lobby groups. READ MORE: RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
  • published: 24 Nov 2013
  • views: 12443

The Enemy Within: The Pakistan Taliban
The Enemy Within: The Pakistan Taliban
  • Order:
  • Duration: 26:56
  • Updated: 23 Sep 2013
With rare access to a deeply troubled corner of Pakistan, this report asks whether the tribal borderlands are a ticking time bomb of extremism. For downloads and more information visit:;=2 Out of bounds for most Pakistanis, this report gains rare access to a deeply troubled corner of Pakistan. The army claims it has South Waziristan under control, but is it a ticking time bomb of extremism? In a military hospital in Islamabad, hundreds of "profoundly damaged and disabled" soldiers are being treated. They've come from the western tribal belt, where for the last nine years Pakistan has been waging a largely hidden war against extremists. "There has been this double game that has gone on for many years, of Pakistan supporting the NATO presence in Afghanistan and at the same time allowing the Afghan Taliban to operate against the NATO forces", explains Pakistan's foremost expert on Islamists in the region, Ahmed Rashid. He claims the government's duplicity has radicalised a local variant of the Taliban. "There is now a full-scale extremist movement in Pakistan that is trying to overthrow the State." The agents of some of the worst acts of global terrorism inhabit this remote frontier. Yet many local villagers claim life under the Taliban "was normal" and "nobody was afraid". They argue the army intervention in the region has only been destructive. In an attempt to win hearts and minds, the army has opened a high school for girls, which aid workers argue is "critical for countering extremism". However Pakistan's Taliban vow they're determined "to escalate the war". ABC Australia
  • published: 23 Sep 2013
  • views: 176258

Libya Violence, the killing by Libyan rebels
Libya Violence, the killing by Libyan rebels
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:56
  • Updated: 17 May 2011
The violence killing by the libyan rebels
  • published: 17 May 2011
  • views: 13314,_the_killing_by_Libyan_rebels

BBC News   Iran nuclear talks  Kerry   Hague to join talks in Geneva
BBC News Iran nuclear talks Kerry Hague to join talks in Geneva
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:23
  • Updated: 23 Nov 2013
The Foreign Secretary, William Hague and his US counterpart John Kerry are flying in to join other foreign ministers in Geneva amid hopes that a deal can finally be reached on Iran's nuclear programme. Negotiations are entering their fourth day after the talks were extended. The West wants Iran to curb its nuclear activities, in return for an easing of sanctions. Katy Watson reports.^^^^PLEASE SUBSCRİBE^^^^
  • published: 23 Nov 2013
  • views: 2693

Clashes as mass rallies sweep Ukraine over EU trade deal shelving
Clashes as mass rallies sweep Ukraine over EU trade deal shelving
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:28
  • Updated: 24 Nov 2013
Tens of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of several Ukrainian cities in protest at Kiev's decision to suspend the EU trade agreement. A major rally for Euro integration with sporadic clashes is taking place in Kiev. READ MORE RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
  • published: 24 Nov 2013
  • views: 8918

US Sets Deadline For Afghanistan Security Pact
US Sets Deadline For Afghanistan Security Pact
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:05
  • Updated: 23 Nov 2013
The United States is urging Afghanistan to sign a new security agreement by the end of the year or face the prospect of no U.S. troops in the country beyond 2014. Afghan President Hamid Karzai said Thursday that a new pact can be signed only after the country's presidential election next April. VOA's Zlatica Hoke reports.
  • published: 23 Nov 2013
  • views: 3

Super Typhoon Yolanda / Haiyan Hits Tacloban Philippines Breaking News Footage 1
Super Typhoon Yolanda / Haiyan Hits Tacloban Philippines Breaking News Footage 1
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  • Duration: 1:52
  • Updated: 09 Nov 2013
Super Typhoon Yolanda / Haiyan Hits Tacloban Philippines Breaking News Footage 1 - for licensing please email James (at) EarthUncut (tv) Footage as super typhoon Yolanda devastated Tacloban Philippines on 8th November 2013. Footage includes severe eyewall winds and rescue of people from flood waters. Footage copyright Earth Uncut TV, shot alongside Josh Morgerman of and Mark Thomas.
  • published: 09 Nov 2013
  • views: 4501443

AFP interviews Mali poll hopeful Ibrahim Keita
AFP interviews Mali poll hopeful Ibrahim Keita
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:04
  • Updated: 26 Jul 2013
Unsuccessful candidate for presidential elections in 2002 and 2007, Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, nicknamed IBK after his initials, runs for President for the third time in 68 years. Duration: 01:02
  • published: 26 Jul 2013
  • views: 498

CrossTalk: US-Iran Nuclear Talks
CrossTalk: US-Iran Nuclear Talks
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:08
  • Updated: 26 Nov 2013
Ali Alizadeh breaks down the team that Iran sent to Geneva to hammer out a nuclear deal with the P5+1. Will Iran and the US get down to serious negotiations? Who's more overconfident? From Tehran's perspective, it must 'surrender' to Washington before negotiat... Iran's nuclear negotiating team returned to a heroes' welcome after clinching a deal with world... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscrib... Cheering crowds have welcomed home the Iranian negotiators who secured a nuclear deal with world powers, while Israel called it a historic mistake. US Pres... Secretary of State John Kerry is on his way back to Geneva for a new round of talks over Iran's nuclear program. Negotiators hope to reach a deal that would ... BREAKING: Israeli cabinet minister: Iran deal based on `deceit,' Israel can't celebrate. ( GENEVA — The foreign policy chief of the European Unio... Flowers and flags and thousands greeted Iran's negotiators on their return to Tehran after reaching... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subs... The top U.S. nuclear negotiator is calling for a pause in U.S. congressional efforts to impose sanctions on Iran, weeks after accusing Iran of being deceptiv... Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany have reached a deal on the country's nuclear energy program. The news has been co... Can there be a negotiated way out of the high-stakes stand-off between Iran and the West over the Islamic republic's nuclear ambitions? A new round of talks ... Israel's Claims On Iranian Nuclear Program Fact Checked Huffington Post-22 hours ago Israel also fears the negotiations could leave intact the mainstays of I... The lead U.S. negotiator for Iran's nuclear program called the first two days of a new round of direct talks detailed and substantive. Foreign Minister ... Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, on the Fox Business Network, discusses Iran's nuclear program and the ongoing negotiat... Delegates from the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany met in Almaty, Kazakhstan with Iran for a second day of talks aimed at curbing ... Full script of interview: The international community turns a blind eye on Iran being discriminated and terrorized over its peaceful ... Iran Nuclear Nuclear negotiator says Iran will not suspend programme ahead of talks. The Limits of Stuxnet Virus in Iran Nuclear Program Cyber Crime Units Around The Globe ___... Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, joins CBS This Morning to discuss dealing with Iran during nuclear negotiations. He ... Flash Points: Prior to President Obama s phone call on Friday with Iranian President Rouhani, CBS News National Security Correspondent Bob Orr talked with CB... The latest round of international talks on Iran's nuclear program has wrapped up in Kazakhstan, with participants praising the negotiations as constructive, ... Negotiating a decade old dispute is a very difficult process, especially when it involves parties who have not trusted each other or did not have diplomatic ... Officials from Iran, the US, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, China and Russia are back in Geneva to renew talks about Iran's nuclear program. If the neg... November 8 2013 Breaking News Iran 2 weeks from weapons-grade uranium former IAEA senior official Delegates from the P5+1 and Iran meet in Geneva, at the sta... Cheering crowds have welcomed home the Iranian negotiators who secured a nuclear deal with world powers, while Israel called it a historic mistake. US Pres... The Iranian nuclear negotiating team arrived back in Tehran to a cheering crowd, but hardliners are bitterly opposed, calling the deal a sell-out. Israel and...
  • published: 26 Nov 2013
  • views: 1

Torture in Syrian prisons -- torture of children
Torture in Syrian prisons -- torture of children
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:11
  • Updated: 16 Jun 2011
Torture in Syrian prisons -- torture of children ,.................................................................. For more Visit our site
  • published: 16 Jun 2011
  • views: 21135

President Barack Obama speaks to supporters at a campaign rally in Miami Monday, June 13, 2011 where he launched his bid for reelection in Florida. (AP Photo/J Pat Carter) Green Bay Packers President Barack Obama meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Monday, March, 5, 2012, in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington. Computer gaming

UN Ambassador Susan Rice listens at right as President Barack Obama speaks before a meeting with his cabinet, Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2012, in the Cabinet Room at the White House in Washington. Magnus Carlsen before his first game at world blitz championship 2009. A man walks in front of an electronic stock board of a securities firm in Tokyo, Japan, Friday, March 6, 2009. Buddha statue in Thailand

File - Senegalese police officers serving with the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), patrol the streets of the city of Gao, in Mali, 29 August, 2013. In this photo of Monday Nov 8, 2010, President Yoweri Museveni  of Uganda Sing his popular song at Otwal primary school in Lira District, Uganda. He's 65, he's been president for two decades, and he's Uganda's newest rap star. Facing a February election, President Yoweri Museveni  has released a rap song and video that's become a sensation in this East African nation. Supporters at a rally in northern Uganda last week called for Museveni to peform the hit. Museveni chuckled, then cleared his throat and started to rap. "You want another rap?" Museveni sang, quoting the chorus and the song's name. Supporters danced wildly. Africa loses $50bn annually Snow Leopard

venezuela's President-elect Nicolas Maduro waves to supporters as he arrives at the national Assembly for his inaugural ceremony in Caracas, Venezuela, Friday, April 19, 2013. Chelsea manager Luiz Felipe Scolari gestures during a press conference at Stamford Bridge, London, one day ahead of their Group A Champions League game against Romanian side CFR Cluj soccer match. Chelsea said Monday Feb. 9, 2009 it has fired manager Luiz Felipe Scolari. Raj Nair, group vice President global product development, left, Alan Mulally, President and CEO of Ford Motor Company, center, and Stephen Odel, chairman and CEO Ford Europe, from left to right, gesture during a presentation of fresh Ford models in Amsterdam, Netherlands, Thursday Sept. 6, 2012.  Employees of Samsung Electronics Co. walk by their company logo at the headquarters of Samsung Electronics Co. in Seoul Friday, Jan. 14, 2005. Samsung Electronics Co. said Friday its net profit topped US$10 billion last year, reaching a new landmark in i

In this Jan. 8, 2010, file photo President Barack Obama arrives in the East Room of the White House in Washington. Ousted Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich told Esquire magazine in its February issue that he's "blacker than Barack Obama" and that he was a real person in a political arena dominated by phonies. INDIAN-CRICKTER-SACHIN-TENDULKAR Men and Women Laurent Salvador Lamothe, Prime Minister of Haiti, addresses the general debate of the sixty-eighth session of the General Assembly.

Susan E. Rice, Permanent Representative of the United States of America to the UN, speaks with reporters following a Security Council meeting on the Southern Sudan England Batsman Alastair Cook after Century on 3 Day 3rd Test Match against India  at Eden Garden in Kolkata on Friday 07 December 2012 In this Sept. 1, 2013 photo, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd speaks to the crowd during the Australian Labor Party's campaign launch in Brisbane, Australia. India's Rohit Sharma smiles during practice session in Dambulla, Sri Lanka, Monday, Aug. 23, 2010. India, Sri Lanka and New Zealand are currently playing the tri nation cricket series.
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling When climbing aboard the Mayflower and learning that his young wife, Dorothy, had fallen overboard and drowned, more than likely...
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. Cheney's new book, "Heart: An American Medical Odyssey," might just as well have been entitled, "Wars: An American Lying Odyssey." A...
The Inquisitr
Officers swarmed the university campus today ordering nearby stores to close their doors and students to remain inside. There were no reports of shots being fired but the threat of...

People walk near the hotel that was bombed Saturday night in Kabala west in Kaduna, Nigeria, Sunday, April 17, 2011.
JOS, Nigeria — Nigeria's military says gunmen killed 37 villagers in overnight attacks on four villages in the central Plateau state riven by conflicts over land rights between mainly Christian farmers and Muslim nomadic herdsmen. Special Task Force...
photo: AP / Sunday Alamba
File - Amanda Knox, left, is comforted by her sister, Deanna Knox, during a news conference shortly after her arrival at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2011, in Seattle.
FLORENCE, Italy (AP) — An Italian prosecutor has demanded that an appeals court find Amanda Knox guilty for the 2007 murder of her British roommate and sentence her to 26 years for the murder and another four for slander. Prosecutor Alessandro Crini...
photo: AP / Elaine Thompson
File - An MQ-1B Predator unmanned aircraft takes off for a training mission at Creech Air Force Base, Nev.
A contempt of court petition has been filed against Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and the federal authorities in the Peshawar High Court over the government's failure to end US drone strikes. Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Sami's provincial president Maulana...
photo: USAF / Senior Airman Larry E. Reid Jr.
Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond, arrives for a meeting with Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron,at St Andrew's House in Edinburgh, Scotland Thursday, Feb 16, 2012. A row between the British government in London and the Scottish National Party (SNP) has escalated sharply after British Prime Minister David Cameron outlined a plan to bring forward the referendum, which the SNP oppose as they want more time to rally support for a break from the United Kingdom.
Scotland's Future – Your Guide runs to 670 pages and aims to answer all Scots' questions about secession from the UK Alex Salmond recently promised that an independent Scotland would renationalise Royal Mail. Photograph: Ken Jack/Demotix/Corbis The...
photo: AP / Scott Heppell
Calhoun College at Yale University
Police believe a phone call where an unidentified person called police to report "his roommate" had intentions of shooting people is a "hoax." The emergency call stated the unidentified man with a long gun was on his way to Yale University at about...
photo: Creative Commons / GK tramrunner229
Ousted Honduras' President Manuel Zelaya attends a news conference in Managua, Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Former Honduran President Manuel Zelaya, ousted in a 2009 coup, rejected official election results showing his wife, Xiomara Castro, losing the presidential vote with more than half the precincts reporting. Zelaya, whose overthrow prompted violence...
photo: AP / Esteban Felix
In this photo provided by Ukrainian Pravda taken Wednesday, April 25, 2012, former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko shows bruises on her body to Ukrainian Commissioner for Human Rights in Kachanovskaya prison in Kharkiv, Ukraine, which she said she sustained when prison guards attacked her on Friday April 20 when trying to transport her to a local hospital against her will.
Uraine's jailed former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko declared a hunger strike Monday to push the government to sign a landmark integration deal with the European Union. Thousands rallied in the Ukrainian capital against the government's decision to...
photo: AP / Ukrainian Pravda