Last updated: November 26, 2013

Weather: Sydney 16°C - 23°C . Afternoon showers.

Cranky dads stressing kids out

HARD working parents can put their kids under as much stress as those with a mental illness, new research shows - and dads who work longest are crankier with their kids.

Parents urged to stop smacking

SMACKING should be discouraged and drinking banned until the age of 21 to protect Australia's kids, the nation's top childhood experts will tell the Abbott Government.

Study: kids evolved to hate veggies

Go veggie to save cash

PARENTS struggling to get their kids to eat their greens may be fighting a losing battle with evolution, according to a new study.

The funniest trick ever played on kids

The funniest trick ever played on kids

THESE parents go to a lot of trouble each night to make it look like their kids' plastic toy dinosaurs came to life. We're talking utter destruction. Welcome to Dinovember.

Parents lose custody of girl to hospital

THE parents of a 15-year-old girl who is suffering from a mystery illness have lost custody of their daughter to a hospital.

Boy pleads: 'Someone give me a home'

A BOY, 15, in foster care since birth, stood before a 300-strong congregation at church and made a heartbreaking plea to be adopted. "I'll take anyone."

Why we have to harden the kids up

Why we have to harden the kids up

WHY are our kids failing to keep up with the best students in the world? Some experts blame parents and schools for being "too soft" .

High-school kids going backwards

High-school kids going backwards

AUSTRALIA is "extremely unlikely" to become an education superpower by 2025, with research confirming the nation has declined.

Teacher's note: Your kids smell

A TEACHER has written an "urgent" note to parents of preschoolers calling them smelly and dirty. Now the parents have hit back.

Kids suit up to support bullied Danny

IN HIS suit and fedora he's one cool six-year-old. And when mates of Danny Keefe heard he was being bullied for his dress sense they knew what to do.

Dog has surgery after eating homework


IT'S the oldest excuse in the book, but for one teenage girl, a dog really did eat her homework.

Puberty blues hit school system

Puberty blues hit school system

AS THE onset of puberty gets earlier, schoolkids are set to be taught about bodily changes younger than ever.

Adult weight problems for premmies

premature baby

BABIES born prematurely are more likely to be overweight and have overweight children, according to a study.

Why your baby's poo could save lives

Why your baby's poo could save lives

YOUR baby's poo - the bane of a new parent's existence - could potentially save the lives of hundreds of thousands of children across the world.

Dead baby found alive 10 hours later

Dead baby found alive 10 hours later

A NEWBORN baby came back from the dead more than 10 hours later when her father came to collect her in a box from the morgue and heard a sound.

video & photos

Prince William turns 31

The 31 best (and cutest) images of everyone's favourite king-in-waiting as he celebrates his 31st birthday.

The school with 24 sets of twins

A school in the Chicago suburbs is going for a Guinness World Record for the most sets of a twins in a single academic year, a mindboggling ...

Actresses hired for IVF donations

egg donor

The hottest role these days for a young actress? Egg donor.

Healthy diet cuts pregnancy risks

woman diet food

SCIENTISTS say maintaining a normal weight and blood pressure and having a healthy diet can boost a woman's chances of an uncomplicated pregnancy.

Mechanic finds way to reduce stillbirths

The Odon Device

AN EXPERIMENTAL device that helps deliver babies during troubled labours was invented by an auto mechanic in South America.