Last updated: November 26, 2013

Weather: Sydney 16°C - 23°C . Afternoon showers.

New passports could tune to voices

AUSTRALIAN passports may incorporate voice-recognition and eye-scanning as travel security measures go hi-tech.

Is this the most embarrassing plane gaffe ever?

WHAT began as a passenger's attempt to cure a headache ended with him being arrested for public exposure. Things couldn't get any worse. Could they?

Mystery of revolving Egyptian statue solved

Mystery of revolving Egyptian statue solved

THE mystery of a 4000-year-old Egyptian statue that was caught on camera rotating for no apparent reason has been solved.

Traveller now 'too fat for Chunnel'


EUROSTAR says it has refused travel on its train to a Frenchman who was earlier stranded in the US because he was deemed too fat to fly home.

How to survive world's most dangerous situations

THIS military training camp is a place so tough not even active participants really want to be there. But what they learn here will save their lives.

Host 'violated' by Airbnb nightmare

A WOMAN who rented out her apartment feared her suspicious male guests were drug dealers. But the reality was more disturbing.

Five innocent crimes that will get you jailed

Five innocent crimes that will get you jailed

FROM seemingly innocent gestures, to being the wrong sex, these are some of the bizarre reasons used to jail someone. Sound far-fetched? It happens and for the oddest reasons.

Schoolies risking life to balcony hop

Schoolies on a balcony.

POLICE will again warn schoolies not to risk their lives by hopping between balconies at high-rise buildings on the Gold Coast.