Last updated: November 26, 2013

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National Breaking News

Detained activist in "lonely" position

AN Australian activist left in a Russian jail is in a "lonely and unenviable position" with no logical reason behind his detainment, the head of Greenpeace Australia says.

Tasmanian man Colin Russell became the final Greenpeace campaigner to remain in St Petersburg detention after the 29th detainee from the Arctic 30, English man Phil Ball, was released on Monday.

The pair was among 30 activists on board a Greenpeace vessel in September protesting against oil drilling in the Arctic Sea.

Mr Russell, a radio operator, is the only crew member to have been refused bail as the group face pending charges of hooliganism.

Greenpeace Australia Pacific chief executive officer David Ritter said there was no logical reason why he should be detained while others were allowed bail.

"I know Colin's family, his friends, the other members of the Arctic 30 and their millions of supporters around the world are hoping this worrying anomaly is remedied and he can head home," Mr Ritter said in a statement.

"There is nothing Colin did that deserves this absurd charge of hooliganism, carrying a seven year jail sentence."

Mr Ritter echoed a call from Mr Russell's wife Christine for intervention from Prime Minister Tony Abbott to support the Mr Russell's release.

Fellow Greenpeace activist and Australian resident Alexandra Harris has also been granted bail but Mr Russell's detention occupies her mind.

"Alex did say to me she can't properly relax and enjoy her freedom 'until Colin joins us. But we know he's strong and will be okay," her father Cliff Harris told ABC Radio from his UK home on Monday.

Ms Harris's bail conditions prevent her from leaving Russia, where she is staying in a hotel in St Petersburg.