Last updated: November 26, 2013

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Thought for the day 26 November 2013

Within days, we will know whether Comet Ison will produce a dazzling display during December. Astronomers are still watching and hoping. Astrologers, meanwhile, make predictions only on the basis of what they definitely know to be happening in the heavens. Usually, we can be sure about this. It is the very reason why people associate the sky with telling the future. In a world of uncertainty, we can at least say how the sky will appear on any given date. Comets are the exception to that rule. When they become visible, they herald more exceptions to many more rules.

I'm really excited to announce the launch of a brand new personal chart. It's called the 7 Year Life Map and it contains some amazing revelations about your life. Once you read it, you'll be able to truly fulfil your potential. Get yours here!

Jonathan Cainer

Jan 21 - Feb 19


Tough choices require courage. We all prefer to avoid them and it doesn't always follow that avoidance, is an act of cowardice. It can take inner-strength and deep faith to allow options to remain open when we are under pressure to close them off. So, what kind of a decision do you need to reach now? Whether you decide to draw a line or to leave a situation in a state of flux, try to be clear and conscious. And if you intend to leave things up to fate, be aware that fate is often reluctant to take specific instructions. Find out what the planets say about your love, money and career prospects in 2014. Order your 2014 'Guide to the Future' now!


Feb 20 - Mar 20


Everything depends on what you want. By this, I don't mean that you can definitely have what you want as long as you want it badly enough. But your chances of success will increase significantly if you are clear about your aims and objectives. More crucially, they will decrease if you secretly suspect that you are aiming for the wrong target or if you doubt your own motives and intentions. We also have to ask whether you are somehow settling for second-best. If an option is your only option, it is not a substitute; it is the real thing! I'm really excited to announce the launch of a brand new personal chart. It's called the 7 Year Life Map and it contains some amazing revelations about your life. Once you read it, you'll be able to truly fulfil your potential. Get yours here!


Mar 21 - Apr 20


'One good turn deserves another.' This old saying relates to the way in which people become more inspired to help one another, the more that they themselves are helped by others. Just as we feel inclined to smile at the folk around us when they seem to be smiling at us, we are more willing to go out of our way to make another person's life easier when it seems to us as if we are receiving the same courtesy. Soon enough, you will be the beneficiary of a supportive gesture. But you don't have to wait for this to happen. Make one anyway. 2014 is almost here. What's going to happen? What does it mean for you? Find out in your 2014 'Guide to the Future'. Get yours now!.


Apr 21 - May 21


When we don't want to upset someone, when we want to spare their feelings, when we suspect that what they don't know won't hurt them but if they only knew what we knew, they might feel very injured, what do we do? Do we confront them with the truth? Or tell a little white lie? Or do we try to tread some precarious path between those extremes, whereby we keep silent for one reason, whilst they misconstrue our lack of communication? It may be one thing to be discreet today, but it is another thing, entirely, to be deceptive. I'm really excited to announce the launch of a brand new personal chart. It's called the 7 Year Life Map and it contains some amazing revelations about your life. Once you read it, you'll be able to truly fulfil your potential. Get yours here!


May 22 - June 22


You are not a quitter. If you ever change your mind, it is only because you can see a good reason to re-evaluate a situation. Various developments have taken you into a process of review. You are almost ready to head in another direction, regardless of who this surprises or upsets. You can't let such sensitivity be the only reason for sticking with the original plan but nor can you allow your own refusal to be swayed by sentimentality, to become a justification in itself. There may yet be a strong case for carrying on as you were. Find out what the planets say about your love, money and career prospects in 2014. Order your 2014 'Guide to the Future' now!


Jun 23 - Jul 23


You can't have everything just the way that you want it to be. Yes, yes, you already knew that, didn't you? And you didn't turn to your zodiac forecast in the joyful expectation that your astrologer would remind you of this annoying truth. Ah, but... you can put yourself in a frame of mind so relaxed and comfortable, that you really don't care whether things are the way you want them to be or not. That's not a cop-out. It is a solution that won't merely make you feel better; it will, ironically, help you get more of what you want! I'm really excited to announce the launch of a brand new personal chart. It's called the 7 Year Life Map and it contains some amazing revelations about your life. Once you read it, you'll be able to truly fulfil your potential. Get yours here!


Jul 24 - Aug 23


Countries are full of universities. Universities are full of professors. Professors are full of learning. Surely, in this highly educated world, there can be very little that we do not know. The big questions have all been answered. Most important processes have long since been understood. So if, for example, we were to ask 'how does luck work?' We would soon get back an answer that was both enlightening and useful. Hmmm. Maybe. You think you know how your luck works now? You are about to be pleasantly surprised. 2014 is almost here. What's going to happen? What does it mean for you? Find out in your 2014 'Guide to the Future'. Get yours now!.


Aug 24 - Sep 23


We do what we know how to do. Unconsciously, automatically, we gravitate towards the tried and the tested. When we face the unfamiliar, we immediately realise that we are out of our comfort zone. Yet the more we stick with time-honoured tradition, the more entrenched we become. Our lives become too rigid, too predictable, too burdened with seemingly inescapable obligations. Improving an awkward set of circumstances is, in essence, as simple as breaking a habit - as you are about to find out. I'm really excited to announce the launch of a brand new personal chart. It's called the 7 Year Life Map and it contains some amazing revelations about your life. Once you read it, you'll be able to truly fulfil your potential. Get yours here!


Sep 24 - Oct 23


You don't have to be a mechanic to know how to drive a car. Nor is it a prerequisite for any great artist to be an expert in the chemical composition of paint. There may be many forces and factors that are difficult to understand in our lives, but that doesn't mean that we can't cope admirably and gracefully with them. We just have to make the most of what we've got. And when life gives us an opportunity to understand a little more, we should seize it, of course. The discoveries that you are making now can only help. Find out what the planets say about your love, money and career prospects in 2014. Order your 2014 'Guide to the Future' now!


Oct 24 - Nov 22


We spoke yesterday, about how people who are busy often don't object to being made busier still. This isn't universally true. If someone is overloaded or they are reaching the end of their tether, such statements don't apply. But if someone is rising to a challenge and enjoying the sense of being stretched, that's another story. When we feel good, most things feel good to us! When we feel confident, we will happily put more weight on our shoulders. You are not going too far now. You are going just far enough. I'm really excited to announce the launch of a brand new personal chart. It's called the 7 Year Life Map and it contains some amazing revelations about your life. Once you read it, you'll be able to truly fulfil your potential. Get yours here!


Nov 23 - Dec 21


'Hope springs eternal in the human breast'. So observed the poet Alexander Pope. Hope, observed Pope, cannot help but bounce back, even when it is seriously squashed. The most that its enemies can do, is pile so much weight upon it that it takes some while to recover. If you really want to get the better of hope, you had best attack it swiftly while its defences are down. If you have found yourself a little lacking in your life lately, that's what must have happened. To revive it, just create a little space in which there is less pressure. 2014 is almost here. What's going to happen? What does it mean for you? Find out in your 2014 'Guide to the Future'. Get yours now!.


Dec 22 - Jan 20


The roads of the world are congested with traffic. In every vehicle that's hardly moving, there is a driver wishing that they could be elsewhere. Meanwhile, in gymnasiums there are people paying for the pleasure of pedalling away on exercise bikes, covering no distance at all. What's the difference here? The folk in the cars are frustrated because they feel that they ought to be going somewhere. The cyclists are happy not to be going anywhere. So much depends on intention and expectation. Are your expectations appropriate now? I'm really excited to announce the launch of a brand new personal chart. It's called the 7 Year Life Map and it contains some amazing revelations about your life. Once you read it, you'll be able to truly fulfil your potential. Get yours here!



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