Last updated: November 26, 2013

Weather: Sydney 16°C - 23°C . Afternoon showers.

Afghans consider stoning adulterers

AFGHANISTAN is considering bringing back stoning for adultery, possibly restoring a punishment in force during the Taliban's brutal regime.

Protesters take over Thai ministries


ANTI-government demonstrators in Thailand occupied two government ministries, turning up the pressure on the Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

Keys pays visit to typhoon refugees

Alicia Keys Philippines Typhoon

GRAMMY-winning singer Alicia Keys visited a Philippine air force base to bring cheer to hundreds of evacuees from Typhoon Haiyan.

iPhone thief sends list of contacts

Liam Neeson Taken

A CHINESE thief painstakingly wrote out 11 pages of telephone numbers from a stolen iPhone and sent them to the owner.

Dentists convicted of daughter's killing

Dentists convicted of daughter's killing

A COURT has found a rich dentist couple guilty of slitting the throats of their teen daughter and a servant in a murder case that has obsessed India.

Indonesia helps China spy on us

Indonesia helps China spy on us

INDONESIA'S military intelligence agency is using Chinese surveillance equipment to target Aussie officials, companies and individuals.

More surgery for little Roona

Roona Begum

DOCTORS will carry out more surgery on a two-year-old Indian girl to correct a rare disorder that caused her head to balloon.

Bust exposes N Korea's meth trade

Thailand US Drug Suspects

THE capture of five men in a Drug Enforcement Administration sting operation has given fresh insight into methamphetamine production in North Korea.

Three shot dead during Gangnam dance

yemen wedding

A YEMENI wedding celebration ended in tragedy when a man accidentally shot three people dead with an AK-47 while dancing to 'Gangnam Style'.

Japan warns China over air defence zone

Japan China diplomacy

JAPAN has warned of the danger of "unpredictable events" after China declared it was putting in an air defence zone over a group of disputed islands.

JFK's spirit lives on, daughter says

John F. Kennedy

THE daughter of US President John F. Kennedy said that his spirit lives on even though his life was cut short.

Volcano rains rocks on Indon village

Volcano rains rocks on Indon village

A VOLCANO in western Indonesia has erupted eight times in just a few hours, "raining down rocks" over a large area and forcing thousands to flee their homes.

Fears typhoon toll could hit 7000

Typhoon Haiyan

THE number of people dead or missing after one of the world’s strongest typhoons struck the Philippines climbed towards 7000 on Saturday.

President hopes for speedier murder trial

Philippine president Benigno Aquino III

On the fourth anniversary of the Philippines' worst political massacre, the country's president said he hoped the trial could be expedited.

Multiple quakes hit northeast China

Multiple quakes hit northeast China

MULTIPLE earthquakes hit northeast China, with a 5.5 magnitude the strongest, according to seismologists, causing serious damage to homes.

Carlsen crowned world chess champion

Carlsen crowned world chess champion

NORWEGIAN prodigy Magnus Carlsen has claimed the world chess title, dethroning Indian Viswanathan Anand to become the first Western champion since 1975.

Bin Laden betrayer accused of murder

Bin Laden betrayer accused of murder

THE lawyer for a Pakistani doctor who helped the CIA find Osama bin Laden says his client has been charged with murder.

Mass evacuations as Cyclone Helen hits

Up to 400,000 evacuate as cyclone hits

HUNDREDS of thousands were evacuated as Cyclone Helen slammed into southeastern India, packing strong winds and killing at least two people.

Indian editor faces possible rape charge


INDIAN police are investigating the editor of a top magazine who faces a possible rape charge after allegedly assaulting a woman colleague.

China oil pipeline explosion kills 35

China oil pipeline explosion kills 35

AN OIL pipeline has exploded in the Chinese coastal city of Qingdao, causing horrific injuries to passers-by and killing 35 people.

Students create largest human Xmas tree

Students create largest human xmas tree

NEARLY 900 students donned green and red hoodies as they gathered at a mall in Bangkok to form the world's largest human Christmas tree. 

Car thief executed for killing baby

Car thief executed for killing baby

CHINESE authorities have executed a man who killed an infant he found in a car he had stolen, according to domestic media reports.

$52m of cocaine washes up on beach


A HAUL of cocaine with an estimated street value of $52 million has washed ashore in Tokyo and been found by an elderly resident.

Time off 'penance' for assaulting woman

Tarun Tejpal

THE editor of India's leading investigative news magazine offered to take six months' leave as "penance'' for assaulting a female colleague.

'Dead' baby wakes before cremation

Crying baby

A CHINESE baby boy who had been declared dead was saved from being cremated alive when he started crying at a funeral parlour.

Volcano raises new Japanese island


A VOLCANIC eruption has raised an island in the seas to the far south of Tokyo, the Japanese coast guard and earthquake experts said.

N Korea detains American tourist, 85

NKorea American Detained

AN 85-year-old American veteran of the Korean War was detained last month in North Korea as he sat in a plane set to leave the country.

Blow-up hospitals for Haiyan victims

Inflatable hospital

INFLATABLE hospitals have been erected in typhoon-ravaged Tacloban, part of a huge international relief effort to help millions hit by the storm.

Aussies are victims of Indo spies

Aussies are victims of Indo spies

AUSSIES living and working in Jakarta are being warned about a mobile phone tapping scam with links to the Indonesian Government.

How spooks listened to Yudhoyono

How spooks listened to Yudhoyono

THEIR clandestine activities may be directly in the spotlight, but Australian spies have for decades been listening in on our neighbours.

Aussie flag burned in spying row

Aussie flag burned in spying row

THE Australian flag has been burned and hundreds of police are on standby in Jakarta amid the ongoing fallout over the Indonesia spying controversy.

$1m in gold stashed in airplane loo

gold bars

CLEANERS found a stash of 24 gold bars worth more than $1 million hidden in an airplane toilet after a flight from Bangkok to India.

Indonesia: People smuggling help over

Indonesia: People smuggling help over

INDONESIAN president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono says he'll suspend cooperation with Australia on people smuggling in the wake of recent spying revelations.

Weird wheels on show in Tokyo

Weird wheels on show in Tokyo

FROM the country that can take your pulse from a toilet seat comes technology that makes sure you're still alert enough to drive. We give you the Tokyo motor show.

Teenage girl arrives at Nauru on own

Teenage girl arrives at Nauru on own

AN UNACCOMPANIED teenage girl has been sent to Australia's detention centre on Nauru for processing after getting off a plane, refugee advocates claim.

Navy officers in asylum arrests

Navy officers in asylum arrests

THREE Indonesian navy officers have been arrested for alleged involvement in a people-smuggling operation that was set to send 100 asylum seekers to Australia.

Rare tea set to fetch $137,000

tea auction

RARE teas more than half a century old are up for auction, with a prized narcissus oolong variety expected to sell for $137,000.

Tourist bus plunges off Bali ravine

Bali Bus Accident

A MINIBUS full of tourists has plunged into a ravine in Bali, leaving six people dead and three fighting for their lives.

Spy row puts Corby parole at risk

Corby parole at risk spy row

INDONESIAN lawmaker says Australia spying on Indonesia should be taken into account in deciding Schapelle Corby's parole.

Typhoon ripped bodies from graves

Typhoon ripped bodies from graves

SKULLS lie on tombstones and a hand reaches out from a grave at a cemetery in the Philippines, after a typhoon so powerful it pulled the dead from the earth.

Syria peace conference set for January 22

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon says Syria's warring sides will finally meet for the long-elusive Geneva II peace negotiations.

Tiananmen leader denied in bid to return

THE exiled second most wanted student leader from the 1989 Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests has been stopped from returning home.

Bomb attacks in Iraq kill 5 troops

A SUICIDE car bomb and another bombing near Baghdad have killed five members of Iraq's security forces.

Almost 90% of Indons want harsher action

ALMOST one in 10 Indonesians support military action against Australia in response to recent spying revelations.

More gases erupt from Indonesian volcano

SIX new eruptions have sent lava and searing gas tumbling up to 1.5 kilometres down the slopes of Mount Sinabung in North Sumatra.

Thai protesters occupy finance ministry

DEMONSTRATORS intent on ousting Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Sinawatra have stormed the finance ministry and threatened to seize other buildings.

Pro-West Ukrainians to blockade govt seat

PRO-WESTERN Ukrainians are planning to blockade the seat of government in Kiev, hoping to force an historic pact with the EU.

Taylor Swift wins AMA artist of the year

TAYLOR Swift has been voted American Music Awards artist of the year for a third time as fans celebrated the women of pop music.

25 missing, 1 dead in China ship sinkings

STORMY seas have caused two ships to sink off China's east coast. Twenty five crew are missing in total and one has been found dead.

Scientists make breakthrough lamprey find

A NEW Zealand scientist has for the first time discovered a lamprey spawning site in the southern hemisphere.

US man's hunt for daughter leads to Qld

AMERICAN Benjamin Todd has lived a parent's worst nightmare for 20 years; he is now reaching out to the daughter who was spirited away to Australia.

Katy Perry to open American Music Awards

KATY Perry will open the American Music Awards and Miley Cyrus will close it, but Taylor Swift is expected to win the artist of the year gong.