Last updated: November 26, 2013

Weather: Sydney 16°C - 23°C . Afternoon showers.

Basketball fan, stadium usher in epic dance-off

THIS kid was just waiting for his moment to shine when he let loose in an epic dance battle at a basketball. His moves are too awesome for words.

Bitcoins used to order six failed murders

"DREAD Pirate Roberts" - the alleged mastermind of drug bazaar the Silk Road - allegedly spent the equivalent of $794,000 on failed attempts to have his enemies killed.

'2 drunk 2 care' woman kills two

'2 drunk 2 care' woman kills two

A WOMAN, 20, tweeted "2 drunk 2 care' hours before a horrific crash when she drove on the wrong way on a road, killing two people.

Boyfriend's cheating prank backfires

Boyfriend's cheating prank backfires

THIS prankster tricked his girlfriend into thinking he'd cheated on her. But what he didn't count on was her surprise reaction.

Your iPhone could taste like a Snickers

IMAGINE tasting what you wanted and never gaining weight. That's the reality with a new 'digital lollipop' that allows users to taste flavours without actually eating them.

Tech excuses to get you out of any situation

LATE for a date? Trying to shake off a relentless friend? Pass the blame onto technology with these excuses for life's most cringe-worthy situations.

Wayward drone strikes US cruiser

Wayward drone strikes US cruiser

THE United States Navy's most advanced warship was unable to shoot down a rogue drone which slammed into the ship earlier this week, wounding two crew.

New battery to power future

New battery to power future

NEVER run out of juice again. New breakthrough self-healing battery gets us charged for a future without plugging-in.

Apple to make motion-sensing MacBook?

Apple to make motion-sensing MacBook?

IS APPLE working on a motion-sensing iPhone or MacBook? Tim Cook meets Tony Stark as Apple buys out the technology company behind the Xbox Kinect.

Technology Deals

From Vodafone, Virgin Mobile and Optus

Compare new price options available

Triple-X box ... Man strips wife live on PS4

SCANDAL has struck the new PlayStation 4 a week after the next-gen console's launch as one gamer strips his wife on a live stream for every owner to see.

Sony's PlayStation 4 reviewed

THE latest version of the Sony PlayStation offers startlingly realistic graphics and better navigation for the home games enthusiast.

Xbox One sales hit 1m on first day

Xbox One Official Launch Celebration

MICROSOFT Corp says that more than 1 million Xbox One consoles have been sold worldwide since their midnight launch.

Know your trivia? Let's get Quizzical

Know your trivia? Let's get Quizzical

HOW much trivia do you really know? Why not take our new quiz to test your knowledge. Let's get Quizzical.

The calorie-free alternative to coffee

WHAT will make you more alert than a cup of coffee and has absolutely no calories? Find out how you can start your day in a healthier way.

This woman helped set 300 prisoners free

THIS woman messed up. She messed up bad. So badly that 300 prisoners were set free from US jails. One has since been charged with murder.

Drop in sunspots intrigues scientists

Drop in sunspots intrigues scientists

THE sun's surface has been oddly calm of late, with fewer sunspots than at anytime in the last century. But what does it mean for the Earth's climate?

Killer robot recruitment drive


KILLER robots will soon outnumber human soldiers by 10-to-one. But by when? A US army expert says just wait until 2023.

video & photos

Grand designs - Best architecture photos from our readers

This week's theme for our mobile photography competition was architecture. The results are - frankly - mind blowing.

Light and Dark photo competition

THE results are in and this week's photo challenge has set the bar so high it's almost impossible to see with the human eye. Click through t...

Mac Pro sells for $1 million

YES that is a computer. And if you thought some Apple products were steep, take a look at the one-of-a-kind Mac Pro that just sold for more than $1 million.

Future rides: crazy new concept cars unveiled

CHECK out the coolest and craziest concept cars revealed at this year's Tokyo Motorshow including the car that wants to be your horse.

Grand designs: Best reader photos

Grand designs: Best reader photos

WHEN we decided to run an architecture mobile photography competition we didn't expect the results to be so sophisticated. See this week's best pics here.

Samsung's flexi phone revealed

Samsung's flexi phone revealed

REVEALED: Samsung is working on a flexible display that will cover your entire phone. Find out how it will work in this leaked patent.

Giant tree crashes onto city street

Giant tree crashes onto city street

EXCLUSIVE pics: Bystanders were in shock after a massive tree uprooted and fell across an inner-city street in wild Sydney weather.

Cyclone, typhoon, hurricane: What's the difference?

Cyclone, typhoon, hurricane: What's the difference?

THIS is one of the most powerful storms Earth has seen. What makes it stronger than the others? And what is with the name Haiyan? Here's everything you need to know.

Astonishing pic reveals size of super typhoon

Astonishing pic reveals size of super typhoon

YOU can see the scale of the Typhoon Haiyan in this incredible image captured by satellites. With gusts of more than 350kmh, the typhoon reportedly killed more than 100.

The daily secrets of CEO success revealed

The daily secrets of CEO success revealed

WANT to know the secrets of Mark Zuckerberg's success? You'll be amazed how the daily routines and crazy rituals of top tech CEOs keep the billionaires ahead of the game.

Snapchat 'rejected $3b Facebook offer'

Evan Spiegel and snapchat

FACEBOOK reportedly offered at least $US3 billion to purchase Snapchat, the rapidly growing messaging services, but was turned down.

Retailers cosy up to Silicon Valley

Retailers Silicon Valley

TRADITIONAL retailers are setting up shop in modern spaces and recruiting top Silicon Valley talent to replicate the creativity of online start-ups.