Last updated: November 26, 2013

Weather: Sydney 16°C - 23°C . Afternoon showers.

Pill may slow diabetic blindness

Pill may slow diabetic blindness

TEN thousand Australians with Type 2 diabetes have gone blind in the last decade, but a new use for an old cholesterol drug may stem the tide.

'Jedi Council ring leader' charged

'Jedi Council ring leade...

AN alleged ringleader of the so-called Jedi Council defence force sex ring has been charged by police.

Mental health fears for asylum kids

Mental health fears for asylum kids

THE federal government says three asylum seeker children have been transferred from detention at Nauru to the Australian mainland on mental health grounds.

Alessia downgraded in the Top End

Alessia downgraded in the Top End

UPDATE: Heavy rain and strong winds are lashing the Top End but Alessia has been downgraded to below cyclone strength after making landfall.

Third waterfall death in a week

Third waterfall death in a week

A MAN, believed to be a tourist, has plunged to his death at a waterhole in Queensland - the third such fatality in a week.

Police study waterski crash footage

Police study waterski crash footage

POLICE are reviewing footage near the 140 km/h crash of Sarah Teelow, 21, while the hospital says she "remains in a critical condition and her life support is still switched on."

It's all a blur for BDO organisers

It's all a blur for BDO org...

BIG Day Out organisers say Blur's decision to pull out of the January music festival has left them feeling 'devastated and confused'.

Street Watch: Boat stops traffic

Street Watch: Boat stops traffic

TWO westbound lanes on the M4 were closed yesterday after a million-dollar Riviera-class boat became wedged underneath the Pitt St overpass.

Cranky dads stressing kids out

Cranky dads stressing kids out

HARD working parents can put their kids under as much stress as those with a mental illness, new research shows - and dads who work longest are crankier with their kids.

Hit The Bricks transforms Newcastle

Hit The Bricks transforms Newcastle

THEIR canvases are brick walls and their brushes are spray-cans, but the masters behind a slew of stunning works in Newcastle are artists through and through.

Schoolies taking a dangerous dip

Schoolies taking a dangerous dip

CROWDS of drunk teenagers are risking their lives by braving the unpatrolled Byron Bay surf during late night schoolies celebrations.

LNP push for great big new web tax

LNP push for great big new web tax

INTERNET shoppers could be forced to pay GST on imported goods worth as little as $20 under a plan pushed by Queensland and other state governments.

Parkinson's drugs trigger addictions

Parkinson's drugs trigger add...

PARKINSON's disease patients are becoming addicted to gambling, ­sex and shopping as a side-effect to prescibed medication.

Pair in court after body found in bush

Pair in court after body found in bush

THE grieving father of a man whose remains were found in bushland near Kuranda says his son was "harmless''.

English team are real Beliebers

 English team are real Beliebers

AFTER Sunday's loss against Australia at The Gabba the English cricket team have tried to cash-in on another visiting star's popularity.

Solar scam accused fires up

Solar scam accused fires up

A GOLD Coast man and his wife accused of ripping off homeowners in a solar power scam are set to face a committal hearing next year.

Newman's economic plan gets AA+

Newman's economic plan ge...

QUEENSLAND has retained its AA+ economic rating and is on track to score a AAA rating in the near future.

Violent minority defies court orders

Violent minority defies court orders

TAKE A STAND: FAMILY violence perpetrators are ignoring intervention orders and inflicting further terror on their victims.

Safety fear as drug-drive fines surge

Safety fear as drug-drive fines surge

POLICE say the number of drivers in Victoria using drugs is increasing rapidly and affecting road safety.

Penalty over truckie's near miss

Penalty over truckie's nea...

POLICE have issued a fine after a dash cam captured the moment a speeding car swerved out of control on a Melbourne freeway.

Rebel MP's fraud case delayed

Rebel MP's fraud case d...

FRANKSTON MP Geoff Shaw's court hearing on deception charges has been adjourned as parties continue to negotiate.

Mile-high madness disrupts flights

Mile-high madness disrupts flights

AIRLINE passengers applying nail polish remover and using hairspray in aircraft toilets have disrupted flights in recent months.

Double slaying set for inquest

Double slaying set for inquest

A CORONER will probe the murders of police informer Terence Hodson and his wife Christine in May next year, a decade after their deaths.

Katter can't win any SA love

Katter can't win any S...

MAVERICK MP Bob Katter's fledgling South Australian political party has failed to headhunt sitting independents to run under its banner at the state election.

High prices can't stop our water use

High prices can't stop our w...

ADELAIDE householders are using more water this year despite high water prices and above-average rainfall in winter, SA Water monitoring shows.

Boy, 11, missing for five days

Boy, 11, missing for five days

POLICE want public help to find an 11-year-old Hackham West boy who has been missing for five days.

Crane crisis leaves RAH site hanging

Crane crisis leaves RAH site hanging

CONSTRUCTION on the beleaguered Royal Adelaide hospital building site will only restart once a series of safety concerns have been "fixed".

Car subsidies can make things worse

Car subsidies can make things worse

CAR industry subsidies could be offering false hope to workers and even exacerbating the associated problems, a major report says.

Out-of-control burns spark warning

Out-of-control burns spark warning

THE Country Fire Service has warned Adelaide Hills landowners to be vigilant after two private burn-offs sparked out of control today.

Volunteer firefighter killed in blaze

Volunteer firefighter

A VOLUNTEER firefighter has been killed in a blaze at Quindanning, near Williams, about 160 kilometres south-east of Perth.

McGowan wins the night, but only just

McGowan Barnett

IF there is such a thing as a winner from tonight's Leaders' Debate - then Opposition leader Mark McGowan was probably just a nose ahead.