Last updated: November 26, 2013

Weather: Sydney 16°C - 23°C . Afternoon showers.

David and Libby Koch

How to bet on the Melbourne Cup


QUINELLA, trifecta, exacta, what do they actually mean? With Aussies expected to spend $455 million on the Cup, here's how to make sure you're doing it right.

Don't let the banks steal your money


OUR big four banks are set to announce a record combined profit of $27 billion in the next few weeks. Here's how you can make sure you're not adding to their coffers.

Happiness is...a joint bank account?

Happy relationship

RESEARCH shows couples who share their money are happier, although if you are going to keep your accounts separate, here's how to do it right.

Share your knowledge of stocks

kids executive

EDUCATING teens and young adults into the workings of the sharemarket can be fun, profitable and one of the best life skills you can pass on.

Putting cliches to the test

magnifying glass with coins

YOU may remember your granny telling you "don't drink champagne on a beer budget", but does age-old financial advice still stack up?

How to survive a sharemarket slump

share traders

SHARE markets are notoriously volatile for investors, but by sticking to eight golden rules, you can survive the white knuckle ride with your funds in tact.

Time to take stock of finances


THE end of the financial year is the perfect time to assess your financial situation, and nip any bad habits in the bud.

Koch: Shares in line with seasons

your money koch

JUST as weather changes with the different seasons, investment history shows that sharemarkets can also follow a seasonal trend.

Stick together in love and money

david and libby koch

FORGET the seven year itch, the number of couples divorcing after 20 years of marriage has more than doubled to 28 per cent over the last 20 years.

Economic stats you need to know


AFTER a week of being bombarded with Federal Budget, you could be forgiven for throwing up your arms and ignoring it altogether.

Take a deep breath and tighten your belts


FOR many Australians, spending can almost be an addiction.

Koch: Budgeting for a fallout


THE softening-up process has begun ahead of next week's Federal Budget, so now is the time to assess your personal financial situation to avoid or understand any adverse fallout.


Slash bank fees

NOBODY wants to pay more bank fees than necessary.

Resolve bank dispute

BE firm but polite when trying to resolve a dispute with your bank.

4 property phases you need to know


LIKE every other investment, residential property follows a cycle. Picking the best time to buy and sell to maximise profit often depends on understanding where you are in a cycle.  

Use cycles to clean up investments


LIKE every other investment, residential property follows a cycle.

Koch: Ask yourself tough questions


OVER the past couple of weeks we've been putting a bit of a dampener on the hysteria surrounding the sharemarket.

Money lies you need to stop telling yourself


THEY'RE the little things we tell ourselves to justify being financially lazy. But they can cost us big-time in the future.

With these assets, I thee wed


WHILE celebs ppear to attach a prenup with the marriage certificate, the future of financial agreements in Australia is looking uncertain.

Don't be thrown by sharemarket bulls

your money koch

GLOBAL financial crisis? What global financial crisis? According to sharemarkets the world is just hunky dory and it's party time.

Don't be thrown by sharemarket bulls

your money koch

GLOBAL financial crisis? What global financial crisis?

How to make part-time work more profitable


ABOUT 30 per cent of all Australian jobs are part time.

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Riding solo: 6 tips for single parents

ABOUT 20 per cent of Australian families are headed by a single parent - a situation which is tough on both the parent and the kids. These six tips will help clear the head and provide some focus.

Seven tips before investing in property

home shopping

MANY are ringing the bell for the bottom of the property market so if you are being tempted back into property, here are seven questions to ask yourself before taking the leap.
