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  • Hollande lays out 4 conditions for Iran agreement...3:51
  • "Nature Does Not Negotiate": Environmentalists Walk Out of U.N. Climate Summit in Warsaw...4:01
  • Iran nuclear talks at 'critical stage'...1:35
  • Children's fighting spirit in wake of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines...2:21
  • John Kerry Morning Joe On Congress, Iran, Israel etc. 11/14/13...9:08
  • Typhoon Haiyan aid effort hindered by damaged infrastructure...4:00
  • SHOCKING: Video unreleased JFK assassination...15:12
  • Three women 'kept as slaves for 30 years' rescued in London...1:41
  • 48 dead after supermarket roof collapse in Riga, Latvia...1:06
  • U.S. & Afghanistan reach security deal...3:00
  • The Iraq War It's Hell, Mr President BBC full documentary 2013 Iraq story up to date Episode 3...59:16
  • BBC News Typhoon Haiyan Remote Philippines towns receive aid...2:16
  • Karzai says 'no trust' with US with Afghan security deal at stake...0:57
add video playlist France continues its anti-Iran rhetoric, ahead of the talks in Geneva between Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany that are expected to reach a nuclear deal. The previous round of talks was scuppered when French Foreign Minister Lauren Fabius insisted on taking all Israeli concerns into consideration before striking any deal with Iran. This time, French President Francois Hollande is taking the same approach, setting some conditions for an agreement.
France continues its anti-Iran rhetoric, ahead of the talks in Geneva between Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany that are expected to reach a nuclear deal. The previous round of talks was scuppered when French Foreign Minister Lauren Fabius insisted on taking all Israeli concerns into consideration before striking any deal with Iran. This time, French President Francois Hollande is taking the same approach, setting some conditions for an agreement.
Hol­lande lays out 4 con­di­tions for Iran agree­ment
3:51 - As we began our show, hundreds of environmental activists walked out of the U.N. climate change summit in Warsaw, Poland, today over the absence of a binding agreement on curbing global warming. The move comes less than 36 hours after a group of 133 developing nations walked out of a key negotiating meeting amidst a conflict over how countries who have historically emitted the most greenhouse gases should be held financially responsible for some of the damage caused by extreme weather. \
"Na­ture Does Not Ne­go­ti­ate": En­vi­ron­men­tal­ists Walk Out of U.N. Cli­mate Sum­mit in War­saw
Top diplomats from four of the world\'s most powerful countries are meeting Iran\'s foreign minister to try and reach a deal on his country\'s nuclear programme.


    The fact that they\'re all there indicates that some breakthrough could be on the horizon.


   The West accuses Iran of building nuclear weapons, a charge Tehran strongly denies. 

Al Jazeera\'s James Bays reports.
Iran nu­cle­ar talks at 'crit­i­cal stage'
Children from an orphanage in Tacloban show their amazing fighting spirit in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. Report by Sarah Johnston.
Chil­dren's fight­ing spir­it in wake of Ty­phoon Haiyan in the Philip­pines
Secretary of State John Kerry said Thursday during a Morning Joe exclusive interview.

John Kerry Morn­ing Joe On Congress, Iran, Is­rael etc. 11/14/13
While a massive international relief effort is underway, there is little evidence of it on the ground. Tacloban\'s airport was badly damaged by the typhoon and is currently without power, meaning planes can\'t land at night and aid workers are struggling to get supplies in. Seth Doane reports.
Ty­phoon Haiyan aid ef­fort hin­dered by dam­aged in­fras­truc­ture
4:00 Vídeo tomado de:
Los internautas se han mostrado inquietos por una grabación del famoso asesinato de John F. Kennedy. Dicen que es un video completo de lo que ocurrió desde el aeropuerto de Dallas hasta el hospital el día 22 de noviembre de 1963.

La escena más impresionante empieza en el minuto 5:59. La primera bala pasa casi desapercibida, sólo podemos ver cómo el presidente de EE.UU. empieza a caer en manos de su mujer, Jacqueline. Pero la segunda bala impacta de lleno en el cráneo. Kennedy fue llevado al hospital, donde media hora después de los disparos, los médicos certificaron la muerte.

El video dura un poco más de 15 minutos. Se desconoce quién fue el autor del montaje del nuevo video, que, de hecho, representa una mezcla de videos diferentes, tanto en color, así como en blanco y negro.

Netizens have shown disturbed by a recording of the famous assassination of John F. Kennedy. They say it\'s a complete video of what happened from the Dallas airport to the hospital on November 22, 1963.

The most impressive scene starts at minute 5:59. The first bullet goes almost unnoticed, we can only see how the U.S. president begins to fall into the hands of his wife, Jacqueline. But the second bullet strikes squarely in the skull. Kennedy was taken to hospital, where half an hour after the shooting, doctors certified the death.

The video is a little over 15 minutes. It is unknown who was the author of the assembly of the new video, which, in fact, represents a mixture of different videos in both color and black and white.
SHOCK­ING: Video un­re­leased JFK as­sas­si­na­tion
News: Three women rescued after \'decades of slavery\' in south London home

The Guardian ‎- 2 minutes ago
Three women rescued after \'decades of slavery\' in south London home ... held against her will in a house in London for more than 30 years.
Three women rescued from south London house after \'30 years of slavery\'‎ - 4 hours ago
More news for Three women \'kept as slaves for 30 years ... »
Women \'kept as slaves for 30 years\' rescued from South London ...‎
17 hours ago - Three \'deeply traumatised\' women rescued from London house had been held as slaves for THIRTY YEARS: One victim, 30, may have been ...
British woman, 30, spent her entire life as a slave in London house ...‎
5 hours ago - FIRST POLICE STATEMENT on three rescued \'slave women\' ... Discovery: Three female slaves, one held for more than 30 years, have been ...
Two freed on bail in \'30-year slavery\' case - Yahoo News‎
6 hours ago - ... the case of three traumatised women who allegedly spent 30 years as slaves, ... The women, who are now in an unspecified location, were rescued after ... had been held against their will in a house in London for 30 years.
London slaves: three women freed after 30 years\' captivity | World ... › News › World news › Slavery‎
1 min ago - Traumatised trio rescued from \'ordinary house on ordinary street\' as police say human trafficking ... London slaves: three women freed after 30 years\' captivity ... British police arrest two over women allegedly held as slaves.
Police rescue three women held captive for 30 years in London house‎
3 hours ago - Police rescue three women held captive for 30 years in London house ... they are believed to have been held as slaves for at least 30 years.
Live updates: Three \'slave women\' rescued in London after being ...‎
by Natalie Evans - in 122 Google+ circles
Live updates: Three \'slave women\' rescued in London after being held for more than 30 years. 21 Nov 2013 21:13. Follow our live news updates after police ...
BBC News - Women \'held as slaves for 30 years\'‎
6 mins ago - Three women have been \
Three women 'kept as slaves for 30 years' res­cued in Lon­don
RIGA, Latvia — Hordes of shoppers were picking up food after work in the Latvian capital when an enormous section of the supermarket\'s roof caved in. Firefighters rushed in to save them, only to be crushed themselves when a second part of the roof collapsed.

The death toll from the rush-hour disaster Thursday evening at the Maxima supermarket in Riga rose steadily through the night.

Latvian police say the number of dead from a supermarket roof collapse has risen to 48.

Spokesman Toms Sadovskisk says officials expect the death toll at the sprawling Maxima supermarket in Riga to rise further.

He said Friday the number of injured remains at 35 and that nine of the dead are still unidentified.
48 dead after supermarket roof collapsed in Riga, Latvia
48 dead after supermarket roof collapsed in Riga, Latvia
48 dead after supermarket roof collapsed in Riga, Latvia
48 dead after supermarket roof collapsed in Riga, Latvia
Latvia roof collapse
Latvia roof collapse
Latvia roof collapse
Latvia roof collapse
roof collapse at Latvian mall
48 dead after su­per­mar­ket roof col­lapse in Riga, Latvia
CNN\'s Elise Labott has information on a deal that will allow U.S. troops to stay in Afghanistan for security purposes.
U.S. & Afghanistan reach se­cu­ri­ty deal
The last episode in this three-part series brings the Iraq story up to date. Tony Blair and Dick Cheney describe how they responded as horrific sectarian violence overtook Iraq. Foreign Secretary Jack Straw tells how he and Condoleeza Rice compelled Iraq\'s prime minister to resign. Other key insiders reveal how they selected and supported his replacement.

With an exclusive interview with controversial Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki, the programme tells how the war ended and why Iraq today faces the worst sectarian violence in five years.
The Iraq War It's Hell, Mr Pres­i­dent BBC full doc­u­men­tary 2013 Iraq story up to date Episode 3
59:16 - As we began our show, hundreds of environmental activists walked out of the U.N. climate change summit in Warsaw, Poland, today over the absence of a binding agreement on curbing global warming. The move comes less than 36 hours after a group of 133 developing nations walked out of a key negotiating meeting amidst a conflict over how countries who have historically emitted the most greenhouse gases should be held financially responsible for some of the damage caused by extreme weather. \
"Na­ture Does Not Ne­go­ti­ate": En­vi­ron­men­tal­ists Walk Out of U.N. Cli­mate Sum­mit in War­saw
Remote parts of the Philippines cut off by Typhoon Haiyan have started to receive aid following criticism of the slow pace of response efforts.

Around half a million people have been left homeless by one of the strongest storms ever to make landfall.

Rajesh Mirchandani reports from Tacloban.^^^^PLEASE SUBSCRİBE^^^^
BBC News Ty­phoon Haiyan Re­mote Philip­pines towns re­ceive aid
Security has been tight in the Afghan capital as tribal elders gathered to debate a crucial pact agreed in draft form between Kabul and Washington.

The US is said to have got its way on several controversial issues concerning the conditions under which its troops may stay beyond 2014.

Intense negotiations and wrangling between both governments preceded the meeting of up to 2,500 Afghan elders at the Loya Jirga.

The accord\'s implementation depends to a great extent on President Karzai.

He told the assembly his relations with America were not good. \
Karzai says 'no trust' with US with Afghan se­cu­ri­ty deal at stake
http://xrepublic,tv  Recorded from BBC NEwsnight, 10 June 2013.
NSA Spy­ing On All UK Peo­ple And Busi­ness­es

updated 18 Nov 2013; published 18 Nov 2013
Hol­lande lays out 4 con­di­tions for Iran agree­ment
STL Today 24 Nov 2013, GENEVA • Iran and six world powers announced early Sunday that they had reached an agreement on Iran’s nuclear program. “We have reached an agreement,” Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif tweeted after 3 a.m. The spokesman for the lead European negotiator, Catherine Ashton, made a similar announcement via Twitter. “We have reached agreement,” the...
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updated 29 Jul 2013; published 16 Jun 2011
Tor­ture in Syr­i­an pris­ons -- tor­ture of chil­dren
BBC News 24 Nov 2013, More than 11,000 children have died in Syria's civil war in nearly three years, including hundreds targeted by snipers, a new report says. Summary executions and torture have also been used against children as young as one, the London-based Oxford Research Group think tank says. The report says the majority of children have been killed by...
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updated 21 Nov 2013; published 21 Nov 2013
"Na­ture Does Not Ne­go­ti­ate": En­vi­ron­men­tal­ists Walk Out of U.N. Cli­mate Sum­mit in War­saw
STL Today 23 Nov 2013, Developed countries and fast-growing economies have reached a last-minute compromise to avert a breakdown of U.N. climate talks in Warsaw. China and India had clashed with the U.S. and other developed countries Saturday over the wording of draft decisions with guidelines on when countries should present commitments for a new pact to fight global...
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updated 09 Nov 2013; published 09 Nov 2013
Iran nu­cle­ar talks at 'crit­i­cal stage'
Al Jazeera 23 Nov 2013, Negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 group of world powers are continuing. Delegates are locked in difficult talks in Geneva as they struggle to secure an interim deal on Tehran's nuclear programme. So far, there has been no breakthrough in trying to persuade Iran to temporarily freeze nuclear enrichment in return for the lifting of some...
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updated 13 Nov 2013; published 13 Nov 2013
Chil­dren's fight­ing spir­it in wake of Ty­phoon Haiyan in the Philip­pines
Al Jazeera 23 Nov 2013, The UN says 1.5 million children are at risk of malnutrition in typhoon-ravaged areas of the Philippines as it calls for greater efforts to provide food and water. A UN appeal to cope with Typhoon Haiyan's devastation has also...
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updated 14 Nov 2013; published 14 Nov 2013
John Kerry Morn­ing Joe On Congress, Iran, Is­rael etc. 11/14/13
Dawn 23 Nov 2013, GENEVA: Secretary of State John Kerry and foreign ministers of other major powers were converging Saturday to lend their weight to the Iran nuclear talks after envoys reported progress in marathon negotiations to curb the Iranian program in return for limited sanctions relief. After a third day of talks, State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki said...
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updated 13 Nov 2013; published 13 Nov 2013
Ty­phoon Haiyan aid ef­fort hin­dered by dam­aged in­fras­truc­ture
BBC News 23 Nov 2013, Hundreds of bodies are still being retrieved from the rubble of Typhoon Haiyan, every day. For the volunteers who help with this, it is a grim but vital task. On the seafront at Tacloban city, the gentle lapping of the waves is broken by the whirring of a chainsaw. A group of men are standing on the roof of a house, which two weeks ago was...
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updated 27 Jun 2013; published 27 Jun 2013
SHOCK­ING: Video un­re­leased JFK as­sas­si­na­tion
Al Jazeera 22 Nov 2013, Beirut, Lebanon - He was the young, charismatic US president who took his nation by storm, only to be cut down in his prime by the determined actions of a lone gunman - or, as many would believe, the efforts of a wider conspiracy. That man was John Fitzgerald Kennedy - otherwise known as JFK - and Friday marks 50 years since he was in his...
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updated 22 Nov 2013; published 22 Nov 2013
Three women 'kept as slaves for 30 years' res­cued in Lon­don
Newstrack India 22 Nov 2013, Tweet Three women who were enslaved by an elderly couple in South of London for 30 years have been rescued by London police. Three victims identified as a 69-year-old Malaysian, a 57-year-old Irish...
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updated 21 Nov 2013; published 21 Nov 2013
48 dead after su­per­mar­ket roof col­lapse in Riga, Latvia
BBC News 22 Nov 2013, A criminal investigation has begun after the roof of a supermarket in the Latvian capital Riga collapsed, Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis has said. Eight people are dead and dozens more are feared missing as rescue efforts continued through the night. Two of those killed were emergency workers who were helping people trapped when more of the roof...
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updated 20 Nov 2013; published 20 Nov 2013
U.S. & Afghanistan reach se­cu­ri­ty deal
South China Morning Post 22 Nov 2013, President Hamid Karzai triggered uncertainty about a vital security pact with the United States on Thursday by saying it should not be signed until after Afghanistan’s presidential election next April, prompting the White House to insist on a year-end deadline. Karzai’s surprise move, which came just a day after US Secretary of State John Kerry...
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updated 13 Jun 2013; published 13 Jun 2013
The Iraq War It's Hell, Mr Pres­i­dent BBC full doc­u­men­tary 2013 Iraq story up to date Episode 3
Chicago Sun-Times 21 Nov 2013, Updated: November 21, 2013 12:39PM BAGHDAD (AP) — A truck bomb tore through an outdoor vegetable market in northeastern Iraq, the deadliest of a series of attacks Thursday that killed at least 48 people, officials said. The explosion in the town of Sadiyah, some 90 miles northeast of Baghdad, is the latest in a wave of attacks that has swept across...
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updated 21 Nov 2013; published 21 Nov 2013
"Na­ture Does Not Ne­go­ti­ate": En­vi­ron­men­tal­ists Walk Out of U.N. Cli­mate Sum­mit in War­saw
The Guardian 21 Nov 2013, The clock is ticking and the temperature is rising – ministers in Warsaw must be ambitious if we're to avoid a pathway to disaster The largest environmental organizations, social movements and labour unions representatives walked out of the UN Climate Change Conference negotiations on 21 November. EPA/RAFAL GUZ Photograph: RAFAL GUZ/EPA We...
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updated 17 Nov 2013; published 17 Nov 2013
BBC News Ty­phoon Haiyan Re­mote Philip­pines towns re­ceive aid
Reuters 21 Nov 2013, MANILA (Reuters) - As millions of dollars pour in for more than four million left homeless by a typhoon in the central Philippines, authorities are grappling with a familiar problem - how to stop fraudulent claims and prevent greedy politicians taking advantage. Typhoon Haiyan smashed through the country on November 8, laying waste to just about...
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Iran reaches interim nuclear deal with West
Full Article STL Today
24 Nov 2013

GENEVA • Iran and six world powers announced early Sunday that they had reached an agreement on Iran’s nuclear program. “We have reached an agreement,” Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif tweeted after 3 a.m. The spokesman for the lead European negotiator, Catherine Ashton, made a similar announcement via Twitter. “We have reached agreement,” the... Nuclear Deal Nuclear Program Peace Talks
From left, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, and Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov gather at the United Nations Palais, Sunday, Nov. 24, 2013, in Geneva, Switzerland, during the Iran nuclear talks.
photo: AP / Carolyn Kaster, Pool

Syria conflict: Children 'targeted by snipers'
Full Article BBC News
24 Nov 2013

More than 11,000 children have died in Syria's civil war in nearly three years, including hundreds targeted by snipers, a new report says. Summary executions and torture have also been used against children as young as one, the London-based Oxford Research Group think tank says. The report says the majority of children have been killed by... In Syria War - Syria Conflict
Children warm their hands by a fire in Idlib, north Syria, Monday, March 5, 2012. Syrian refugees fleeing to neighboring Lebanon on Monday said they feared they would be slaughtered in their own homes as government forces hunted down opponents in a brutal offensive against the opposition stronghold of Homs.
photo: AP / Rodrigo Abd

Compromise breaks deadlock at UN climate talks
Full Article STL Today
23 Nov 2013

Developed countries and fast-growing economies have reached a last-minute compromise to avert a breakdown of U.N. climate talks in Warsaw. China and India had clashed with the U.S. and other developed countries Saturday over the wording of draft decisions with guidelines on when countries should present commitments for a new pact to fight global... Change Nations Warming
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (left at lectern) addresses a Dialogue on Climate Finance, which took place in the course of the 2013 UN Conference on Climate Change (COP19/CMP9) in Warsaw, 20 November, 2013.
photo: UN / Evan Schneider

Iran nuclear talks: Deal or no deal?
Full Article Al Jazeera
23 Nov 2013

Negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 group of world powers are continuing. Delegates are locked in difficult talks in Geneva as they struggle to secure an interim deal on Tehran's nuclear programme. So far, there has been no breakthrough in trying to persuade Iran to temporarily freeze nuclear enrichment in return for the lifting of some... Peace Iran Nations
EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, second left, and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, third right, attend talks on Iran's nuclear program in Geneva on Friday Nov. 22, 2013.
photo: AP / Fabrice Coffrini

Philippine children face malnutrition risk
Full Article Al Jazeera
23 Nov 2013

The UN says 1.5 million children are at risk of malnutrition in typhoon-ravaged areas of the Philippines as it calls for greater efforts to provide food and water. A UN appeal to cope with Typhoon Haiyan's devastation has also... Weather Typhoon Haiyan
Children who say they fled when armed men were seen in their village eat bread while waiting in Tacloban city, Leyte province in central Philippines Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2013.
photo: AP / Bullit Marquez

Kerry, Russian FM join Iran nuclear talks
Full Article Dawn
23 Nov 2013

GENEVA: Secretary of State John Kerry and foreign ministers of other major powers were converging Saturday to lend their weight to the Iran nuclear talks after envoys reported progress in marathon negotiations to curb the Iranian program in return for limited sanctions relief. After a third day of talks, State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki said... Kerry Peace Iran
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry delivers remarks the Closing Session of the 2013 U.S.-China High-Level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C., on November 21, 2013.
photo: US DoS

Typhoon Haiyan: The search for bodies
Full Article BBC News
23 Nov 2013

Hundreds of bodies are still being retrieved from the rubble of Typhoon Haiyan, every day. For the volunteers who help with this, it is a grim but vital task. On the seafront at Tacloban city, the gentle lapping of the waves is broken by the whirring of a chainsaw. A group of men are standing on the roof of a house, which two weeks ago was... Weather Disaster Haiyan
Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Alisha White, left, assigned to the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Mustin (DDG 89) and Naval Aircrewman Tactical Helicopter 2nd Class Chris Miller, right, speak with citizens affected by Super Typhoon Haiyan while delivering relief supplies in support of Operation Damayan, in Ormoc City, Philippines, 18 November, 2013.
photo: US Navy / MCS3 Mackenzie P. Adams

JFK's death and Middle East assassinations
Full Article Al Jazeera
22 Nov 2013

Beirut, Lebanon - He was the young, charismatic US president who took his nation by storm, only to be cut down in his prime by the determined actions of a lone gunman - or, as many would believe, the efforts of a wider conspiracy. That man was John Fitzgerald Kennedy - otherwise known as JFK - and Friday marks 50 years since he was in his... Assassination Peace Conspiracy
File - John Fitzgerald Kennedy, commonly known as "Jack" or by his initials JFK, was the 35th President of the US. Jackie with Jack campaigning in Appleton, Wisconsin, March 1960.
photo: Jeff Dean

Three women enslaved for 30 years rescued in London
Full Article Newstrack India
22 Nov 2013

Tweet Three women who were enslaved by an elderly couple in South of London for 30 years have been rescued by London police. Three victims identified as a 69-year-old Malaysian, a 57-year-old Irish... Charity Rights In Uk
Aneeta Prem, founder of Freedom Charity, speaks to Associated Press in central London, Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013.
photo: AP / Sang Tan

Latvia launches inquiry into deadly Riga store collapse
Full Article BBC News
22 Nov 2013

A criminal investigation has begun after the roof of a supermarket in the Latvian capital Riga collapsed, Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis has said. Eight people are dead and dozens more are feared missing as rescue efforts continued through the night. Two of those killed were emergency workers who were helping people trapped when more of the roof... Supermarket Roof Collapse Lativia
Rescuers work at the Maxima grocery store after its roof collapsed in Riga, Latvia, Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013.
photo: AP / Roman Koksarov

US gives Afghanistan year-end deadline to sign crucial security deal
Full Article South China Morning Post
22 Nov 2013

President Hamid Karzai triggered uncertainty about a vital security pact with the United States on Thursday by saying it should not be signed until after Afghanistan’s presidential election next April, prompting the White House to insist on a year-end deadline. Karzai’s surprise move, which came just a day after US Secretary of State John Kerry... In Afghan Withdrawal - Afghan In Afghanistan
Afghan President Hamid Karzai gestures while giving his opening address to dignitaries attending the peace jirga, in Kabul, Afghanistan, Wednesday, June 2, 2010.
photo: AP / Musadeq Sadeq

Truck bomb, attacks kill at least 48 in Iraq
Full Article Chicago Sun-Times
21 Nov 2013

Updated: November 21, 2013 12:39PM BAGHDAD (AP) — A truck bomb tore through an outdoor vegetable market in northeastern Iraq, the deadliest of a series of attacks Thursday that killed at least 48 people, officials said. The explosion in the town of Sadiyah, some 90 miles northeast of Baghdad, is the latest in a wave of attacks that has swept across... Qaida Violence Peace
Iraqis inspect the aftermath of a late-night bombing at a cafe in Bayaa neighborhood, southwestern Baghdad, Iraq, Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013.
photo: AP / Karim Kadim

Warsaw climate talks: the world's poorest cannot wait for a 2015 deal
Full Article The Guardian
21 Nov 2013

The clock is ticking and the temperature is rising – ministers in Warsaw must be ambitious if we're to avoid a pathway to disaster The largest environmental organizations, social movements and labour unions representatives walked out of the UN Climate Change Conference negotiations on 21 November. EPA/RAFAL GUZ Photograph: RAFAL GUZ/EPA We... Change Nations Disaster
Naval Aircrewman Tactical 2nd Class Chris Miller, left, assigned to the Warlords of Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 51, greets villagers during a relief supply drop in support of Operation Damayan, following Typhoon Haiyan, in Ormoc City, Philippines, 18 November, 2013.
photo: US Navy / Culinary Specialist 2nd Class Fidel C. Hart

Philippines struggles to keep typhoon aid, donations graft-free
Full Article Reuters
21 Nov 2013

MANILA (Reuters) - As millions of dollars pour in for more than four million left homeless by a typhoon in the central Philippines, authorities are grappling with a familiar problem - how to stop fraudulent claims and prevent greedy politicians taking advantage. Typhoon Haiyan smashed through the country on November 8, laying waste to just about... Disaster Haiyan Weather
Filipino civilians walk out of what remains of the Guiuan East Central Elementary School after Super Typhoon Haiyan, Eastern Samar Province, 17 November, 2013.
photo: US Navy / MCS Beverly Lesonik

Clippers hold on for 103-102 win over Sacramento
Full Article The Los Angeles Times
24 Nov 2013

The Clippers escaped this time but barely, heaving a sigh of relief when a missed jumper by DeMarcus Cousins off an inbounds play sealed their 103-102 victory over the Sacramento Kings at Staples Center on Saturday. At some point their defensive shortcomings will hurt them, and they acknowledged it. The Clippers played what Coach Doc Rivers called...
Kenyon Martin and Clippers players (Nick Young, Blake Griffin, Chris Paul and Randy Foye) on the floor vs Kings.
photo: Creative Commons / Fido

Pivotal World Title Game Wasn’t the One Played Last
Full Article The New York Times
23 Nov 2013

Magnus Carlsen was crowned champion of the chess world on Friday after the 10th game in his best-of-12 title series with the defending titleholder, Viswanathan Anand. But it was the previous game that basically clinched it for him. Carlsen, the first world champion from Norway, had taken an overwhelming lead, 4 points to 2, by winning Games 5 and... Chess World Championship Carlsen Anand
Magnus Carlsen before his first game at world blitz championship 2009.
photo: Creative Commons / Sergey Rassokha

Ronaldo scores before injury in Madrid rout
Full Article Boston Herald
23 Nov 2013

BARCELONA, SpainCristiano Ronaldo struck again in Real Madrid's 5-0 rout at Almeria before coming off with an injury on Saturday, while Barcelona didn't miss sidelined star Lionel... Real Madrid Ronaldo Almeria : 2013-14 La Liga
Real Madrid's Cristiano Ronaldo, left, celebrates with teammate Xabi Alonso after scoring against Almeria
photo: AP / Daniel Tejedor)

Arsenal beats Southampton 2-0 in Premier League
Full Article The Miami Herald
23 Nov 2013

LONDON -- Arsenal extended its Premier League lead to four points with a 2-0 win over Southampton on Saturday while Liverpool was held to a 3-3 draw at Everton. Arsenal bounced back from a defeat to defending champion Manchester United with a dominant display, capped by two goals from Olivier Giroud. The first came after Southampton goalkeeper... Arsenal Fc Fc Southampton Premier League
Arsenal's Oliver Giroud, left, celebrates his goal with Mesut Ozil, right, during their English Premier League soccer match against Sunderland at the Stadium of Light, Sunderland, England, Saturday, Sept. 14, 2013.
photo: AP / Scott Heppell

Arsenal 2-0 Southampton: Wenger 'very happy with difficult win'
Full Article BBC News
23 Nov 2013

Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger is pleased his team capitalised on the mistakes made by visitors Southampton to win 2-0 at the Emirates. Saints goalkeeper Artur Boruc gifted Arsenal the first goal, allowing Olivier Giroud to tackle him and tap in before Giroud added a second from the penalty... Arsenal Fc Fc Southampton Wenger
Arsenal's Arsene Wenger watches his team play against Bolton Wanderers during their English Premier League soccer match at Emirates Stadium, London, Saturday, Sept. 24, 2011.
photo: AP / Sang Tan

Barcelona beat Granada 4-0 without Messi
Full Article The Times of India
23 Nov 2013

BARCELONA: Barcelona made light work of Lionel Messi's absence to move six points clear at the top of La Liga with a routine 4-0 home win over Granada on Saturday. First-half penalties from Andres Iniesta and Cesc Fabregas put the Catalans in command at the break. Granada were then left to play the final quarter of the game with 10 men as Manuel... Fc Barcelona La Liga Cf
FC Barcelona's Tello, second right, reacts after scoring against Spartak Moscow during a Champions League soccer match group G at the Camp Nou stadium in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012.
photo: AP / Manu Fernandez

Depleted Barcelona cruise past Granada
Full Article France24
23 Nov 2013

AFP - Barcelona made light work of Lionel Messi's absence to move six points clear at the top of La Liga with a routine 4-0 home win over Granada on Saturday. First-half penalties from Andres Iniesta and Cesc Fabregas put the Catalans in command at the break. Granada were then left to play the final quarter of the game with 10 men as Manuel Iturra...
FC Barcelona's Cesc Fabregas, second right, reacts after scoring against Santos with his teammate Neymar, from Brazil, second right, during the Joan Gamper trophy match at the Camp Nou in Barcelona, Spain, Friday, Aug. 2, 2013.
photo: AP / Manu Fernandez

Michael Vick: Keep Nick Foles In Starting Role
Full Article Huffington Post
23 Nov 2013

By Aaron Wilson, National Football Post Michael Vick knows the situation he's in. In 2010, the Eagles opened the season with Kevin Kolb as their starting quarterback, only for him to go down due to injury. Vick came in and played magnificantly, which propelled him to the starter's role. The role reversed this year, with Vick going down with a...
Nick Foles of the Philadelphia Eagles
photo: Creative Commons / andyboyer

Latin Grammys go on after green carpet rainout
Full Article The Associated Press
22 Nov 2013

Undeterred by a torrential rainstorm that soaked the green-carpet arrivals, the stars of Latin music gathered Thursday to anoint Guatemalan-American singer-songwriter Gaby Moreno as best new artist at the 14th annual Latin Grammy Awards in Las Vegas. "What an honor, my first Grammy!" she said. "This award - I want to dedicate it to all my people in...
Carlos Vives performs onstage at the 14th Annual Latin Grammy Awards at the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino on Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013, in Las Vegas.
photo: AP / Frank Micelotta/Invision

AOL to shut down Winamp
Full Article CNN
20 Nov 2013

By David Goldman @DavidGoldmanCNN November 20, 2013: 5:17 PM ET AOL will stop supporting Winamp as of Dec. 20. NEW YORK (CNNMoney) Winamp, the iTunes predecessor you didn't realize still existed, is still alive and kicking -- for one more month. AOL (AOL) announced Wednesday that it will stop supporting the 15-year-old Winamp software,...
photo: WN / Saveri Dhekney

Madonna beats Elton, Gaga and Jovi to top Forbes highest-paid musician list
Full Article London Evening Standard
20 Nov 2013

The singer who broke onto the scene in the early 80s with hits such as Holiday and Lucky Star, is still the queen of pop according to the magazine, earning $125 million from June 2012 to May 2013. The figure was thanks to her sell-out MDMA Tour, and put her miles ahead of her nearest rival Lady Gaga, who raked in $80 million....
U.S. singer Madonna performs on stage during her 'Sticky and Sweet' tour in Tallinn, Estonia,Tuesday, Aug. 4, 2009.
photo: AP / Mindaugas Kulbis

Demi Lovato defends Miley Cyrus
Full Article Newstrack India
19 Nov 2013

Tweet Los Angeles, Nov 19 (IANS) Singer Demi Lovato believes that her friend, singer Miley Cyrus is a talented artist, overshadowed by her eyebrow-raising acts. "I think she knows what she's doing. A lot of...
Demi Lovato perfoms during the 2011 Y100 Jingle Ball at the Bank Atlantic Center Sunrise, Florida - December 10, 2011
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Kailash to Kailasa
Full Article Deccan Chronicle
19 Nov 2013

When Kailash Kher moved to Mumbai in 2001, he didn’t know where he was headed. Now, in 2013, after having made a name for himself in Bollywood, international concerts and Indian pop rock, Kailash feels he was born to create music. Famous for his powerful and high-pitched voice in playback singing, he turned music composer with Dasvidaniya, after...
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Eminem says he's thankful to survive an addiction
Full Article BBC News
19 Nov 2013

The US rap star Eminem has been speaking about his addiction problems. During an interview with Zane Lowe, which was broadcast on Monday night on BBC Radio 1, the rapper said: "I certainly could have taken another path." The 41-year-old, whose real name is Marshall Mathers, spent time in hospital in 2005 being treated for an addiction to...
FILE - In this Sept. 13, 2010 file photo, rapper Eminem performs at Yankee Stadium in New York.
photo: AP / Jason DeCrow

Rihanna performs on stage during her
photo: WN / Aruna Gilbert

RiRi 'falling for Brown'
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
17 Nov 2013

Rihanna is said to be "falling" for her ex-boyfriend Chris Brown following his anger management treatment. The Bajan singer and American rapper called time on their on-off five-year relationship in May. Last month, Chris entered an undisclosed treatment facility in Los Angeles for anger management. He is facing a misdemeanour assault charge after...
Rihanna performs at iHeart Radio Music Festival on Friday, Sept., 21, 2012 at the MGM Grand Arena in Las Vegas, Nv.
photo: AP / Eric Reed

Director Georges Lautner, centre, gestures as he arrives for the screening of The Paperboy at the 65th international film festival, in Cannes, southern France, Thursday, May 24, 2012.
photo: AP / Francois Mori

IFFI to have permanent facility in Goa from next year: Parrikar
Full Article Indian Express
21 Nov 2013

Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar today assured construction of a special facility to host International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in the state next to Miramar beach by the next edition of the event....
The Chief Minister of Goa, Shri Manohar Parrikar addressing at the inaugural ceremony of the 44th International Film Festival of India (IFFI-2013), in Panaji, Goa on November 20, 2013.
photo: PIB of India

Waheeda Rehman, Kamal Haasan, Susan Sarandon inaugurate IFFI 2013
Full Article Indian Express
21 Nov 2013

The 10-day-long International Film Festival of India (IFFI) today opened with legendary Waheeda Rehman getting the inaugural centenary film award and Hollywood star Susan Sarandon adding the extra glamour as the guest of honour. The festival also feted Oscar-winning Czech filmmaker Jiri Menzel with its prestigious Lifetime...
Actress Waheeda Rehman lighting the lamp at the inauguration of the 44th International Film Festival of India (IFFI-2013), in Panaji, Goa on November 20, 2013. The Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Information & Broadcasting, Shri Manish Tewari, Chief Minister of Goa, Shri Manohar Parrikar, the Secretary, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Shri Bimal Julka, Actor Kamal Hassan and American actress Mrs. Susan Sarandon are also seen.
photo: PIB of India

Kristen Mary "Kris" Jenner (formerly Kardashian; born November 5, 1955) is an American television reality star, and businesswoman.
photo: Creative Commons / Rubenstein

Elizabeth Banks Shares The Hunger Games Rules of Wearing McQueen
Full Article IMDb
19 Nov 2013

Elizabeth Banks picked a stunning Versace look for tonight's premiere of The...
Elizabeth Banks
photo: AP / Carlo Allegri

Interview: Tapping Bruce Dern for His New FIlm ‘Nebraska’
Full Article IMDb
19 Nov 2013

ChicagoVeteran actor Bruce Dern is now up to bat. That is how he describes what is at stake in his role as Woody in director Alexander Payne’s new film,...
Bruce Dern
photo: Creative Commons

Katie Holmes takes guided tour of Nelson Mandela jail
Full Article Indian Express
19 Nov 2013

Actress Katie Holmes is believed to have taken a guided tour of the jail where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 18 years. The 34-year-old 'Batman Begins' star,...
Actress Katie Holmes attends the opening night after party for Arthur Miller's 'All My Sons' on Thursday, Oct.16, 2008 in New York.
photo: AP / Evan Agostini)

‘Insidious: Chapter 3′ Scheduled for a Spring 2015 Release
Full Article IMDb
19 Nov 2013

When director James Wan released his simple, low-budget haunted house horror movie Insidious in 2011, a lot of people sat up and paid attention. By...
James Wan speaking at the 2013 WonderCon at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California.
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

Obama insists US economy 'headed in right direction'
Full Article France24
23 Nov 2013

AFP - Barack Obama, amid the lowest poll numbers of his presidency and a barrage of bad headlines, accentuated the positive on Saturday, telling Americans that the US economy is headed "in the right direction." "Over the past couple months, most of...
President Barack Obama, right, speaks at a campaign fundraiser for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid D-Nev., left, in Las Vegas, Thursday, July 8, 2010.
photo: AP / Pablo Martinez Monsivais

Cantillon: Angela Merkel comes bearing gifts for Irish SMEs
Full Article The Irish Times
23 Nov 2013

We all know to beware strangers bearing gifts. But what if the stranger is Angela Merkel, she’s wearing a Santa suit and the gift is a German bank offering low-interest loans to Ireland? It was Merkel’s waxwork model (above) that donned the Santa suit yesterday in Berlin, but the German leader was already mentally in costume when Enda Kenny called...
German Chancellor Angela Merkel speaks at the economic forum in St. Petersburg, Russia, Friday, June 21, 2013. The European Union wants closer cooperation with Russia in order to remove economic barriers, and the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum is an important platform for these ends, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Friday, addressing the forum’s plenary meeting.
photo: AP / RIA-Novosti, Mikhail Klimentyev, Presidential Press Service

Merkel hails Greek progress in cutting debt, urges more efforts
Full Article CNTV
22 Nov 2013

BERLIN, Nov. 22 (Xinhua) -- German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday praised the progress Greece has made in cutting debt while meeting her Greek counterpart, but said more could be done in its efforts to overcome the crisis. Merkel noted "mojor progress" in cutting Greece's debt, adding that she has "full confidence in the Greek government and...
German Chancellor Angela Merkel smiles during an election campaign event in Hannover, Germany, Friday Sept. 20, 2013. The German federal elections take place on Sept. 22, 2013.
photo: AP / dpa,Jochen Luebke

Greece Says It Is on Track to Repay Bailout
Full Article The New York Times
22 Nov 2013

BERLIN — Prime Minister Antonis Samaras of Greece, meeting on Friday with Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, said that his country was poised to return to economic stability and was “on track” to repay its international creditors. Standing beside Ms. Merkel after talks in Berlin on Friday, Mr. Samaras cited a primary budget surplus — a surplus...
Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, delivers a speech during the inauguration of the annual Thessaloniki International Trade Fair Saturday Sept. 7, 2013. Labor unions are planing a series of weekend demonstrations in the country's second largest city, demanding a reversal of minimum wage cuts imposed in the bailed out country last year. His government is facing confrontation with unions over plans to begin mass firings and forced transfers of public sector workers.
photo: AP / Nikolas Giakoumidis

Stocks mixed in early trading on Wall Street
Full Article Knox News
22 Nov 2013

Stocks were mixed in early trading Friday as traders and investors lacked a catalyst to push the major indexes higher after strong gains this year. Ross Stores was the biggest decliner after the company said that it anticipates intense competition and discounting this holiday shopping season. Time Warner Cable was among the... Reserve Stocks
Trader Anthony Pugliese, left, uses his handheld device as he works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Monday, Nov. 1, 2010.
photo: AP / Richard Drew

Stocks Stumble a Day After Dow Closes Above 16,000
Full Article The New York Times
22 Nov 2013

Stocks on Wall Street were mixed on Friday after the Dow Jones industrial average closed above 16,000 points for the first time, amid a dearth of new data and ahead of a holiday-shortened week in the United States. In early trading the Standard & Poor’s 500-share index was flat, the Dow Jones industrial average was off 0.2 percent and the... Jones Industrial Average Reserve Bank Of Atlanta Stocks
Traders gather at the post that trades Goldman Sachs on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Monday, April 19, 2010
photo: AP / Richard Drew

Q&A with White Sox owner Jerry Reinsdorf (Los Angeles Dodgers)
Full Article noodls
22 Nov 2013

(Source: Los Angeles Dodgers) ORLANDO, Fla. -- No man knows Bud Selig and David Stern better than Jerry Reinsdorf, owner of two teams in Major League Baseball and the National Basketball Association -- the White Sox and Bulls -- under the two legendary commissioners. Stern and Selig have announced they will retire less than a year from one another:...
Chicago White Sox chairman Jerry Reinsdorf, left, talks with New York Yankees' Alex Rodriguez, right, before a baseball game between the Yankees and the White Sox, Friday, Aug. 27, 2010, in Chicago. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)
photo: AP / Charles Rex Arbogast

Toyota promising mass-produced fuel cell car by 2015
Full Article Business Journal
22 Nov 2013

Mike W. Thomas Reporter- San Antonio Business Journal Email | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook Toyota Motor Corp. executives are promising to have a mass-produced feul cell car on the market by 2015, the Associated Press reports. Fuel cell vehicles run on clean-burning hydrogen and are seen as a promising alternative...
Toyota FCHV-adv (Fuel Cell Hybrid Hydrogen Vehicle Advanced) SUV at the 2010 Washington Auto Show
photo: Creative Commons / Mariordo

Hollande lays out 4 conditions for Iran agreement
Hollande lays out 4 conditions for Iran agreement
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:51
  • Updated: 18 Nov 2013
France continues its anti-Iran rhetoric, ahead of the talks in Geneva between Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany that are expected to reach a nuclear deal. The previous round of talks was scuppered when French Foreign Minister Lauren Fabius insisted on taking all Israeli concerns into consideration before striking any deal with Iran. This time, French President Francois Hollande is taking the same approach, setting some conditions for an agreement.
  • published: 18 Nov 2013
  • views: 23

"Nature Does Not Negotiate": Environmentalists Walk Out of U.N. Climate Summit in Warsaw
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:01
  • Updated: 21 Nov 2013 - As we began our show, hundreds of environmental activists walked out of the U.N. climate change summit in Warsaw, Poland, today over the absence of a binding agreement on curbing global warming. The move comes less than 36 hours after a group of 133 developing nations walked out of a key negotiating meeting amidst a conflict over how countries who have historically emitted the most greenhouse gases should be held financially responsible for some of the damage caused by extreme weather. "Our message to our political leaders is that nature does not negotiate," says Greenpeace Executive Director Kumi Naidoo. "You can't change the science -- we have to change political will." See all of our coverage from the U.N. climate summit in Warsaw, Poland: Democracy Now!, is an independent global news hour that airs weekdays on 1,200+ TV and radio stations Monday through Friday. Watch it live 8-9am ET at FOLLOW DEMOCRACY NOW! ONLINE: Facebook: Twitter: @democracynow Subscribe on YouTube: Listen on SoundCloud: Daily Email News Digest: Google+: Instagram: Tumblr: http://democracynow.tumblr. Watch Democracy Now! live 8-9am ET Monday through Friday via livestream at Please consider supporting independent media by making a donation to Democracy Now! today, visit
  • published: 21 Nov 2013
  • views: 767

Iran nuclear talks at 'critical stage'
Iran nuclear talks at 'critical stage'
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:35
  • Updated: 09 Nov 2013
Top diplomats from four of the world's most powerful countries are meeting Iran's foreign minister to try and reach a deal on his country's nuclear programme. The fact that they're all there indicates that some breakthrough could be on the horizon. The West accuses Iran of building nuclear weapons, a charge Tehran strongly denies. Al Jazeera's James Bays reports.
  • published: 09 Nov 2013
  • views: 328'critical_stage'

Children's fighting spirit in wake of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines
Children's fighting spirit in wake of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:21
  • Updated: 13 Nov 2013
Children from an orphanage in Tacloban show their amazing fighting spirit in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. Report by Sarah Johnston.
  • published: 13 Nov 2013
  • views: 97's_fighting_spirit_in_wake_of_Typhoon_Haiyan_in_the_Philippines

John Kerry Morning Joe On Congress, Iran, Israel etc. 11/14/13
John Kerry Morning Joe On Congress, Iran, Israel etc. 11/14/13
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:08
  • Updated: 14 Nov 2013
Secretary of State John Kerry said Thursday during a Morning Joe exclusive interview. "We respectively believe that the executive branch of government under the Constitution deserves the right to negotiate and present them with something, and that this is not the moment to second guess that process," he said on the show. "You have to do something in order to make it worthwhile for them to say, 'Yes, we're going to lock our program where it is today and actually roll it back.'...If we don't negotiate and we don't get this agreement, the exact opposite happens." Conversations with Iran over its nuclear program stalled over the weekend, but a new round of talks will begin next week. Kerry along with Vice President Joe Biden urged senators on Wednesday to trust leaders can reach an agreement with Iran to halt the expansion of its nuclear programs, and hold off on new sanctions against the country. The secretary of state asked lawmakers on Wednesday to "calm down" over proposed new sanctions, warning they could harm diplomatic efforts. "The risk is that if Congress were to unilaterally move to raise sanctions, it could break faith with those negotiations and actually stop them and break them apart," Kerry said earlier this week. Related: U.S. faces resistance from allies on Iran U.S. officials remain "hopeful" about reaching a deal with the West Asian country, he said on Thursday. But it is now critical to focus on the centerpiece of President Obama's policy that under no circumstances will Iran gain access to a nuclear weapon. "What we're really asking the Congress to do is give us the time to be able to negotiate and present a good deal that will be able to protect Israel, protect our interest, protect the region, and guarantee--I mean guarantee--fail-safe that Iran will not be able to get a nuclear weapon. It's a pretty simple proposition," said Kerry. Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu favors increasing the sanctions and putting further pressure on Iran. But U.S. officials disagree with the tactic. Kerry on Thursday said he has had "friendly and civil" conversation with Netanyahu, and he "respects completely" the prime minister's deep concerns about the existential nature of the threat of Iran's weapons to his country. "We believe that you need to take this first step and that you will not get Iran to simply surrender and believe you're dealing in good faith if after two years of negotiating you don't follow through on with what's on the table," Kerry said on the show. "We stand with Israel firmly, 100%," he added. "The end game for us is exactly the same: Iran cannot have a peaceful nuclear program...There must be absolute clarity of the processes which will guarantee it is a peaceful program, that's our mutual goal."
  • published: 14 Nov 2013
  • views: 1853,_Iran,_Israel_etc_11/14/13

Typhoon Haiyan aid effort hindered by damaged infrastructure
Typhoon Haiyan aid effort hindered by damaged infrastructure
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:00
  • Updated: 13 Nov 2013
While a massive international relief effort is underway, there is little evidence of it on the ground. Tacloban's airport was badly damaged by the typhoon and is currently without power, meaning planes can't land at night and aid workers are struggling to get supplies in. Seth Doane reports.
  • published: 13 Nov 2013
  • views: 7975

SHOCKING: Video unreleased JFK assassination
SHOCKING: Video unreleased JFK assassination
  • Order:
  • Duration: 15:12
  • Updated: 27 Jun 2013 Vídeo tomado de: Los internautas se han mostrado inquietos por una grabación del famoso asesinato de John F. Kennedy. Dicen que es un video completo de lo que ocurrió desde el aeropuerto de Dallas hasta el hospital el día 22 de noviembre de 1963. La escena más impresionante empieza en el minuto 5:59. La primera bala pasa casi desapercibida, sólo podemos ver cómo el presidente de EE.UU. empieza a caer en manos de su mujer, Jacqueline. Pero la segunda bala impacta de lleno en el cráneo. Kennedy fue llevado al hospital, donde media hora después de los disparos, los médicos certificaron la muerte. El video dura un poco más de 15 minutos. Se desconoce quién fue el autor del montaje del nuevo video, que, de hecho, representa una mezcla de videos diferentes, tanto en color, así como en blanco y negro. Netizens have shown disturbed by a recording of the famous assassination of John F. Kennedy. They say it's a complete video of what happened from the Dallas airport to the hospital on November 22, 1963. The most impressive scene starts at minute 5:59. The first bullet goes almost unnoticed, we can only see how the U.S. president begins to fall into the hands of his wife, Jacqueline. But the second bullet strikes squarely in the skull. Kennedy was taken to hospital, where half an hour after the shooting, doctors certified the death. The video is a little over 15 minutes. It is unknown who was the author of the assembly of the new video, which, in fact, represents a mixture of different videos in both color and black and white.
  • published: 27 Jun 2013
  • views: 2610086

Three women 'kept as slaves for 30 years' rescued in London
Three women 'kept as slaves for 30 years' rescued in London
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:41
  • Updated: 22 Nov 2013
News: Three women rescued after 'decades of slavery' in south London home AFP The Guardian ‎- 2 minutes ago Three women rescued after 'decades of slavery' in south London home ... held against her will in a house in London for more than 30 years. Three women rescued from south London house after '30 years of slavery'‎ - 4 hours ago More news for Three women 'kept as slaves for 30 years ... » Women 'kept as slaves for 30 years' rescued from South London ...‎ 17 hours ago - Three 'deeply traumatised' women rescued from London house had been held as slaves for THIRTY YEARS: One victim, 30, may have been ... British woman, 30, spent her entire life as a slave in London house ...‎ 5 hours ago - FIRST POLICE STATEMENT on three rescued 'slave women' ... Discovery: Three female slaves, one held for more than 30 years, have been ... Two freed on bail in '30-year slavery' case - Yahoo News‎ 6 hours ago - ... the case of three traumatised women who allegedly spent 30 years as slaves, ... The women, who are now in an unspecified location, were rescued after ... had been held against their will in a house in London for 30 years. London slaves: three women freed after 30 years' captivity | World ... › News › World news › Slavery‎ 1 min ago - Traumatised trio rescued from 'ordinary house on ordinary street' as police say human trafficking ... London slaves: three women freed after 30 years' captivity ... British police arrest two over women allegedly held as slaves. Police rescue three women held captive for 30 years in London house‎ 3 hours ago - Police rescue three women held captive for 30 years in London house ... they are believed to have been held as slaves for at least 30 years. Live updates: Three 'slave women' rescued in London after being ...‎ by Natalie Evans - in 122 Google+ circles Live updates: Three 'slave women' rescued in London after being held for more than 30 years. 21 Nov 2013 21:13. Follow our live news updates after police ... BBC News - Women 'held as slaves for 30 years'‎ 6 mins ago - Three women have been "rescued" from a south London house as police investigate claims they were held as slaves for about 30 years. Three women 'held as slaves' in south London - Telegraph › News › UK News › Crime‎ 14 hours ago - Video: Charity head says London slave women rescue 'miraculous' ... that all three women were held in this situation for at least 30 years. 'Slave' women held for 30 years rescued from London house ... › News‎ 4 hours ago - LONDON (Reuters) - Three women enslaved for 30 years have been rescued ... 'Slave' women held for 30 years rescued from London
  • published: 22 Nov 2013
  • views: 730'kept_as_slaves_for_30_years'_rescued_in_London

48 dead  after supermarket roof collapse in Riga, Latvia
48 dead after supermarket roof collapse in Riga, Latvia
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:06
  • Updated: 21 Nov 2013
RIGA, Latvia — Hordes of shoppers were picking up food after work in the Latvian capital when an enormous section of the supermarket's roof caved in. Firefighters rushed in to save them, only to be crushed themselves when a second part of the roof collapsed. The death toll from the rush-hour disaster Thursday evening at the Maxima supermarket in Riga rose steadily through the night. Latvian police say the number of dead from a supermarket roof collapse has risen to 48. Spokesman Toms Sadovskisk says officials expect the death toll at the sprawling Maxima supermarket in Riga to rise further. He said Friday the number of injured remains at 35 and that nine of the dead are still unidentified. =================================================== 48 dead after supermarket roof collapsed in Riga, Latvia 48 dead after supermarket roof collapsed in Riga, Latvia 48 dead after supermarket roof collapsed in Riga, Latvia 48 dead after supermarket roof collapsed in Riga, Latvia Latvia roof collapse Latvia roof collapse Latvia roof collapse Latvia roof collapse roof collapse at Latvian mall
  • published: 21 Nov 2013
  • views: 8148,_Latvia

U.S. & Afghanistan reach security deal
U.S. & Afghanistan reach security deal
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:00
  • Updated: 20 Nov 2013
CNN's Elise Labott has information on a deal that will allow U.S. troops to stay in Afghanistan for security purposes.
  • published: 20 Nov 2013
  • views: 24

The Iraq War It's Hell, Mr President  BBC full documentary 2013  Iraq story up to date Episode 3
The Iraq War It's Hell, Mr President BBC full documentary 2013 Iraq story up to date Episode 3
  • Order:
  • Duration: 59:16
  • Updated: 13 Jun 2013
The last episode in this three-part series brings the Iraq story up to date. Tony Blair and Dick Cheney describe how they responded as horrific sectarian violence overtook Iraq. Foreign Secretary Jack Straw tells how he and Condoleeza Rice compelled Iraq's prime minister to resign. Other key insiders reveal how they selected and supported his replacement. With an exclusive interview with controversial Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki, the programme tells how the war ended and why Iraq today faces the worst sectarian violence in five years.
  • published: 13 Jun 2013
  • views: 81165's_Hell,_Mr_President__BBC_full_documentary_2013__Iraq_story_up_to_date_Episode_3

"Nature Does Not Negotiate": Environmentalists Walk Out of U.N. Climate Summit in Warsaw
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:01
  • Updated: 21 Nov 2013 - As we began our show, hundreds of environmental activists walked out of the U.N. climate change summit in Warsaw, Poland, today over the absence of a binding agreement on curbing global warming. The move comes less than 36 hours after a group of 133 developing nations walked out of a key negotiating meeting amidst a conflict over how countries who have historically emitted the most greenhouse gases should be held financially responsible for some of the damage caused by extreme weather. "Our message to our political leaders is that nature does not negotiate," says Greenpeace Executive Director Kumi Naidoo. "You can't change the science -- we have to change political will." See all of our coverage from the U.N. climate summit in Warsaw, Poland: Democracy Now!, is an independent global news hour that airs weekdays on 1,200+ TV and radio stations Monday through Friday. Watch it live 8-9am ET at FOLLOW DEMOCRACY NOW! ONLINE: Facebook: Twitter: @democracynow Subscribe on YouTube: Listen on SoundCloud: Daily Email News Digest: Google+: Instagram: Tumblr: http://democracynow.tumblr. Watch Democracy Now! live 8-9am ET Monday through Friday via livestream at Please consider supporting independent media by making a donation to Democracy Now! today, visit
  • published: 21 Nov 2013
  • views: 767

BBC News   Typhoon Haiyan  Remote Philippines towns receive aid
BBC News Typhoon Haiyan Remote Philippines towns receive aid
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:16
  • Updated: 17 Nov 2013
Remote parts of the Philippines cut off by Typhoon Haiyan have started to receive aid following criticism of the slow pace of response efforts. Around half a million people have been left homeless by one of the strongest storms ever to make landfall. Rajesh Mirchandani reports from Tacloban.^^^^PLEASE SUBSCRİBE^^^^
  • published: 17 Nov 2013
  • views: 12262

Karzai says 'no trust' with US with Afghan security deal at stake
Karzai says 'no trust' with US with Afghan security deal at stake
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:57
  • Updated: 21 Nov 2013
Security has been tight in the Afghan capital as tribal elders gathered to debate a crucial pact agreed in draft form between Kabul and Washington. The US is said to have got its way on several controversial issues concerning the conditions under which its troops may stay beyond 2014. Intense negotiations and wrangling between both governments preceded the meeting of up to 2,500 Afghan elders at the Loya Jirga. The accord's implementation depends to a great extent on President Karzai. He told the assembly his relations with America were not good. "I don't trust them and they don't trust me," he said. Recently he accused international forces of bringing only suffering to Afghanistan. But before the Loya Jirga he said the deal was of national importance, and he called the meeting to seek political support for it. The draft says US soldiers accused of offences in Afghanistan will be subject to US not Afghan justice. It says US forces "shall not target Afghan civilians, including in their homes", wording seen as granting freedom to pursue militants. Without the accord, the American government has warned it may withdraw all its forces by the end of next year.
  • published: 21 Nov 2013
  • views: 19'no_trust'_with_US_with_Afghan_security_deal_at_stake

NSA Spying On All UK People And Businesses
NSA Spying On All UK People And Businesses
  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:11
  • Updated: 13 Jun 2013
http://xrepublic,tv Recorded from BBC NEwsnight, 10 June 2013.
  • published: 13 Jun 2013
  • views: 3256

President Barack Obama, right, speaks at a campaign fundraiser for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid D-Nev., left, in Las Vegas, Thursday, July 8, 2010. US Navy 090121-N-8848T-928 Chicago Bulls guard Derrick Rose signs autographs for a group of Chicago-area recruits at the Chicago Bulls Berto Center practice facility President Barack Obama meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Monday, March, 5, 2012, in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington. Congressman Allen West speaking at the 2012 CPAC in Washington, D.C.

Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, center, delivers his speech before members of Parliament as his deputy Budiono, rear left, looks on, Friday, Aug. 16, 2013, one day ahead of the country's independence day in Jakarta, Indonesia. Magnus Carlsen at London Chess Classic 2010 Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Friday, Aug. 7, 2009 in New York Hugh Jackman speaking at the 2013 San Diego Comic Con International, for "X-Men: Days of Future Past", at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California.

U.S. military faces Africa cuts, sees Somalia, Mali successes In this photo of Monday Nov 8, 2010, President Yoweri Museveni  of Uganda Sing his popular song at Otwal primary school in Lira District, Uganda. He's 65, he's been president for two decades, and he's Uganda's newest rap star. Facing a February election, President Yoweri Museveni  has released a rap song and video that's become a sensation in this East African nation. Supporters at a rally in northern Uganda last week called for Museveni to peform the hit. Museveni chuckled, then cleared his throat and started to rap. "You want another rap?" Museveni sang, quoting the chorus and the song's name. Supporters danced wildly. Africa loses $50bn annually Wikipedia

FILE - In this Jan. 18, 2006 file photograph, Israeli Isaac Herzog, a former cabinet minister, gestures after the primary results were announced during a convention in the community of Beit Berl in central Israel. Veteran lawmaker Herzog has unseated the incumbent Labor Party leader Shelly Yachimovich on Friday, Nov. 22, 2013, and will become Israel’s new opposition leader. Iraqis gather at the site of a car bomb attack in the Sadr City neighborhood of Baghdad, Iraq, Monday, Nov. 18, 2013. Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe delivers a speech following his inauguration in Harare, Thursday, Aug. 22, 2013. Palestinian boys hold portraits of late leader Yasser Arafat during a ceremony to commemorate the Nakba, or the catastrophe, the Arabic term used to describe the uprooting of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with the 1948 creation of the state of Israel, in the West Bank village of Beit Anan, near Ramallah, Saturday May 10, 2008. In the West Bank and Gaza, Palestinians staged events to remind the world that Israel's creation as been their "nakba," or catastrophe. Hundreds of thousands were uprooted during the 1948 war over Israel's creation, and some 4.5 million Palestinian refugees and their descendants are scattered across the region toda

In this Jan. 8, 2010, file photo President Barack Obama arrives in the East Room of the White House in Washington. Ousted Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich told Esquire magazine in its February issue that he's "blacker than Barack Obama" and that he was a real person in a political arena dominated by phonies. INDIAN-CRICKTER-SACHIN-TENDULKAR Men and Women Laurent Salvador Lamothe, Prime Minister of Haiti, addresses the general debate of the sixty-eighth session of the General Assembly.

Opposition Liberal Party leader Tony Abbott speaks during a press conference in Canberra, Australia, Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2010. Labor Party now would need an additional three seats to form a minority government, as would the conservative coalition, but Labor controls the caretaker administration in the meantime under Prime Minister Julia Gillard. England Batsman Alastair Cook after Century on 3 Day 3rd Test Match against India  at Eden Garden in Kolkata on Friday 07 December 2012 In this Sept. 1, 2013 photo, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd speaks to the crowd during the Australian Labor Party's campaign launch in Brisbane, Australia. India's Rohit Sharma smiles during practice session in Dambulla, Sri Lanka, Monday, Aug. 23, 2010. India, Sri Lanka and New Zealand are currently playing the tri nation cricket series.

The Guardian
Portugal's 28-year-old striker produced another superb solo spectacle last week. Yet even as he awaits his coronation as the world's leading footballer, he remains one of its most...
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling Driving up the crude and makeshift road with towering pines and oak trees on both sides, David and Anna were barely visible in the...
Houston Press
Everyone and their dog is talking about the day President John F. Kennedy was shot in Dallas, 50 years ago today. There are countless videos, documentaries and newspaper inches...

Chess Grandmaster Magnus Carlsen, No. 1 rated in the world, in play in round seven of the Tata Steel tournament
Norway’s Magnus Carlsen, dubbed the “Justin Bieber of chess,” won the Chess World Championship on Friday, playing a patient game and driving defending champion Viswanathan Anand of India to make self-destructive mistakes. Carlsen, 22, whose boyish...
photo: Creative Commons / Flickr / Frans Peeters
John F. Kennedy
Today is the 50th anniversary of the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Over the last few days, a lot has been said and written about how the world has changed and how this event was the birth of live TV news coverage. It is also an event that...
photo: US Government
Almonds - Dry fruit - health - food
People who eat a daily handful of nuts are 20 per cent less likely to die from any cause over a 30-year period than those who didn't consume nuts, according to the largest study of its kind. Scientists from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Brigham and...
photo: WN / Geeta
President Barack Obama crosses the South Lawn of the White House in Washington Saturday, Dec. 11, 2011, after returning on Marine One from the Army Vs. Navy NCAA college football game at FedEx Field.
President Barack Obama is ordering that flags be lowered at government buildings Friday to...
photo: AP / Jacquelyn Martin
President-elect Obama talks on his cell phone after boarding his plane at Washington's Reagan National Airport after meeting with President Bush at the White House in Washington, Monday, Nov. 10, 2008.
WASHINGTON: Rules against making cellphone calls during airline flights are "outdated," and it's time to change them, US government regulators said on Thursday, drawing immediate howls of protest from flight attendants, airline officials and others....
photo: AP / Charles Dharapak
General Motors Co. Chairman and interim Chief Executive, Edward Whitacre Jr., announces he will become the permanent CEO of the automaker during a news conference in Detroit Monday, Jan. 25, 2010
The U.S. says it plans to sell the last of its ownership stake in automaker General Motors by the end of the year. The government owned 61 percent of the world's second biggest auto manufacturer five years ago....
photo: AP / Paul Sancya
NYSE Euronext market indicators are shown on a board on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Monday, Oct. 12, 2009 in New York
After several intraday crosses during the week, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI) finished above 16,000 for the first time. Today's milestone move for the Dow came after a late-day slide on Wednesday. Stocks started off strong due to...
photo: AP / Henny Ray Abrams