- published: 06 Sep 2012
- views: 4563
- author: Tung Phan Thanh

Lập trình PasCal - Bài 1: Giới thiệu về ngôn ngữ PasCal
Trong bài này , mình xin giới thiệu sơ lược về ngôn ngữ PasCal: +Xuất xứ ngôn ngữ PasCal +...
published: 06 Sep 2012
author: Tung Phan Thanh
Lập trình PasCal - Bài 1: Giới thiệu về ngôn ngữ PasCal
Lập trình PasCal - Bài 1: Giới thiệu về ngôn ngữ PasCal
Trong bài này , mình xin giới thiệu sơ lược về ngôn ngữ PasCal: +Xuất xứ ngôn ngữ PasCal +Cấu trúc căn bản +Phương pháp khai báo và tổ chức 1 chương trình Pa...- published: 06 Sep 2012
- views: 4563
- author: Tung Phan Thanh

Blaise Pascal - Filme Completo
Blaise Pascal foi um pensador francês do Século XVII que teve grandes contribuições com a ...
published: 02 Feb 2012
author: aprendendoajogar
Blaise Pascal - Filme Completo
Blaise Pascal - Filme Completo
Blaise Pascal foi um pensador francês do Século XVII que teve grandes contribuições com a ciência de sua época. Fez a primeira máquina de calcular mecânica (...- published: 02 Feb 2012
- views: 69699
- author: aprendendoajogar

Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) Pensées
http://www.philosophybites.com/ http://oregonstate.edu/instruct/phl302/texts/pascal/pensee...
published: 20 Aug 2011
author: pangeaprogressredux
Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) Pensées
Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) Pensées
http://www.philosophybites.com/ http://oregonstate.edu/instruct/phl302/texts/pascal/pensees-contents.html There are two kinds of argument for theism. Traditi...- published: 20 Aug 2011
- views: 12624
- author: pangeaprogressredux

Chumbeque & Pascal ft doble D y Ces one Primero. MEXICO-CHILE
YING DESIGN85 PRESENTA algo mas de DOD MUSIC ahora nos fuimos mas internacionales CHUMBEQU...
published: 24 Sep 2012
author: dodmusicmx
Chumbeque & Pascal ft doble D y Ces one Primero. MEXICO-CHILE
Chumbeque & Pascal ft doble D y Ces one Primero. MEXICO-CHILE
YING DESIGN85 PRESENTA algo mas de DOD MUSIC ahora nos fuimos mas internacionales CHUMBEQUE & PASCAL ft DOBLE D, CES ONE MEXICO-CHILE https://www.facebook.co...- published: 24 Sep 2012
- views: 69988
- author: dodmusicmx

Free Pascal Program Tutorial 1 - Getting Started - Lazarus Download Link
http://www.schoolfreeware.com The Free Pascal Compiler ( FPC ) with the Lazarus IDE is a f...
published: 13 May 2012
author: SchoolFreeware
Free Pascal Program Tutorial 1 - Getting Started - Lazarus Download Link
Free Pascal Program Tutorial 1 - Getting Started - Lazarus Download Link
http://www.schoolfreeware.com The Free Pascal Compiler ( FPC ) with the Lazarus IDE is a free clone of Turbo Pascal and Delphi. Currently, SchoolFreeware has...- published: 13 May 2012
- views: 36399
- author: SchoolFreeware

Pascal's Law and Hydraulic Brake System
Check us out at http://www.tutorvista.com/content/physics/physics-iii/solids-and-fluids/pa...
published: 06 May 2010
author: TutorVista
Pascal's Law and Hydraulic Brake System
Pascal's Law and Hydraulic Brake System
Check us out at http://www.tutorvista.com/content/physics/physics-iii/solids-and-fluids/pascals-law-applications.php Pascal's Law The Pascal's law states tha...- published: 06 May 2010
- views: 234261
- author: TutorVista

Son Pascal and Anuar Nurpeisov - Englishman in Shymkent
Produced and directed by Anuar Nurpeisov for "zero tenge" I don't drink coffee I drink k,y...
published: 18 Mar 2012
author: Tip Top
Son Pascal and Anuar Nurpeisov - Englishman in Shymkent
Son Pascal and Anuar Nurpeisov - Englishman in Shymkent
Produced and directed by Anuar Nurpeisov for "zero tenge" I don't drink coffee I drink k,ymyz my dear I like my bayrsak, with shai I left London for a sunny ...- published: 18 Mar 2012
- views: 354524
- author: Tip Top

[Pascal] 1 урок. переменные, ввод-вывод
краткий курс программирования на паскале. переменные, ввод-вывод группа канала: http://vko...
published: 13 Jun 2011
author: GroupAbelian
[Pascal] 1 урок. переменные, ввод-вывод
[Pascal] 1 урок. переменные, ввод-вывод
краткий курс программирования на паскале. переменные, ввод-вывод группа канала: http://vkontakte.ru/gabelian заходите на сайт http://pascal.neru9.com/- published: 13 Jun 2011
- views: 58909
- author: GroupAbelian

Física - Aula 04 - Hidrostática - Leis de Stevin, Pascal e Arquimedes
A quarta aula de Física do nosso curso de revisão para vestibular e enem abordará os conce...
published: 26 Oct 2012
author: Aulalivre .net
Física - Aula 04 - Hidrostática - Leis de Stevin, Pascal e Arquimedes
Física - Aula 04 - Hidrostática - Leis de Stevin, Pascal e Arquimedes
A quarta aula de Física do nosso curso de revisão para vestibular e enem abordará os conceitos de hidrostática, com ênfase nas diversas aplicações do cotidia...- published: 26 Oct 2012
- views: 53708
- author: Aulalivre .net

Сон Паскаль - Жаным сол (Son Pascal - Zhanym sol)
Казахстан . Итальянский исполнитель Son Pascal признался в любви с помощью новой композици...
published: 05 Feb 2013
author: Алтынбек Абишев
Сон Паскаль - Жаным сол (Son Pascal - Zhanym sol)
Сон Паскаль - Жаным сол (Son Pascal - Zhanym sol)
Казахстан . Итальянский исполнитель Son Pascal признался в любви с помощью новой композиции на казахском языке. Son Pascal является автором музыки к песне с ...- published: 05 Feb 2013
- views: 36419
- author: Алтынбек Абишев

Tangled - Lost: Chameleon "Pascal"
Become a fan on Facebook and order here: http://on.fb.me/hKyeqw Play the Tangled Double Tr...
published: 11 Oct 2010
author: disneyanimation
Tangled - Lost: Chameleon "Pascal"
Tangled - Lost: Chameleon "Pascal"
Become a fan on Facebook and order here: http://on.fb.me/hKyeqw Play the Tangled Double Trouble Game: http://bit.ly/gzzOKb Tangled is now available on Four-D...- published: 11 Oct 2010
- views: 910646
- author: disneyanimation

A filosofia de Pascal - com o prof. Andrei Venturini
Os filósofos Francielle e Paulo Ghiraldelli conversam com o filósofo Andrei Venturini, esp...
published: 17 Apr 2013
author: Hora da Coruja
A filosofia de Pascal - com o prof. Andrei Venturini
A filosofia de Pascal - com o prof. Andrei Venturini
Os filósofos Francielle e Paulo Ghiraldelli conversam com o filósofo Andrei Venturini, especialista em Pascal e professor na cidade de São Paulo. Programa ex...- published: 17 Apr 2013
- views: 1500
- author: Hora da Coruja

[Pascal] - Введение в программирование. | Урок №1
Данный видео урок посвящен основам языка программирование Паскаль. (Pascal). То есть введе...
published: 13 Aug 2013
[Pascal] - Введение в программирование. | Урок №1
[Pascal] - Введение в программирование. | Урок №1
Данный видео урок посвящен основам языка программирование Паскаль. (Pascal). То есть введение. Начало изучения программирования. Паскаль и конспект: http://rghost.ru/46143281 (Скачать) ___________________________________________________________ Музыка: "Urbana-Metronica (wooh-yeah mix)" by spinningmerkaba __________________________________________________ Теги: IPB , уроки ipb , сделать форум ipb , паскаль уроки , видео уроки по ipb , как сделать свой форум , свой собственный форум , делаем форум , форум с нуля , ipb с нуля, туториалы по ipb, invision power board lessons, how to install ipb, ipb tutorials, устанавливаем ipb , как поставить шаблон ipb , как сменить стиль ipb , ipb версия , ошибка ipb , hostinger , как сделать свой сайт , паскаль , изучаем паскаль , учим паскаль , лучшие уроки , pascal abc , паскалька , pascal lessons , нужно сделать форум , можно ли сделать форум самому , делаем форум , imprav-forum , imprav,great , YouTube lessons , imprav.ru , как поставить хук ipb , hook ipb , как поставить мод ipb , как поставить чат ipb , pascal abc уроки туториалы, пишем программу на паскаль, программа pascal, pascal code, pascal.- published: 13 Aug 2013
- views: 193
Vimeo results:

Carving the Mountains
Una tarde patinando en la sierra de Madrid
A spring afternoon in the Madrid Mountains.
published: 24 May 2011
author: Juan Rayos
Carving the Mountains
Una tarde patinando en la sierra de Madrid
A spring afternoon in the Madrid Mountains.
Con la chicas de Longboard Girls Crew
Pascal Comelade - Rue Des Soeurs Noires
The Decemberists - Rox In The Box

Le Miroir
Le Miroir tells the story of a man - in the sense of the human being - which passes from c...
published: 03 Jul 2012
author: ramonandpedro
Le Miroir
Le Miroir tells the story of a man - in the sense of the human being - which passes from childhood to the status of "old man", the time to freshen up.
Check out the making of: https://vimeo.com/16651798
Visit the official website of Le Miroir: http://www.lemiroir.tv/
Here is our new short mockumentary: https://vimeo.com/75003595
Ramon & Pedro website: http://www.ramonandpedro.com/
Réalisé par: RAMON AND PEDRO (Antoine Tinguely et Laurent Fauchère)
Produit par: Xavier Derigo et Isabelle Pasini
Louis I: Zacharie Destraz
LouisII: Jules Martinet
Louis III: Pierrick Destraz
Louis IV: Henri Destraz (dit Henri Dès)
Bébé: Zoé Tinguely
Fille sous la douche: Patricia Rodrigues
Danaé Destraz
Cédric Dayen
Eddy Kupper
Pierrick Destraz
Hans Meier
Coach enfant: Sylvia Fardel
Chef Opérateur: Hans Meier
1er assistant caméra: Fabrizio Dorig
2ème assistant caméra: Hugo Veludo
1ère assistante de réalisation: Sonia Rossier
2ème assistante de réalisation: Antonin Schopfer
Scripte: Marie Chaduc
Assistante scripte: Aurélie Aeberhard
Régisseur général: Christophe Chiesa
Régisseur plateau: Adrienne Bovet
Assistant régie: Quentin Bocksberger
Maquillage: Leticia Rochaux-Ortis
Coiffure, implants:
Véronique Jaggi
Emanuelle Olivet Pellegrin
Prothésiste dentaire: Stéphane Villeneuve
Chef Déco: Nicolas Imhof
Accessoiriste: Marie-Jo Saxod
Constructeur: Pascal Baillods
Peintre: Benoît Fontaine
Chef électricien: Samy Emery (Luxan SA)
Machiniste: Alberico Dos Santos (Luxan SA)
Photographes de plateau:
Simon Wannaz
Guillaume Mégroz
Montage: Water NYC
Effets spéciaux: Moka Studio et Water NYC
Superviseur effets spéciaux: Nicolas Elsig
Simon Wannaz
Yoann ponti
Arnaud Savoy
Colorimétrie: Buxum Studio
Coloriste: Eun Song
Coordinateur: Chan Wong Park
Sound Design: Capitaine Plouf
Producteur: Frédérique Doll
Bruiteur: Alexandre Le Mouroux
Sound Design/Mixage: Gabriel Guérin
Supervision Musicale: Bryan Ray Trucotte
Musique composée par:
Topper Headon; Mick Jones; Joe Strummer
Interprétée par: The Clash
Courtesy: Epic Records and Sony Music Entertainment (UK) LTD by arrangement with Sony Music Licensing
Toute la famille Destraz
Georges Berman
Serge Musy
Jean Blaise Perrin
Serge Nidegger
Patrick Magnin
Daniel Balmat
Matthias Urban et sa montre
Anne-Rose Schwaab et Chucky
Tali Hyman
Francesco Solari
François Musy
Gabriel Hafner

»35mm« is a shortfilm about cinema itself. We picked 35 of our favorite movies and tried t...
published: 14 Jul 2010
author: we think things
»35mm« is a shortfilm about cinema itself. We picked 35 of our favorite movies and tried to simplifly them as far as possible. The outcome is a 2 minute journey through the history of film.
Take a close look and tell us if you've recognized them all!
Concept / Layout: Sarah Biermann, Torsten Strer, Felix Meyer, Pascal Monaco
Animation: Felix Meyer, Pascal Monaco
Sound: Torsten Strer

“For my film portrait of Sasha Grey, I wanted to focus on her expressive and psychological...
published: 01 Jun 2011
author: V Magazine
“For my film portrait of Sasha Grey, I wanted to focus on her expressive and psychological transformation into a cinematic actor, separate from the cues that have associated Sasha with her previous career as a performance artist working within the adult film world.” –Richard Phillips
Shot on location at the John Lautner Chemosphere House off Mulholland Drive, the film showcases Sasha as a perpetually evolving figure. Costume designer Ellen Mirojnick (“Basic Instinct,” “Fatal Attraction,” “Wall Street,” “Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps”) dressed Sasha for the part in an array of lingerie and military inspired garments to highlight the dual nature of her masculine / feminine persona. Looking over the roadside from the vantage point of one the most legendary residences in modern and cinematic history, Sasha reflects on her relationship to the San Fernando Valley landscape- the location of some of her most noted adult performances. Back inside the circular vortex of the Chemosphere, Sasha's inner dialogue projects an equally diaristic and imaginary self-portrait that pushes beyond the extremes of her past filmography and into her new future.
“Sasha Grey,” along with Phillip’s first short film, “Lindsay Lohan,” will be included in "Commercial Break," presented by the Garage Center for Contemporary Culture, Venice, Italy, June 1 - 5, 2011, concurrent with the 54th international exhibition of the Venice Biennale.
A Richard Phillips Film
Directed by: Richard Phillips and Taylor Steele Director of Photography: Todd Heater Costume Designer: Ellen Mirojnick Creative Director: Dominic Sidhu Art Director: Kyra Griffin Editor: Haines Hall Color mastering: Pascal Dangin for Boxmotion Music: Chelsea Wolfe
About Richard Phillips
Phillips’ strikingly distinctive paintings are drawn from found imagery that deal with the marketability of man, his wishes, ideas, actions, identity, sexuality, politics, and desires. Images he translates into drawings and then paintings executed through a traditional process. In doing so, he makes use of the iconic quality of pictures, which the media and art use daily – each according to its own agenda. Perhaps more so than any other contemporary painter of his kind, Phillips’ imagery has achieved a level of pop recognition outside of the artworld with fashion, media and film collaborations, including Gossip Girl, MAC Cosmetics, The Art Production Fund, Visionaire, and a recent guest judge appearance on Bravo’s new TV series “Work of Art: The Next Great Artist”. Phillips’ most recent exhibition, Most Wanted at White Cube in London, features ten larger than life celebrity portraits set against red carpet step and repeat backdrops.
Born in Massachusetts in 1962, Richard Phillips lives and works in New York City. He has exhibited extensively throughout the U.S. and Europe including Gagosian Gallery, New York; the Kunsthalle Zürich; Le Consortium in Dijon; Max Hetzler, Berlin; and White Cube in London.
Youtube results:

VIDEO OFFICIAL DE LOS ARTISTAS: Albrak (Colombia) Ft. El Chumbeque y Pascal (Chile) PRODUC...
published: 21 Oct 2012
author: ROLINSrecords
VIDEO OFFICIAL DE LOS ARTISTAS: Albrak (Colombia) Ft. El Chumbeque y Pascal (Chile) PRODUCCION DE AUDIO (mix): Rolins Records (Colombia) INSTRUMENTAL: Uhvera...- published: 21 Oct 2012
- views: 36977
- author: ROLINSrecords

Pascal Dupuis pulls out two teeth
Pittsburgh Penguins forward Pascal Dupuis catches a high stick from his teammate Kris Leta...
published: 31 Oct 2013
Pascal Dupuis pulls out two teeth
Pascal Dupuis pulls out two teeth
Pittsburgh Penguins forward Pascal Dupuis catches a high stick from his teammate Kris Letang as he pulls out two teeth on the bench without missing a shift.- published: 31 Oct 2013
- views: 301

Pascal - aloho barekh o klilo
published: 19 Jan 2012
author: MsGangsteer
Pascal - aloho barekh o klilo

Pascal's Wager
Pascal's Wager is the argument that states that you should believe in God even if there is...
published: 10 Sep 2013
Pascal's Wager
Pascal's Wager
Pascal's Wager is the argument that states that you should believe in God even if there is a strong chance that he might not be real, because the penalty for not believing, namely going to hell, is so undesirable that it is more prudent to take our chances with belief. BLOODY MARY BLOODY MARY BLOODY MARY!!! Main channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/JaclynGlenn Vlog channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/JaclynVlogs Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jaclynglenn Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/JaclynGlenn Tumblr: http://jaclynglenn.tumblr.com/ Google +: https://plus.google.com/109547603472627612305/posts Instagram: http://instagram.com/jaclynglenn I only accept friends that I know, but this is if you want to follow my personal facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/JaclynLovesCats Email / paypal: jaclynglenn@gmail.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ music http://incompetech.com TAGS: bloody mary, god, religion, there is no god, atheist, atheism, atheists, christian, christianity, muslim, agnostic, secular, faith, skeptic, jesus, hell, you are going to hell- published: 10 Sep 2013
- views: 40281