Carmen's Kiss is a thriller film starring Hugo Speer, Vivienne Harvey and Bruce Payne.The film is an adaptation of the Georges Bizet opera Carmen. It was filmed in 2008 and released in 2011.
The film is the tragic story of Joe (Hugo Speer), a Police Sergeant in London who falls for Carmen (Vivienne Harvey), a feisty gypsy girl, who is the victim of an Eastern European gang of sex traffickers. Joe rescues her from her horrific entrapment but unfortunately loses his job in the process.
Out of work and reliant upon loan sharks, Joe begins to fall for Carmen when he encounters her again. However, in the time since their last acquaintance, Carmen has married the leader of a London based gang named, Rollo (Derek McAlister). The gangs base of operations is a strip club in London, run by Peter (Jon-Paul Gates).
Carmen helps Joe by getting the gang to allow Joe to help them execute a plan that she has devised to blackmail a United States military attaché named Drayton (Martin Kove). Although the plan is sanctioned by Rollo, the fixer of the gang, Michael (Bruce Payne), puts pressure on Joe to try to get Carmen to change her mind about the viability of plan. Michael learns that Joe and Carmen have been intimate with each other behind Rollo's back and attempts to use this information to influence Joe.