- published: 27 Jan 2010
- views: 109715
- author: QualityMarbleAndTile

Granite - How Its Made
Granite comes out of quarry, but how they make those granite slabs for your countertops? H...
published: 27 Jan 2010
author: QualityMarbleAndTile
Granite - How Its Made
Granite - How Its Made
Granite comes out of quarry, but how they make those granite slabs for your countertops? Here's how its made. Thanks to Discovery Channel for this very educa...- published: 27 Jan 2010
- views: 109715
- author: QualityMarbleAndTile

Cut/polish undermount sinks on granite
How to cut/polish undermount sink cutout on granite....
published: 26 Feb 2013
author: Paul Ricalde
Cut/polish undermount sinks on granite
Cut/polish undermount sinks on granite
How to cut/polish undermount sink cutout on granite.- published: 26 Feb 2013
- views: 22024
- author: Paul Ricalde

Pendulum - Granite (video)
2007 WMG Granite (video)...
published: 09 Nov 2007
author: pendulumlive
Pendulum - Granite (video)
Pendulum - Granite (video)
2007 WMG Granite (video)- published: 09 Nov 2007
- views: 5634369
- author: pendulumlive

Polish Granite
Learn How To Work With Granite from A to Z!...
published: 18 Apr 2012
author: Paul Ricalde
Polish Granite
Polish Granite
Learn How To Work With Granite from A to Z!- published: 18 Apr 2012
- views: 34516
- author: Paul Ricalde

granite countertops start to finish
Sullivan's Stone Factory (760) 347 5535 marble and granite fabricator in southern Californ...
published: 10 Oct 2008
author: marcog448
granite countertops start to finish
granite countertops start to finish
Sullivan's Stone Factory (760) 347 5535 marble and granite fabricator in southern California showing how we fabricate a job from start to finish WWW.SULLIVAN...- published: 10 Oct 2008
- views: 144326
- author: marcog448

Yosemite Nature Notes - 20 - Granite
Many National Parks were founded on their geology, and Yosemite is known throughout the wo...
published: 06 Nov 2012
author: yosemitenationalpark
Yosemite Nature Notes - 20 - Granite
Yosemite Nature Notes - 20 - Granite
Many National Parks were founded on their geology, and Yosemite is known throughout the world for its exceptional high cliffs and rounded domes. Visitors to ...- published: 06 Nov 2012
- views: 25471
- author: yosemitenationalpark

Lazy Granite Kitchen Countertop Installation Video
John shows us how to install the Lazy Granite (lazygranite.com) kitchen countertop system....
published: 15 Sep 2012
author: bathandgranite4less
Lazy Granite Kitchen Countertop Installation Video
Lazy Granite Kitchen Countertop Installation Video
John shows us how to install the Lazy Granite (lazygranite.com) kitchen countertop system. This is all natural granite, mini slab solution. It's a lot nicer ...- published: 15 Sep 2012
- views: 40554
- author: bathandgranite4less

How to Cut & Polish Granite Countertop DIY - Undermount Sink
From www.toolocity.com this is part of a 28 minute video on how to fabricate granite under...
published: 15 Aug 2007
author: applieddiamondtools
How to Cut & Polish Granite Countertop DIY - Undermount Sink
How to Cut & Polish Granite Countertop DIY - Undermount Sink
From www.toolocity.com this is part of a 28 minute video on how to fabricate granite undermount kitchen sink for Do-It-Yourselfers. The project was to replac...- published: 15 Aug 2007
- views: 525185
- author: applieddiamondtools

Rocks & Minerals : What Is the Mineral Content of Granite?
The mineral content of granite includes quartz, feldspar and hornblende, which combine in ...
published: 02 Jun 2009
author: eHow
Rocks & Minerals : What Is the Mineral Content of Granite?
Rocks & Minerals : What Is the Mineral Content of Granite?
The mineral content of granite includes quartz, feldspar and hornblende, which combine in flecks to create this solid stone. Find out how granite is created ...- published: 02 Jun 2009
- views: 6511
- author: eHow

Discover Marble and Granite Corporate Video
Discover Marble and Granite Corporate Video....
published: 16 Sep 2009
Discover Marble and Granite Corporate Video
Discover Marble and Granite Corporate Video
Discover Marble and Granite Corporate Video.- published: 16 Sep 2009
- views: 11882
- author: DMGSTONES

CANIGO granite processing line
Línea de producción para granito Granite processing line Ligne de production par granit Lí...
published: 21 Sep 2009
author: CanigoVideos
CANIGO granite processing line
CANIGO granite processing line
Línea de producción para granito Granite processing line Ligne de production par granit Línia de producció per granit.- published: 21 Sep 2009
- views: 26479
- author: CanigoVideos

How To Profile & Polish Granite Countertop DIY
From http://www.toolocity.com this is a video on how to profile and polish granite counter...
published: 13 Aug 2007
author: applieddiamondtools
How To Profile & Polish Granite Countertop DIY
How To Profile & Polish Granite Countertop DIY
From http://www.toolocity.com this is a video on how to profile and polish granite countertop for Do-It-Yourselfers. We turned a piece of 1-1/4" granite with...- published: 13 Aug 2007
- author: applieddiamondtools

Breaking Bad Broken Down - Granite State
The gang is joined by Richard Ryan to discuss the penultimate episode of Breaking Bad!
published: 23 Sep 2013
Breaking Bad Broken Down - Granite State
Breaking Bad Broken Down - Granite State
The gang is joined by Richard Ryan to discuss the penultimate episode of Breaking Bad! Richard Ryan's Breaking Bad video: http://bit.ly/1dEpFUU Check out Richard Ryan's stuff here: http://www.youtube.com/ratedrr http://www.twitter.com/richardryan Get text alerts for each new video: http://motube.us/sourcefednerd More stories at: http://www.sourcefed.com or check out: http://youtube.com/sourcefednerd for our 4 daily videos or anything else we've ever done. Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/sourcefednerd Follow us on Tumblr: http://sourcefed.tumblr.com/ Like us on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/xQDV8M Philly D OFFICIAL APP for instant updates: http://bit.ly/aIyY0w Get your SourceFed Posters here: http://bit.ly/SourceFedPosters The @SourceFedNerd Hosts: @megturney @thatgrltrish @stevezaragoza Music: @ronaldjenkees @Hagemeister- published: 23 Sep 2013
- views: 301
Vimeo results:

If you have ever been in a wide open landscape the most interesting thing isn't necessaril...
published: 04 Jun 2013
author: Randy Halverson
If you have ever been in a wide open landscape the most interesting thing isn't necessarily the landscape itself, but what you see coming over the horizon. Growing up in South Dakota the landscape itself can be beautiful at times, but that doesn't compare to what the sky can do, especially at night. Combine that with the landscape, and it makes for great photo opportunities. More information and stills at http://dakotalapse.com/2013/06/horizons/
Watch the 30 minute feature on Vimeo On Demand https://vimeo.com/ondemand/horizons
Bear McCreary (The Walking Dead, Defiance, Battlestar Galactica, etc) once again helped me with some original music for the video. This time he suggested adding vocals to the mix. Brendan McCreary and his band (Young Beautiful in a Hurry) did just that. They came up with “I Forever” The single is available on iTunes http://tinyurl.com/pgrq45p , Amazon and other online sources.
I shot Horizons from April - October 2012 mostly in South Dakota, but also some at Devils Tower in Wyoming. From the rugged Badlands, the White River valley and the Black Hills, the horizons seem to endlessly change.
Download the 30 minute long Horizons feature at http://dakotalapse.com/2013/06/horizons-feature
Photography and Editing – Randy Halverson
Production Assistants – River Halverson and Kelly McILhone
Color Correction - Jeff Zueger - Spectrum Films
Dynamic Perception – The Stage Zero and Stage One dollies were used in many of the shots. I can't recommend them enough for a quality product at a low price. http://www.dynamicperception.com/#oid=1005_1
Borrowlenses – Throughout the summer I got some great Canon and Zeiss lenses from Borrowlenses to use in the shoot. They have great service and every lens performed flawlessly. So if you ever want to try out a lens ,or just need one for an special shoot, give them a try! http://www.borrowlenses.com
Granite Bay Software – I try to avoid flicker in sunset or daytime timelapse while shooting. But sometimes it is unavoidable. I used GBDeflicker to smooth out the flicker in some of the sunset timelapse. http://www.granitebaysoftware.com/
Equipment Used
Canon 5D Mark III, sometimes with a 2nd from Borrowlenses.com
Canon 5D Mark II
Canon 60D
I used a variety of lenses, many from Borrowlenses.com
Canon 14, 16-35, 24-70, 50 F1.2, 70-200mm lenses
Zeiss 21, 25, 35mm lenses
Nikon 14-24mm with Novoflex Adapter
Available in 4K Digital Cinema
Contact for licensing footage, shooting rates or anything else.
Randy Halverson
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/dakotalapse
Twitter http://www.twitter.com/dakotalapse

The Sweeping Shadow - Total Solar Eclipse, Nov 14 2012,The Granite, FNQ, Australia.
I was fortunate to view the eclipse from "The Granite' in far north Queensland this Novemb...
published: 15 Nov 2012
author: Colin Legg
The Sweeping Shadow - Total Solar Eclipse, Nov 14 2012,The Granite, FNQ, Australia.
I was fortunate to view the eclipse from "The Granite' in far north Queensland this November. Inspired by Joe Cali's short but spectacular footage of the 2008 event (https://vimeo.com/51646602), I sought a high vantage point to capture the sweep of the shadow. Clear views north and east proved difficult to find, so I had to hike an 850m peak the night before and sleep on a rock ledge.
The clip includes 3 timelapses at various focal lengths. The first used a constant exposure, while the latter 2 tracked the light in the final 2 minutes either side of C2/C3, using bulb scripting. Eclipse Orchestrator software managed the light curve, while the cameras were triggered by a custom microcontroller built by Thomas Bethel. Many thanks to Fred Bruenjes and Thomas Bethel.
You can find out more about my eclipse experience here: https://www.facebook.com/ColinLeggPhotography

Argentina: A Skier's Journey EP3 [Season 2]
Argentina: A Skier's Journey EP3 [Season 2] is a road trip through some of Argentina's les...
published: 22 Dec 2011
author: Jordan Manley Photography
Argentina: A Skier's Journey EP3 [Season 2]
Argentina: A Skier's Journey EP3 [Season 2] is a road trip through some of Argentina's lesser known ski locations, covering nearly 4000km down the windswept spine of the seemingly endless Andes mountain range. Chad Sayers, joined in part by local skier Maximilliano Artoni, explores desert and pampas, Cohiue and Auracaria, pumice and ash, cardboard and blower, sunshine and wind, granite spire and some bubbling agua termale.
Presented by www.Arcteryx.com, The GORE-TEX® Brand, and www.VIO-pov.com
Producer: Jordan Manley
Narration: Chad Sayers & Maximilliano Artoni
Story editor: Chad Manley www.chadmanley.ca/
Chad Sayers
Maximilliano Artoni
Jordan Manley (POV)
Many, many thanks to:
Maximilliano Artoni
Benjamin Dill & The Dill Family
David Owen at http://www.PowderQuest.com/ for his help route planning.
Mark Lassetter at http://SouthAmericaSki.com/
Sam Mcdonald at Surefoot Whistler
"La Luciernaga" by Tonolec
"Azules Turquesas" by Lisandro Aristimuno
"Elongo" Bedouin Soundclash
"Intervals of Form" by The Crash That Took Me
Courtesy of Audiosocket

Adam Ondra climing in the Flatanger cave in Norway
Adam Ondra, the best sportsclimber in the word, are visiting Flatanger in Norway. He has c...
published: 15 Jul 2012
author: Ove Magne Ribsskog
Adam Ondra climing in the Flatanger cave in Norway
Adam Ondra, the best sportsclimber in the word, are visiting Flatanger in Norway. He has created a very hard route, proberly a 9b or 9b+. In this video he's trying to climb the first meters of the 55 meter route. Hanshelleren, the famous Flatanger Cave, has been known as the most spectacular climping destination in Europe, especialy in the sommer as the climat is perfect and the granit in the cave is hard and dry.
Adam Ondra, verdens beste sportsklatrer, besøker Flatanger i Norge. Han har boltet en svært hard rute, trolig en 9b eller 9b+. I denne videoen prøver han å klatre de første metrene av den 55 meter lange ruta. Hanshelleren, den kjente hula i Flatanger, er blitt kjent som det mest spektakulære klatremålet i Europa, spesielt på somers tid hvor klimaet er perfekt og granitten i hula er hard og tørr.
Youtube results:

Breaking Bad Granite State Ending Final Scene HD
No copyright intended. From season 5 episode 15 Granite State - wooooow this scene was epi...
published: 23 Sep 2013
Breaking Bad Granite State Ending Final Scene HD
Breaking Bad Granite State Ending Final Scene HD
No copyright intended. From season 5 episode 15 Granite State - wooooow this scene was epic soo much goosebumps.- published: 23 Sep 2013
- views: 22129

Giani Granite Detailed
Giani Granite countertop paint kits that are an easy, fast and affordable way to update co...
published: 16 Aug 2011
author: GianiGranite
Giani Granite Detailed
Giani Granite Detailed
Giani Granite countertop paint kits that are an easy, fast and affordable way to update counter tops.- published: 16 Aug 2011
- views: 81804
- author: GianiGranite

Breaking Bad - Episode 15 (Granite State) Review
Breaking Bad Season 5 Episode 15 (Granite State) is reviewed -- Walter is in hiding, like ...
published: 23 Sep 2013
Breaking Bad - Episode 15 (Granite State) Review
Breaking Bad - Episode 15 (Granite State) Review
Breaking Bad Season 5 Episode 15 (Granite State) is reviewed -- Walter is in hiding, like "Major Tom" in orbit, away from his family and the chaos and violence at home. The hosts discuss the quality of the writing, the choices the characters make and the great casting. This episode is reviewed by Ben Mankiewicz (host of Turner Classic Movies), Mark Thompson (host of The Edge) and Brett Erlich (Comic, co-host of Pop Trigger) http://twitter.com/BenMank77 http://twitter.com/Markthompsontv http://twitter.com/BrettErlich Join in the discussion below in the comments, and don't miss a single What The Flick by subscribing! Subscribe to What the Flick: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=whattheflickshow Support What The Flick?! for FREE by doing your Amazon shopping through this link (bookmark it!) http://www.amazon.com/?tag=whattheflick-20- published: 23 Sep 2013
- views: 7431

How To Install Granite Countertops On A Budget - Part 3 - Cut & Fit With A Circular Saw
How to cut granite slab kitchen counters with a circular saw and a diamond turbo rim blade...
published: 08 Jun 2013
author: jenniesgarage
How To Install Granite Countertops On A Budget - Part 3 - Cut & Fit With A Circular Saw
How To Install Granite Countertops On A Budget - Part 3 - Cut & Fit With A Circular Saw
How to cut granite slab kitchen counters with a circular saw and a diamond turbo rim blade. In this video I cut my granite kitchen counter to length with a s...- published: 08 Jun 2013
- views: 2391
- author: jenniesgarage