Ad Interest Manager
Yahoo Privacy Policy > Yahoo Privacy Policy > Ad Interest Manager

What Ad Interest Manager Covers

Yahoo will apply your opt-out to certain other products we offer including scanning communications content for advertising purposes, receiving interest-based content, and the receipt of data from partner sites for our analytics products.

Ad-Supported Websites

Yahoo is an advertising supported website. Most of the products and services we offer are largely free of charge to you because we display advertising. Other websites also partner with Yahoo to show ads on their sites to support their offerings.

Other Inputs

In addition to the information shown here, Yahoo may use publicly available information or information provided by partners to help customize some of the ads we show.

Network Advertising Initiative

Yahoo is a member of the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI). To opt out of other ad networks or to learn more about network advertising, please visit the NAI site.

Ad Interest Manager

To make our ads more relevant and useful for you, we make educated guesses about your interests based on your activity on Yahoo’s sites and services. Some of the ads we show you reflect these interests. You can opt out of interest-based advertising and content, scanning communications content for advertising purposes, the sharing of your information with partners for data matching and appends, and analytics data collection through partner sites altogether using the tools on this page. Your choices within Ad Interest Manager do not affect interests you expressly declare to Yahoo elsewhere. Learn more.

Your Interest Categories      

We use information about many of the pages you have visited, ads you have seen and clicked, and some of your searches on Yahoo to create interest categories that help us choose the kinds of ads and content you’ll see. You can edit or de-select categories here or opt out of interest-based ads, content, and other features altogether. See All Standard Categories

Interest Categories:
We do not have ad-interest categories associated to this device to display at this time. To enable ad-interest categories, please ensure you are opted in.

Interest-based Ads:
Are currently on.
You must allow cookies from Yahoo in order to opt out. To make your opt-out apply to every computer you use you must be signed in to your Yahoo account. Learn more.

Your Activities      

We summarize many of your activities on Yahoo here. These activities help inform our interest categories and may be used for other kinds of ad customization. The summary is not editable, but on this page you can opt out of interest-based ads altogether.

Categories you search:
No Search Category history available to display at this time for this device.
Pages & Topics you visit:
No Page and Topic history
available to display at
this time for this

Your Computer and Cookies      

We may customize some ads based on information sent to us by your computer and cookies. These ads are not interest-based.

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Age Range:Unknown
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